Kansas City News

Chicktime Kansas City is so grateful for all of our amazing volunteers. We are looking to expand our leadership team, if you are interested please text Sheryl at 816-510-4690!



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December Update:

We had a wonderful December workshop. Pictures are coming.

November Update:

Pictures are coming! Stay tuned.

October Update:

Fall has arrived in Kansas City, and that means it is soup and sweater season! Sheila and the Chicktime KC group brought “Souper” Saturday to the girls at Cornerstones of Care again this year. The girls enjoyed taking turns adding ingredients to the soup we prepared together, and shared what their favorite things are to cook, as well as what their favorite soups are. They also enjoyed creating their own individual mug cakes. It is always a pleasure to spend time with these girls, and cooking a meal and sitting down to enjoy lunch as a family makes it even more special. The Cheesy Chicken Chowder was also a hit with the girls – there was not a drop left!! 💕
Please reach out if you’d like to join us this month!

September Update:

You know it’s a good activity, when all of the girls stay quiet! ☺️ That’s how last Saturdays activity went, when Elizabeth shared her love for watercolor painting! 🎨 The girls really enjoyed this activity. They were all very focused on their paintings and most made multiples! Elizabeth also shared with us, that if you put skittles in water, the S will float to the top! Who knew!? It is always a blessing spending time with these girls. We were able to reconnect with one we haven’t seen in a few months and had a new sweet girl join us, who is truly a spirit full of joy. 💕 Please reach out if you’d like to join us next month, to love on these girls! We’d love to have you!

August Update:

This past Saturday, Megan shared her passion for laughter yoga! She prepared many different prompts to get us laughing. The idea is, if we are feeling down, we can just start fake laughing and eventually it’ll turn into real laughter. ☺️ And we all know how real laughter boosts our mood instantly! The girls were a bit hesitant at first but it was a great activity to get us all out of our comfort zones and laugh together!! 🤣

If you’d like to join us next month, please reach out!


July Update;

It was a bittersweet workshop, as two of our girls let us know that they will be leaving Ozanam this week. We are so proud of their progress in their healing and wish only the very best for them, but have loved our time with them over the past several months and will miss their smiles and warm engagement with the Chicktime KC Ladies! 🩷
We had a special guest workshop leader this month! Allie from Burns and McDonnell Engineering brought the girls a really fun STEM learning experience. She set the stage by discussing how each type of medication is produced specifically for how the body needs to digest it. She asked the girls engaging questions and it was super interesting to see how much they already knew and understood about the digestive process. They then began an experiment to develop a couple of different variations of coating for medication (Skittles) using different ingredients. As they put their coated Skittle into a cup of digestive tract liquid (Sprite), they watched to see how their coating protected their Skittle from dissolving and then discussed how some ingredients caused it to dissolve quicker than others. It was impressive how attentive the girls were to Allie as she shared her knowledge and led them through the process! We may have some future engineers in our midst!
The girls then dissolved Skittles in hot water to create ‘paint’ and had fun creating artistic masterpieces. For the finale, they had Skittles for a snack.
Our time with these girls is nothing short of amazing!
Please reach out if you’d like to join us next month! 💕 #chicktimekc

June Update:

Sheryl shared her passion for camping this past Saturday with the girls and it was such a fun workshop! 🥰 She first taught them how to build a camp fire by finding the correct size of sticks to get it started. We then made lunch pouches with a hamburger, corn and tater tots to cook over the fire. While lunch was cooking, the girls worked together to set up tent. They really enjoyed hanging out in the tent, singing and sharing scary stories. We ate our lunch while a delicious s’mores treat cooked on the fire next. After our bellies were full, the girls helped extinguish the fire and clean up. It was really an awesome experience for them and we even got to hear some of their stories of camping experiences! 💕
We have a really fun workshop planned in July! Please reach out if you’d like to join us!

