*San Antonio News

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January Update:

Chicktime San Antonio kicked the new year off right with a fitness workshop with the teen girls at Boysville, Inc. Mary Coronado, certified fitness instructor, led a yoga and Pilates class. 
Chicktime San Antonio kicked the new year off right with a fitness workshop with the teen girls at Boysville, Inc. Mary Coronado, certified fitness instructor, led a yoga and Pilates class. We learned how to warm up before exercising, the proper way to breathe, and how to stretch. We practiced various yoga poses and did a few Pilates moves. After exercising, we talked about how eating the right foods was important. We offered a “Build Your Own Snack Mix” bar with SkinnyPop popcorn, pretzels, Cheez-It crackers, Honey Nut Chex, Cinnamon Life cereal, almonds, dried cranberries, and chocolate chips. The girls were able to make a bowl of their own mix and also made a bag to take home for later. Fun was had by all and everyone walked away feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on 2025!

December Update:

How special to be invited to the cottages of the beautiful girls we visit every month at Boysville Children’s Home after attending their annual Christmas pageant.
Singing, dancing and a modern day Christmas pageant showcase the kids’ many talents and build their self esteem and confidence.
The feast included yummy tamales, homemade queso with chips, veggie and fruit trays, and cookies to finish up before we moved to the living room for the long awaited highlight of the girls opening their gifts.
Room decor seemed to be the theme this year as posters, LED lights, mirrors and wall decor topped the girls’ lists this year. The personalized hot pink chicktime fleece blankets tied on perfectly and will keep them warm as they lounge around in the upcoming Christmas break. What a wonderful reminder that they are thriving and growing up.
We couldn’t have fulfilled their wish lists without the amazing support and donations that we received from our friends of Chicktime San Antonio! Compassionate women who like us want to stand in the gap for the teen girls who are placed at Boysville because they can’t live safely in their own homes.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in our mission and always saying YES when we ask for help.
We hope to see you in 2025 one month! We have amazing women who have signed up to lead workshops each month and it would be an honor to serve with you.
All our love,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

October Update:

What better to do on an October morning than hang out with the teen girls at Boysville and make friendship bracelets.


Thank you Denise Jacks for leading this activity! The girls loved it. It’s like therapy to just sit and focus on threading beads. If this looks like fun to you, come volunteer with us!

September Update:

We are so grateful for our September workshop leader , Eva Irwine, and her painting pots and planting succulents activity.
She shared with the girls we serve at Boysville Children’s Home that painting pottery is something she loves to do with her friends when they want to gather & craft for a night in 🙂 so she was so excited to do it with them today!
She shared that the reason she chose succulents is because like women (and them), they are resilient! They thrive in any environment and that is because they hold what they value most, water, close to their heart. For us she would like to think we hold each other and our faith close to our heart! Keeping us strong and thriving – Having those important things close to our hearts can help us blossom – inside & out 💖
We love her words and our time together!
We hope you will join us in October!
We will be making friendship bracelets!

August Website:

What a great Chicktime Saturday with the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home!
We decorated agendas / journals so the girls could use them as they start back to school!
Composition folders , Scrapbook paper,Washi tape, Inspirational stickers, Modge Podge Craft Glue and Sponge brushes were all supplies that helped the girls create beautiful books !
Co- leader and Workshop Leader , Letty Rodela, talked to the girls about goal setting by using Olympic athletes and their training as examples to goal setting …
and our wonderful volunteer, Mrs. Sylvia ( a school teacher) helped reinforce how writing down goals and steps to achieve them in our new journals / agendas can lead to success!
Our morning snack of fresh watermelon, pineapple and cantaloupe ( with tajin) was spot on! If the girls needed a little extra something-they also had cheez-its and rice crispy treats with various juices and water bottles to choose from…. Yummy!
Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up this morning as without you there is no way we can do this…
Month after month!
It’s an honor and privilege to be the village for these precious girls!
Hope to see you next month! We will be decorating flower pots and planting succulents!
Much love,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadeship Teaam

July Update:

It was a Sweet Saturday at Boysville as we practiced our cupcake decorating skills hosted by our workshop leader, Annette Goodson. The girls worked on 2 different designs.
The first was a marshmallow flower design where they cut marshmallows in half, dipped the sticky part in colored sugar and arranged them into flower petals. They turned out beautiful! The second design was a teddy bear’s day at the beach. They iced the cupcakes in blue frosting to create water and then put graham cracker crumbs on half to create a sand beach. They put a Teddy Graham into an inner tube (gummy Lifesaver) and cut beach towels out of striped Sour Strip candy so one of their bears could lay out on the beach. They then topped it off with a beach umbrella. The cupcakes all turned out so cute!
We had a great time bonding with the teens and talking to them about their summer activities. Special thanks for our volunteers: Bindu, Geneva, Susan and Angelica for helping.
We look forward to another fun activity next month!

June Update:

Our “Roll The Dice” June workshop was super fun!
We played a take on the Christmas White Elephant Game using dice! A picture of the actual game is posted! The gifts were varied from candy, lip gloss , lotion . face and lip masks to a teen Bible, clip on lamp for reading , Chic- Fil- A gift card. and a journal and pen!
We love spoiling the girls! The girls enjoyed the game and it was a blessing to watch them really get into it!
We also served breakfast tacos and juice to top off the fun morning and prayed to close our time together!
Join us anytime!
All our love and for HIS glory,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
The Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

May Update:

Hebrews 13:16 ~ “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Our monthly workshop with the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home had a lot of laughs, friendly competition , a smorgasbord of snacks ( chips and dips, skittles, donut holes, peanut butter crackers, fruit, Gatorade ) great conversation and sooooooooo much love!
The prizes of bath and body lotions and sprays, face masks, games, journal and pen … made the girls have to be timed when picking their prize after winning a bingo game! They just couldn’t decide! Their excitement over our time together is the reason we come back month after month! I over heard two of our new volunteers ask the girls about Chicktime and the girls could tell them in depth about our past workshops and what they did… and how much fun “the ladies” always make it!
Thank you to this months workshop leaders-
Anna, Monica , Seli and Shannon! Chicktime San Antonio is so grateful you always say yes to take on leading a month each year! You are a blessing!
As always we circled up to end our time together in prayer…. And it’s just so special when one of the girls volunteers to say it! Today was that day!
The girls were also gifted with goodie bags filled with snacks to take back to their cottages by the workshop leaders! An extra blessing!
We would love you to join us one month! And if you are not able-
Pray for the precious girls we get to serve at Boysville … and all the Chicktime Chapters that serve in Children’s Homes and shelters here locally, in Texas and in other states who also show up month after month to make a difference!

April Update:


created by photogrid

Move over Giada, we have some new celebrity chefs in the making! Kelly Hoog lead a cooking class where the teens at Boysville learned how to make chicken fettuccine Alfredo, scrumptious garlic cheese bread and an Italian salad.

created by photogrid

They learned proper knife handling skills as well as other cooking tips and tricks. The best part was getting to sit down and have lunch together sampling the delicious meal they prepared. Kelly also brought some heavenly fudge brownies and confetti cookies for dessert. In addition to learning great life skills, the girls had a fun time. Thank you to all of our fabulous volunteers that showed up to help us be a blessing to the girls at Boysville.

March Update:

We are sad that we are unable to host a workshop at Boysville this month due to all of the fun spring break activities the kids have scheduled. But, we wanted to let the girls know we are still thinking about them. Thanks to contributions from our many wonderful volunteers, we were able to get a little treat along with a pretty Easter card for each of the cottages we work with.

February Update:

It was a chilly morning to spark inspiration and creativity even if it meant getting a little messy at our February workshop with the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home!
Balloons, glue, yarn and patience produced these fun creations to keep or share!
We know the girls are very creative and love to paint so we encouraged them to paint with yarn instead of paintbrushes for a new experience. Some embraced this challenge and some preferred their brushes.
Regardless, their morning was filled with fun, conversation, and music. Thank you to our volunteers for joining us this morning. We hope you enjoyed it, and we hope to see you again soon!

January Update:

Chicktime San Antonio kicked off the new year with a focus on fitness at Boysville Children’s Home.
Fitness instructor, Mary Coronado, and her PiYo class hosted the January workshop. Mary led the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home through various yoga poses and Pilates moves while volunteers demonstrated and assisted while working out alongside them.
Pretty soon the teens were showing off their flexibility and having a great time!
Volunteers then made various flavors of smoothies which were a huge hit for snack along with Kind bars and granola bites.
All the girls and volunteers alike seemed to have a great time. We all counted our blessings as one of the girls led us in heartfelt prayer at the end.
Chicktime San Antonio…. Spreading love one workshop at a time!

December Update:

Our Annual Chicktime San Antonio Christmas Stocking Celebration at Boysville Children’s Home was an afternoon filled with so much love !
It is always a joy to be able to purchase Christmas gifts for the two girls cottages that come to our monthly Chicktime activities and the reason we can is because year after year our volunteers like you say yes to helping us make this happen!
The girls love hosting us in their “homes”. They have a party food spread and one of the cottages even made us homemade salsa and whipped cream!
We delivered lots of tablets, led lights , posters, jewelry, squishy pillows, clothing , games/ toys, gift cards and so much more!!
We received back lots of hugs, giggles, joy ,gratitude and wide eyes as the girls patiently opened up their MANY presents! This included hot pink duffel bags and Chicktime luggage tags. Now we know when the girls leave Boysville… they do not have to use a trash bag for their belongings!
We loved playing charades and covering the girls in prayer.
This year was extra special because
we got to see Boysville Christmas
pageant that had been absent during Covid!
We love making memories with our girls and thankful and humbled by our volunteers generosity.
Extra thanks to Chicktime San Antonio Co-leader, Letty Rodela and two of our most faithful volunteers, Eva Irwine and Geneva Hudel for leading the event! You three are so special and are true angels here on earth!
Merry Christmas Chicktime San Antonio. We hope to see you at one of our monthly workshops! We guarantee your heart will forever be changed!
Annette ,Donnette and Letty

November Update:

Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team showed up this evening to celebrate the Thanksgiving Season with the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home. Our November Chicktime workshop always falls when the girls are starting Thanksgiving break. Some of the girls are not on campus due to the holiday. ….
So ….
to spend time and honor all of the girls we showed up tonight. Generous Chicktime supporters helped us cater a meal from Macaroni Grill! Salad, Lasagna , Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and yummy bread.
Chicktime Co-leader , Annette, baked homemade peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses and red velvet cake pops!
Chicktime co- leader, Donnette, decorated the tables with Thanksgiving themed plates and napkins along with fresh flowers in mason jars ! One table had a basket of pumpkins as it’s centerpiece ! The girls and staff were gifted with hand lotion placed in clear treat bags tied with pretty fall ribbon! They were displayed with the place settings!
Chicktime Co-Leader, Letty, spoke to the girls about the difference between being thankful and being grateful! It was a sweet conversation.
Overall, it was a beautiful evening and we can’t tell you enough how grateful we are for those who help us do things like this when we can’t meet with the girls on one of our “normal” Chicktime Saturdays!
A handful of the girls walked in and said… wow! How fancy! Some of the girls went back for seconds and thirds and all indulged on the desserts! 🧡🧡🧡🧡
We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
God bless you all!!
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

October Update:

It was a spooktacular Saturday at Boysville as we made a Halloween themed meal. We started off with dessert stations where we made strawberry ghosts (white chocolate dipped strawberries with faces made out of mini chocolate chips) and cupcakes topped with witches hats (Oreos,frosting, Hershey’s Kisses, and sprinkles). After dessert was prepared , we made mummy dogs (hotdogs wrapped in crescent roll strips). While those were baking, the girls assembled Jack o’ Lantern veggie trays.

We then enjoyed the fruits of our labor and dined together while catching up on the latest happenings at school and weekend plans. Now the girls know how to create a simple Halloween party meal. A big thanks goes out to our awesome volunteers !

September Update:

Special thanks to workshop leader, Eva Irwine, for putting on such a fun workshop today for the teen girls at Boysville Children’s Home!
It was fun to see the girls walk in and ask… Are we playing Bingo? …. And get so excited when we said YES!
The grab and go snacks and drinks worked out perfectly for the girls to munch on while they sat on the edge of their seat waiting to yell BINGO!
The prize bags were jammed packed with either beauty stuff ( nail polish, brushes, masks, lotion , hair accessories….) or snacks like six packs of soda, chips, candy, chocolate and other sweets!
The winner of the last game … blackout…. Won a squish mellow pillow ! Something all teen girls have on their wish lists these days!
Grateful for volunteers who believe in our mission and want to be part of spreading love and hope to some of the most vulnerable in our community!
Till we meet and serve again,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Co- Leaders

August Update:

What a wonderful way to kick off the school year with the girls at Boysville!
Thanks to our wonderful volunteer Michelle who showed the girls the power of positive vs negative words through a YouTube video (Dr. Emoto’s power of words) that set the stage for our first activity- a word bracelet that would motivate, affirm or remind the girls they are loved. It was inspiring to hear about the words they picked and why they resonated with them.
Next, the girls got to test their skills and talents with some favorite ‘minute to win it’ games such as balloon step/skip, cup pongs, pasta pick ups, and the favorites water balloon toss and water cup relays to wrap up on such a hot August.
We know how much they like fruit with tajin so we served them that as a snack and finished our time with them in prayer.
It is our hope and prayer that they will have a great school year and that their bracelets remind them how loved they are! Thanks to our volunteers for serving with us today. Our hearts are full and joyful❣️
Extra thanks to chapter co- leader, Letty Rodela, for being the awesome workshop leader this month! The morning was perfect!!!!!
Join us next month ! Eva Irwine is our workshop leader and we are playing bingo!!

