*Little Rock News
January Update:

December Update:
HoliYAY with our favorite youth at Immerse Arkansas!! We were able to join them for a night out of basketball & fun!!
Homemade Christmas mix AND all your favorite fixings for a hot coco barwe are so proud of everything these youth are Overcoming & want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas
November Update:
Thankful for this new month & for the Thanksgiving Holiday we spent with the youth at Immerse Arkansas It is a true honor to be able to serve#Food #Fun #Family
October Update:
The youth of Immerse Arkansas have stolen a pizza our hearts
A not so spooky but super special cooking night
September Update:

July Update:
A balanced diet is an ice cream in each hand!!
We had a blastat the Ice Cream Social with our favorite young adults of Immerse Arkansas! Can’t wait for next month
June Update:
Starting up summer having poolside fun with the LifeBase Young Adults of Immerse Arkansas
The competition is steep!
But oh so awesome!
And Pizza always completes our time together!
May Update:
~The spiritual journey of motherhood is in the opportunity to heal.
Motherhood has the power to bring all our wounds and traumas to the surface~ We loved celebrating these LifeBaseCare mamas of Immerse Arkansas.
We are blessed to be able to walk along side them in their journey of motherhood
Happy Mother’s Day!
April Update:
Fun, Laughs, & Paint’n Pass with our favorite youth of Immerse Arkansas
It feels good to be a blessing!
December Update:

November Update:
Our hearts & bellies are full after serving Thanksgiving Brunch at Immerse Arkansas
Food, fun, & fellowship is so important during the holiday seasons and we enjoyed being able to spend it with these wonderful youth
October Update:
Spooky Movie Night?? Yes Please!! We had so much fun at Immerse Arkansas watching movies with our new This month we got to welcome a former youth as one of Chicktime LR’s newest member! Welcome Regina!!!
September Update:

June Update:

April Update:
We loved hanging out with the young ladies of Immerse Arkansas!!! Tonight we did Makeup On A Budget! Fun way to teach the youth how to get good makeup without breaking the bank! And of course we had to do our makeup as well
March Update:

February Update:
In the season of love, we wanted to express how much we love the youth at Immerse Arkansas by making self care baskets for the moms in their Life Base Care program
January Update:
The Vision Board Party was a success!! Goals & Good Vibes with the Immerse Arkansas youth Happy 2023
December Update:
We had the pleasure of doing soup for the souls at Immerse Arkansas Overcoming Together Night!
Mini bowls so everyone could enjoy all of the tasty soups #HappyHolidays
November Update:
Chicktime loves Overcoming Together with Immerse Arkansas
We put together yummy baked potato bar that was such a big hit we ate before we got pics #GoodFoodGoodMood
October Update:
Sweets & Fun is how Chicktime Little Rock gets it done!! Always a blast when we come out to Immerse Arkansas
September Update:
So great being able to serve at Immerse Arkansas tonight for their Overcoming Together event
August Update:
July 2022

June Update:

March Update:

February Update:

January Update:

December Update:

May Update:
March Update:

Our March workshop was a blast! This past Tuesday we got a chance to hang out with a couple of our friends at


February Update:

Today our co-chapter leader Julia was able to mask up and drop off our February gift for our friends at

January Update:
We are promoting this again….it’s a good thing!
September Update:
August update:
July Update:

Chicktime Little Rock will not be meeting in the month of May as we continue to navigate through this season of Covid-19 . If you have an idea and the means to carry it out to show love to our Chicktime girls let us know. Perhaps you want to donate crafts for them to do in quarantine or donate yummy snacks or give them cards with words of encouragement! We can help try and make it happen.
Stay safe and know we can’t wait to see you soon!
Chicktime Little Rock,
In a effort to do our part to stop the spread of Covid-19 we will not be having an April or May workshop! We will keep everyone updated as we walk this season together! Immerse has some immediate needs and we know they would be grateful if you could help out! Reach out to us and we can give you details on where you can donate the items.
We are all in this together!