May Update:

Each month we wonder if it’ll be our last because we’ve given the girls too much sugar and aren’t allowed back! ☺️ Kimberle planned such a fun Saturday for the girls! At the request of one last month, they made a very delicious layered brownie dessert. We then had to even it out with a healthy option…smoothies! Some of the girls had never made smoothies, so it was fun for them to try something new. 💕 We ended with playing games. It was so fun to just hang out and chat with them. Please reach out if you’re interested in joining next month!

April Update:

Maria lead a very fun workshop yesterday, sharing her passion for plants! Last year the girls planted live plants. We learned quickly fake plants may be the way to go this year. ☺️ They had so much fun decorating their pots and creating their succulent arrangement. The girls really enjoyed the workshop and there was so much laughter. 💕
Please reach out if you’d like to join us next month!

March Update:

A little late but Happy St. Patrick’s day from ChickTimeKC! We are so lucky 🍀 to know these girls! Jenny planned an awesome workshop this past Saturday. The girls had fun making a stained glass window decoration for their rooms, St. Patricks day themed of course. Then they made leprechaun pie ☘️. We can’t even tell you how much these girls love sugar. Luckily there was enough for each of them to make 3 pies! They are so funny and fun to hang out with. Reach out if you’d like to join us next month! 💚

February Update:

We had such a special workshop with the girls, this past Saturday. Julie and Karen put so much love, thought and detail into what they wanted to share with them. They created gratitude journals, with prompts, leading them to more positive ways of thinking and to Gods word. They were kind enough to offer Bibles to whomever wanted to take them. Right when they sat down the girls noticed and a couple even shared their favorite Bible versus. Every time we are told how much they appreciate us coming to spend time with them. I don’t think they even realize how much they impact our hearts. It’s always a bonus, when we get to talk about God with them.
We always need more help loving on them. Please reach out if you’d like to join! ♥️

January Update:

We are so appreciative of our workshop leader, Lorie, who led the girls in an activity to create inspiring vision boards. She brought her own vision board that she had made as a young teen to share with the girls and get their creative juices flowing. Our volunteers spent time with each of the girls as they pondered their goals for the future, considering their strengths and what they would like to achieve. The girls really enjoyed this activity and came away with inspired visions for their own future.
During our December workshop, the girls had addressed and wrote inspiring messages in Christmas cards for a group of elderly patients at a nearby care center. This month, we shared with the girls the really nice note that we received from the care center, where they told us how appreciative the patients were for the cards and how much the handwritten messages meant to them. Our girls are so very special to us and they have learned how much it means to others to take the time to share our love with them. 💕
Please reach out if you’re interested in joining us next month! #chicktimekc


December Update:

Merry Christmas from ChicktimeKC! 🎄🎅🏼

We had so much fun at our ChicktimeKC Christmas party! The girls enjoyed writing Christmas cards to residents of a near by memory care facility. They also had the opportunity to make cards for their loved ones. It was fun hearing their list of everyone they needed to make cards for and why. They made very neat snow flakes to hang in their rooms as well. After all of their hard work, they enjoyed hot chocolate. Or, should we say, added hot chocolate to their cups of marshmallows! I did not know so many marshmallows could fit in a cup of hot chocolate.

We have a full calendar for next year and are so excited to continue hanging out with these girls! If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out!! #chicktimekc



November Update:

Happy Thanksgiving from ChickTimeKC! 🦃 🍁
ChicktimeKC is very thankful for the opportunity to spend time with the girls at Ozanam! We know their circumstances may not be the best but we enjoy our time with them so much. It is always nice to hear how excited they are for us to come hang out with them. This past Saturday we made luminaries. The girls wrote on leaves what they were thankful for and used them to decorate their jars. It is my hopes, when they lay in their beds at night, they can see their luminaries glow and remember all they have to be thankful for!
If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please reach out!