July Update;

Chicktime San Antonio July Tea Party themed workshop was beautifully planned and decorated for the girls who are placed at Boysville Children’s Home.

The girls decoupaged clear glass vases with tissue paper and made tissue paper flowers on Pipe cleaner stems. They were given plastic card sticks to place a card that they were asked to hand write to theirselves! Notes like I’m worthy, I matter …

You’ve got this! This will be the perfect bedroom decoration with a daily affirmation to read over and over until it’s forever on their heart and minds!
After the Craft activity, the girls were asked to move to a table that was decorated for a tea party.
This included table cloths, table runners, place settings and centerpieces. Volunteers served the girls with the intent of making them feel extra special!! Croissants and jams, blueberries and strawberries, bite size cakes and biscotti filled their plates along with love and hope.
We prayed together before we said goodbye.
Thank you so much to our wonderful workshop leader, Berta Rodriguez. All the special touches… were so over the top! Thank you for believing the girls deserve the best! You have always been a supporter of Chicktime from day 1 and we are so very grateful for you! Extra special thank you for decoupaging dessert plates for the girls to eat off of and get to take home as a special gift. The perfect size for a jewelry dish or hair tie holder!
We are so humbled by you!
To God be the glory!

June Update:

Hey Chicktime San Antonio,
We were notified last night that the gym at Boysville is HOT! They have been waiting for parts for a HVAC system and they have come in. Workers have started the work, but it won’t be done in time for THIS Saturday’s workshop. We asked if there was another location on campus to host it, but there is not.
So….June workshop is canceled and we will see you in July.
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

May Update:

Chicktime San Antonio took a trip around the world today with an International Passport event at Boysville Children’s Home. While we normally only work with the teen girls, we opened up this special event to the entire campus. Our wonderful volunteers from Campanas neighborhood, led by Bindu Nagaranthal, introduced the kids to cultures and foods from 5 different countries. Participants received a passport book and traveled to stations featuring each country. They experienced food, culture, and music while getting their passports stamped.
India: Many kids sampled Indian food for the first time and loved it! Bindu Nagaranthal served vegetable pulao, butter chicken, samosas, and mango fruit. She provided pictures from India and henna tattoos.
Korea: Won Andre provided a real treat with her Korean Kimbap (Korean version of sushi) and Korean cookies. She wore traditional Korean attire and brought outfits for the kids to try as well. She also brought chopsticks for the kids to practice with.
Scotland: Scottish shortbread cookies were a delicious treat prepared by Cindy White who once lived in Scotland. She educated the kids on the Highland games, bagpipes, kilts, Scottish wildlife, currency, and languages.
Italy: We enjoyed Italian favorites such as pizza bites, Milano cookies, and salted almonds provided by Beverly Dean and played a Q&A game while discussing photos of various sites in Italy.
Germany: Annette Goodson served up bratwurst, soft pretzels, and apple strudel. With polka music playing in the background, the kids learned about the Oktoberfest celebration and various German customs.
Thank you so much to all of our volunteers for providing this amazing adventure for the kids at Boysville! It is one that will not soon be forgotten.
All our love,
Annette, Donnette & Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Chapter Leaders

April Update:

Chicktime San Antonio was unable to treat the girls to an off site brunch as planned due to last minute transportation issues …so we re-grouped and planned a morning of breakfast and bingo at Boysville. The girls were treated to donuts, breakfast tacos and apple juice. We played all the fun themes of Bingo like four corners, picture frame, “T” and regular bingo. We had prizes that ranged from body wash to chocolates! So fun!

Then Chicktime San Antonio Chapter co- leader, Annette Goodson, handed out notecards and pens for a workshop ending activity.  Annette read an excerpt from a book called Holly Moments. She read from a chapter that talked about the ripple effect of doing something kind for someone else. And example in the book was a man losing his wallet, and a girl finding it and returning it to him. He took out $200 from his wallet, and gave it to her with the charge that half of it could be used on her , but the other half had to be used to do good for someone else. Causing a ripple effect and a holy moment ! The girl took the money and sent it to a village in Honduras after a hurricane with the instructions she was given. The village was able to use the money for a village wide party. They took a picture with a sign that said, thank you Bruce Dunn ( the man that originally gave the $200). It was posted on social media and made its way back to Bruce Dunn!
Annette asked the girls to write on the note card something good they would do for someone else if they had $100. Some of the answers were doing something for the homeless, something around the campus of Boysville, elderly, and children who don’t have shelter/ things they do at Boysville! On the other side of the card, they were asked to write something down that didn’t cost any money that could be life-changing for someone else. Examples were a smile, help someone fold clothes and to stand up for someone who is being bullied at school.
We played one last bingo game.
The winner was given 100 dollars with the intent of carrying out her answer on her note card and to report to us next month how she carried out her holy moment grant! The recipient was a little choked up and nervous about the task, but we believe will learn ( and teach her friends around her )the beauty of thinking about someone outside of yourself. To be continued!
See you next month!! We are having an extra special event!! Make sure you mark your calendar!!
We forgot to take a group volunteer picture, but thankful for volunteers like Geneva and Mariana who show up to encourage the girls who come to our monthly workshops!
All our love,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Chapter Co-Leaders


March Update:

Our annual “Cooking with Kelly” workshop was oh so yummy!
Kelly taught the girls how to make Chicken Alfredo Pasta, Salad with blueberries, strawberries , mandarin oranges , pecans and homemade dressing and bread!! No shortcuts!! From peeling and smashing the garlic to whisking the roux for the Alfredo sauce- Kelly always wants the girls to know their way around the kitchen! Kelly made homemade cupcakes for dessert ???? too!
Before we dined on the fruits of our labor, one of the girls blessed our time and meal with a beautiful prayer. Then we had lunch and sweet fellowship together.
The girls need our love and attention. We never doubt why we are there . Some Saturdays are easier than others depending on the battles they are having or not having!
But…even if there aren’t new battles we know they are trying to heal from their past and if we don’t show up for them consistently… who will?
Join us one month. Come be a blessing!

February Update:

All you need is love❣️
Our workshop began with the girls writing love letters to their future self, writing self love, dreams and affirmations.
Next, they got busy mod podging boxes that they could use for their pens, make up or paint brushes. How diligently they worked on their creations, talking, cutting and gluing. It was so heartwarming to see the volunteers interact and help them to ensure they would be happy with their finished work.
We finished our time together circled up with one of the girls leading the prayer and thanking God for the Chicktime ladies who were there today.
We left with our hearts happy and thankful for our time with the girls. Thanks to our volunteers for joining us! Hope to see you again soon ????


January Update:

It was our own fun and fabulous version of Painting with a Twist @ Chicktime San Antonio thanks to our workshop leaders Anna Nicolai-Knopf and Seli Compton – (and a shout out to Shannon Lafavers and Monica Nally for contributing monetarily to help with food and supplies)!

The girls were gifted two canvases and given loose guidance to paint their word of the year and then maybe something for a friend or family member.
Every month- no matter the activity –
the girls amaze us with their creativity ! Once done-the leaders set up a station that offered the girls choices on how they could display their work…
They could hot glue ribbon to the back of the canvases to hang on the wall , use Velcro command strips, or just as is!
We circled up at the end of the workshop and volunteer, Geneva Hudel, prayed us out !
Each month we just feel so privileged to be able to hang out with these wonderful teenage girls who call Boysville home.
Our morning was so special to us and we know they feel the same way. To see them laugh, engage in conversation and tell us when they are leaving ”see you next month” pulls at our heart strings and most definitely gets us excited about the next time we get the honor to be with them again
Oh! To help get the creative juices flowing…the workshop leaders provided breakfast tacos, kolaches , donuts and apple juice!! Can you imagine?!!!! Wow!!
Chicktime is the best time!!
Thank you to all who came out to volunteer! We need you and the girls need you!
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

December Update:

Chicktime San Antonio spent the afternoon at Boysville Children’s Home for their annual Stocking party. It’s our honor to ”sponsor” the two cottages for this Stocking party where the girls live that come to our monthly Chicktime workshops. We get their Christmas wishlists and ask for help to purchase items off the list …. And it never ever fails….
We have very generous and compassionate women who believe in the Chicktime ministry step up to help make it happen! It overwhelms us every year!!

Thanks to these fabulous women- the girls got gift cards to their favorite place to shop , fun gifts , personal gifts and gifts to make their space feel special! We were able to gift the house parents with a gift card too and get household items for each of the cottages…
and after many months of asking we were able to get each of the girls a Chicktime Sweatshirt

Some cried as the opened their gifts. Some were in complete awe and speechless. Some even screamed! Ha! We truly felt the spirit of Christmas during this time. God is so good.
Before this happened, the girls and their houseparents treated us to a wonderful array of Christmas party food like Tamales, queso , veggie,cheese, and fruit trays ! As we gathered with the girls around their table to break bread together one of the girls prayed and we had wonderful conversations about things like school, food and Chicktime. Then one of the girls asked if she could say something to the “Chicktime Ladies”…
She thanked us for not treating them like orphans. For showing up month after month. For seeing them and knowing who they really are and knowing their names . It sparked others to chime in and say similar things… we truly knew right then that our ministry is needed!
These precious girls feel loved by Chicktime .
So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all who have come to volunteer. Thank you for all who have lead a monthly workshop and shared your passions or hobbies with the girls. Thank you for buying supplies and snacks . Thank you for contributing to special projects and programs like the Christmas stocking party. Thank you for praying for Chicktime. Thank you for praying for Boysville- for the kids who live there and the staff who work with them.
Thank you for it all!
We have workshops lined up for 2023! We hope to see you one month!
To God Be the Glory-
Annette , Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

November 2022:

This morning may have been dreary and cold, but it was a great morning at Chicktime. We welcomed new volunteers from UTSA and were delighted to see our friend who joined us again this month.
The girls enjoyed preparing for Christmas by making sugar scrubs, with essential oils and Christmas ornaments. We are always amazed by their creativity and talent. They were excited to have a new activity and craft they could replicate next week. We all enjoyed the Thanksgiving blessing snack and other sweets.
In this season of gratitude, we want to express our deep gratitude for our volunteers and friends who learn about Chicktime and make a difference with us. May you have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving ????????!
Annette, Donnette and Letty

October Update:

Our October workshop with the girls at Boysville was painting kindness rocks. Our goal was to help the girls know that sprinkling kindness throughout the world is a good thing. It makes us feel good and it makes the people that get to experience it feel good.
The girls painted rocks for the outside of their cottage and were going to place some in busy spots around the campus like the library so that people can see them and feel joy. They also painted a couple to either keep or to give to someone special. The girls didn’t want us to leave and asked if we could do this activity with them on another occasion. This just absolutely melts our hearts!!
In addition to a wonderful workshop…. Our workshop leaders for the month ( Eva, Stephanie and Janet) treated the girls to breakfast tacos, juice and a cookie cake! So grateful!!
We ended in a circle prayer where two of the girls asked to say a prayer .
We had a few new faces at Chicktime !!
What a blessing !
We are making Christmas ornaments in November.
Join us!

September Update:

Our cupcake decorating competition workshop was a lot of things-
competitive, creative, funny and oh so yummy!
The girls were told they could decorate four cupcakes and out of those four they could enter one in the contest. There were cupcake gift boxes to gift one to someone special when they left the workshop ! That of course left a couple for eating…
And wow!! All the toppings they ate while creating their perfect cupcakeI To be a teenager again! 
Our judge was Boysville’s Activity Specialist- “Mr. Frank”! He had a tough job but we believe he was adequately paid in cupcakes for his time! ???? ????!
Always a blessing to end our time in prayer together. We hope they see Jesus when they see us each month.

Thank you to the ladies of Campanas Neighborhood for donating all the supplies and hosting such a lovely workshop!
Here is just some of the awards given out!! 
Join us next month~ 


August Update:

It was another beautiful morning at Chicktime San Antonio! The morning started off a little slow as the girls were tired from their first week of school. However, once they got going, they got busy painting while they talked, laughed and shared.
We were thankful for our new volunteers today who jumped right in to paint with the girls, listen and support them as if they had been here many times. What a blessing it was to watch them in action.
We are always amazed at the girls’ creativity and patience as they work on their creations, and their results are as beautiful as them.
We finished the morning as we always do – with prayer and thanksgiving and already looking forward to our next time together.

