*Marion News

*To Volunteer with our chapter….Please take 30 minutes to watch this orientation video and fill out the volunteer packet and reach out to Geneva at genevanicoleOO@hotmail.com, the managing leader of Chicktime Marion and she will tell you what to do next. 



January Update:

ChickTime, this past Saturday was inspirational, creative, and a whole lot to fun!

The girls of TruLight (and volunteers) created 2025 Vision Boards; all enjoyed dreaming up goals, to dos, and hobbies for the new year!

Would you like more info on how you, too, can connect with these amazing young ladies, every second Saturday of each month?

If so, send us a message; we’d love for you to join us!

December Update:



Beautiful blessed time with the young ladies today!! We had a lovely Christmas celebration of gingerbread decorating, the Saran Wrap Ball Pass game, and gift giving. Thank you to our team of volunteers (Geneva, Liz, Chris, Maggie, and Nicole) for all you put into making it special.
We also give much appreciation to those who gave monetary donations towards the girls’ gifts: Letty Rodela, Kendall Koch, Annette Goodson, Laura Adams, and George Switzer, as well as to Christina from Love is Sweets for the precious gift bags and cake pops, Rayna Budge Coull for the Mary Kay lotions, and Heather Myrick for the fashionable handbags. Together, we made a great team and hopefully felt each girl feel loved. ❤️

November Update:

We had so much fun learning Cyanotype Photography today: the camera-less technique of using the sun to create a negative print.
Thank you HoppArt Studio | Floresville & La Verniafor such a cool morning! We have some artists among us!! 😍 TruLight127 Ministries

October Update:

The second Saturday of each month, we are privileged to be able to spend time with the beautiful young ladies, who reside at TruLight Village in Marion, Texas! It is our goal to love on them, let them know they are valued, important, and special. If you would want to join us in this mission, please reach out for more information.

Thank you, Ms. Liz, for our fun October activity! The girls loved making blankets and cookies, as did us adults.

September Update:

Beautiful Saturday for crafting with the young ladies residing at TruLight Village.

Thank you so much, Ms. Maggie, for sharing your hobby with us all.

The girls loved their totes and pillow cases!

See you next month.


August Update:

We had a marvelous movement Saturday with some of the younger teens/preteens at TruLight127 Ministries Village! Thank you Ms. Kim for helping us unwind, stretch, and get some movement in today!

We also had a special, back to school Toast; we pray all school bound youth have a great academic year ahead! #chicktime #fosteryouth #ittakesavillage #yoga #movement #teens

July Update:

Today was special; TruLight’s girls and ChickTime Marion had a beautiful, peaceful, fun morning decorating cupcakes.

Thank you, Annette, for leading us in this passion of your’s, and thank you volunteers for being sweet faces the girls get to know.

June Update:

Thank you Ms. Rosy, from Canvas Kids (Floresville), for sharing your passion with the teen girls and adults of ChickTime Marion this morning! 
What a fun and relaxing activity for the girls to express themselves through.
So beautiful….
So Creative….
So calming….
Each of you are beautifully and wonderfully made ❤️💜💙

May Update:

It’s always a great Saturday when it starts with ChickTime! For our May workshop, we all had fun playing Bingo for prizes!
Thank you Laura for the snacks!
Curious to learn more about volunteering with ChickTime Marion? Ask us how; we promise the young ladies feel blessed by our presence, but we do even more so by their’s!

April Update:

FRIENDSHIP kind of day! And the sisterhood of Chicktime is a wonderful example. 🩷 🖤🩷
Kim Hendley and her precious daughter Braelyn came and shared their passion for bracelet making with the teen girls at TruLight127 Ministries. The girls were quite talented in their jewelry designs

March Update:

A GIRLS’ SPA DAY was just what we all needed to start off Spring Break on a superb note! Thank you, Rayna Coull, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, for sharing your love of skincare and pampering with the teen girls who reside at TruLight127 Ministries.

They had a blast doing charcoal masks, moisturizing hands, lips, and faces, and fellowshipping. Us ChickTime volunteers were amazed at how much they came out of their shells, talked, shared, and enjoyed just being relaxed, beautiful girls!! 💕

This is what it is ALL about: loving on each other, reminding one another of our innate beauty, and holding each other up. #loveoneanother #pampering #selfcare #share #domore #foster #fosterteens #beautifulladies #chicktime #chicktimemarion

February Update:

What a fun Saturday!!! 
Thank you Ms. Jessica for teaching us the craft of crocheting! A handful of the girls already knew how to crochet, so it was an amazing opportunity to love on them, build them up, and allow them to teach others.

The rainy, overcast day will prove perfect for wanting to relax and continue on with our new skill. 
Want to learn more about how you can volunteer alongside these beautiful young ladies and share your passions?
Reach out to the Chicktime Marion leadership team and we will share away!

January Update:

Happy LAUNCH DAY ChickTime Marion!!! 
What a terrific and beautiful morning we had with the teen girls of TruLight127 Ministries’ Youth Village, as we made gratitude journals and crafted! The teen girls did not do a very good job hiding their smiles or their crafting talents! 😉 
They created some beautiful journals and seemed eager to begin writing in them. 
Thank you to the kind and caring staff of TruLight, as well as our amazing ChickTime volunteers. Geneva (chapter managing leader), congratulations on a job well done: leading our gratitude journaling session, as well as our FIRST session of ChickTime Marion!!
Until Next Time!

December Update:

Our chapter launch is just around the corner! Don’t forget
to keep all the children safe, there are a few forms our volunteers need to complete.
Everything will take less than 30 minutes and once complete, you will be able to serve with Chicktime again and again!
Locate our volunteer forms and orientation video on our website.
Complete the forms and emaile them along with a copy of your Drivers License and Social Security Card (for your background check) to our TruLight contact; Charlotte Holt at charlotte@trulight127.org
Let us know if you have any questions!

Things are getting real! We have a founder and managing leader trained and ready to launch Chicktime Marion soon. Stay tuned for those details. We are currently training Geneva’s co-leaders! The great news  is we have workshops lined up for 2024! 

The girls at Tru Light Village are going to be so blessed!