Chicktime Book

Chicktime (the book) was written for you. If you are a supporter or volunteer, you will very much enjoy Part 1: The Chicktime Story. If you are considering leadership or are a current leader or co-leader, we HIGHLY recommend that you read this very short book to better understand the Chicktime mission,  model and responsibilities of leadership. Our book is also very helpful for anyone wanting to go deeper in their life’s purpose and will inspire readers to take that next step in achieving their destiny… whether they have an interest in joining the Chicktime movement… or not! 🙂


There are several ways to read Chicktime:


Print Version at Amazon.com: Click here or visit amazon.com (only buy new copies, do NOT buy the used copies, they are out of date and more expensive!)

(available now for $5.39)


Kindle version: Click here or visit amazon.com and type Chicktime into the search bar

(available now for $.99)


Free printable PDF version: Chicktime Book 3rd Edition FREE COPY



ALL PROCEEDS, 100%, are donated to Chicktime, Inc. for the purpose of establishing new chapters across the USA. Any remaining funds are distributed to local charities caring for victims of abuse. Absolutely not ONE dollar of the proceeds will ever be distributed to the author… as her purpose in life is supporting women developing their passions and using their gifts to make the world a better place for the next generation… and it is her belief that where your treasure is, there  your heart is also. Her heart is with the women leading local communities into the lives of almost forgotten children to show them that they matter!