Fall Fun!
October Update:
Chicktime San Antonio celebrated Halloween ???? with the beautiful teen girls at Boysville!
We divided the girls into three teams with the challenge of each team creating a Mummy out of toilet paper but also being creative and having a theme to their mummy. After a set time each team presented their mummy to the judges and pled their case why their Mummy should win the contest! The girls were pretty creative and competitive!
Between Ninja bride thing with a horn of awesomeness ,Mummy bride and the Dummy mummy—only woman pharaoh … the judges had a tough decision! In the end all participants got Carmel coated popcorn balls!????
Next we played Halloween ???? Pictionary! Wow! The girls could really draw! What a fun game engaging the girls in drawing, guessing, and laughing!
We had Halloween orange themed snacks like Cheeto puffs, cuties, Oreos with orange filling, cupcakes with Halloween icing and sprinkles and Orange Drink!
Then in addition to our snack time, we made our own Carmel apples ????!
Then in addition to our snack time, we made our own Carmel apples ????! We closed our time together how we end every Chicktime Saturday morning- in a circle prayer! It’s a beautiful thing to be reminded we haven’t prayed yet by the girls when our Chicktime workshop is winding down or to have them fight to hold your hand in our prayer circle! It almost takes your breath away!
The closest to Christ moment at this workshop was two of the “new” girls telling us they were new to Boysville , but not new to Chicktime! They attended Chicktime workshops at another local children’s home they were placed so knew what “the Chicktime Ladies” were all about! So keep praying! Our goal of having a Chicktime Chapter in every group home or shelter across the United States should never be forgotten or sought after! When an abused or hurt child needs love and refuge by ladies that show up in Chicktime Shirts every month and simply play a game or have some Cheetos with them… we are making a difference and we are Kingdom Building here on earth! If anyone would like to know more about starting your own Chicktime Chapter… we would love to tell you how… and as always you are welcome to join our Chapter the 3rd Saturday of every month!
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
-Jane Goodall