Tulsa News

Chicktime Tulsa is looking for compassionate women to join their leadership!

reach out to donnette@chicktime if you are interested!

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February Update:

We had a great time making Valentines with the with the Tulsa Girl’s Home girls last Tuesday evening. I hope you can join us soon to share some joy with the girls and workers.

January Update:

We had a great time with the girls at Tulsa Girls Home on the first weekend in January. We had affirmation posters to help us look at the positive side of life, how we are, and help us look forward to who we want to become. In Christ, we are all enough! 💜💖💜

December Update:

Our December workshop was nothing short of Christmas love. All the things we want  for our own family we want for the girls at The Tulsa Girls Home…
Especially to feel deeply the Christmas season and what it is truly about!!!
Volunteering and serving the girls brings us joy all year long. Please join us in 2025!
We have fabulous workshops planned and the girls love our time together and we promise you will be blessed too!

November Update:

We had a great time at The Tulsa Girl’s Home this weekend. We scrapbooked to help the girls have a way and place to store good memories.
Only one was able to be with us at the time but I was told they would work on the photos later that evening with the girls.
It was a fun and joy filled time.

October Update:

We had a wonderful time getting the girls out at the pumpkin patch.


There were many adorable animals, a hayride, and camel ride.

Special times for special girls!


August Update:

We had a wonderful time this past Saturday with the girls!
We were all engaged in making our visual journals and sharing our ideas!
Let us know if you’re interested in joining us next time doing what you love to do!

July Update:

Chicktime today was lead by Lana.
We all enjoyed making slime. We added glue, borax dissolved in water , paint, glitter, little beads, shaving cream, and/or clay.
Each batch of slime was unique in its own way.
What a fun time this the girls and the volunteers.
Thank you TGH for letting us have a fun afternoon with you all.

May Update:

What a fun time we had with the girls doing yoga and stretching.

We visit them the first Saturday of each month.

If you are wanting to join us one weekend….we would love to have you!

See you in July!

May Update:

We did get to meet in May. The Tulsa Girls Home moved locations and needed the month to set up their new space. See you in June. 

April Update:

Scheduling conflicts with CP so we were not able to meet. No worries. We know they are getting ready for a big move and we can’t wait for them to get established and us back to our monthly workshops! See you soon. In the meantime…pray for the new chapter for the Tulsa Girls Home. 

March Update:

We had an amazing time this weekend. The hike with the girls at Tulsa Girls Home was so much fun. In was incredible getting to spend time with each one of them while doing such a fun activity! After the hike, we ate some cookies and got to know each other a little better. 

Reach out if you want to join us next month~ we’d love to have you!


January Update:

We had a wonderful time today being with the girls at Tulsa Girls’ Home. We decorated journals and talked about we can use the journals for. Some ideas are gratitude journals, daily affirmations, and daily to do lists.
We laughed, talked, and joked. Snoopy, the dog, welcomed us and snuggled with one of the girl. 💜💖💜 Chicktime Tulsa If you are interested in joining us one or doing a workshop for the girls, let me know.

December Update:

It’s been a busy month getting all “the things” ready for the 2024 year. We have a new charity partner and new workshop leaders lined up to serve and we can hardly wait. 

Please join us one month!

November Update:

September Update:

Can’t wait to be HIS hands and feet!

August 2023:

We are looking for 3 more women to join the leadership team and women to sign up to share their passions and hobbies one month in 2024! 

July Update:

We can’t wait to find a new place to serve so you can volunteer with us! 

Stayed tuned.

June Update:

We can’t wait to be back to serving together. 


May Update:

The chapter did not meet. We were notified of changes to the campus scheduling. 

April Update:

We were not able to meet due to campus scheduling conflicts !

It will be good to see the families again in May!

March Update:

Lindsey House had scheduling conflicts so we could not meet. 


February Update:

We had fun this month making Mardi Gras masks at Lindsay House. The kids in the moms were great! I enjoyed loving on them and getting hugs. The kids looked great. Everyone looks great in their masks. ????????????????????