July Update:

Every month we are humbled by the women who don’t just talk about being part of the change… They are the change!
Special thanks to our workshop leader, Teri, who introduced the girls to the basics of sewing by hand and then how to sew their own pillow case / duffel bag by using a sewing machine! Teri came to us by way of one our faithful volunteers, Bindu, who took sewing lessons from her at @Gromes! Bindu wanted to share her passion for sewing and asked her teacher to lead the workshop with her and she said YES! Then she asked her sister who also sews !! Spreading the word about Chicktime by way of a good ole grassroots movement!! Priceless!
The morning was so special! For many of the girls it brought back fond memories of good times they spent with their grandmother who they either watched sew or who taught them a little bit about sewing.
Chicktime San Antonio leadership team member, Letty Rodela, asked her mom to join us as she sews too! The girls gravitated to her as she reminded them of their grandmother. This!!!
Great snacks, life skill taught, safe and loving space, laughter and genuine care and concern for the girls placed at Boysville best describes our July workshop…
oh!! And the closing prayer led by one of the teen girls… wow!! We certainly left with hearts full!
We would love for you to join us in August!
We are painting our own door hangers!

June Update:

This month Chicktime San Antonio celebrates our 12th year as a chapter serving teenage girls in our community who can not live safely in their own home. We feel blessed to be a blessing and grateful for all of our workshop leaders and volunteers we’ve had over the years who believe in our mission and we look forward to serving with you for many years to come….
Today we showed up at Boysville to paint terra-cotta pots and plant succulents with the girls. We love offering a special time for the girls each month to get out of their cottage and do something they normally wouldn’t get to do.
The girls were so creative and detailed and it was such a beautiful thing to watch them encourage and support each other and speak positive vibes to those who needed to hear them! We role model this and know our workshops are the seeds we plant in hopes for moments just like that ….
And this-
After our group prayer and most of the girls were back at their cottage… we were hanging out with two girls … one of which just needed a little more time to complete her terra- cotta pot! They had just returned from church camp where they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Our conversation was on worship – We talked about every minute of every day is a moment to worship God!!! How we react to people. How we do this or that…
We told the girls that’s why we show up every month – as believers we believe it’s our worship to God to let them know people care about them!
We got an “amen”!
We just can’t think of a better day and way to celebrate our 12th birthday but right here at Boysville!
We pray you will join us one month! Next month we are sewing pillowcases!
All our love,
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

May Update:

There’s nothing better than laughter, fun and Chicktime Minute to Win it games to say good bye to another school year and hello to the upcoming summer break!
The girls enjoyed playing various games such as balloon football and balloon tag, rubber band sling shots and marshmallow towers, but their favorites are always the outdoor games – water balloon toss and solo cup water relays where they get to cool off.
The girls enjoyed fruit with extra chamoy and tajin, ice pops and Mexican candy, before we ended our time together with closing prayer. The leading girl’s prayer totally filled our hearts as she thanked God for the Chicktime ladies who show up for them, bring them love and remind them that they are not alone. That is why we serve!
Our next Chicktime activity at Boysville is June 25th- hope you can join us!


April Update:

It was a windy Tuesday evening but still a perfect evening for Chicktime San Antonio to show up with a catered meal from Julian’s Italian Pizzeria to Boysville Children’s Home for the two girl cottages we serve . We delivered Rigatoni with Sausage, Pasta with Alfredo Sauce and Pasta Basilico with Chicken, Salad and Bread!! The girls called it “fancy” food as they devoured it!
Chicktime San Antonio chapter Co-Leader, Annette , made homemade Cheesecake Cupcakes and Milky Way Cupcakes to complete the meal!! One girl used the slang word- it’s bussin to describe the cupcakes and the group agreed !! We looked it up and it means … When something is great, people may describe it as “bussin.” It is primarily used to describe delicious food!!
Beautiful words spoken to remind us what we do means a lot to the girls we show up for each month!!
Special thanks to Janet Irwine for donating Sonic gift cards for Easter gifts for each of the girls.
The mission of Chicktime across the country is to stop the cycle of child abuse by planting Chicktime chapters in children’s homes and shelters to show the kids healthy adult interactions, as well as teaching new outlets for their emotions with monthly activities.
Chicktime San Antonio can’t do this without you!
So thank you for leading activities, helping with supplies and donating for special events like our catered meal and gifts tonight, volunteering on our Chicktime Saturdays, and always covering us in prayer!
Happy Easter. We are so very grateful!
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Chapter Co-Leaders

March Update:

Wow! Incredible! Awesome! Just a few words to describe our time with the teen girls Boysville, Inc. at our March workshop this morning!
Workshop leader, Eva Irwine, showed up with pure enthusiasm to teach the girls the importance of positive affirmations! At the start of the workshop, strips of paper were handed out to the girls to write down all the negative things that hold them down….only they would see the list. The girls were asked to fold the strips of papers and put them in a cup.
We gathered the papers and Eva told the girls to now focus on the reason she was there… to teach them about positive affirmations and how they can help them to move forward … dream big…and claim who they were called to be. Eva shared personal things that have weighed heavy on her heart and have kept her thoughts negative which in turn held her back on reaching her dreams. She then explained how positive affirmations changed her heart and attitude. To help the girls practice on making positive affirmations, Eva passed a mirror around so the girls could look in the mirror and loudly proclaim affirmations they wanted to make. She had a list to assist them if needed. Then Eva had a Polaroid Camera and volunteers helped take pictures of all the girls . The craft of the day was to paste that picture in the middle of a canvas and use stickers above the picture to spell out – I AM…
Then the girls created a positive affirmation canvas with the picture as the center focus! The conversations between volunteers and girls during this activity was over the top FABULOUS and REAL!
A homemade cookie cake with positive affirmations on it was shared with lemonade!
We then made a symbolic gesture of tearing up the strips of paper with the negative thoughts the girls wrote out to tell the girls they no longer have a hold on them.
We ended our time together in prayer led by one of the teen girls . She thanked God for sending the Chicktime ladies to bring arts and crafts and to remind them that they are worthy of a better life and that people actually care about them!
I’m still crying.
We are grateful for our workshop leader, Eva Irwine and the volunteers who showed up today .
Chicktime brings hope to youth who need it so…and today these beautiful women gave hope in a beautiful and gentle way.
God is good.
Join us one month. Come be kingdom builders !


February Update:

The 3rd Saturday of every month is sacred to us. We plan our personal agendas around our committed time with the girls who live at Boysville. We don’t want to let them down. They’ve been let down way to many times in their life.
February is sacred to our workshop leader, Kelly Hoog. For the past SEVERAL years she has committed to leading a cooking or baking activity
( her passion) in honor of her birthday month. Kelly understands the importance of what Chicktime has set out do…. Help the girls feel valued and empowered to live a life of purpose!
Kelly’s cooking worship this morning was making homemade pizza. All we can say is YUM! The girls got to eat the fruits of their labor and top it off with caramel brownies made by Kelly. I think the girls described them as “heaven”!!
Coco Maradiaga purchased the girls earrings as a special treat. The girls were so excited and immediately put them on! #blessed
We pray that their hearts are as full as their tummies today.
As always- we ended our time together with a circle prayer. One of the teen girls said the prayer and it was simply beautiful!
God is good . All the time. God is good.
See you next month.


January Update:

Chicktime San Antonio sent Ridgeway and Freeman cottages each these three nail kits for our January activity since we can’t meet in person !
We hope the girls have fun and feel special and loved!!
We hope to be back in person in February!


December Update:

The old saying of…. “the most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise of reward” certainly rings true of our Chicktime Christmas donors. Thanks to some very generous women – Chicktime San Antonio was able to purchase gifts for “our” girls at Boysville that were on their wish list… and honestly we don’t think they really believed they would receive the gifts.
James Avery charm bracelets, Nike tennis shoes, to personalized name necklaces and so much more. As one of Santa’s elves who delivered the gifts to their cottages, I can tell you the girls were overwhelmed with gratitude, joy and peace. They giggled, screamed, got teary-eyed and immediately put on some of the gifts.
The girls and staff treated us to yummy food as a thank you for showing up for them all year! We even got to see their rooms and play a game with them. That was a whole different level of laughs and fun!
We ended our time in prayer and made sure they knew we have wonderful workshops lined up for them in 2022! We hope to see you at one of the workshops!
No joy can equal the joy of serving others
-Sai Baba
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


November Update:

Special thanks to Monica Nally, Seli Compton, Anna Nicolai, and Shannon Lafavers for being our November 2021 workshop leaders.
The girls were able to make their own bracelets ( as many as they wanted!! Can you imagine?)… and extra ones if they desired for gifts ! The workshop leaders had a wrapping station so the girls could wrap their gift bracelets – which was extra special!!
There was a build your own banana split bar with Capri Sun and water bottles to drink…
AND gift bags to take back to their cottages! If that wasn’t enough…
each girl was gifted a beautiful bracelet as a Thanksgiving gift!
We ended our time together as we always do…in prayer.
We are humbled by all the wonderful ladies who show up to volunteer every month … the ones who lead monthly workshops … and to ones who support our mission with prayer !
Our ultimate goal is for every teen girl who comes to our monthly workshops to feel safe, loved and seen.
Happy Thanksgiving! Count your blessings!


October Update:

Special shout out to our fabulous October 2021 Chicktime San Antonio workshop leader, Berta Rodriguez.
Berta came ready to immerse the teen girls at Boysville with the colorful and beautiful tradition of Dia de los Muertos that is celebrated every year on November 1st and 2nd in Mexico and other Latin American countries and communities.
Before the girls arrived, Berta showed the Chicktime volunteers how to make the craft the girls would be making.
The craft was a banner with a “calaveras de azucar” (sugar skull) and “papel picado/flor” (paper cuts/flower)to hang or adorn the altar as an “ofrenda” (offering) to the loved one being honored.
Food is a very special part of the celebration so the workshop included decorated tables with Dia de los Muertos tablecloths, candles and colored lights. Tamales and pan de dulce( sweet bread) was served with a tweak to “champurraado/abuelita chocolate” ( a warm chocolate drink).
The girls went back to their cottages with Halloween treat bags after we circled up and prayed with them.
We can’t wait to be back next month!

September 2021:

What a wonderful morning we had as our girls at Boysville expressed their creativity through painting. What a great sight to see their creative minds come to life on their canvas. We are especially thankful for the St. Padre Pio Acts ladies who donated the art supplies and snacks, and to the young ladies from UTSA Kappa Delta Chi Sorority who interacted with the girls, chatted, laughed and painted alongside them.
As we usually do, we ended our time by circling up, sharing what we are grateful for, and ending in prayer!
Looking forward to next month’s activity already – our hearts are full

August Update:

Chicktime Saturday is always a fun morning!!
We gathered outside under a shaded pavilion for our decorating journals workshop… and for breakfast tacos and juice!!
We talked to the girls about the ways journals could be used… making lists, setting goals, making bucket lists , doodling, taking notes… even as a diary!
After lots of craft supplies, stickers, cutting and modge podge … beautiful journals were made!
We just can’t say this enough… it’s a blessing to spend a couple of hours a month at Boysville with the teen girls… they need positive connections…
Please join us one month!

July Update:

Another fun Saturday morning at Boysville doing crafts with the teen girls.

We painted flower pots and planted succulents. We loved seeing all of the creative designs the girls came up with. Thank you to the ladies of ATKG, LLP for hosting today’s workshop!

June Update:

Chicktime San Antonio’s in-person workshops are back and changing hearts!! It’s so wonderful to be back on the campus of Boysville, Inc.!!
We’ve been faithful for a year or so with drop off activities and slowly eased back the last few months with some limitations….but this month it felt like it did pre-covid.
Workshop leader, Betty Fernandez, opened us in prayer before the girls arrived which set the stage for a joyful morning. Betty’s workshop was all about moving and staying active. We circled up and did stretching exercises. This allowed us time to talk and laugh. We then broke up in groups to do other more cardio activities geared for coordination and balance used with rings and cones. Jump roping fun and games took up the bulk of the workshop as the girls AND volunteers couldn’t get enough of it!! We bowled with toilet paper and even went outside and competed in a water balloon toss! Snacks were a hit (especially the watermelon)but the most touching part of the workshop was when we circled up to end the workshop~ Betty asked the girls to share at least one thing they were grateful for….EVERYONE in the circle participated…..The teen girls, the volunteers….chapter leaders and even the staff! The answers were the reason we come back each month. Good is so good!!
We closed in prayer led by one of our NEW volunteers, Cindy. Did I mention we had 3 new volunteers? Wow!
We invite you to join us any month. It would be such an honor to serve with you.
All our love,
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team
Annette, Donnette and Letty

May Update:

We are so grateful that Boysville has reopened their campus to volunteers! What a fun morning we had today reuniting with old friends and making new ones as we played bingo and ate some delicious pastries. Thank you to the ladies of the Campanas neighborhood for providing the awesome bingo prizes and sweet treats. We had such a good time and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve the teens at Boysville once again. Thank you Lord for keeping us all safe over the last year so that we can continue out mission. And, we ask that you continue to watch over the kids and staff at Boysville and shower them with love and blessings.

