*Corpus Christi News

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December Update:

There is so much to say. Where do we start? First and foremost, I want to take this time to thank ALL of our amazing Chicktime Volunteers for making today’s final workshop with BokenKamp Children’s Shelter a success. It takes special people like you to make things happen, and today was proof of that! ALL THE KIDS had an amazing workshop and Christmas celebration. We asked for 120 gifts and we came in at over 460 gifts! Each girl received 4 gifts and a blanket and the boys received 3 gifts including candy bags for ALL, filled with lots of goodies. Thank you to our Workshop Leader, Lisa Dibble for the pillow making fun! The girls loved them. Thank you Santa and Mrs. Clause for coming out. Many girls had never met Santa before and were so happy. This made us tear…. we can’t even imagine how much these kids have missed in their lives. Today was truly special for them.
It was a bittersweet sweet day and our hearts are full. We’re going to miss you all, but I promise to keep in touch. Many thanks to HEB for being there for us, without your help, we couldn’t have made each month as successful as it has been all these years. #HEBHelpingHere
Thank you BokenKamp for the past 15 years, it was life-changing servicing your facility. We will continue to pray for the kids and appreciate everything you do for them. God Bless you all and farewell!

November Update:

The girls loved decorating their crosses ❤️

October Update:

Today we made our drop for the kids at BokenKamp. Many thanks to our Workshop Leaders, Rosaura Salinas and Veronica Garcia for their journal making activity.

The staff let us know that the kids always enjoy that activity ❤️. A huge shout our to H-E-B for giving us the ability to make almost 100 Halloween Goodie Bags for all the boys and girls!

They will definitely enjoy the treats! Special thanks to Elsa, Mary Alice, Lisa and Karen for donating candy too! It really helped. #HEBHelpingHere

September Update:

The girls had a great time decorating their brushes ❤️. This deeply makes our hearts happy!

August Update:

Thank you to our Workshop Leader, Kristina Juarez for such a fun Workshop of making beaded necklaces and bracelets! They are going to have an amazing time. ❤️.

A huge thank you to HEB for all the goodies for all 43 girls, they’re going to love the treats! #HEBHelpingHere. I will post pictures on this thread soon! Until next time!

July Workshop:

Our Flip Flop Workshop drop was made this morning thanks to our Workshop Leader, Elsa MacDougall!

A huge thank you to H-E-B for all the good eats too! #HEBHelpingHere

The girls are bound to have a fabulous time decorating their sandals . Here’s one of tghe finished ones!

June Update:

Our kite drop off for the kids was successful.

We can wait for the kids to color and fly them!

We thank HEB for the Baggies filled with goodies for the kids and Irene for the gifts.

May Update:

Blinging Vases at Chicktime Corpus Christi!

What a beautiful craft and such crafty girls! 

We are blessed to serve them. 

April Update:

Today we made our Workshop drop off at BokenKamp Children’s Shelter.

The girls are sure to have so much fun decorating their canvas bags!

Thank you to our workshop leader, Karen Smith and HEB for supplying all the goodies. We will post pictures after we receive them from facility staff. #HEBHelpingHere

March Update:

What an amazing morning with the kids today. Thank you to our workshop leader, Irene Menchaca for a great “Easter Paper Bucks” store! The kids were so excited to be able to buy what they wanted. Thank you to everyone who donated items and came to volunteer with us- it could not have been made possible without you! I sat and watched the girls and soaked it all in. Many girls loved up on their stuffed animals and their eyes filled with love for them! I tried very hard to keep it together and not cry. So humbling. So many of the girls thanked us several times. Talk about joy in our hearts! Their reactions made our day!
The icing on the cake was that we were able to give All the boys and girls Easter Bags full of candy, eggs, jewelry, chips, cookies…etc!
Our hearts are full. Happy Early Easter! #HEBHelpingHere

February Update:

Our volunteers are so awesome!
We blinged wooden hearts for our February workshop! Lots of love all around!

January Update:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our January workshop was canceled.  

December Update:

Our hearts are full! What a wonderful Christmas celebration with the kids.
Santa Clause made his grand entrance and the kids were so surprised! They were so grateful for all the wonderful gifts they received and tugged at our heart strings with all their conversations with our volunteers.
Thank you to our workshop leader Lisa Dibble and all the volunteers who came together to bring so many smiles and love to the kids. The pillows were a great hit as were the gifts (blankets, game set, perfume sets, cotton candy, make-up sets, bag of candy and stocking full of goodies).
Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️

November Update:


We had a great time with the girls at Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter this morning! Thank you to our workshop leaders Rosaura Salinas and Veronica Garcia for a fun-filled morning. The girls loved their journals which included images featuring famous Hispanic women! It was so awesome! Thank you to H-E-B for supporting our workshops in supplying all the drinks and good eats too! Our volunteers rock! Enjoy all the pictures ❤️

October Update:

Another Halloween Fun in the books! Thank you to our workshop leader for this month, Kristina Juarez for a fun workshop! The kids ran out of time so they were able to take them to their rooms to finish it without rushing. Here are some pics of their Halloween Mobiles before hoing to their rooms.

They were each gifted a Halloween ring and 3 pairs of spooky earrings along with a bag full of candy! All the boys also got their goody bag! Thank you HEB for making this event possible and especially to all our volunteers to helped today. {{{Hugs}}} #HEBHelpingHere

September Update:

Thank you H-E-B for being our sole grocer for all the good eats for the kids, staff and volunteers at our BokenKamp workshop! They enjoyed everything and had such a great time decorating their hair brushes. A huge shout out to Rosie Morin for being our workshop leader – the kids definitely thought it was such a fun craft too. As always, they touch our hearts.

The girls thought they were making them for us, but we told them it was theirs to keep! The looks on their faces made our day for sure. Thank you to our volunteers for all your help too. Without you, there wouldn’t be an us! Enjoy looking at the great job they did. #HEBHelpingHere

August Update:

Another great workshop with the kids! They quietly traced their canvas bags and colored them with fabric markers and bling. They did a great job. Thank you to both Karen Smith and Sandra Mayorga for this great workshop. Some of the girls thought they were coloring them for us but I told them it was for them to keep and cherish. Their eyes got big an smiled. It made my heart melt. Thank you to H-E-B for supplying all drinks, snacks and supplies needed for us to have such a perfect day. Enjoy seeing their bags ❤️.
We also got to gift all the boys a necklace with a crucifix – they were so happy and put them on right away! Bringing love to all these kids, a small gesture at a time… #HEBHelpingHere

July Update:

What an amazing workshop! 

The girls really had a great time decorating their sandals with balloons. They each got a surfing bracelet and ring to go with their flip flops. We got to have all the boys come in and thanks to our Volunteers, we were able to gift them a leather bracelet and ring! They were so excited to receive their gifts and this touched all of our hearts. Many thanks to our volunteers and our workshop leader, Elsa MacDougall. A huge shout out to H-E-B, our sole food sponsor!!! #HEBHelpingHere

June Update:

The girls had such an amazing time coloring their kites for some hot summer fun! The staff said they would send us pictures when they flew them outside and i will post them on the comments below when i get them. We all had a wonderful time coloring with them and bonding with them too. Some were quite the chatter boxes and we loved every minute of it. Thank you to our workshop leaders, Virginia and Mari. 