January Update:

Today we had a fun time with the moms and kids at Lindsay House. We made slime and drank hot chocolate!
I am thankful for JoAnne and Victoria for all they do to help love on all those we see.
Please come join us in February to make Mardi Gras masks.

December Update:

Lindsey House played host to a bunch of new volunteers who wanted to share the Christmas Sprit so we did not have a workshop this month.  We are grateful that people want to serve Lindsey House, too. 

November Update:

We had fun at Lindsay house painting pumpkin thanking pies and making pumpkin pie in a mug with the ladies and kids at Lindsay House.
Thank you to all the ladies who hope make this day fun. Thank you Joanne for putting it all together this month.



October Update:

We were not able to meet in October. Lindsey House had to cancel due to other things going on their campus. 

See you next month!

September Update:

What a fun time this weekend at Lindsay house! We had fun needle felting today. Moms and the older kids enjoyed the fun.
We had new ladies there to help today also!
If you are interested in volunteering to be a fun aunt for a few hours on the 2nd Saturday of the month, we would love to have you

August Update:

Thank you to for all who came to the journal creation time at Lindsey House. 

We had such a fun time. Have a passion or hobby you can share? 

Reach out. We need YOU.

July Update:

Chicktime Tulsa painted rocks with the moms and kids at Lindsey’s House for our July workshop.
We can’t say this enough…. Showing up once a month for a couple of hours blesses us as much as it blesses them. Come hang out with us one month. Help us out with the activity one month. Encourage the participants one month. Lead an activity one month. Just show up!!
Live big. LOVE BIGGER!

June Update:

Lindsey House had a jam packed June so we did not host a workshop. 

Chicktime Tulsa managing leader, Annette Peters and Chicktime Fort Worth Co leader met up instead and had a little fun….discussed Chicktime Business and how to grow their individual chapters. 

Chicktime Tulsa is looking for a few women to join our leadership team. 

Reach out if you are interested. 

May Update:

We had fun doing Tye dye shirts with the moms and older kids, while the younger kids dyed paper with washable markers and water. It was a great time. Thank you JoAnn for planning and bringing the craft today. So much fun!!!!

April Update:

We had a fun time today! We had a room full of kids and moms dying Easter eggs and making bunny face crafts.

Thank you for everyone who helped out and to the beautiful women who brought their kids down to have fun with us. #chicktime


March Update:

Our March workshop had to be canceled due to bad weather and road conditions. 

We are sad to miss hanging out at Lindsey House but look forward to next month. 


February Update:


Chicktime Tulsa made door hanger/wreaths with Lindsey House for our February workshop.We had to blot out personal information on the beautiful creations, but we know you can see how incredible they turned out. 

What a blessing to be serving in person. What a blessing to gather together and be intentional in giving hope and spreading love. We are already planning our March gathering. We hope you will join us! More details coming. 

January Update:

The leadership team has a “business” meeting with Lindsey House to make plans for the year.

There are still things to work through ( Covid for one),but we are committed to showing up

with activities, snacks and fun! See you next month!

December Update:

We were able to meet on the campus to make Christmas ornaments…..but were able to drop off Christmas love instead.

It’s Nice to be appreciated too!


November Update:

What a beautiful time we had this month at Chicktime Tulsa making no sew blankets with 6 families that live at Lindsey House.
A few hours once a month …
That’s all it takes to make a difference in our community! Come join us next month! Until then… please donate to our Thanksgiving dinner we are gathering food items for… we are going to bless a special family at Lindsey House!!

October Update:

August Update:

July Update:

This is what Love looks like!

What a fabulous time we had at our July workshop making slime with the kids at Lindsey House.

We can’t wait until next month! We have a ton of fun planned and would love for you to join us!

June Update:

Thank you Shannon for being our June workshop leader!
Yoga ????‍♀️ is so relaxing!

May Update:

Chicktime Tulsa is all about celebrating the moms and children who live at Lindsey House and not just on Mother’s Day ! We are always looking for help with our efforts to support them! Reach out to us and we can share ideas on how you can help!