February Update:
Another Chicktime Little Rock Workshop in the books!!!!
We had so much fun with our friends over at Immerse Arkansas as we put our own spin on the popular show from Food Network, “Chopped”. Those in attendance were tasked to make a tasty dish, using only items from our makeshift pantry. We had everything from fruits and veggies, to pasta, to chicken and so much more! Our participants were able to make some of the following:
???? Guacamole and crackers
???? Chicken Alfredo
???? Tossed Salad
???? Pasta Salad
???? Tomato Basil Pasta
Our chapter leader Angel wasn’t able to attend but her “twin sister” and Southern Belle Angela ???????????? was able to lead the workshop. Definitely fun indeed!!!
Stay tuned for our March Workshop Invite!
January Update:
First Chicktime Little Rock Workshop of 2020 ✅!
What an amazing time we had today with our friends of Immerse Arkansas as our workshop leader Ms. Meshunda talked to us about our 2020 goals and how to achieve them, followed up with creating our vision boards.
Looking forward to hanging with the crew again next month. Stay tuned for our February invite. ????????
December Update:
2019 has been a great one fo us here at Chicktime Little Rock!!! We ended the year rocking around the Christimsas Tree during our annual Christmas party with the youth of Immerse Arkansas. It was so much fun singing karaoke, playing family Feud and This or That. We can’t wait to crank up more fun and fellowship in 2020 . Stay tuned for our January invite!
November Update:
Another Chicktime Little Rock Workshop is in the books! Our Painting with a Twist ???????? was a HIT! We had fun letting our creativity flow and fellowshipping with the youth of Immerse Arkansas. Stay tuned for our Christmas Party Invite for next month! ????????????????
October Update:
Another Chicktime Little Rock Workshop in the books! Thank you to our Workshop Leader Meshunda for teaching us how to not sweat the small stuff! And of course thank you to our charity partner Immerse Arkansasfor allowing us to hang with them. Stay tuned for our November invite!!!! ????????????????
July Workshop:
We got so busy we forgot to take pictures!
Our workshop activity was changed at the last minute and boy our time was well spent. We talked about all the produce recalls in the past couple of years. We talked about the basics on starting an indoor garden and how to transplant outside. We then told them about taking gardening from a hobby to an actual lucrative career… farming!
Please join us next month! We will be learning how to build a budget!
May Update:
Another Chicktime workshop in the books!!!! Y’all we had sooo much fun today with our friends and youth at Immerse Arkansas for our Memorial Day Celebration!
We played minute to win games, heads up, relay races and so much more! S/O to our workshop leader today Miss Jamie! She did a fantastic job! Until next month peeps, stay tuned for our invite for our June workshop! ????????????????????????????????????????
Kelly Hall Jake Ritter Angel SunshineBabi Williams Julia Nicole
April Updates:
Another Chicktime Workshop in the books! We always love being able to spend time with our friends at Immerse Arkansas!!
Special thanks to our Workshop Leader today Ms. Chatuea who gave her expertise on interviewing and professional attire.
The youth really enjoyed today’s session and asked a lot of great and engaging questions.
Until next time peeps, it’s been real! ✌????????????
Hellooooooo Chicktime family, friends and supporters! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4th! Chicktime Little Rock will be participating in the 2019 Walk for the Waiting.
We have created a team and you can register here at www.walkforthewaiting.org/chicktimelittlerock
Stay tuned for more information and be sure to share with your family and friends!
Angel, Kelly & Julia
March Update:
Awesome time today at @immersearkansas for our monthly Chicktime Workshop! Special thank you to our Workship Leader today Ms. Tennille for sharing her personal story and speaking to the youth about the power of forgiveness and knowing who you are in Christ! Thanks of course to Jake for always hanging with us and making sure the youth are able to get transportation to attend!
See y’all next month! ????????????
January Update:
First workshop of 2019 in the books!!!! We had a great time helping the youth make their vision boards for this year. Thank you to our workshop leader and chapter co-leader Julia for hosting the workshop with all the supplies. We also had the fabulous Meshunda Myles, certified life coach, of @authenticationimpact grace us with her presence. Meshunda spoke to the youth about what S.M.A.R.T Goals are and how to apply them to creating their vision boards. ????????
Huge THANK YOU to our Charity Partner Immerse Arkansas for allowing us to hangout with the youth once a month and to our liaison Jake for always hanging with us as well! Stay tuned for the release of our 2019 calendar. @ Immerse Arkansas
December Update:
And that’s a wrap!
Chicktime Little Rock had it’s last activity with Immerce Arkansas for 2018. We had a great time at our Christmas Party with the youth.
The highlight of the party was playing Mad Gabs! Totally hilarious and really great fellowship.
Our year has been a blast and we ca’t wait to turn it up a notch next year! Stay tuned for details about our January 2019 workshop!
November Update:
Well another Chicktime Workshop is in the books!! ????????????????
This Month’s Workshop:
DIY Spa Treatments at Home
This Month’s Workshop Leader:
Our very own Co-Leader Julia Nicole
Tonight we had so much fun with the youth of Immerse Arkansas! We talked about how to have your own DIY Spa Day at home for a reasonable budget.
We made Oatmeal Honey Facial Mask, Lavender Foot Soak, Lavender Foot Scrub, Brown Sugar Hand Scrub and Lemon Foot/Hand Cream. Many of the ingredients to make these items are found in kitchen or bathroom cabinets. The youth were able to make their own and take them home.
S/O to our volunteers that came out tonight Breia and Latisha and our newcomer Jamie! We appreciate you ladies for joining us tonight and we are looking forward to our Christmas Party next month. ???????? Stay tuned more photos to come!
October Update:
Another Chicktime Workshop in the books with the youth of Immerse Arkansas!! ???????? We had some slight last minute changes but we made the most out of our night by talking about fashion on a budget and playing a game of questions! We always have a blast with our friends of Immerse and can’t wait to see them next month for our November workshop ???????????????? — with Julia Nicole, Kelly Hall and Angel SunshineBabi Williams.