Leadership Development new

Regional Retreats

Every summer each chapter facilitates a day retreat for their leadership team along with dedicated volunteers interested in learning more about leadership with Chicktime. We recommend you pick a day that every leader can attend in person or by video so everyone is included. Chicktime National will email a packet of Workshop Materials and ship the annual retreat t-shirt to each chapter 2 weeks prior to their regional retreat. We recommend you plan for one hour to facilitate the Workshop Material portion and at least an hour or two for a meal and fun activities!

Once your date is set please send your DATE and shirt sizes to Donnette@Chicktime.com


Chicktime National Conference

RSVP to donnette@chicktime.com (it is not too early to commit now!)


Conference Details:

  • Held in the fall and open to ALL Chicktime leaders and potential new leaders for your local chapters.
  • The conference is a fabulous opportunity for chapter leaders to meet together, share ideas, and rest!
  • Cost: complimentary for two leaders per chapter. You provide your own transportation and the rest is gratis (accommodations, meals, programs). If space is available, each chapter may bring additional leaders for the cost of the room/meals, all other expenses will be covered.
  • Each year’s conference is dedicated to leadership development and a chance to re-ignite, re-fuel, and just fill you up to the point you overflow!

Chicktime T-Shirts

  • Contact Lori@Chicktime.com for information about ordering shirt


Chicktime Book

  • Our best leadership training and development tool is our Chicktime Book. 
  • Each year at the National Conference we have a Raffle Drawing and great prizes are available for the winning chapters. To participate, simply re-read the Chicktime book each year before the conference and let Donnette@Chicktime.com know so she can add your name to the raffle. Anyone associated with your chapter is eligible (haha even husblands/partners/dads/friends) to win, they simple have to read the book to enter the drawiing. 


Exciting Growth

  • Leaders, we need your help. As our network of chapters expand through the nation, more and more potential new leaders will attend Chicktime with you to get a bit of experience as they explore the idea of starting a chapter. Please keep copies of the Chicktime Book on hand so that you can share one with them. You are welcome to print out the free version or better yet, order a few from amazon.com and keep in your car.


If you would like more information please reach out to Lori@Chicktime.com