These kites were beautiful 😍. A huge thanks to H-E-B for all the good eats too and to all our awesome volunteers. We would like to welcome Linda to this amazing group of ladies too! Enjoy the pics! #HEBHelpingHere

June Update:

The girls absolutely loved their Princess Flower Crowns! Thank you to our workshop leader, Gina Gibson for a fun morning! A huge shout out to H-E-B for being our sole food sponsor the past several years!

The kids at the shelter truly enjoy all the good eats and drinks! Our volunteers did a great job helping the girls out in all aspects of the project. We are truly grateful to you! Check out these super cute crowns ❤️ #HEBHelpingHere

April 2023:

We had such a nice time bonding with the girls today ❤️. They all did such a good job in decorating their crosses and they were so excited for them to dry so they could hang them in their rooms. Thank you to our workshop leader, Sylvia Menchaca and for our 3 volunteers who showed up this morning. You make all this possible and we are so grateful to be able to give the girls a fun memorable day.
We want to give H-E-B a huge shout out for being our monthly workshop sponsor and providing all the drinks and snacks too! You ROCK!!! Check out their beautifully decorated crosses! #HEBHelpingHere

March Update:

Pre-Easter celebration at Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter was a success. The girls had fun beading necklaces and bracelets with colorful beads today. They got to stick decals on paper crosses and each received a box full of goodies and a dozen cascarones each.

It was a beautiful day and we ended it with giving all the boys their boxes, cascarones and hostess cupcakes. They were all so grateful and their responses made our hearts full. Bringing happiness to the kids, even if it’s only for a little while makes all the hard work we put into it sooooo worth it.

Thank you HEB for your generous support! And thank you to our volunteers who donated items to make this Easter Celebration a success. ❤️ #HEBHelpingHere

February Update:

Thank you to our workshop leader, Gina Gibson and her friend Heather Reddick for a fun workshop! The 24 girls definitely loved decorating their cookies. They also got to enjoy the party with yummy sandwiches, chips, drinks and fruit. Thank you to H-E-B for your continued support too! The girls truly enjoy all the good-eats! We love our volunteers and could not have done this without you! Thank you all ❤️… Till next month ❤️….

January Update:

Our Chapter co-leader, Diana Martinez was the workshop leader today and the girls got to decorate their wooden hearts with scrapbook paper and embellishments. They had a great time and absolutely loved their creations. One thing really tugged at our hearts. We provided oranges for the kids as a snack item and one of the little girls had never tried one, she didn’t even know what it was. Wow, we were all a bit shocked. We’ll, I pealed it for her but she was quite hesitant in taking a bite. Well, she did and her eyes lit up! She said “esta muy rico” (it tastes really good) and ate the whole orange. It’s the little things in life we take for granted, huh? That brightened up our morning for sure and so happy this little girl got to try something new.
Thank you to H-E-B for providing the drinks and snacks and thank you to our volunteers who came to help today. We appreciate you more than you know. Enjoy the pics. #HEBHelpingHere

December Update:

It’s a Merry Christmas at Chicktime Corpus Christi!

No sew pillows…..so fun!

So much love…. 

November Update:

Thankful! This is what all the girls relayed to us today. And this touched our hearts immensely! We had a huge turn out in volunteers and want to thank all of you for coming! Thank you to our workshop leaders, Rosaura Salinas and Veronica Garcia for the gratitude journals. They all did an amazing job and the girls starting writing in them too. This made my heart melt. The girls even got to shop with “Paper Thanksgiving Bucks” and “went to town!!!”

They were so grateful and loved all their jewelry. A huge thank you to Nathia Mata with “Misfit Mom’s” for donating 45 New pieces of Paparazzi Jewelry and Michelle Arsuaga (a former jewelry sales rep.) for donating so many new pieces as well! It was a group effort as we came together and we were able to collect several donations from our volunteers as well! It was definitely a hit and we have leftovers for the next event! Thank you H-E-B for supplying all the drinks and snacks too! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! #HEBHelpingHere

October Update:

What a fun workshop!!! The girls had a wonderful time decorating their canvas bags ❤️. They are very creative and thanked us all so much for the beautiful keepsake.

Our hearts are full. A huge shout out to H-E-B for all the drinks & snacks and our volunteers for coming out to support this fun filled day with the girls. Enjoy their beautiful bags…


September Update:

Though there were only 4 of us, we were able to have a successful event this morning with the 24 girls. These girls did an amazing job decorating their wooden crosses and absolutely loved them. They were so grateful & enjoyed their time creating their masterpiece.
Each one was unique and will be treasured always. Thank you to our workshop leader, Sylvia Menchaca for making this happen and H-E-B for supplying all the drinks and snacks. We can’t forget to thank our co-leader, Diana Martinez for gifting the girls their very own Crucifix. May the Lord always guide and protect them. Happy Saturday everyone!!! 

August Update:

Check out these really cute caps the girls decorated today! They all had a great time ironing on their decals and blinging them up too! Decisions, Decisions!!!

Thanks to Rosie Morin for this awesome workshop and all volunteers for showing up and helping make this day so much fun for them.

A huge Thank You to H-E-B for supplying all the drinks and snacks too! #HEBHelpingHere

July Update:

Such a beautiful day with the girls! They enjoyed tying balloons on their sandals and decorating them each to their liking.

They came out super cute too! Thank you to our workshop leader, Elsa MacDougall for such a fun workshop! It was truly a HIT!

A huge thank you to H-E-B for being out sole grocer sponsor and providing all the drinks and snacks for the kids!

We truly appreciate our volunteers for coming out to help too. You each make a BIG impact on their lives and they will remember you when they each look back at their lives. #HEBHelpingHere

June 2022:

Another blessed day filled with love!!! The girls had a fun day decorating their kites! They were full of excitement and loved chatting with them. Thank you to our workshop leaders, Virginia Sandoval and Maribel Sandoval for making this so much fun for the kids. We can’t say enough about all our volunteers – we truly appreciate you!
Thank you H-E-B for supplying all the snacks and drinks too. We are very grateful for all you do! We will be posting pics of the kids flying them on the comments section, so be on the lookout for some great pics!