October Updates:

We were all having such a great time with the girls, no one remembered to take pictures during the activities!
It was a fantastic Souper Saturday! Sheila taught the girls how to make Taco Soup; they each took turns browning the hamburger and onions and then adding in all of the canned ingredients and spices. While this was cooking, the girls learned how to follow a recipe and make microwave mug cakes. They started by placing a name tag on their mugs, choosing to make chocolate or vanilla, and then measured in the ingredients according to their recipe. One of the girls quickly learned there is a big difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon – and had to scrap her concoction and start over! 😊
While they were waiting for their turn at the microwave, they used placements with a table setting template printed on it to learn how to set the table for guests.
As we all sat down to the table, one of the girls asked if she could lead us in a group prayer where she would start the prayer and then going around the table everyone would add to it. Oh my, this is where it got real – the wonderful things the girls shared that they were thankful for brought tears to our eyes and gave us goosebumps. They each included how much it meant to them to have Chicktime in their lives and how much they appreciated each of us sharing our time with them. We always hope that what we do with them makes a difference in their healing process, but hearing it from them was so very touching. 💕
We proceeded to serve up the steaming hot taco soup into the first bowl – and wowsa, was it hot! So hot that the plastic bowl began to melt! Sheila was quick to come up with a solution – she suggested that we all eat our mug cakes first (yum, dessert first is always a win) and then wash them out and use them for the soup. Everyone agreed Chicktime is all about learning, adjusting, and being flexible! The mug cakes were delicious, the soup was delightful, and everyone took turns sharing fun things they like to do during their favorite season of the year.
Afterwards, the girls were able to take a copy of the recipes with them – as well as a crocheted pumpkin made by one of our leaders and one of the table decoration pumpkins. It was a Souper Saturday!

September Update:

Sheryl lead a thought provoking workshop this weekend, having the girls do some creative writing. She provided various prompts for the girls to create stories with and it was fun listening to what they came up with!
We were so excited to have a couple new volunteers join as well! We’re so grateful our chapter keeps growing. Please reach out if you’d like to join us next month!

August Update:

What a fun Spa Day at our August workshop! 

We can’t wait until next month. Our time together gets better and better. 

July Update:

Chicktime KC went camping! 🏕️ The girls had quite an experience learning a few things about camping!
They collected fire wood, built a fire, then learned how to make their own lunches in tinfoil packs over it! They even made one for each leader. They enjoyed making s’mores in ice cream cones, however, more of the ingredients were probably eaten before making it into the cones!
After all of the cooking fun – they pitched a tent! This was definitely a challenge but was successful! They were able to hang out in the ⛺️ for awhile and discuss how to plan a camping trip and what to consider when picking a site.
It was so much fun sharing this experience with the girls! Please reach out if you’d like to join us on our next adventure!

June Update:

We had a great Saturday morning mod podgeing treasure boxes! The girls used their creativity to decorate their boxes with Bible verses, fun paper and pictures. They were excited to have a box to keep any treasures they may find in!
Our leaders, Julie and Karen, did an amazing job incorporating scripture into their activity. At the end of our time together, each girl was able to go around the table and read a Bible verse and positive quote from their snack bag. ❤️
Please join us for our next activity at Ozanam!

May Update:

Kimberle lead a very fun workshop Saturday! The girls enjoyed creating different perler bead designs. They are so much fun to hang out with and they enjoy the time so much.
Reach out if you’re interested in hanging out with us! We visit Ozanam the 3rd Saturday of every month.

April Update:

We loved hanging out with the girls at Ozanam this weekend! Maria lead a great workshop. The girls decorated their own flower pots and then planted ivy. They were so excited to have a plant for their rooms! ????????
Please reach out if you’re interested in hanging out with us! We visit Ozanam the 3rd Saturday of every month.

March Update:

This Saturday’s ChickTime KC workshop got a little messy! The girls learned how to make their own icing, to decorate sugar cookies. ???? They seemed to enjoy eating the icing, a little more than the mixing. ☺️ They had a lot of fun mixing new colors and being creative with their cookie decorating!
Let us know if you’d like to hang out with us on a Saturday morning!