April Update:

Shout out to Riverside Car Dealership for teaching Lindsey House a little bit about Car Maintenance?
Chicktime Tulsa is so thankful for their support!

March Update:

Our All About Cars Workshop wasn’t all we wanted it to be because of spring break and several moms off campus …
but we love cars so much we are even  helping one of the moms find a car of her own! Using our gifts is so fun!

February Update:

Chicktime Tulsa February workshop was canceled !! Lindsey House wanted to keep the residents and Chicktime volunteers off the roads and at home safe AND warm during the winter storm that came on the day of our planned workshop!! We will see you next month when old man winter says good bye!!

Our January workshop was canceled due to Lindsey House not being able to accommodate us yet.

December/January Update:

Can you imagine going from homeless to this apartment? We just love what the Lindsey House does for single mothers! Thanks Chicktime Tulsa for helping us sponsor this apartment!
Here’s to doing many more great things like this in 2021!

Good News!
We just heard from Lindsey House and they are ready for us to set up the apartment Chicktime Tulsa sponsored!
We are looking for volunteers to help us on Thursday, December 17th. We will be there from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Please reach out to Kathy for more details.
321-330-6878 or kathy.suiter@gmail.com
We are soooooooo excited!
This is exactly what Christmas is all about!
All our love,
Chicktime Tulsa Leadership Team

December Update:

November Update:

Lindsey House is on the move therefore we did not have a November workshop.

October Update:

Amazing things are happening with Chicktime Tulsa and we feel grateful for those of you who have joined us on this beautiful journey. We hope more of you will jump on the bandwagon as we are just getting started! December we will have our first in person workshop at our new charity partner!

September Update:

It’s a beautiful thing when people come together to help others.

Generous donations keep coming in to supply all the needs for the family who get to live in the apartment we are sponsoring!


So very excited!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The announcement has been updated with the latest needs because our list just got smaller since yesterday!!
….Can you help us knock some other things off the list?
Look at the things we purchased with the latest donation…

August Update:

Look at the awesome pots and pans that were donated! We can’t wait to see the family move into the apartment we are sponsoring!

God is good!

July Update:

Look at all these donations for the Chicktime Tulsa Sponsored

apartment! What a complete blessing!

We will not be able to have our first workshop at our new charity partner in May. We continue our efforts with LindseyHouse to keep everyone illness free. We will reach out again in a few weeks to let you know if we can serve together in June.
Thank you for being so patient,
Chicktime Tulsa Leadership Team

We are excited to be launching our first workshop at our new charity partner….

Due to the workshop being off-site we have limited space this time around so please RSVP to secure your spot.

We can’t wait to serve with YOU.

Chicktime Tulsa Volunteers~
It’s been a while…but we are back!!! Have you missed us? We have missed you! We experienced some set backs when part of leadership team moved to Texas ( xoxox’s Madison and Brooke) and when we could no longer serve at Pearls Home! Since that time we have actively been looking for a new place to serve and we are excited to announce we found a new Charity Partner! More details coming soon so please stay tuned. We also have a new addition to our Chicktime Tulsa Leadership team~ Welcome Leiah!

We hope you will make plans to join us in the new year. Together we can make a difference!

Stay tuned as we are in the process of finding a new Charity Partner to take our wonderful Chicktime workshops to!! We have loved serving at our current Charity Partner, but they can no longer have us there on Saturday mornings.

We can’t wait to see where God is going to take us next!

Exciting times ahead!

April Update:

Worked on positive affirmations with Mirrors.

Such a beautiful experience and to hear so many beautiful stories from the ladies.

March Update:

What a workshop!!!

We learned all about resume writing and had so much fun!

Join us next month.

February Update:

Our first workshop is in the books….

We discovered a few things….

All you need is LOVE, sugar cookies and lots of chocolate!

And we learned that it is so much fun partnering up and volunteering with Oklahoma United Methodist Circle of Care and we can’t wait to be back next month.