May Update:

Our 1st workshop back at the facility and we had an amazing time with the girls. Thank you to our workshop leader, Amanda Naranjo for hosting this fun event and all our amazing volunteers who helped make this event so much fun!
Many thanks to HEB for providing snacks for the kids too! #HEBHelpingHere



April Update:

We made our Easter Celebration drop today and we got to say hello to the girls today. They saw us wheel in all these goodies and were so excited and grateful. Thank you to our workshop leader, Irene Menchaca for putting all this together and to everyone who helped donate goodies. All the girls will each get an Easter Basket with gifts. All boys n girls will also get a bag of candy, chips, a dozen cascarones and also get to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt next weekend (600 candy filled eggs). 

thank you HEB for helping us make this possible for all to enjoy and celebrate Easter, and the Resurrection of our Lord. #HEBHelpingHere

March Update:

We want to thank our workshop leader, Kristina Juarez for such a FUN project for the girls at Bokenkamp this weekend!They will be making paper mache sun catchers! A huge thank you to H-E-B for providing the drinks, snacks and goodies! #HEBHelpingHere


February Update:

February drop and feeling excited! Can’t wait to see the girls’ finished masks to celebrate Mardi Gras. A huge thank you to our workshop leader, Amanda Martin and H-E-B for the drinks and snacks. #HEBHelpingHere


January Update:

Blessing the kids at the shelter. They will have lots of fun decorating their hearts. Thank you to our workshop co-leader Diana Martinez for putting together all the bags for the girls. A huge shout out to #HEBHelpingHere for all the snacks too! Our future leader, Gracelynn Martin (4 yrs old) in the house!!! She was so curious and explained what we do for the kids. She said she wants to do projects WITH the kids too ❤…oh my heart.


December 2022:

After a year and a half, we were able to gather together for our Christmas party at the shelter. The girls had so much fun decorating their Christmas ornaments with paint and putting together the tree decorations. They had yummy food and a fun time opening their gifts. Oh how it warmed our hearts!!! The true meaning of Christmas bringing so much love to all the kids was incredibly heartwarming. You could see the excitement in the kids faces and were truly grateful.

Thank you to all our volunteers who came out and a special thank you to H-E-B for helping to make all this possible for the kids. A huge shout out to Lisa Dibble for leading this amazing workshop. Merry Christmas everyone!!!


November Update:


Thanksgiving Blessings as we drop off all of the workshop supplies to the shelter this morning. Many thanks to our wonderful workshop leaders, Veronica Garcia and Rosaura Salinas for getting everything ready for the girls! They also submitted an instruction video for kids too. Oh yes, we can’t thank the Diocese of Corpus Christi enough for donating the bilingual booklets as well. 

A HUGE shout out to H-E-B for the delicious snacks and drinks, the kids truly enjoy the treats! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

October Update:

A huge thank you to our workshop leader, Rosie Morin and H-E-B for making this month’s workshop possible. We dropped off the supplies to decorate prayer boxes as we still aren’t able to be on campus yet. It is people like you who bring smiles, love and happiness to the kids at Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter – and that my friends, is what makes this world a better place.The girls will be able to put their keepsakes and written prayers in their boxes to remind them that the Lord hears all their prayers and will be answered with faith.

September Update:

Feeling Blessed to be able to make our drop off this morning. Can’t wait for the girls to make their crosses today!

August Update:

Shout out to our workshop leader, Amanda Naranjo for this month’s project. August 21st was our drop off and the staff said the girls are going to have an amazing time decorating their brushes and combs! Thank you H-E-B for being there providing snacks, drinks and supplies for Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter. We are very grateful to be able to provide fun activities during this Covid-19 pandemic. They know we have them in our hearts always. We are looking forward to post pics of their brushes and combs under the comments of this thread. 

July 2021

It’s going to be a wonderful day for an ICECREAM social for all the kids at the shelter! Thank you to all who contributed to make this event a memorable one!

Special thanks to #HEBHelpingHere, Amanda Naranjo (goodies), Diana Martinez (boys n girls cross bracelets) and Karen Smith (goodies) for everything! Can’t wait to see their pictures! Will be posted on comments when we receive them.

June Update:


Our workshop leader, Virginia Sandoval, Maribel Sandoval and Mary Alice Cruz dropped off all the goodies for a fun project of making their summer flip flops.

Thank you H-E-B #HEBHELPINGHERE for the drinks, candy and snacks for the kids too. Looking forward to sharing pics on the comments section. May God continue to Bless all who help our charity partner, Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter.

May Update:

Another rainy day for our workshop drop off at the children’s shelter. Many thanks to our workshop leaders, Karen Smith. The girls will be having a great time decorating their very own canvas bags with fabric paint. Thank you to Gina for the chips and drinks and H-E-B #HEBHELPINGHERE for the snacks. We truly appreciate your love for the kids at the shelter. We hope to post pictures of their finished bags under this post, so keep an eye out! Blessings to all ❤

April Update:

Chicktime is FUN!

Our Workshop delivery was a success, and just in the knick of time before all the rain came down!

All the kids will have an amazing time! #HEBHelpingHere

March Update:

It’s workshop day at our charity partner, Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter and the staff absolutely loved what we are having the girls do! Lucy said the girls are going to really love it.

Thank you to our workshop leader, Kristina Juarez for a fun project and HEB for all the snacks and drinks! #HEBHelpingHere

February Update:

Chicktime Corpus Christi continues to Bless Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter. A huge thank you to our workshop leader, Elsa Menchaca MacDougall for a fun Mardi Gras mask decorating session.

We dropped off all the supplies and goodies for all the residents, all thanks to H-E-B. #hebhelpinghere. We can’t wait to see their finished masks and will post them when we get their pics. We are so happy to continue to bring smiles to all the kids too.

January Update:

We dropped off all the supplies for the kids to decorate their wooden hearts! Thank you to #HEBHelpingHere for your continued support and to our workshop leader, Diana Martinez. She and her son made an amazing instruction video on YouTube and wanted to share with you all. We can’t wait to post pics of their finished projects. Blessings to all!
Watch “Chick Time CC | How to Decorate Your Wooden Heart” on YouTube

December Update:

What an amazing morning! Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter gladly accepted all the wonderful gifts for all the kids. We are so blessed to be able to do this for them, all thanks to #HEBHelpingHere. Many thanks to our workshop leader, Lisa Dibble for making all the candy bags and helping to make the Christmas Season special. Merry Christmas everyone ♡♡♡

November Update:

We made our drop off’s at the facility this morning!

A big thank you to Veronica and Rosaura for leading this month’s workshop putting together kits for the girls and making a video to demonstrate how to make your own gratitude journal.

The girls will be decorating journals while enjoying snacks courtesy of #HEBHelpingHere.

Wewere so surprised that the girls made us a “Thank You” sign in appreciation for what Chicktime CC does for them each month.

 So sweet of them to think of us all ♡♡♡

October Update:

Hello Chictime CC volunteers and followers. We are continuing to let the kids at Bokenkamp that we’re still thinking of them during this Covid-19. They are all getting Halloween filled bags with goodies (Chips, cookies, candy, lollipops, stickers, stamps, light up rings and other treats)!

Thank you to everyone who contributed. We appreciate you and know we will all gather again. Happy kids, happy hearts

September Update:

t’s a beautiful day today and the youth and staff at Bokenkamp got to enjoy a little surprise along with some sweets (donuts, empanadas, maranitos and conchas). The staff were once again thankful for our ongoing support during the Covid-19 pandemic and hope to have all our volunteers come back soon.