April Update:

It’s been a year since we’ve been able to have an in person workshop at Boysville and let us just tell you… it was fiesta-fabulous to be back!!
We were asked to limit volunteers and come after school during the week to give it a trial run as we transition back. The girls decorated mirrors with fiesta colored Pom-Poms as our activity. Ribbon was added to the back of the mirrors so the girls can hang them in their rooms. Letters were added to the front of the mirrors that said – Child of God!
A picture frame was also given to the girls! The frames each had a picture in it that said- -Look in the mirror each day and remind yourself what everyone already knows-
You are a beautiful child of God.
Some of the girls decorated the frame with the Pom-Poms too!
We had a nacho bar, colorful cookies with sprinkles and Kool-Aid pouches to drink! We closed in prayer . Our time together was full of laughter and blessings.
Special thank you to Lesli Rodriquez for leading our workshop
and Kelly Young, Stephanie Parker and Amnesti Peters for contributing to the snacks! Everything was perfect!

March Update:

Thank you March workshop leader, Mari Alexander, for creating such a beautiful hand lettering workshop, for the teen girls who live at the Freeman and Ridgeway cottages at Boysville.

Each girl is getting a bag with a writing pad, hand made booklet with hand lettering instructions, markers and a special note.

Extra thanks to Stacey Pratorius for donating this months snacks and drinks.

What a beautiful workshop waiting for the girls when they get home from school today.

February Update:

Our February workshop has been dropped off at Boysville. The Valentine’s Day cookie kits and kool-aid pouches have been prayed over and we are ???? percent sure the girls are going to feel the Valentine ???? ❤️ ???? from the Chicktime ladies!!
As always,
Thank you to those who believe in what we do and continue to support the mission by your prayers, gifts/leadership, and love!
Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14

January Update:

We are so excited about our January drop off workshop!!
Bird house and bird feeder kits, hammers, paint, paint brushes, wood glue, bird seed and Kind bars for snack! The girls at Boysville are going to have one crafty day very soon! Maybe we will see the bird houses in the trees when we all get to return to campus for in person workshops!!

December Update:

Today was a good day. Chicktime San Antonio dropped off Christmas presents and a lot of them!! Every gift on the Christmas gift wish list for all the girls who live at the two cottages Chicktime San Antonio serves was purchased! How did this happen? Because we have the most loving and caring volunteers who said YES!! Yes to making sure the girls who can’t live safely in their own home will be showered with love !!

Merry Christmas Chicktime San Antonio!
Thank you for your generous hearts. We are so humbled.

November Update:

The girls at Boysville will have something fun to do on their

Thanksgiving holiday….thanks to our November workshop leaders,

Laurie Lecocke Olson

and Lainey Olsen!

Their fleece blanket
making activity was dropped off today and we can’t wait to see the finished blankets. We love this activity as it gives the girls something of their very own! So many come to Boysville with just the clothes on their back.
We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Will you pray for the precious girls we serve and all the children in the foster care system who need people like you and Chicktme chapters to show up for them! God bless you all.

October Update:

October ( Covid style) workshop was dropped off today compliments of our workshop leader, Tara Johnson!
 Tara donated supplies for the girls at both cottages we serve to enjoy a snack while decorating their own prayer journal. She also donated a little pamper bag and a bible for each girl to have of their own! Nothing will stop us from loving the girls we have come to love and we will always support the Children’s Home that gives them a safe place to live.
God is good!

September Update:

Just dropped off our September workshop kit at Boysville. Thank you to St. Padre Pio Ladies ACTS Team for sponsoring this month’s workshop. It consists of rock-painting kits and yummy snacks. The teen girls can use their creativity to paint something artistic or write inspirational messages that they can leave around campus to provide hope and cheer for others.
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
—Psalm 18:2

August Update:

Chicktime San Antonio can’t have face to face workshops right now due to COVID, but once again we have AMAZING volunteers who have stepped up to make sure we don’t skip a beat!!! We will have monthly “drop-off” workshops until we can resume our gatherings in the Boysville Gym. We committed years ago to show up for the girls who live at Boysville and this season will not stop us! Thank you “God’s Girls” for being our our August “drop-off” workshop leaders!
The Chicktime leadership team dropped off two baking baskets jammed packed with goodies for the two cottages Chicktime San Antonio serves at Boysville. The girls will get to bake cakes, cupcakes, cookies and whip up some yummy pudding! They also have new kitchen baking dishes and utensils to complete the tasks! How fun!
The two baking baskets also came with a $75.00 dollar gift card (EACH) for the girls to enjoy a slush or shake after an afternoon in the kitchen baking! Yum!
Please read the special note from God’s Girls and pray with us that each girl will know they are worthy!
Annette, Donnette and Letty

July Update:

Chicktime San Antonio leadership team just dropped off two “spa baskets” at Boysville….compliments of July workshop leader, Berta Rodriguez. “Our” girls from the Freeman and Ridgeway cottages were each blessed with nail polish/remover, make up bag, face masks, eyeshadow, lipgloss, scrunchies, lotion and body spray from Bath and Body! This season of Covid is hard on all of us and it is our hope that these baskets will brighten the girls day! Oh how we miss seeing them in person at our monthly workshops. Our mission has always been to show the girls they are loved and we believe in them…..Covid will not stop our mission.
Thank you Berta Rodriguez for always supporting Chicktime San Antonio in our efforts to be part of the change!

June 2020 drop-off workshop was a success! Chicktime San Antonio Leadership team dropped off two crates full of fruit and cucumbers, tajin spice bottles, watermelon knives, fruit scrubbers and melon-ballers and cups. The crates were beautifully put together with genuinue love from our AMAZING workshop leaders, The Maradiaga Family!

They wrote cards out about fruit and vegetable cleaning and care and now the two cottages that Chicktime San Antonio serves know how to make the best fruit cups ever!


These two beautiful high school graduates are each getting a 50 dollar amazon gift card from Chicktime San Antonio! They have been part of our monthly workshops for a very long time and we are so happy and proud of them!
Thank you to our volunteers who buy Chicktime t-shirts and contribute to our petty cash fund for special occasions like this!
We will soon be collecting visa gift cards to purchase Christmas gifts for the girls! We start early so we can go bold!! If you are in a store and want to help… grab one and message us and we can tell you where to send it!
Be blessed!

Chicktime San Antonio continues to show love from a distance by sending this fun cupcake cookbook to the two cottages where “our” girls live….
We know they love to cook and bake so we can’t wait to hear about the yummy treats they are going to create over these quarantine days!!

The Quarintine will not stop us from having a workshop this month thanks to workshop leader, Stacey Pratorius! Stacey was originally signed up to lead this months workshop and when she found out volunteers would still not be able to come to the Boysville campus she decided to do the next best thing…. and taped her workshop from home. The link was sent to Boysville who will share it with the girls. She also purchased the cottages smoothie makers, gave them smoothie recipes and a gift card to purchase groceries to make their own smoothies. How blessed we are with wonderful women like Stacey who support Chicktime and our mission and who love our girls at Boysville.

Healing the nation one workshop at a time!


The Leadership team on behalf of Chicktime San Antonio has been trying to send “our” girls something to do every week or so while on quarantine! First was the bracelet making kits we shared pics with you early this month. Since then we’ve sent board games, hand lettering kit, and garden seeds!
Sending love during this difficult and perhaps lonely time!! Thank you for always supporting efforts like this when you contribute to special projects or purchase Chicktime T-shirts! We know for a fact that the girls feel our love!!

From Boysville….

All of us were a little bummed that we couldn’t see our Chicktime San Antonio friends for a couple of months with the current situation. Little did we know, they would still be thinking of our girls and send them a little care package via Amazon! Thank you for the fun crafts ladies! We love y’all!

Chicktime San Antonio sent these jewelry making kits from Amazon to the two cottages at Boysville we serve at our workshops. We hope it will fill some time while the girls are home from school.

If you would like to do something similar please reach out to us and we can offer suggestions and tell you where to send it it!
Email annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net

All our love,
Annette, Donnette and Letty

February Update:

Our annual February Chicktime workshop ~ Cooking with Kelly~ was as always… yummy! Every year, Kelly Hoog, volunteers to lead our February workshop as a birthday present to herself!

The teen girls benefit from her birthday present by learning something new to cook and get to EAT what they prepared! The menu this year was Chicken and Linguini Alfredo and Swiss Chocolate Squares for dessert.

After the meal was prepared, we circled up to bless the food and our time together and then broke bread around a set table. Our conversation was real and intimate.

We laughed and cried and left with both tummies and hearts full!

January Update:

Chicktime San Antonio’s January 2020 workshop was all kind of WOW!!
Thank you to our workshop leader, Lora Williams, managing leader of our sister chapter, Chicktime San Marcos, for traveling to lead our first workshop of the year.

Thank you for bringing laughter, but also truth and hope in your skit via your character ” Sally Roe” to the teen girls at Boysville that we are blessed to spend time with every month. We loved the “Law and Order” theme of the skit using volunteers as the judge(God) and prosecuting attorney (world) to hear the case of young Sally Roe giving up on life because of all the bad decisions she made and hard times she had to endure…. but using the girls to be the Jurors and concluding that if God can forgive they can forgive too was just the very reason why we show up month to month!

These broken, but beautiful girls need to hear the very message that you intentionally shared with them! God loves you NO matter what!!

Thank you for the special yard game too. We believe giving the girls 4 different pieces of colored yard to represent broken relationships, experiences ( good and bad), things we can’t forgive about ourselves, and our relationship with God to form a web ( representing our life without God) was such a powerful visual. A visual of what our life looks like when we don’t have God in our life to give us clarity to get through the web of life. 

The visual was stronger when volunteers cut the web~ piece by piece~ to make room for the white yarn (God) to help us find the clarity and peace found only in HIM. Thank you for wrapping up our time together by sharing your testimony that paralleled “Sally Roe’s” life. The journey that started much like the girls who live at Boysville, but that made it through the “web” because of Jesus Christ and is living out HIS purpose in a very courageous way! Thank you for singing and praying with the girls too.

We were also blessed with yummy snacks and new volunteers!
An all and all perfect Chickitme workshop!

Join us next month for cooking with Kelly!

December Update:

Have you ever been somewhere or experienced something that simply takes your breath away? Well that is exactly what happened to the Chicktime San Antonio Volunteers that came out to our December gathering.
Every year we are invited to our Charity Parter, Boysville Children’s Home Christmas Pageant. We are invited because it is their way to thank all of their volunteers collectively ~to include Chicktime San Antonio! This year as expected, the Pageant was so special. Each cottage performed a song, a skit, or played an instrument for the crowd. We may be a little bias, but we believe the cottage where “our girls” live was the best performance of the afternoon. Before “our girls” performed, they grabbed a microphone and thanked Boysville for giving them a place to live and caring for them when no one else would. Not a dry eye in the room and I’m pretty sure our hearts skipped a beat! Then the girls did a liturgical dance to Laura Dangle’s hit Christian Contemporary song, ~ You Say! If you have never heard the words please listen to them today and breathe them in for yourself and pray with us that the girls etch every word of the song in their heart.
The Administration, staff, and especilly children put so much time and love into the pageant that it is truly magical. It is our hope that one year you will join us and we promise you will leave there and know why there is Chicktime!

After the pageant, we continued with tradition and went to the girls cottage/home where the houseparents and girls treated us to tamales, fruit, veggie tray and spinach dip, and other chips and dips! It is such an honor to be invited to their home and break bread with them in such an intimate way. Our monthly workshops and activities are beautiful and meaningful, but this sacred and special time allows us to see the girls in a different way and us to them as well. After we ate and visited, we sat around their Christmas tree and played Santa. Because of very generous donations from some of our wonderful Chicktime Volunteers, we were able to buy the girls some special gifts on their wish lists. Their excitement and gratitude was overwhelming and a few times the girls were even taken back with tears which of course made us cry! We were also able to give the houseparents, relief houseparent, volunteer coordinator, and recreational specialist gift cards for their amazing work they do at Boysville and making our partnership with them so easy!

We are so grateful for each of you who made the gift exchange possible. We are also grateful for those of you who showed up and spent the afternoon with us. We are 100 percent sure that we are investing in the life of these girls and because of Chicktime they will always know they have women who are routing for them and will always know they matter!
Joyfully and With Lots of Love,
Annette, Donnette, Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

November Update:

Our November workshop focused on gratitude. The girls decorated chalkboards with paint, antique buttons and permanent markers. We asked them to make the statement
“I am grateful for”….. permanent on the chalkboard with either paint or permeant marker and everyday with chalk change what they are grateful for!

As the girls were doing this activity we went around the room to share what each of us is grateful for and helped the girls realize that even in the darkest times there is always a reason to be grateful.

This activity spilled over to writing grateful cards to special people who have impacted us. The girls really liked this activity and it seemed therapeutic and a way to show how grateful and thankful they are to the people who have loved and encouraged them along way. We had a blessing mix bar where the girls grabbed a plastic goodie bag and scooped in various ingredients that together made the mix. They used a precut ribbon to tie the bag shut with instructions on what each ingredient meant. The girls made one for themselves and one to share with someone special.

Fresh fruit with chocolate dipping sauce and cookies filled our tummies and was the perfect Saturday workshop treat. We circled up and held hands for our closing prayer…a workshop tradition!

Chicktime San Antonio remains grateful for the opportunity to serve at Boysville and be part of the journey in the teen girls who live there.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our volunteers who we are also VERY grateful for!