February Update:

Sheila led a fun workshop Saturday, teaching us how to make beaded bracelets!
Please reach out if you’d like to join the fun by volunteering or by sharing your passion and leading a workshop! The girls would love to see you! We are at Ozanam the 3rd Saturday of every month.

January Update:

We had such a fun time Saturday making macrame, with the girls! They were so excited more women were able to join our workshop this month, as well. They enjoyed learning the process of macrame and being able to have a piece of art they created for their room. Please reach out if you’re interested in joining us for a workshop in the future!

December Update:

We had another great Saturday hanging out with the girls at Ozanam!
The girls did diamond art, made gingerbread houses and listened to some Christmas music. Both activities made quite the mess but we were told, the bigger the mess, the more fun! We definitely had a lot of fun.
Please let us know if you’d like to share your hobby or passion one month! The girls would love to see you!


November Update:

The new Chicktime Kansas City Team met again for another “silent “ workshop in November.
They made tied blankets with the girls at Ozanam and everyone talked about what they were thankful for while tying….
And then the girls did stick on nails. They really enjoy those.
The silent workshops are allowing the new team to establish a relationship with Ozanam and prepare things for all to come back in 2023!!
We hope that means YOU!
Please let us know if you would like to share your hobby or passion with the girls one month!
Together we can make a difference!



In October, we had a “silent workshop” with just the new leadership team . The theme was Self-Care and we shared different activities they could do to calm themselves or take time for themselves. As it was just before Halloween, we had them decorate pumpkins and give themselves a quick manicure with Halloween themed stick on nails. It was a beautiful day, so we colored with chalk on the sidewalk and danced around with bubble sticks . . and of course had snacks (which was the highlight of their morning). Enjoy our pictures!

December Update:

Wonderful Morning with the girls!
They loved their PJ’s and goodies! Thanks to everyone that donated!
Thank you Elaine & Michelle for joining in the fun!


November Update:

Our Pj drive was a success! Can’t wait to gift them to the girls at the December Christmas Party!

Hope to see you there!


October Update:

Dropped off some treat bags for our girls at Cornerstones of Care-Ozanam Campus! Thank you to all who donated!

August Update:

Madison and Tandra had a wonderful Nail Art workshop with the girls!
                                                                                          Thanks so much ladies????

July Update:

The girls are going to have such fancy and fun flip flops with all the decorating crafts items we dropped off for them this month.

Thanks for all the donations!

Fingers crossed we will have an in person workshop in August!

June Update:

So fun to be back in person !

Ice Cream just seemed like the perfect summertime workshop!

See you next month.

May Update:

May workshop with the girls was some DIY activity fun and treats!

April Update:

Thank you to our  Rock Painting workshop leader Teresa and our Hygiene 101 workshop leader Maria( March workshop leader)! They were able to be with  the girls at Cornerstones of Care- Ozanam Campus today after a year of being away! Two volunteers were allowed to be on campus to lead our monthly workshop in person and we were grateful they were willing and able!


Rock painting supplies and treats~

A perfect workshop back !

Hygiene kits  delivered too!

We can’t wait to be back in person in May!

March Update:

Our March workshop, Maria Elena, got things together for her “all about hygiene” workshop….and then we heard the incredible news that we are allowed to return to campus in April. Ozanam is allowing two Chicktime volunteers at a time as they transition back to things pre-Covid. So Maria Elena will take her March workshop to leave with the girls this month and assist our April workshop leader, Teressa with her now in-person workshop!
If you are able to help with supplies please let us know. We are feeling so blessed to have such caring women who want to see Chicktime workshops happen so they donate supplies and time to lead workshops!
To be honest~ that’s all it really takes to be part of the leadership team~ having a caring heart and have about 10 minutes a month to do Chicktime business stuff and of course attend workshops. When we have a team it’s so easy to to keep our commitment to the girls at Ozanam. We hope you would consider joining the leadership team.