7 kids got to choose several gifts from the gift bags we supplied too. Thank you to #HEBHelpingHere during each of our monthly workshops! We are so grateful ♡

August Update:

Today is the 3rd Saturday of the month and the staff of our charity partner, Bokenkamp Children’s Home got to enjoy a pizza party on behalf of Chicktime CC volunteers. They were so grateful and appreciated us so much. Just melted my heart. We will always be there for them, and when the time comes, we will be ready to enjoy the kids once again. There was only 1 girl in the entire facility and we made sure she was spoiled with gifts. Thank you to all volunteers who helped make this possible. Thank you H-E-B for your continued support too! We are so blessed. #HEBHelpingHere

Please join Chicktime Corpus Christi and our mission to

spread love !

July Update:

Thank you to everyone who donated for this month’s workshop. We were notified that ALL the kids had been placed out of the facility and therefore Lyn’s project will be postponed until they receive more kids. For those of you who donated for pizza ($150), we will still use that money when we are given the okay to proceed.
This is the 1st time that there haven’t been any kids in the facility and we were both sad, but happy they were placed.
We will be sure to let you know when this postponed event will happen. Blessings to all.

Chicktime Corpus Christi is trying to make sure the kids at their Charity Partner are still having some fun while in quarantine! The managing leader, Amanda, is putting together a powerpoint for the kids to view for their upcoming project and asking everyone to send them a 10 to 15 second video clip saying hello to the girls and telling them we miss them and hope to see them soon. They are also asking for volunteers to donate some fabric paints too! Co-leader, Irene, will meet up with volunteers to get them (and maintaining social distancing) and will deliver to their charity partner.


February Update:

The boys and girls had a blast today as they each decorated their Mardi Gras Masks, and boy were they creative! We were so happy to have 7 girls and 31 boys today. They had lots of fun and enjoyed all the snacks and drinks generously donated by H-E-B!

Thanks again to our volunteers for coming out and helping out. We truly appreciate you being there for all the kids. Enjoy their designs!

A HUGE shout out to our Workshop Leader, Elsa MacDougall for an AMAZING event. #HebHelpingHere

January Workshop:

Such a beautiful day! We had great wonderful conversations with the girls today as they decorated their hearts.

As a thank you, we gave the staff donuts and gingerbread for breakfast to let them know how much we appreciate them.

A huge thank you to H-E-B for the food, drinks and snacks – as usual, they truly enjoyed the treat. We cannot say enough about our awesome volunteers! You each bring so much joy to these beautiful souls ♡♡♡. #HEBHelpingHere

December Update:

Merry Christmas from our Chicktime family to yours! What a wonderful time of the year!

We cant say enough about H-E-B! They were able to provide such a beautiful Christmas for the girls and boys at our charity partner, Bokenkamp Children’s Home.

Seeing their faces while opening their gifts and stockings filled with goodies was quite humbling and they were so appreciative. A big thank you to Ms. Zamora with King High School Student Council for providing extra gifts for the boys too! Our volunteers came through for us again and helped the girls decorate the Christmas tree with Balls decorated with paint and glitter. The saran wrap balls were a hit too! Thank you to our workshop leader, Lisa Dibble for this spectacular day! Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy our pictures ♡ #hebhelpinghere

November Update:

Our charity partner was double booked and we had to cancel our workshop!

Join us for our Christmas Celebration!! It’s going to a FUN one!

October Update:

What a FUN Day at Bokenkamp today!

The girls did such a great job decorating their masks and truly enjoyed our conversations.

A huge thank you to H-E-B for all the drinks and snacks (cracker jacks, pringles, m&m’s and orange soda).

Many thanks to all of our volunteers for giving of your time and bringing smiles to all those precious girls. Enjoy their awesome masks!

September Update:

This is one of our favorite workshops. We had 18 beautiful girls who had a blast decorating their wooden crosses for this months workshop led by Sylvia Menchaca. A huge thank you to our volunteers who helped make this a joyful event for everyone. Thank you H-E-B for providing drinks and snacks too – you bring all the girls so much happiness as our exclusive donor each month.

Enjoy their beautiful crosses. Many of them told me that they would cherish them and remember us always. This makes it all worth it!

Those smiles and glimpses of happiness in their faces….

August Update:

AUGUST 2019 project of fabric sandal decorating was a huge success! All the girls had a great time designing their own sandals and were so grateful to us. 

The highlight was bonding with them and telling them that we love them and that we pray for them always. Thanks to our workshop leader Amanda Naranjo for a fun day! A couple of girls came to us on behalf of all the residents to tell us how much we are appreciated. That just made our day! Our hearts melted! Little do they know how much that touches our hearts!

Thank you to all our volunteers for giving of your time for this wonderful nonprofit we call “Chicktime.” Without you, we wouldn’t be able to touch so many hearts.
As always a huge thank you to HEB for providing all the snacks and drinks – you too are so valuable to our chapter. God bless all of you and enjoy looking at their completed project ♡♡♡.

July Update:

Praise the Lord! All the residents at Bokenkamp Children’s Home had a blast with praise n worship!

A huge thank you to our event leader, Lyn! She did an amazing job getting a wonderful band to play for the youth. Check out our live videos and videos on comments below. Thank you to H-E-B for providing for these kids. We can’t say enough about all our wonderful volunteers as well – without you, none of this could happen. Thank you and Bless you from the bottom of our hearts! Until next month!!!!

June Update:

What a great event today!Thanks to all of our fabulous volunteers for coming out and helping the girls have a wonderful



 The kites came out so nice and were so excited about flying them. It was priceless watching them have a fun time outside!

♡♡♡♡ Thank you H-E-B for all the drinks and snacks too!

May Update:

 may pic

What a beautiful day for blinging out some backpacks. Thank you to HEB for all the snacks and drinks for the girls and to our workshop leader, Rosie. We can’t thank all our volunteers enough for coming out and helping us assure we make our workshops fun and memorable

The girls truly love our workshops. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and may God bless you all for giving of your time.

April Update:

We had an amazing time with the girls at Bokenkamp today.

They colored in their very own coloring books and enjoyed snacks and drinks generously donated by H-E-B. We then went outside for the Easter Egg Hunt and the girls cracked cascarones on eachother! They had an absolute blast and we volunteers just LOVED seeing them have a good time! It was such a blessing to see and touched our hearts so much ♡

Another great thing that happened today was that we were also able to celebrate with the boys from Bokenkamp to participate in their very own celebration – they cracked cascarones and enjoyed bags of candy generously donated by Beth and her co-workers!

Thanks to all our volunteers for helping us make today special! Here are some pics for you to enjoy. God bless each and everyone during the Easter Season and Holy Week.

March Update:

What an amazing day at today’s workshop! 