October Update:

Never think what you have to offer is insignificant. There will always be someone out there who needs what you have to give. This statement seems always to ring true at our Chicktime workshops and it wasn’t any different at this months event!!

Our workshop leader, Tara Johnson, showed the girls how to sew their own pillowcases!

Her passion for sewing was so evident as she led the workshop, but the love and grace she extended the girls by showing up with supplies to fill up a Saturday morning will for ever be etched in their hearts… and now every night before they go to bed they can lay their head on a pillow case they made at Chicktime and forever be reminded how much they are loved!!

Thank you to our volunteers who showed up with sewing machines and with loving hearts. We know your time is valuable and we are so grateful you believe in the mission of Chicktime!

It is in moments like this that God’s Love in us can change the world. May we continue to ask God to reveal himself to us and form us for a life of service.

Special thanks to Tara for also gifting each of the girls teen bibles and goats milk soap !! What a beautiful treat for them!!
We hope to see you next month!

September Update:

What a wonderful morning we had sharing fun and laughter as the girls proudly competed in Minute to Win It games.

Starting with face the cookie, balloon juggling, cup stacking and ending with water balloon toss and water relays, both the girls and volunteers cheered on and played to win king-sized candy.

As we usually do, we closed our time with snacks and prayer, looking forward already to our next time together. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers for leading and playing games.

Join us on October 19th for our next Chicktime actiivty.

August Update:

Our Charity Partner, Boysville, had campus wide events going on and was not able to accommodate a Chicktime Workshop this month. We will be back at it next month for Minute to Win it Games!

July Update:

The girls were away at camp~ so no official workshop in July.

This month we start collecting Walmart, Target, and Visa gift cards for Christmas presents for the girls at Boysville. Message us if you can help!

June Update:

Every month, Chicktime San Antonio, has the opportunity to plant seeds of hope and love to the teen girls who live at Boysville. How fitting that this months workshop activity was painting flower pots and planting seeds in hopes they will grow and bloom into something beautiful, strong, and very special flowers.

Chicktime Co-Leader, Letty Rodella and workshop leader, Betty Fernandez, read a poem to the girls during the paint session, called The Best Flower in the Garden~ A tale about the flowers that become something special when they came together in a bouquet.

The girls made individual banana pudding cups for their snack and feasted on watermelon and strawberries!

One of the best things about our monthly time together is our traditional circle prayer to end each workshop. Watching the girls hold hands and wait for us to pray with them is honestly God using our chapter to build HIS kingdom here on earth. Today, one of our girls closed us out in prayer. God is sooooooooooooo good!

Thank you Betty for always saying YES!! to leading a Chicktime Workshop! Year after year we can always count on you!!

May Update:

Boysville was gifted recreation money for the entire campus. The only time to use it at a paintball center was during our normal Chicktime Saturday. We were asked to not come in May so the girls could attend the outing with the campus.

We will meet up in June with the same activity.

April Update:

april pic 1

Today six Chicktime San Antonio volunteers gathered in a common gymnasium and transformed it to a safe, encouraging and fun space.

Eleven girls who come from very broken places were greeted with open and loving arms and hearts!

Merrilee Berger, (one of Chicktime Bulverde’s chapter leaders) was our workshop leader and taught us how to decorate t-shirts ( graffiti style) with stencils, permanent markers and rubbing alcohol.

Our time together allowed us to visit, listen/sing Contemporary Christian music, talk about the real reason of the Easter Season, and eat!!

Chicktime San Antonio is determined to help these beautiful girls accept the unbelievable simple exchange of grace. Thats why we show up month after month. We want them to know HIS peace.


Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together as my followers, I am among them.

March Update:

Chicktime San Antonio 2019 March Workshop was a busy one indeed! We originally had another activity planned that works best for a bigger crowd. When we checked in with our charity partner, Boysville, at the beginning of the week we were told we would only have 3 or 4 girls because of Spring Break. We asked our workshop leaders to come back later in the year to save their special activity when it would be more impactful for the girls. The leadership team took over and planned three craft rotations for the girls to spend their morning working on.

At our first rotation, the girls made a hanging cross out of clothespins. These turned out so beautiful.

They will each get to hang their cross near their own bed.

At our second rotation, the girls made a prayer box. They used scrapbook paper and mod-podge to decorate cross boxes.

The girls were told to grab a piece of paper and write their prayer on it and put it in the box and trust God to work on their behalf.

At the third rotation, the girls made sugar scrubs made with essential oils. They were so excited to make these and to learn about the uses for essential oils. We had popcorn and rice crispy treats for a snack and just enjoyed our time together.

As it turned out, we had 9 girls and a perfect morning. At the end of every workshop we gather in a circle and hold hands and pray. Today was no different. We always open it up for anyone to pray hoping that on any given Chicktime Saturday one of the girls would volunteer! This morning was that day. Such a sweet and gracious prayer led by one of the teens. We can never doubt the impact that our monthly workshops have on these precious girls. We are decorating t-shirts next month. Join us. We will be meeting the second Saturday in April due to the Easter Holiday.

February Update:

What a beautiful and tasty morning we had today! Thanks to Kelly and Kat for bringing their passion to bake.

The girls didn’t hesitate at all to roll up their sleeves, flour up, mix, knead and spread to make cinnamon rolls from scratch.

As they patiently waited first for the yeast to rise, and then for the rolls to bake, they shared laughs as they acted out while playing ‘heads up’.

It warmed our ♥️ when the girls asked to pray before savoring their creation, and when they all asked for Chicktime shirts which they promise to wear on Chicktime Saturdays. We always leave with our spiritual tanks fuller, our hearts overflowing and today our tummies full and happy with an extra helping of cinnamon and sugar!

January Update:

Wow! Wow! Wow! Our January 2019 workshop leader, (Author and Motivational Speaker), Lora Williams, brought down the house at Boysville today!

Lora through skits and open discussion and reflection exercises had us breaking chains that we hold onto and learning to claim who God says we are! The girls learned that forgiveness is for us not the person who hurt us! Powerful! They also learned that there is NO experience in our life that decreases our value and that for every negative word that was ever told to us we can turn it around make it a positive one. Our mirror isn’t broken ladies…it just needs to be cleaned off! We are beautiful and worth it! She had us listen to ~Who You Are: A Message to All Women…Double Powerful! Click the link! Not once but twice! Listen to it three times!! Hear the message and plant it on your heart!

We closed in a circle prayer and had snacks and fellowship.
Praising God that Chicktime San Antonio continues to make a difference in 2019!

December Update:

Chicktime San Antonio was given the Christmas wish list of the girls who live in one of the cottages we serve. We have
28% of our fundraising goal met, but are $ 1, ooo dollars short of getting the girls all the items on their lists.
If you can help us we are looking for Walmart/Target/Visa gift cards and or cash/checks. We will do all the shopping and wrapping!
All contributors are invited to join us on Sunday, December 9th at 3:00 pm for the stocking party.
Please contact us if you have questions or want to contribute at
May your days be filled with peace, hope,
and joy this holiday season.
As always, thank you for your
support of the Chicktime mission.
Annette, Donnette and Letty
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team


November Update:

We are thankful for…
•Our workshop leaders–Morgan Parker & Eva Irwine
•Our wonderful volunteers who show up every month to help with our workshops

•Boysville for providing a stable and loving home to kids in need
•All of the teen girls at Boysville that we get to spend time with every month. They are truly a blessing!

Today we worked on a craft…

to get us in the Christmas spirit.

We also played the Skittles gratitude game…

And we ate some Blessings Snack Mix.

October Update:

Chicktime San Antonio celebrated Halloween ???? with the beautiful teen girls at Boysville!

We divided the girls into three teams with the challenge of each team creating a Mummy out of toilet paper but also being creative and having a theme to their mummy. After a set time each team presented their mummy to the judges and pled their case why their Mummy should win the contest! The girls were pretty creative and competitive!

Between Ninja bride thing with a horn of awesomeness ,Mummy bride and the Dummy mummy—only woman pharaoh … the judges had a tough decision! In the end all participants got Carmel coated popcorn balls!????

Next we played Halloween ???? Pictionary! Wow! The girls could really draw! What a fun game engaging the girls in drawing, guessing, and laughing!

We had Halloween orange themed snacks like Cheeto puffs, cuties, Oreos with orange filling, cupcakes with Halloween icing and sprinkles and Orange Drink!

 Then in addition to our snack time, we made our own Carmel apples ????!

Then in addition to our snack time, we made our own Carmel apples ????! We closed our time together how we end every Chicktime Saturday morning- in a circle prayer! It’s a beautiful thing to be reminded we haven’t prayed yet by the girls when our Chicktime workshop is winding down or to have them fight to hold your hand in our prayer circle! It almost takes your breath away!

The closest to Christ moment at this workshop was two of the “new” girls telling us they were new to Boysville , but not new to Chicktime! They attended Chicktime workshops at another local children’s home they were placed so knew what “the Chicktime Ladies” were all about! So keep praying! Our goal of having a Chicktime Chapter in every group home or shelter across the United States should never be forgotten or sought after! When an abused or hurt child needs love and refuge by ladies that show up in Chicktime Shirts every month and simply play a game or have some Cheetos with them… we are making a difference and we are Kingdom Building here on earth! If anyone would like to know more about starting your own Chicktime Chapter… we would love to tell you how… and as always you are welcome to join our Chapter the 3rd Saturday of every month!

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
-Jane Goodall

September Update:

Sadly our September workshop was canceled due to severe weather. It would of been difficult for volunteers to get to Boysville safely and we did not want to risk it! We can’t wait to see everyone in October!

August Update:

One of the most beautiful things about Chicktime San Antonio is that we are consistent women in the lives of the teen girls living at Boysville! They know us… they know they can come to our monthly workshops tired, wounded, angry, happy, or just come for the food we serve!

It doesn’t matter! We want to see them and we want to be with them. We want them to know they matter to us!

This morning we gathered with a smaller group than usual to play bingo!

We had prizes that ranged from nail polish, bath soaps, craft supplies and snacks- to a Sonic gift card for the “Black out Bingo” winner! Even the house parents played with us!

 We enjoyed tortilla sandwich rolls, chips, a veggie tray and cookies together too!

We ended our time together like we always do- circled up… holding hands… and praying together. These sweet girls need to know above all- God is with them and lives in their heart. It is our wish they see HIM in us!
Please pray for Boysville… the staff and children!
We will be back at Boysville, September 15th for our next workshop. Join us-

Chicktime San Antonio is playing Bingo with the teen girls at Boysville this month!

We have the prizes and lunch ….all we need is YOU!

Saturday, August 25th

10:30 am to 1:00 pm

Boysville Gym

8555 E. Loop 1604 North

Converse, TX 78109

RSVP to Annette  sanantonio@chicktime.com

June Update:

It may have been a hot summer morning, but we had a cool time playing bunco inside and eating paletas with our friends at Boysville.

Thank you to ATKG CPA’s for sponsoring this event and providing the girls with summer goody bags with sunglasses, sunscreen, candy and Bahama Buck’s gift cards –not to mention the bunco prizes (flip flops, M&M’s and Skittles). It was s fun morning!

May Update:

Another beautiful day at Boysville! We were blessed to have Betty Fernandez lead our workshop.

The girls had a fantastic time channeling their creativity as they painted, stenciled and embellished cosmetic bags and visors.

They also braided some bracelets. It’s always fun to spend time with friends on a Saturday morning and do something fun.

What are you waiting for? Join us next month!

April Update:

Today we gathered as we do every month at Boysville to lead an activity with the teen girls who live there. We don’t ever know what the mood or dynamics will be of the girls that come to us on a given Chicktime Saturday~ they are not only teenagers, but teenagers who for whatever reason can’t live safely in their own home. We can only imagine that they feel some sort of hopelessness and perhaps have broken hearts about what has led them to live at Boysville. Before the girls came to us today, we gathered in prayer with the volunteers to ask God to bless our time and help the girls see HIM in us and by the tone of the workshop HE did just that. The girls came with open hearts and smiles and were ever so engaging in our activity and conversation. Workshop leader, Rosario Barrios, taught us how to make prayer bracelets. Learning how to make the bracelets initially takes a little bit of determination and practice, but once the girls learned how to make the special knots they were so proficient and proud! Rosario explanined to the girls that in the Catholic faith, these bracelets can be used like Rosaries to pray a specific prayer like the Hail Mary. The bracelets, however, are to help all Christians be faithful to a prayer life. Wearing the bracelets help us to remember to just be still and pray. They can help us be more focused in prayer by touching each knot and praying for someone specifically or in gratitude about someone/something. The lesson was that prayer is crucial in our relationship with our Savior and brings us closer to HIM.
What we can tell you about our time with these beautiful children of God is that if we don’t show and tell them about having a life of grace and abundance, who will? Bringing hope and healing to a child who has none is part of the mission of Chicktime San Antonio and we are so blessed to have volunteers every month who are not scared of the mission, but embrace it with us! We ended our time together with yummy food and a big group prayer. God is good!