Chicktime Tulsa will be taking a little break for the remainder of the summer but we can’t wait to see everyone again VERY soon! Stay tuned for a super fun announcement coming soon!

June Update:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Chicktime June! We had so much fun making slime with the girls of Laura Dester!

May Update:

May’s event was a big hit! We made tye dye T shirts! 

Groovy. Big shout out to Khandis Marie and Heather Steele for being our far out fab leaders.

Also thank you our volunteers! Love you guys to the moon!

April Update:

April Chicktime event 2018. A day to remember for sure. Snow, cold,and an earthquake was just the beginning. Then a few hours spending time with the girls at the Laura Dester center. We decorated hair clips and painted nails, snacks and topped it off with a personalized t shirts for each of the girls! We are so blessed to be a part of their day. Thanks Heather Steele for making it all happen! We had a new volunteer this month too. Savannah Harrell. Thank you Savannah and Lina Vaughn for all your help!

March Update:

Our March workshop was so much fun! We had cookies to decorate and bracelets to make~

We love spending time with these special girls.

Extra thanks to our volunteers who helped this weekend. You bring joy to the workshops and we can’t do this without you.


Chicktime Tulsa Chapter Leaders

February Update:

What a blast our Chicktime Tulsa Valentines Party was!!!

Thank you to the volunteers who could come out this month to help us spread inspiration and motivation!


January Update:

January’s event was a huge success. We spent time with the girls helping them make a sign for their rooms. It was a great day We all had so much fun.

And as always….thank you to our volunteers who come out to help us with our workshops! We certainly can’t do this without you!

December Update:

With all the hustle  and bustle of the holidays…..Isn’t it nice to just sit back and relax over pizza and good conversation?

That’s exactly what we did at Chicktime Tulsa this month and it was good for our soul ( and tummy)!

We can’t wait  for the New Year and all FUN we have lined up.

We hope you will be part of our journey!

 What an honor it was to take Thanksgiving lunch to the Dester Children’s Home ~

Going beyond our normal workshop activity and loving the children through a traditional Thanksgiving meal was simply…


 Thank you to everyone who donated to help make this happen!

November Update:

Tulsa Chicktime November workshop was a hit! Thank you Stef for sharing your time and talent with the girls. We painted on canvas with creative thanksgiving designs….and celebrated with some awesome food!!!

We topped off the day with beautiful nails by Khandis!!

Thanks to all our volunteers. We couldn’t do this without you!!


October Update:

oday was a beautiful day to get to spend with the girls at the Laura Dester Children’s center. They showed us how creative they could get with decorating their own cups!

A huge thank you to our new volunteers this week. We can’t do this without you!

Be watching for more opportunities to help out coming up soon .

Shoutout to LANA! She did an amazing job! Very fun and therapeutic! Great opportunity to bond one on one with the young ladies this past Saturday! Job well done, Lana Harrell!




September Update:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Chicktime this month! We had a small group of children this month but it was still incredibly powerful! We worked with the kids on how to use writing as a form of creative expression! We had a blast and we hope you will join us next month!!! #ChickimeTulsa #WeLoveLauraDester ???


August Update:

Our very first Chicktime Tulsa workshop with Laura Dester was interestingly fun to say the very least! We played games with the children this month and enjoyed some pretty yummy snacks! How beautiful is this cake?!?! Hosting our Summer Kickoff Party was a great way for us to really get to know the children and the staff that we have dedicated ourselves to serving! Thank you to everyone who came out to help and we hope to see you in September!


Chicktime Tulsa Volunteers~
It’s been a while…but we are back!!! Have you missed us? We have missed you! We experienced some set backs when part of leadership team moved to Texas ( xoxox’s Madison and Brooke) and when we could no longer serve at Pearls Home! Since that time we have actively been looking for a new place to serve and we are excited to announce we found a new Charity Partner! More details coming soon so please stay tuned. We also have a new addition to our Chicktime Tulsa Leadership team. We hope you will make plans to join us in the new year. Together we can make a difference!