Check out all the beautiful hair brushes these talented girls made! They fell in love with their designs and we enjoyed hearing the girls rave about them. Talk about contentment! One little girl said that they were going to cherish it forever and keep it as a reminder of their time at Bokenkamp. Others said that they can’t wait for us to be back because they enjoy Chicktime volunteers and projects.

We may not have had many volunteers today (4 of us only) but we sure brought alot of smiles and were sincerely humbled. Special thanks to H-E-B for all the drinks and treats! Ooooh and Ahhhh at all the beautiful hair brushes ♡.

February Update:

Today was indeed very special for us all. The residents of Bokenkamp presented Chicktime volunteers with a beautiful tree made of buttons because they were so grateful for their Christmas party in December and for us just choosing to come out to the facility to do fun things with them. This made our hearts move in so many ways. Thank you girls, we love it and will display it proudly ♡.

The girls had a fun morning decorating their hearts and truly put a lot of love into it.

Thank you to all of our volunteers for giving of your precious time to make these girls feel special. We hope to see all of you come out again. A huge THANK YOU to H-E-B for all the drinks and snacks.

Enjoy the pictures and look forward to next months project! God Bless each and everyone ♡♡♡.

January Update:

39 girls came to our workshop and enjoyed putting together their dream boards.

It was such a beautiful thing to watch the girls put so much heart not this….

As always, thank you to HEB for the drinks and snacks.

See you  next time!

December Update:


There is just so much to say. Our Christmas party at Bokenkamp with the girls and volunteers was amazing today.

The girls were showered with Christmas gifts and the games were so much fun! They gingled their ornament boxes, unwrapped several saran wrap balls, decorated our volunteers as a christmas tree (all while earning Christmas Bucks for the store). They went to town “purchasing all sorts of goodies each supplied by our awesome volunteers.

This year has been an amazing year for Chicktime – we met new volunteers who we call family now and wish them all the best this Christmas season.

The 25 girls had a blast and enjoyed Pappa Johns Pizza generously donated by Mr. Raymond Quintanilla, district manager. H-E-B comes through every month too and the girls enjoyed their snacks and drinks.

Thank you Bokenkamp for allowing us to serve you!

November Update:


What an amazing & blessed day! The girls at Bokenkamp truly enjoyed their cross decorating workshop.

A huge thanks to Cassandra Garza from Falfurrias, Tx for donating all the beautiful jewelry pieces. The girls went to town!!!!

Thank you H-E-B for the snacks and drinks and to our awesome volunteers for giving your time and talents making the girls feel special inside and out. All the girls love us so much and once again touched our hearts with their beautiful words of Appreciation. Enjoy their beautiful crosses… It feels great to be Blessed ♡♡♡

October Update:

Today was definitely a Blessing. All the girls had an amazing time decorating their journals.

Just look at the detail…

Do you want to know what the topping on the cake was today? Well, our hearts were so touched… one of the girls came up to me and wanted to let all our volunteers know that she has been at Bokenkamp for 8 months and was VERY Grateful for the time and projects we had during the time she was there and for all the future events we hold there at the facility. You see, she is going home next week and she wanted to let us know because she is going to miss us. Wow! What a blessing! I was so moved and wanted to hug her and never let her go (but due to rules, no touching allowed).

To our volunteers….i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You touch these young girls’ lives and make a difference! Thank you to H-E-B for the drinks, snacks and supplies! You too make such an impact on these residents ♡ as they enjoy all the treats! Enjoy their journals…. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ for Chicktime CC’s ministry.

September Update:

Thanking the Lord for another beautiful day with the girls. This months event leader was Virginia and the girls decorated their drawstring bags and blinged them out!

They were excited and got to enjoy donuts, doritos and sodas through the generosity of


The girls even got a pair of socks! Thank you to our loving and caring volunteers who helped make this all possible. The Lord has shined a light upon you all. Enjoy seeing the girls talents ♡♡♡! More pics will be posted on the comments section.

August Update:

Today we had a Blessed day with ALL the residents of Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter. There was a play and praise and worship by Templo Elim~

The kids plyed games like the egg race, sack races, balloon toss, dunking booth, water slides, popcorn, snow cones, drinks and bbq chicken! The kids had so much fun and brought so much joy to each of our hearts.

Thank you to H-E-B for providing the candy, drinks and supplies for our event – we are so grateful for their support! And thank you to each of our volunteers for manning the stations and showing the kids how to play the games. You are each so special to the facility and in Gods eyes, you are favored ♡. Thank you and hope to see you volunteer again!

July Update:

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make our Fun and Fitness day a success for the girls.

Lisa & Allison Dibble were our event leaders and did an amazing job. Thank you to Glenda for the amazing Zumba workout and Becky Solis for the relaxing Yoga.

The girls then decorated water bottles to help them to remember to drink lots of water for their health. They did a great job and were very grateful. Thank you again to our wonderful volunteers too! You each bring so much joy to the girls and they had a fabulous time.  Thanks to HEB for all the goodies, too!

Blessings to all! 

June Update:

Today was a very special day for ALL the children of BokenKamp. Our Chicktime Event leader this month was Ms. Lyn. She put together a group of band members from Solid Rock Church, singers and awesome volunteers to come out and perform and worship with the kids.

Not only did the girls take part, but this was the first time ever that Chicktime CC had the honor of including the boys as well. We only wish you could have seen the faces of all those beautiful kids as the program unfolded. They were so happy to be able to receive the Lords word through song, praise and worship and to hear testimony of a gentleman who has been in their shoes at that same facility at one point in his life – his encouraging words meant so much to all of them.

For refreshments, the kids had candy, sodas, pickles, and popcorn as they watched the movie COCO at the end of the event – they truly enjoyed having the glow sticks in which they made bracelets and necklaces out of them – they chuckled with happiness when the lights went out as they marveled at their brightness! God Bless all our volunteers and may the Lord continue to move your hearts to help all these kids know that they are loved!

A HUGE shout out to all of you for making this event take place. We could not have done this without you! YOU ROCK!!!

May Update:

Once again, the girls had a marvelous time at today’s project. They each blinged out hair brushes so beautifully. Enjoy their breathtaking designs.

Thank you to H-E-B for the snacks and drinks and a huge thank you to the volunteers who came out to help. May the Lord continue to Bless each and every one of you.

April Update:

Another beautiful workshop …..

The girls had an indoor Easter Egg hunt due to the weather and they had the best time!

They will get to crack them outside on a sunny day.

Alot of their eggs had “Bunny Bucks” and they got to purchase items at our little store of goodies.

The girls got to make flower headbands too!

 A huge thank you to H-E-B for the drinks and snacks and to all our volunteers who continue to give of their time and talents to the children at BokenKamp Children’s Home.  Enjoy the pictures ♡ & Blessings to all!

March Update:

What a wonderful time we had at Chicktime CC! A huge thank you to H-E-B for the yummy snacks and drinks and all the wonderful volunteers who helped make our event successful.