See More

March Update:

Chicktime San Antonio is one of about 50 chapters across the United States! Don’t you just love being part of something so BIG? Each chapter has a charity partner they have matched up with and are committed to showing up once a month to serve with a different activity! As you know, our chapter serves the teen girls at Boysville Children’s Home! Today, a service club from Stevens High School, Service Over Self, lead our activity and provided our snacks! Kickball, fruit, pickles, and Chile powder made for the perfect morning! Imagine a group of teenagers who want nothing more than to serve and on a Saturday morning! Wow!! 
We were blessed with lots of volunteers who came out -( one on her college spring break and a few more on their high school break) to share the morning and play with us! Oh! Chapter co-leader,Annette Goodsonn kicked in the winning run! 
Psalm 25: 4-5
“Show me your ways, O Lord, Guide me in your truth and teach me.”

February Update:

1 Corinthians 13:13 …and the greatest of these things is love …
Our February workshop was so many things… fun, busy, and oh so YUMMY!

Our monthly workshop leader “Mrs. Kelly” ( and long time volunteer with Chicktime San Antonio) taught the girls how to make homemade pizza ?, ( dough AND Sauce) and homemade chocolate squares for dessert! It happened to be her birthday so Chicktime San Antonio made our own special dessert in her honor and sang happy birthday to her! Every year when we are searching for workshop leaders to take on a month to lead she always says YES! We are so grateful!

Special thanks to the service club- SOS( service over self) from Stevens High School who came out to serve alongside with us! Such a beautiful group of girls with HUGE hearts ♥️!

Chicktime San Antonio is committed to serving the teen girls at Boysville the 3rd Saturday of every month for years to come! We pray you will come feel the joy and AMORE we have found when we are there!

All our love,

Letty, Donnette, & Annette
Chicktime San Antonio Leadership Team

January Update:

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters and create many ripples “- Mother Teresa

Thank you to the volunteers who showed up this morning to serve the teen girls at Boysville with Chicktime San Antonio!

Special thanks to Tara Chapman Johnson for being our workshop leader and showing the girls how to make their own gratitude journals!

These beautiful girls who cannot live safely in their own home were the recipients today of women who casted stones of love, nurturance, and grace!!!! What wonderful ripples they made in the lives of the teen girls living at Boysville! Next month we will be making homemade ?! God is good!

December Update:

Beautiful Sunday afternoon spent at Boysville attending their annual Christmas Pagent. Not a dry eye in the room as the children told the Christmas story through drama and song! Our charity partner, Boysville, has a Christmas Pagent every year and invites all the volunteers who help them throughout the year as a “thank- you” for serving there and Chicktime San Antonio was honored to attend. After the pagent, Chicktime San Antonio, was invited back to one of the cottages where our girls who attend our workshops live for refreshments (look at the spread they had for us) and our own intimate Christmas party! Our chapter came with bags full of gifts ( because of VERY generous and loving contributors to our Chapter who helped us fill all the wishes on the girls lists) and were blessed to watch the girls open the gifts one by one and feeling the love we have for them! We are excited for 2018 and all the wonderful workshops already lined up to share with the teen girls we serve at Boysville! We hope you can join us one month!

November Update:

Chicktime San Antonio was jammed packed this morning with crafts, snacks and games thanks to our fabulous workshop leader, Jeanne Schaefer! Each of the girls created their own Thanksgiving centerpiece using Mod Podge, small glass bottles, and tissue paper! They all turned out so beautiful! They made “oreo” turkeys with icing, redhot candies, whoppers, candy corn and peanut butter cups! Can we get a YUM! YUM! After that Jeanne had Five( yes, I said Five) minute to win it games! The first game was to see who could eat a footlong fruit rollup the fastest hanging out of their mouth and hands behind their back! One of the house parents almost won! The second game was “Cookie Face”! Each girl placed an oreo on their forehead and had to work it down only using their face muscles to get it to thier mouths! The third game was “Suck It Up” using a straw to suck m&m’s from a plate to a cup tyring to see who can get the most in a minute! The fourth game they played was “Snowball Toss” where one girl tossed mini marshmellows in a cup her partner was holding. The last game was ” balloon tennis” using partners to see how many hits each team could get to in a minute! So much FUN!! Jeanne prepared blessing mix bags for each of the girls and explained what each item in the bag represented. She made enough for the girls to take one to give to someone special in thier life and Chicktime was able to leave a bag full for the staff at Boysville to say thank you for caring for all the precious children who are placed in this incredible Children’s Home. We ended our time in a group circle letting the girls know how much we love them and as always we prayed with them!

If you can help us “sponsor” some girls for Christmas and help us fill their wish lists please let us know! We want nothing more than the girls we come to visit each month to know Christmas!

All our love,

Chicktime San Antonio

October Update:

We had such a beautiful morning at our October workshop!

Kids of all ages enjoyed dancing and eating cupcakes, cookies and candy as we ran the cupcake walk at Boysville Fall Festival!

Please join us next month as we get in the Thanksgiving spirit!

September Update:

Chicktime San Antonio discovered the awesomeness of canned biscuts/canned dough!

Our cooking workshop had three stations and we divided the Boysville girls ups to work a station. Measuring, zesting, mixing, spreading….you name it~ They did it!!

We made Orange rolls, Monkey Bread, and “Chicktime” Mini-Cinnis! And you probably guessed it…the best part of the morning was sampling all three!!

Our Chicktime mornings are always so humbling~ especially when we have just the right amount of volunteers to help us carry out our workshops!

Come help us host a cupcake walk next month at Boysville’s Fall Festival! It’s going to be so fun!

August Update:

What better way to spend a Saturday morning than spending volunteering and mentoring teen girls at Boysville Children’s Home.

The volunteers and kids got a great Yoga workout led by Mary Coronado from GFit Studio….

We had such a great time exercising and just plain being silly!

Join us next month and come spread and feel the joy yourself!

July Update:

Chicktime San Antonio had such a special summer evening hanging out with the girls who live at Boysville, Inc.!

We made ice cream sundaes and played BINGO!

And I mean all types of bingo games like T ( for Texas), regular bingo, four corners, blackout, and stand up/sit down ! Lots of girls on the edge of their seats wanting to yell Bingo, but mostly just happy that the ladies from Chicktime were back! Prizes ranged from makeup, bath and body goodies to nail supplies, devotional books and chocolate!

As always we ended our time together in a large circle prayer giving thanks for our volunteers, the girls who live at Boysville and the staff that help raise them! We pray these beautiful girls see HIM in us! Join us next month! Our August workshop will be YOGA!
Psalm 93:3
“Declare HIS glory among the nations, HIS wonders among all peoples.”

June Update:

Chicktime June at Boysville Children’s Home  was over the top FUN thanks to the ladies from Padre Pio Catholic Church!

They took our workshop outdoors for summer time “Minute to Win It Games”!

We aren’t sure we’ve ever seen the girls this relaxed and laugh so much and so hard!

We played games like stack the cups, knock the cups over with a rubber band and move the m & m’s with a straw!

Egg toss, catch the cheerio’s in a cup head band, and pass the water cup relay!!

The girls even went foot-fishing for marbles!!

We shared popsicles , watermelon , and great conversation with the girls about summer plans!

We ended our time together like we always do… by circling up and holding hands and praying with each other and for each other!
“Be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Join us next month as we make summer visors!!

May Update:

These beautiful Chicktime San Antonio volunteers were planting seeds in more ways than one! Not only did they plant the seed of love and nurturance with the teen girls at Boysville by being present with them, but they also helped them build their own fairy garden~ seeds and all!

The volunteers visited, listened and encouraged….

Love bloomed everywhere in that room!

Two special teen girls who have been coming to Chicktime since we started coming to Boysville will graduate at the end of this month and received a “college survival kit” from Chicktime San Antonio, too!

The craft was time consuming so the refreshments were a nice touch!

Thank you Seli Compton for being our awesome monthly workshop leader and for being one of the faithful volunteers for the 7 years we have been around!!

To God be the glory!!! For HE has done great things with our ministry!


Getting Crafty at Seton Home

2013-05-18 Bulletin boards2013-05-18 homemade cards2013-05-18 Making cards

Chicktime San Antonio took crafts to a whole other level thanks to our awesome monthly leader, Shannan Pfeifer! On May 18th we spent a wonderful afternoon with the teen moms at Seton Home. Four crafts stations were set up for the girls to rotate through at their own pace. From creating personal bulletin boards with fabric to decorating cards, glass jars and clothes pins to hang art work or pictures from, the girls had many choices and were excited to have the opportunity to spruce up their rooms with homemade crafts.


Our time at Seton Home was also incredibly blessed with all the volunteers who showed up to help babysit the children of the teen moms! We had newborns to rambunctious toddlers who brought joy to us as we sang, rocked, and played outdoors with them.

2013-05-18 Group picture

As always, we are so grateful for those of you who continue to support this ministry!


Annette, Diane, and Donnette

Chicktime San Antonio Chapter Leaders


I love others because you first loved me. Ephesians 5:2





May News



Two Chicktime Events in April!



Bunco at Seton Home

On Saturday, April 6th, our Chicktime volunteers headed to Seton Home to spend time with the teenage girls there.  Seton is a home for pregnant and parenting teens.  So, as you can imagine, these girls have stresses that few of us can imagine.  Getting a couple of hours to have fun and take their minds off of their everyday worries is a luxury to them.  We had a great time playing Bunco.  Some of the girls were not real enthusiastic in the beginning.  After they picked up on the rules and started to feel more comfortable with us, they really started to warm up.  Some told us all about the graduation pictures they had taken earlier that morning or about their plans for the weekend.  And, they proudly showed us pictures of their little ones.  In the end, it felt like we made new friends.  And, the girls liked playing Bunco so much that they asked if they could keep some dice to play again later!


Many of our volunteers spent time rocking babies and playing with the toddlers on the playground.  Some of us have forgotten how much energy it takes to keep up with them!  So, we are especially thankful for the teens that come out to volunteer.


Thank you to all of the volunteers that showed up to spend time with the girls and to all those that helped babysit.  We especially appreciate the first time volunteers and hope you will join us again in the future.


Fiesta Event for St. PJ’s

2013-04-26 Chick volunteers

Seli Compton out did herself yet another year in hosting Chicktime Fiesta! Organizing food booths, crafts and games for the teen girls at St. PJ’s to enjoy and experience a San Antonio tradition!  Sadly, a last-minute campus emergency prohibited the girls from attending the event.  With lots of food already prepared, Chicktime volunteers joined together in fellowship as we prayed for the girls who missed out on this awesome party.

2013-04-26 China2013-04-26 Dessert2013-04-26 Italy2013-04-26 Mexico2013-04-26 Poland2013-04-26 Puerto Rico2013-04-26 Texas























Special thanks goes to the following volunteers who prepared food booths from around the world (and Texas)!


China – Monica Hernandez

Mexico – Staci Hernandez

Texas – Becky Fralix

France – Lu Nell Garza

Poland – Stephanie Parker

Italy – AnneLee McDonald

Desserts – Donnette Tyler and friends

Beverage – Diane Godwin


We also want to thank Michelle Kelly for sharing her talent for crafting and Sharkey’s Salon for donations to craft tables!




Annette, Diane, & Donnette


Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.

–Matthew 5:16




Due to conflicts with Spring Break, our March activity at Seton Home was pushed back a couple of weeks.  It will be held on Saturday, April 6th.  We will be playing bunco with the girls.  Setup will be at 10:30 and we’ll start playing at 11:00.  If you live on the north side of town and would like to carpool or caravan with us, meet at the Taco Cabana on Hwy 281 between Thousand Oaks and Brook Hollow at 9:45.  We hope you can join us!  RSVP to annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net if you plan to attend.


On Friday, April 26th, we will be holding our annual Fiesta event for the girls at St. PJ’s.  We will have foods from around the world, games and music.  This will be at Bulverde United Methodist Church.  Setup will be at 5:45 PM and we will start the party at 6:30.  Seli Compton is coordinating this event.  If you would like to bring food for this event, please contact Seli at 210-687-2681 or scompton@alamoassetadvisors.com.  We are particularly in need of desserts and donations of new or gently used stuffed animals.


We hope you can join us!




Annette, Diane, & Donnette


How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me?

–Psalm 116:12




March News

Making Prayer Blankets


9 EmmyOn a beautiful Saturday morning, we gathered at St. PJ’s to make fleece prayer blankets.  We had a large group of middle school girls from the St. Padre Pio Catholic Education Program show up to volunteer as part of a nation-wide Youth Serve program.  Each volunteer teamed up with a girl from St. PJ’s to cut and tie the fringe on the blankets.  All of the girls enjoyed learning a new craft.  They attached a prayer card to each completed blanket reading, “This fleece blanket is one I made with love.  Each knot is tied with blessings and prayers to God above.”  Then, they signed their names on the cards.


The prayer blankets were made for nursing home residents.  After leaving St. PJ’s, the girls from St. Padre Pio stopped by Padua Place, a home for retired priests, and delivered some blankets.  The residents were all smiles and some blessed the girls.  We were particularly happy to visit with now-retired Archbishop Patrick Flores. It filled our hearts to be a part of this amazing day of love and kinship.12 Visiting Archbishop Flores


We want to thank St. Padre Pio Chatholic Church for sponsoring the supplies and providing volunteers for this event and to Diana Flores & Micky Flores for bringing breakfast.


