Getting Strong!

December Update:

The old saying of…. “the most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise of reward” certainly rings true of our Chicktime Christmas donors. Thanks to some very generous women – Chicktime San Antonio was able to purchase gifts for “our” girls at Boysville that were on their wish list… and honestly we don’t think they really believed they would receive the gifts.
James Avery charm bracelets, Nike tennis shoes, to personalized name necklaces and so much more. As one of Santa’s elves who delivered the gifts to their cottages, I can tell you the girls were overwhelmed with gratitude, joy and peace. They giggled, screamed, got teary-eyed and immediately put on some of the gifts.
The girls and staff treated us to yummy food as a thank you for showing up for them all year! We even got to see their rooms and play a game with them. That was a whole different level of laughs and fun!
We ended our time in prayer and made sure they knew we have wonderful workshops lined up for them in 2022! We hope to see you at one of the workshops!
No joy can equal the joy of serving others
-Sai Baba
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!