The girls enjoyed making their prayer stones and then decorating their prayer boxes to keep them in. Hope you enjoy some pictures of their beautiful designs. May the Lord continue to Bless all these beautiful souls.

February Update:

What an amazing day at BokenKamp Children’s Home. The girls enjoyed decorating wooden hearts that they can hang on their walls. They are all so talented! Thank you to all our volunteers who came out to help make their day a bit brighter and a HUGE shout out to H-E-B for supplying all the snacks and drinks! Have a blessed day!

January Update:

Thank you to all our volunteers for coming out to our January 2018 workshop and for helping with supplies for the craft!

The girls truly enjoyed expressing themselves by cutting out pictures from magazines to remind them of their future dreams and aspirations.

Hope you enjoy some of the DREAM BOARDS in these pictures~

A HUGE thank you to Weinerschnitzel for being our yummy hot dog sponsor and to HEB for supplying all the snacks and drinks for our event at BokenKamp Children’s Home today.

It takes a village!!

We can’t wait to see everyone back next month!

December Update:

What an awesome way to celebrate the Christmas Season with the girls at BokenKamp Children’s Home – Food, Games, Laughter, Happiness and Gifts! A HUGE Thank You to Chick-fil-a for providing the delicious lunch boxes filled with yumminess and to H-E-B for the hot chocolate, candy, and Bunuelos! We cant forget about our awesome group of volunteers who give of their time, talents and gifts to all the girls at the home. They each were so grateful for their fun-filled day! Blessings to all during this Holiday Season! Merry Christmas everyone!

A HUGE Thank You to Chick-fil-a for providing the delicious lunch boxes filled with yumminess and to H-E-B for the hot chocolate, candy, and Bunuelos!

We can”t forget about our awesome group of volunteers who give of their time, talents and gifts to all the girls at the home. They each were so grateful for their fun-filled day!

Blessings to all during this Holiday Season! Merry Christmas everyone!


November Update:

Thanksgiving Blessings to all! Today we celebrate all the girls at BokenKamp Children’s Home. They each made blankets for the cool winter. We want to give thanks to our Lord and Bless each and every one of them.


We share these blessings with each of our volunteers for their generosity in giving of their time and talents and who help make it possible for the girls to feel special.

Thank you H-E-B for supplying all the drinks and snacks – we truly appreciate you!

Take a look at their beautiful fleece blankets. ♡♡♡

October Update:

Every month we are humbled by those who come out to help us encourage the girls at BokenKamp!

The girls truly enjoyed decorating their masquerade masks just in time for Halloween Fun!

Just look at some of the amazing talent!

Join us next month as we will be making fleece blankets!

September Update:

Look at all the beautiful women who showed up for Chicktime September to make sure the girls at BokenKamp Children’s Home are loved!

We decorated crosses …..Just look how beautiful!

The Cross Before Me, led by Ms. Lyn!!


August Update:

Another great day at BokenKamp Children’s Home this morning. The girls decorated journals with their awesome talents! Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help the girls have a great time. The Lord truly works through you to shine a light upon these beautiful girls. A HUGE THANK YOU to H-E-B for providing all the snacks and drinks!

The girls decorated journals with their awesome talents!

A HUGE THANK YOU to H-E-B for providing all the snacks and drinks!

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help the girls have a great time. The Lord truly works through you to shine a light upon these beautiful girls.

July Update:

 A wonderful thank you to all our volunteers who make it truly special for the girls.

The girls had such a lovely time making flip flops and hair clips out of water balloons!

Also, we can’t thank H-E-B enough for supplying drinks and snacks! We appreciate you so much #HEB

We hope to see you next month!

June Update:

Such a blessing to spend time with the girls at BokenKamp Children’s Home again today.

Smiles were bright as they showed their love in choosing and making their prayer stones and decorating their tins and boxes.

A huge thank you to H-E-B for supplying the drinks and snacks. We can’t thank all the volunteers enough for coming out and showing the girls that they are loved.

They each also got to take a picture with them as a remembrance of our time with them.

Enjoy their beautiful crafts!

We hope to see YOU a Chicktime July <3


May Update:

The girls truly enjoyed today’s Chicktime project.

They each blinged out Sunglasses, crosses and made flower pens too!

A huge thank you to each of the volunteers and H-E-B for the delicious snacks.

Smores, Chips and drinks were a hit!

Feeling blessed with all of these beautiful souls. Enjoy their creative designs ♡.

April Update:

Today’s Chicktine Project at BokenKamp Children’s Home was a blast!

The girls really enjoyed blinging out their brushes and combs. We were truly blessed to have such wonderful volunteers come out to support the girls have a good time.

We appreciate you opening your hearts and showing them that they are truly special.

Thank you H-E-B for supplying the drinks and snacks! Take a look at their beautiful work!


March Update:

Today the girls at BokenKamp Children’s Home made Snapchat Floral Headbands and had a blast making them.

They felt like the Queens that they are in their beautiful headbands…who needs Snapchat when you can have your very own crown!

A big thanks to H-E-B for supplying the snacks and drinks. The girls at BokenKamp truly enjoy us Chicktime gals coming out every month.


February Update:

We had such a great turnout at Bokenkamp this month!

So many new and returning beautiful faces showed up to remind the girls they are very much loved!


Thank you to all the volunteers for coming out and donating your time and money towards today’s project, and a huge thank you to HEB for sponsoring our snack table!


August 2016
July 2016This month, our focus was on summer fashion! Irene Menchaca led the first project in decorating flip flops and the girls absolutely loved them! And to to top it off, Mrs. Garcia from the Del Mar Cosmetology program, responded to our letter and agreed to bring out her students to give the girls pedicures! Talk about a fun and relaxing Saturday!  We would like to give a big thank you to the project leaders and to all those who donated their time and/or supplies, making this event a success! Y’all rock!
-Amanda E. Ybarra (Chicktime CC Co-Leader)
June 2016
This month we bling-ed out brushes! They are almost as fabulous as the girls are! Be sure to check out more photos on our Facebook page, @ChicktimeCC!
May 2016
April 2016
The girls had so much fun making flower headbands and clips. They looked gorgeous!
March 2016
The girls decorated Easter baskets and received small gifts from the volunteers, such as, socks, combs, lip gloss, hair accessories, and so much more! Thank you to everyone that made this event an awesome one! 
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February 2016
Rosaura Salinas lead the project this month. The girls decorated wooden hearts for the month of February. We would like to give a big thank you to Rosaura for bringing such a great idea to the table and a big thank you to Diana’s husband, Mike Martinez, for doing the wood working and hand making the hearts for us. 
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January 2016
We made a Facebook page! Be sure to like us! @ChicktimeCC
(This picture is from a past project. The girls decorated the  all the crosses and they were stunning! One of my favorites so far! A big thank you to Mike Martinez (Diana Martinez’s husband) for doing the wood working and making the crosses for us! -Amanda E. Ybarra  
We had a wonderful time this January with the girls and thank everyone who faithfully serves alongside these treasured young ladies!
December 2015
Chicktime Corpus Christi is here for YOU! Everyone who has a tender heart wants to help others and we make it easy. Just make plans to attend one of our events (let us know you are coming) and we will serve alongside you in sisterhood. Don’t just be sad about all of the negativity, the abuse, the sadness in our world. Do something about it… attend Chicktime and make a difference NOW in the life of a child.
May 2015