Upcoming Events


Keep an eye on the website calendar for upcoming events.  We will also be emailing you invitations.  Also, we are still in need of leaders for a few months.  Contact Donnette Tyler at donnette.tyler@gmail.com if you are interested in leading.


Love and blessings,


Donnette, Diane & Annette


I will proclaim your greatness my God and king; I will thank you forever and ever.

Psalm 145:1



February News

 2013-01-19 Volunteers

Great Start at Seton Home


On January 19th, we held our first ever activity at Seton Home.  What an amazing place Seton Home is to provide a caring and nurturing environment for homeless pregnant and/or parenting teens and their children!  We had an enjoyable morning getting to know the girls and the staff.  We had a fabulous group of volunteers show up to work with the girls to help them make no-sew fleece blankets for themselves or their babies.  Some of the girls were a little quiet and shy, while others loved to talk all about what was going on in their life.  And, we had a great time rocking babies and playing with the adorable toddlers! We left Seton Home feeling both exhausted and happy.

2013-01-19 Diana & friend

2013-01-19 Ana & Maddie babysitting

We want to thank the ladies ACTS group from St. Padre Pio Catholic Church for sponsoring this event.  We appreciate all of those that showed up to volunteer and all the people that contributed money or fleece for the project.2013-01-19 Sandra tying blanket

2013-01-19 Morgan Reading

We hope you can join us on February 16th when we’re back at St. PJ’s.  We will be making fleece blankets again, but this time it will be lap blankets to donate to nursing homes.  This will be a Youth Serve event sponsored by the middle school girls Catholic Education Program at St. Padre Pio Church.  Diana Flores will be sponsoring the snack—yummy muffins, doughnuts, and fruit.  The girls at St. PJ’s love crafts, so this should be a really fun activity.


Finally, we need your help filling our activity calendar for the year.  We still have 7 months without leaders and one is coming up in March.  So, please prayerfully consider leading a month.  If you need ideas on activities, just let us know.  Remember that it doesn’t have to be anything too complicated or costly.  The main point is to spend time with the girls and let them know that they’re loved.







Seton Home

St. Padre Pio Women’s ACTS

fleece blanket craft


St. PJ’s

Diana Flores & St. Padre Pio middle school girls

lap blankets for nursing homes


Seton Home



St. PJ’s

Seli Compton

3rd annual Fiesta party


Seton Home



St. PJ’s



Seton Home



St. PJ’s



Seton Home



St. PJ’s



Seton Home

Chicktime leadership

holiday party


St. PJ’s

Chicktime leadership

holiday party


We wish you a joyful February!




Annette, Diane, & Donnette

Chicktime San Antonio Co-Leaders


Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.  A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.

–Mother Theresa





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January News

Joy to the World!


Cute Christmas Treat!

We held our annual Christmas party on Saturday, December 15th.  There was excitement and anticipation in the air as the girls from St. PJ’s stepped off the bus at Incredible Pizza.  After eating the pizza buffet, they were treated to 2 hours of video games and attractions.  They were full of energy as they bounced from game to game having the time of their lives.  Before sending them back to St. PJ’s, each received a Chicktime t-shirt and a stocking full of treats including a Chicktime tumbler, socks, lotions, candy and other goodies.  They were all so thankful and full of hugs.  We enjoyed the time we got to spend with them and find out all about everything that’s happening in their lives and the plans they have for the holidays.

We are so thankful to the women that made monetary contributions to help sponsor this party.  We also thank our very special volunteers that donated the stocking full of treats for the girls and took the time to put them together.  Our hearts are full of joy knowing there are so many ladies out there that are touched by this ministry enough to share their time, talent, and treasure to help make Chicktime San Antonio the organization that it is today.  We are eternally grateful for your support.


January Event


Our first event at Seton Home will take place on Saturday, January 19th.  We will meet there at 10:30 and will begin our activity at 11:00.  This event is sponsored by the St. Padro Pio Ladies ACTS group.  We will be making fleece blankets.  We could really use your help with donations of fleece as we will have approximately 30 girls participating.  For each blanket, we need 2 coordinating 2-yard pieces of fleece.  This is frequently on sale at JoAnn Fabrics and Hobby Lobby.  If you are able to donate, please contact Annette at annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net.  In addition to helping with the craft that day, we will need volunteers to help with the babies and toddlers so that the girls can have a break and participate in this fun activity.  You will receive more details in early January when we send out the invitation for this event.


Holiday Blessings


Somehow, not only for Christmas

But all the long year through,

The joy that you give to others

Is the joy that comes back to you.

And the more you spend in blessing

The poor and lonely and sad,

The more of your heart’s possessing returns to you glad.


We thank you for your love, time, support, and prayers and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Donnette, Diane & Annette

Chicktime San Antonio Co-Leaders


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:14)


December News


Exciting Things Happening With Chicktime San Antonio!


Chicktime San Antonio is happy to announce that starting in 2013 we will be partnering with Seton Home!  After hearing about the great work we do at St. PJ’s, the volunteer coordinator from Seton approached us and asked if we might be able to come in on a regular basis to provide some fun activities for their residents.  After touring the facility and learning about the services they provide, we prayed about whether it was the right direction for our organization.  We believe that God was leading us to these teens in need and we had to say YES!


Seton Home provides a nurturing home to homeless pregnant and parenting teens who decide to keep and care for their babies.  They work to break the cycle of abuse and poverty by providing a caring home, education, and support services necessary to transform the lives of teen mothers and their children.  They have a beautiful campus right next to St. PJ’s at 1115 Mission Road.  For more information about Seton Home, visit their website at www.setonhomesa.org.


While we get things up and running at Seton Home, we have come to an agreement with them and St. PJ’s that we will alternate activities between the two facilities.  If anyone is interested in joining our leadership team to assist us with this, please let us know.


We are so excited to begin our first activity with them in January.  These girls truly need our love and attention.  We will be working with 30 – 40 girls from ages 12 – 19.


Join us January 19th for our first activity at Seton Home which will be sponsored by the St. Padre Pio Ladies ACTS group.  We will be making fleece blankets.  If you would like to donate fleece for this project, please send an email to annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net.  We will provide more details at a later date.


November Event – Games & Turkeys!

Turkey Treat


Chicktime San Antonio is so thankful for the gifts and talents of all our volunteers and their desire to share them with the teen girls at St. Pj’s! November Chicktime was no different and was such a blessing thanks to the wonderful team of Jeanne Schaefer and Patti Rittiman! These ladies and their daughters, Kylie and Emily, set the tone for the morning with the girls with an upbeat and updated version of “hot potato”! The last one standing of course won a prize out of the prize bucket that was filled with things like candy, fuzzy Christmas socks, and teen magazines! The St. PJ’s girls, mixed with the youth chicks, were divided into two groups to play CRL (Center/Right/Left). This dice game made the girls chant, laugh, get serious, and laugh again until we had a winner from each group who also got to pick a prize from the prize bucket! If that wasn’t enough, our monthly leaders had yet another activity for the girls to help get them in the mood for Thanksgiving! The girls made eatable turkeys out of Oreo cookies, frosting and candy corn! It’s simple things like this craft that seem to bring the girls so much joy! We ended our beautiful morning together by sharing a snack and visiting before we circled up and prayed hand in hand.  The girls were each given a gift of a homemade and specially wrapped “thanksgiving trail mix” with a tag on it that identified the things in the bag with a reminder of why we should count our blessings at Thanksgiving.


Chick Volunteers


December Chicktime will be held on December 15th at Incredible Pizza. Thanks to the generous hearts of our volunteers we have enough money to treat the girls to pizza, games, rides and gifts!! Please join us if you can! We will arrive about 10:15 am and stay until 12:45.


It is our desire to get our 2013 Chicktime San Antonio ministry lined up with monthly leaders in the next few weeks. At present, we have January, February, April and December leaders. We welcome repeat leaders and repeat activities! If you have been praying about leading a month please know that the girls appreciate anything and simple usually works best!


All our love,

Annette, Diane, & Donnette

Chicktime San Antonio Chapter leaders

“May my life and my choices bring hope and healing to the frightened, the broken, the hopeless, and the least of these!” ~ Beth Moore


November News

B I N G O!


We had a Halloween-themed party this month at St. PJ’s and had a great time playing bingo with the girls!  They enjoyed snacking on chips and queso, fruit, and goldfish while they played and covered their cards with Hershey Kisses.  We played many different variations of bingo for some fun prizes such as bath gel, picture frames, Halloween socks, books, and jewelry.  Everyone walked away with a prize.  We wrapped up with Halloween cupcakes.  The joy on their faces warmed our hearts and helped us to know that we were in the right place.  Spending time with the girls is as much of a blessing for us as it is for them.


A big “thanks” goes out to our October volunteers—Annie Lutz and Jeanie King.  They did a fabulous job and everyone seemed to have a great time!  We appreciate all of the volunteers who showed up and thank them for bringing bingo prizes.  We even had a volunteer all the way from Sweden—Sara is an exchange student that arrived just 2 days earlier.



We are always looking for volunteers to lead a monthly activity.  It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate—just share a craft, hobby, game, or sport that interests you.




Diane, Donnette & Annette


This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad.

Psalms 118:24


Upcoming Events:

November (date TBA) – Thanksgiving themed crafts (hosted by Jeanne & Emily Schaefer)


December 15 – Christmas Party at Incredible Pizza


Note:  We are in need of 35 sponsors to donate $30 each to help offset the cost of the Christmas party.  If you are able to provide a sponsorship, please contact Donnette at donnette.tyler@gmail.com.  Checks should be made payable to “Chicktime San Antonio” and can be mailed to Donnette Tyler at 2727 Montebello, San Antonio, TX 78259.




September/October News

Flowers and Friendship

Kristen, our craft leader.


On Saturday, September 15th, we were blessed to spend time with our dear friends at St. PJ’s.  It was a wonderful morning of crafts, laughter, and conversation.  We made duct tape flower pens and friendship bracelets.  The girls LOVE crafts!  As they worked, the girls shared their experiences from the first few weeks of school—classes they like and don’t like, hard tests, friends they’ve made, and extracurricular activities they are involved with.  They were also looking forward to a day at Schlitterbahn on Sunday.  We finished with snacks brought by our fabulous volunteers.  Everyone seemed to have a great time.





Thank you to our volunteers that led the crafts—Sandy Brunner, Kristen Brunner, and Tori Tyler.     


Mark your calendars for next month’s event on October 20th hosted by Annie Lutz and Jeannie King.


Also, it’s almost holiday time and Chicktime cookbooks make great gifts!  We still have some cookbooks for sale.  They are $20.  If you are interested in purchasing one, contact Annette at annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net.


Love and blessings,


Donnette, Diane, and Annette


” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   Jeremiah 29:11


August News

Polish and Pampering–Chicktime Style!!

Showing Off Manicured Nails

July Chicktime San Antonio was a huge success.  There were at least 30 young “chicks” that joined about 10 adult “chicks” to serve the girls at St. PJ’s.  The room was simply breathtaking!  We started off the afternoon with Miss Teen San Antonio and Miss San Antonio sharing their testimony and their love for our Savior.  What an amazing opportunity for all the girls, volunteers and St. PJ gals, to hear two beautiful young ladies encourage them to follow after Christ and to glorify Him with their life. When the

Preparing for Pedis

sharing time was over we quickly moved to pedicures and manicures.  Oh how this just blessed my spirit to see so many young volunteers ready to serve and bless the St. PJ’s girls.  While at first the girls were apprehensive about getting their feet washed and toes polished, by the end of the afternoon almost all of them sat down to get their pedis!! One of my favorite moments was when one of the young ladies had two girls polishing each of her hands and two other girls polishing each of her feet all the while wearing a tiara from Miss Teen San Antonio!! What a beautiful picture of her being a Princess, and indeed she is because she is a child of The King!!  Another moment that sticks out in

Picture with Miss San Antonio & Miss Teen San Antonio

my  mind was as the afternoon was coming to a close you really couldn’t tell who was lived at St. PJ’s  and who was a teen volunteer because they were all doing each other’s nails!! Sitting around tables laughing and talking and painting nails, my heart was overwhelmed to see all of these girls share this afternoon together.  What a spectacular day we had loving these girls!!


Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of Chicktime!

Tracy Holzmann~ July 2012 Chicktime San Antonio Monthly leader



We are still trying to find leaders for August and September as the volunteers originally signed up to lead had to back out due to personal reasons. We can be flexible with August since the girls are not in school and can do it almost any time and day! Please pray about it. The Holy Spirit is always present so have no fear!! All the girls really want is for us to just be with them!



Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ Isaiah 30:21


All our love,

Annette, Diane and Donnette

Chicktime San Antonio Chapter leaders





LSSS Foster Family Appreciation Picnic


Saturday June 9th, Chicktime volunteered at the Annual Picnic for Lutheran Social Services. We worked a craft table, making paper butterflies, foam photo frames, and Duct tape wallets and flower pens. Though it was a small group, those who did the crafts enjoyed it. Everyone especially found the duct tape wallets to be cool, including the other volunteers! The event was in benefit of foster families, and several awards were presented during the picnic. Everyone had a great time.  Thank you to Lisa and Hayley Drozdick for sponsoring this event and for coming up with the creative craft activities!



Bunco at St. PJ’s

Rolling for sixes


We were rolling for sixes on June 15th at St. PJ’s as we taught the girls how to play bunco.  They seemed to really enjoy learning how to play this fun and easy dice game.  We all had a great time playing, talking, laughing, and getting to know each other.  The girls were really relaxed now that school is out and they have a little more free time.  We enjoyed hearing about some of the summer camps they had attended and about the dance they were having at St. PJ’s that evening.  We capped off the afternoon with ice cream sundaes—yumm!  Some of the girls were really sweet and made sundaes for the volunteers.  It was an awesome afternoon!  Thanks go out to all the ladies at ATKG, LLP for sponsoring this event.


Making new friends

Join us on July 21st for some pampering when we have a spa day at St. PJ’s sponsored by Tracy Holzman.



Love and blessings,


Donnette, Diane & Annette


God’s plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God.


Colossians 1:27






Lessons in Gentleness


What a wonderful morning we had with the girls at St. PJ’s on Saturday, May 19th.  The activities were sponsored by a group of teen girls from St. Thomas Episcopal Church and guided by their adult mentors, Christi Atkins and Mirta Vazquez.  God had to have been smiling down on all of them!


The girls started by leading some icebreaker games so everyone could get comfortable with their new friends.  They then divided into teams for a game of Human Clue with a Disney theme.  The teens from St. Thomas dressed up as Disney Characters and led different activities while the various teams traveled around to different stations to try to be the first one to find all the answers to the clues.  This was great fun!

Preparing to Play Disney Human Clue


The games were followed by a bible lesson on “gentleness” that was prepared by one of the teens.  We all learned about the importance of treating others with gentleness as well as ourselves and that gentleness does not mean weakness.  It was beautiful to see that one of the girls from St. PJ’s was so enthusiastic about the lesson that she asked if she could do some of the reading.  The teens from St. Thomas Episcopal are definitely filled with the Holy Spirit and shared their faith so enthusiastically with their new friends.


The teens brought snacks to share that are traditional fare for all of their get-togethers:  popcorn, jelly beans, and M&M’s.  We also had cookies and snack mix.


A big “Thank You” to all of the volunteers that showed up this month to make this a special morning.  You may never know the impact you have on these girls’ lives.  But, rest assured—you are making a difference!


With grateful hearts,


Diane Godwin, Donnette Tyler, and Annette Goodson


God works in all things for the good of those who love him.

Romans 8:28



Upcoming Events (Check Calendar for More Details):

June 9 – Crafts for LSSS Foster Family Appreciation Picnic at O.P. Schnabel Park

June 15 – Bunco & Ice Cream Sundae Party at St. PJ’s



Viva Fiesta!


Chicktime San Antonio celebrated, with the girls from St. PJ’s, NIOSA (Night in Ole San Antonio) style. Seli and Karrissa Compton planned the second annual Fiesta activity and went all out! The girls got to come off campus on Friday, April 27th, to Bulverde Methodist Church and experience foods from various countries, play games, make tissue paper flowers at a craft table, and dance the night away.


Many volunteers helped make this evening possible by saying YES to help Seli and Karrissa host the perfect evening. Food tables were lined up on one side of the gym and the girls went back for seconds and thirds and still saved room for desserts! DJ Don (AKA Coach Don Greenwood) and his wife, Tami Greenwood, played music throughout the evening and assisted in the cake walk. The girls played this game over and over because they won stuffed animals instead of cakes. Hundreds of stuffed animals were donated just for this game! We promise–hundreds is not an exaggeration. At the end of the night we had so many left over we sent them back with the girls in trash bags! There was also a bean bag toss and bucket throw game where the girls had opportunities to win candy bags donated by Sandy Brunner and Melissa Ling. They also were in charge of the games the whole evening! As if this wasn’t enough….a craft table was set up by Michelle and Camryn Kelly. They provided all the supplies for the girls to learn to make tissue paper fiesta flowers!


The girls line danced together with the young “chicks” and laughed and were able to just have an evening free of worries and sadness. The prayer circle with all the volunteers and St. PJ girls and staff took half a gym and was breathtaking! We believe the girls saw and felt Jesus that evening.


Other thanks go to our food table volunteers….

USA – Shannon Lafavers

Mexico – Anna Nicolai

Mexico – Leticia Rodela

China – Monica Hernandez

Germany – Staci Hernandez

Italy – Anne Lee McDonald

Desserts from around the world – Jeanne Schaefer and Stephanie Parker (Diane Godwin/Annette Goodson contributed to the table)

Hungary – Colleen Douglas

Ireland – Teresa Zito

Keishla Felix Plum – Puerto Rico

Donnette Tyler-beverages


I hear the Compton’s are already planning next year’s Fiesta event! In the meantime, join the girls youth group from St. Thomas Episcopal Church as they lead Chicktime on Saturday, May 19th at 10:00 at St. PJ’s.


With grateful hearts,


Annette Goodson, Diane Godwin and Donnette Tyler

San Antonio Chicktime leaders


“We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.” (1 John 3:16)



April News





On Friday night of March 23rd, Chicktime San Antonio hung out with the girls at St. PJ’s in hopes of getting them ready for summer! As the girls arrived they were adorned with Hawaiian leis and prayed over as we began our evening together. Beach themed games were played outdoors and Hawaiian punch snow cones were served to cool the girls off before moving back inside! St. PJ’s gals, alongside our teenage Chicks, decorated flip flops. The girls got to choose the material they wanted to decorate with–balloons, fabric, or ribbon. The craft time allowed the girls to not only be creative, but to laugh and share with each other throughout the evening. The flip flops were beautiful and snacks a big hit! Fruit, popcorn, trail mix…..and oh the chocolate chip cookies! The girls ate every last bit we had.


Many thanks to Colleen and Katherine Douglas for leading the activity and all the volunteers who showed up to love on the precious girls! It’s a blessing to hear them say with joy, “See you next month!”


We hope you can join us on Friday, April 27th, for our 2nd annual Night in Ole San Antonio event! Food booths, music, games and more! Chicktime San Antonio will be bringing fiesta to St. PJ’s! Contact us if you want to help!


With love and gratitude,


Annette, Diane and Donnette

Chicktime San Antonio Chapter Leaders


“[God has] given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.” (Ephesians 2:10 TLB)



Upcoming Events:

April 27 – Night in Ole San Antonio – hosted by Seli Compton

May 19 – Activity TBA – hosted by Christie Atkins & Mirta Vasquez

















March News


New FriendsRock Stars


On Friday, February 17th, Chicktime San Antonio (led by Teri Villanueva and Diana Flores)   treated the girls at St. PJ’s to a “TGIF Karaoke Party”.  The party started off with dinner of pizza and assorted snacks.  The girls wasted no time after dinner dressing up with different props and hopping into the photo booth to take some silly and cute pictures of themselves.  While the photo booth was going on during the night, others selected to dance and sing the night away.  We didn’t know there was so much talent with our girls – America’s Got Talent watch out!  It was a joy to see the glow and confidence in their faces as they sang their favorite tunes.   By the end of the night, we could not keep them off the dance floor!  Thanks to Ron and Sylvia Carrillo of Loco Motion Flip Books who so generously donated their photo booth and to Lisa Diaz who offered her hip and groovy DJ and Karaoke services.  Their generosity is proof that God always puts the right people in your path!



Annette Goodson, Diane Godwin, and Donnette Tyler

Let love be your highest goal! 1 Corinthians 14:1




On Saturday, March 31st, Colleen Douglas will lead Chicktime San Antonio and we will decorate flip flops with the girls to get them ready for spring!




Upcoming Activities:

Friday, April 20 – Fiesta food and fun hosted by Seli Compton

Saturday, May 19 – Activity TBA hosted by Christie Atkins & Mirta Vasquez







A Note From One of Our Very Special Volunteers


Please take a moment to read this…..


Last May, my daughter Katherine, my sister Diane and I had the privilege of leading a month of Chicktime fun.  We made gorgeous bracelets, enjoyed healthy snacks and played a few games.  I have to admit, I was nervous about leading a month.  I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough food or enough helpers.  But with encouragement from Donnette and the help of several ladies and their ‘Chicks’, we had a very successful event!!  The time commitment and financial commitment was negligible.  Everyone always brings something to help you out.


I had a friend that makes jewelry.  She had mentioned that she was getting rid of some beads that were from seasons past.  And there it was, my opportunity to make bracelets!!  She graciously offered to give me all the beads, wire, clasps and jewelry implements to make 50 bracelets.  God never ceases to amaze me with His goodness! And thank you Jenn!


The girls all enjoyed strawberry shortcake, watermelon, banana bread, veggies and more!  We served all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables so the girls could experience some yummy items that they may had never tried.  Donnette split the girls into 2 groups for the Starburst Game!  Each color of candy had a meaning and the girls sat quietly in a circle and really shared some thoughts and fun with each other.  We made a huge circle and ended in a prayer.   What a blessing it was for us to experience the Holy Spirit at work with our girls and the St. PJ’s girls.  And yes, we are signed up to lead another activity this March!


So, if you love being with vibrant young ladies and want to have some incredible fun and fellowship, PLEASE sign up to lead a month of Chicktime.  I sure am glad I did and you will be too.  And if I can, I will be there to  lend a hand!!  God bless Chicktime!


Colleen Douglas


Months  that still need a leader are…June, August, and November!

February News




Wow!  What amazing and creative leaders we had last month!  We were so blessed to have our January activity at St. PJ’s led by Monica Hernandez and Sonja Escobar.  Station one consisted of cupcake decorating.  What girl doesn’t love frosting and sprinkles?  The girls had a ball and made extras to give as gifts to friends.  Station two consisted of making and decorating journals with colored paper, markers, and lots of jewels.  After all, you gotta have bling!  Station three was all about decorating snack containers.  They used markers, stickers, jewels and lots of creativity.   Afterwards, they filled their containers with a variety of snacks to take back to their dorm.   The room was full of smiles and it was so fulfilling for all of the volunteers that showed up to give these girls some love and much-needed attention.  Thanks again Monica & Sonja!


Love & blessings,

Diane, Donnette & Annette


Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Oh, the joys of those who trust in him!  Psalm 34:8


Upcoming Activities:


Friday, February 17 – Pizza and karaoke hosted by Diana Flores & Terri Villanueva

Saturday, March 17 – Decorating flip flops hosted by Colleen Douglas

Friday, April 20 – Fiesta food and fun hosted by Seli Compton




 January News


Chicks Add Cheer


Incredible Christmas Party


Chicktime San Antonio took their Christmas Party on the road and celebrated the season at Incredible Pizza.  Thanks to very

generous “chicks”, the girls from St. PJ’s were treated to an all-you-can-eat pizza and salad bar and were given unlimited access game cards to use during our party time.  The girls rode bumper cars, drove go-karts, bowled, played putt-putt, played video games, and watched 4-D movies.  They giggled, they danced, they ate a lot of ice cream and cinnamon rolls, and begged to stay longer!  To end the party, we gathered in the party room to pray and hand out gift sacks filled with lotion, shower gel, chapstick, and deodorant.  And, let’s not forget about the $25 gift cards to Target.  Did I mention all gifts were donated, too?  What a blessing it was to be there that day to hear the girls talking about how grateful they were to Chicktime and how that day was one of the best days of their life!


Our next event is coming up on January 21st.  It will be hosted by Monica Hernandez and Sonia Escobar.  Mark your calendars.  This is sure to be a fun activity.


We are so humbled by the many who continue to support this ministry and look forward to a wonderful New Year.  We pray you will make it a point to join us as we continue our journey at St. PJ’s.


Joy to you,


Annette Goodson, Diane Godwin, and Donnette Tyler


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is CHRIST THE LORD.  Luke 2:11




December News


Holiday Crafts



Beads, crafts, and cupcakes… a perfect Saturday!


Our November event at St. PJ’s got us in the spirit for the holiday season.  We were blessed by some very creative leaders this month—Hannah Hedgpeth,   Gena Powell, Leah Dabaghian, & Jennifer Junco.  After starting with a prayer and a fun ice-breaker to get to know each other, everyone got the opportunity to visit 3 craft stations to make gifts for friends and family.  They made beautiful beaded crosses, exquisite embossed bookmarks, and delicious decorated cupcakes.  The girls were beaming with pride at their creations.  We all had a fabulous time learning new things.  We were so blessed to have these wonderful ladies sharing their talents with us.


Busy Little Hands!

We are still in need of a few volunteers to host 2012 events.  If you are interested, please contact one of us.



Love & blessings,

Donnette, Diane, & Annette



If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.  John 13:35



He made us all smile!

Upcoming Events:

December 17 – Christmas Party at Incredible Pizza – hosted by Chicktime San Antonio Leaders

January 21 – TBD – hosted by Monica Hernandez & Sonia Escobar

February 18 – TBD – hosted by Diana Flores & Terri Villanueva

March 17 – Volleyball Clinic – hosted by Colleen Douglas

April 21 – Fiesta – hosted by Seli Compton

May 19 – TBD – hosted by  Christi Atkins/Mirta Vasquez

September 15- hosted by Monica Nally







November News