#chickime #bandanapillows


February 2015
Cold and rainy weather is a good reason to snuggle up with a good book!
so we packed up our scrapbook supplies and let the girls create their very own beautiful journals.
One of our favorite parts of doing Chicktime at Bokenkamp, is seeing the joy it brings the girls to create their own personal masterpieces every month! 
January 2015November 2014
The girls at Bokenkamp love anything that let’s them express their personality.Because of this, we love activities that allow them to create their own accessories.so, for our fall project we taught the girls how to “arm knit”  an infinity scarf.Because the instructions were muddled in translation,the project looked more like a bunch of kittens playing with balls of yarn.Once we got past the frustration we were able to laugh at ourselves.lesson learned: not every project will go according to plan!


What we have been up to lately….. We had a DREAM BOARD day… the girls tore pix out of magazines and dreamed about their futures and went to work. We had a luau day where the girls made their own personal leis. The latest Chicktime, the girls made personalized bead necklaces and painted small canvases. The girls always inspire us.


 March 2014
 Spring is in the air! The weather may still have a chill, but flowers were in full bloom at Bokenkamp this March.
This month’s activity was one of the girl’s favorites – making hair accessories.
They mixed and matched flower  petals in creative combinations to adorn themselves in bejeweled masterpieces.
They also learned how to create large hair bows in a variety of styles.
The unique no-sew method was a hit with the girls, who sported their new hair ornaments on braids and ponytails along
with a couple of new hairstyle ideas taught by new Chick Dana.
The event’s highlight was when one of the girls was so delighted with her finished bow
that she actually jumped up and down with joy!
Bringing a little joy is exactly what Chicktime is all about;
and leaving with more joy than we brought is always the result!
chicktimeFebruary 2014
The girls made beautiful tissue paper flower bouquets to brighten their rooms. Each girl was given tissue paper and pipe cleaners and then their own artistry took over. It was amazing to see what creative ideas each came up with. The girls even blessed the volunteers with some flowers to take home! Marci ended up with a beautiful flower for her hair….February14
 January 2014
Our January Chicktime took place a week later due to scheduling conflicts, but we had a fabulous time with several new “Chicks” volunteering!
Trying to bring a little color to the dreary winter weather, we assembled stickers, die-cuts and letters for the girls to create their own trio of wall art. As usual, the talent the girls have to take paper and turn it into beautiful creations amazed us all! It was so inspiring to see how their hearts held memories of loved ones miles away, and took this opportunity to hold them close.
December 2013 
We had our annual Christmas Party! We played the Jingle Bell Jiggle and Oreo Drop game. The day started off with a lot of laughs and squeals as the girls shook their jingle bells! One of the residents got her keyboard out and sang the volunteers a song as a way of saying “Thank You” for our work there. Even though the girls received stockings filled with goodies donated by great ladies of our community, the best part of the day was marked for the volunteers as our DOV asked the girls if anyone wanted to tell us what their favorite project of the year has been and if they wanted to say anything. The language barrier wasn’t a problem and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room as the girls began to express their gratitude- relaying their feeling of “joy” and “family” each time we come. One of the girls said that she has never really had family and that Chicktime gives her hope and encouragement. Another said  our ladies make her feel like a “daughter” and that we make them feel special by never treating them “different”. One resident began to tell us that she has a heart to help people like we do and she hopes to come back to Bokenkamp one day and be able to “pay it forward”…. not one DRY EYE in the room. I couldn’t help but want to hug every girl and look into their eyes to let them know how special they are to me. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Lori Rhodes, Chicktime founder, who saw a vision of encouraging women to use their gifts and passions to bring hope to hurting children and who inspires us to keep moving forward.  This day happened because you were obedient to the voice of God. Lori, you are such a blessing to this world!!
November 2013
 For the November Project, Mrs Carolina coordinated the volunteers and gathered the fleece so that we could help the girls make “no-sew” fleece blankets for the upcoming cold weather. They picked their favorite pattern and went to work cutting and tying knots. Its our hope that when the girls curl up with these blankets they are reminded how much they are loved and they feel a sense of “home” while they are separated from their families temporarily. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this day possible. 
Boots, boots & more boots!
In preparation for Bokenkamp and Foster In Texas’ upcoming fundraiser we were able to
have a fun and creative activity for the girls that let them create the focal point of the decorations.
This year’s theme is “Deep in the Heart of Texas” and painted, blinged out boots are going to be the table centerpieces!
What better way to showcase the love and talent that is a result of  “using our gifts to make the world a better place for the next generation”!
We were especially blessed to be joined by the youth from Redeemer Lutheran church in Austin. Word is one young lady has been wishing for a
long time to be able to attend a Chicktime event 🙂
The beautiful colors and creative artistry of the girls shone through to create “one of a kind”
art pieces. From a replica of the Mexican flag to floral designs in rhinestones, it was hard to pick a favorite!
We will keep you posted on the upcoming “Change A Life” benefit “Deep in the Heart of Texas”,
so maybe you can come see them all for yourself.
june 2013
june '13
Infectious laughter filled the room as we watched the girls participate in a rousing game of “Noodle Hockey”.  After a little coaxing, we soon had a roomful of volunteers to be on a team of noodle bearing hockey players.
Our July Chicktime event was enhanced by including all of the kids at Bokenkamp! We arrived with a vast array of team games & volunteers to encourage boys AND girls to play like they’ve never played before.
After a little modification, we structured our games for indoors because of record breaking temperatures, but that didn’t hamper the enthusiasm of the kids or the volunteers.  Our greatest reward was the friendly, competitive outcries & laughter that inevitibaly resulted from their participation.  The day ended perfectly with pizza for everyone!

May 2013

With the population of girls at Bokenkamp growing, our Chicktime creativity has been reaching new heights!
In order to successfully interact with the large number of girls and utilize our time most effectively we came up with a new twist on an old favorite.
After dividing the girls into teams each team member was instructed to draw a picture to be acted out during a game of charades.
The artistic ability of the girls blew us away, as usual. As each team acted out another teams’s drawing the competitiveness rose as teams hoped for a chance to steal.
We arrived to one girl in tears, and left with the same girl joined by the other teams in bursts of laughter, this is what makes Chicktime worth every minute!
June’s Chicktime will be huge team challenge with the guys included.
Our date is moving to the last Saturday, June 29th to allow everyone to participate. We hope you can join us!



For our April project at Bokenkamp, the residents got to be princess for the day. We cut yards and yards of colored tulle and the girls made “No Sew Tutus”. And as usual, the girls were creative and began making tulle bows for their hair as well. Each girl was given a tiara to complete her princess attire and told how she was special and important just like a princess. The girls were all smiles at the end of our time together. Something about wearing a tutu, you can’t help but smile and be happy!! 

Join us for our next bokenkamp fun day… TBA




The girls love to make beautiful flowers for their hair!! This month they got creative with daisies and crocheted flowers made by one of the volunteers.  Beauty that matches their insides…

Join us for our next Chicktime event April 20th!!

February ’13February News :

Paula led the project for the girls this month, mini paper bag journals.

january 13

January News:
These girls may be temporarily housed in this facility, but each one has a dream….
These birdcages remind each of us that Christ has indeed set us free. And it is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. As a community we need to use the freedom we have in Christ to minister to these girls and show them how to also live a life totally free in Him. The love we hopefully show these girls in that brief two and a half hours, will help them along their journey to freedom. Just like a caged bird, released to go out and change the world….

Bokenkamp Residents recently performed a Christmas concert for all the volunteers.They worked so hard learning English and sounded so beautiful.   They sang songs from their native countries as well as American traditional melodies such as “”Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. They reminded us that Jesus is the reason we celebrate this season. I am so thankful to be a small part of their lives as they enrich mine.


We hard a great time at our annual Christmas Party for the girls at Bokenkamp!  We snacked on cookies and punch. And Carolina did a fantastic job providing the game line up. There was a lot of laughter as the girls “shook their Jingle Bells”; did cup stack game and Christmas charades. They even convinced the volunteers to shake their jingle bells!! At the end of our time, each girl received a gift bag filled with bath gels, lip glosses and the works, just to remind them they are loved and cared for… Please join us for our next volunteer day, January 19th @ 9:30 a.m.

November News

As cold weather approaches for its very brief stay in Texas, the girls made fleece blankets to keep themselves warm at night. They picked their favorite fabrics to fit their personal style and went to work cutting and tying.

October News
Stamps, Scissors, Paper, Punches….
Butterflies, Hearts, Birds and Thank You’s….
This month’s project was making handmade Thank You Cards to mail out to sponsors for the annual fundraiser. The girls got busy right away cutting, gluing and creating! Give these artists a medium and they construct masterpieces! I know the sponsors will be touched by the hard work these girls put into each card. After making a Thank You, they were able to make a card to give to a friend, loved one or as a keepsake. One of the residents chose to make her card for us, thanking us for our time with them! Each Saturday we get to spend with these girls fills our hearts and souls with appreciation and love. We are the blessed ones and goodbyes are hard each time the clock winds down on our time together….

September’s Chicktime was the annual fundraiser for the Bokenkamp Shelter and FIT (Foster in Texas). This year was a change up from the former “fashion show” event to a Night Out at the Ortiz Center in downtown Corpus. The evening was alot of fun! There was Mariachi, Polka Music, dinner, dancing and auctions!! The previous chicktime project of handmade crosses by the residents of Bokenkamp brought in approximately $500 alone!! What a huge success! The children in attendance were so excited about their contribution to the evening.

Next month the residents will be making “Thank You” cards for the sponsors of this years fundraiser and they will also make a personalized card to give away for Birthdays, Thank You’s, etc. Come join us minister to these amazing children!!!



August brought much more than the heat to South Texas. Bokenkamp was filled with a lot of fresh faces for us to befriend at Chicktime Corpus Christi. As always we tried to find something to match their creativity, so this month’s project was a mini prayer journal. After we got passed the confusing assembly instructions, glue sticks were flying as the girls added pages and embelishments to make their journals their own. Although the styles and colors were different, a consistent theme of birds and butterflies resounded with the girls desire to spread their wings and fly. So we look forward to next month’s project and quality time with the girls at Bokenkamp. We hope you can join us.


Our volunteers helped the girls of Bokenkamp hand~dye silk scarves with beautiful shades of blues and teals. After the dye-ing process the girls applied salt to make a pattern in the dyes. After drying, rinsing and heat setting the scarves, the patterns emerged, We are reminded how each of these girls are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of Almighty God. Every girl is different and special, just like their scarves. Hopefully, the girls are reminded of this as they wear them.

December Update:

There is so much to say. Where do we start? First and foremost, I want to take this time to thank ALL of our amazing Chicktime Volunteers for making today’s final workshop with BokenKamp Children’s Shelter a success. It takes special people like you to make things happen, and today was proof of that! ALL THE KIDS had an amazing workshop and Christmas celebration. We asked for 120 gifts and we came in at over 460 gifts! Each girl received 4 gifts and a blanket and the boys received 3 gifts including candy bags for ALL, filled with lots of goodies. Thank you to our Workshop Leader, Lisa Dibble for the pillow making fun! The girls loved them. Thank you Santa and Mrs. Clause for coming out. Many girls had never met Santa before and were so happy. This made us tear…. we can’t even imagine how much these kids have missed in their lives. Today was truly special for them.
It was a bittersweet sweet day and our hearts are full. We’re going to miss you all, but I promise to keep in touch. Many thanks to HEB for being there for us, without your help, we couldn’t have made each month as successful as it has been all these years. #HEBHelpingHere
Thank you BokenKamp for the past 15 years, it was life-changing servicing your facility. We will continue to pray for the kids and appreciate everything you do for them. God Bless you all and farewell!

November Update:

The girls loved decorating their crosses ❤️

October Update:

Today we made our drop for the kids at BokenKamp. Many thanks to our Workshop Leaders, Rosaura Salinas and Veronica Garcia for their journal making activity.

The staff let us know that the kids always enjoy that activity ❤️. A huge shout our to H-E-B for giving us the ability to make almost 100 Halloween Goodie Bags for all the boys and girls!

They will definitely enjoy the treats! Special thanks to Elsa, Mary Alice, Lisa and Karen for donating candy too! It really helped. #HEBHelpingHere

September Update:

The girls had a great time decorating their brushes ❤️. This deeply makes our hearts happy!


June’s activity for Chicktime was creating crosses from nails and adorning them with beading. The awesome part of this project is these works of art will be auctioned off at the upcoming Bokenkamp fundraiser. This allows the girls to take part of this event and allows the community to take part in the lives of these precious girls. Each cross was very unique and allowed their creativity shine through. Our volunteers had a great time helping the girls create!



February’s Chicktime was lots of fun, lots of color and lots of paint everywhere!

We finally made the long awaited tye dyed t-shirts. As usual all the girls at Bokenkamp added thier own flair as they designed the paint patterns on their shirts. Because we used a dry spray paint method, the designs resembled flowers as beautiful as the young women that would be wearing them.

After the shirts were hung to dry, more painting ensued as the girls painted brightly colored butterfly suncatchers for their rooms.

Our next Chicktime will be March 17th, we hope you can join us!




We bring love and fun programs to Bokenkamp every 3rd Saturday of the month! Check the chicktime calendar for detailed information about our events!