February Update:

On February 17th, we sent off the games and activities you donated to the tweens at Cornerstone of Care – Ozanam Campus! Hopefully we will be able to see the girls soon! In the meantime… have fun girls with the new games!
The Chicktime Ladies

January Update:

No Workshop this month. See you in February.

December Update:

The girls at Ozanam Campus are so appreciative of their stockings. Thank you so much to everyone who donated.

November Update:

Our November workshop and snacks was sent off via courier ! We can’t see the girls for in person workshops but we are committed to  sending them something to do and a snack  once a month!! This month they got supplies to make gratitude turkeys! Perfect for the season, right?
We continue to need help and a lot of it!! Please reach out to us if you can help!!

October Update:

Chicktime Kansas City cares deeply about the girls at Cornerstone! Covid has kept us away and we’ve not been able to have in person workshops. It is heart breaking as we know our monthly activities make a difference in their life. Until we can be back on campus we will make “drop-off” workshops . This month we dropped off snacks, Tie-dye kits to tie-dye socks and masks and lanyards sewn with love by Chicktine KC managing leader, Margo Russell!!
We are looking for help with a fall fun drop off in November and ladies to lead an in person workshop next year.
What’s your passion or hobby?
Yoga, gardening, games, crafts or painting? Or perhaps something else ? Would you share it with the girls at Cornerstone?

September Update:

Excited for our girls for their September workshop of SELF-LOVE. We all need it. We all want it. Let’s go and get it! Through Amazon we were able to get the girls some supplies. Can’t wait to see them again in person!

Our September “drop-off” workshop is being planned( still not able to have face to face workshops). We are so excited about this one! Self-Reflection and learning to love ourselves is a good thing! We hope this workshop will be heart- opening and life changing for the girls!
Would you be interested in sponsoring( come up with the idea and providing the supplies to carry it out) our drop-off workshop for October?
Please reach out to Amanda Garn at 314-5408197 to discuss your ideas! We are changing lives one workshop at a time! Be part of the mission!
August Workshop:
Dropped off cookies, milk and a movie for the girls at Ozanum!
We hope they have the perfect evening!

This is just for the girls since we still can’t have face to face workshops!

But!!! If you feel called to help us get the treats for the movie….Please reach out!

Chicktime KC leadership team delivered some treat bags to our precious and worthy and CHOSEN girls at Cornerstone….We just wanted them to know that we may not be able to meet face to face with them, but they are still on our minds and in our hearts!
If you have an idea on how we can continue to do things like this ( sending cards, activities/crafts, or snacks and food) until we can resume our workshops and have the means to carry it out…..Let us know. If you supply it we will get it there!

If you would  like to show love to the girls by sending snacks, activities or cards please let us know. We would love to help you be a blessing!

Stay well,

The Chicktime KC Leadership Team

February Update:

The girls had a great time with their Valentine’s party!

Popcorn, cotton candy, Valentine’s and sugar scrubs! They had a blast!

January Update:

Big thank you to Rah for an inspiring stress management workshop today! The girls really enjoyed learning how to deal with stress in a healthy way.

Look for our upcoming February event!

Due to weather concerns our January workshop has been moved to January 25th! See YOU then!

Welcome Amanda! Thank you for joining the leadership team and committing to serving your community!

December Update:

Our Christmas 2019 was WONDERFUL!!

Thank you to everyone who helped the leadership team pull it off!

We were blessed as we were being a blessing!

November Update:

Due to unforeseen reasons~ Our November workshop was canceled. This only gives us time to plan the perfect December workshop! Don’t miss out!

Let’s spread the holiday cheer!

October Update:

Oh what a blast we had at our October workshop!

The girls got so creative with their halloween masks!

Just look at the yummy witch hat treats they created out of sugar cones, icing and sugar cookies.

The girls like the games we played too.

We just love our time together. Join us one month. We know you will too!

September Update:

We are  full of gratitude this morning.
We would like to give a BIG warm thank you to Jasmine Merrill, our wonderful speaker today for the positive words of encouragement and taking the time to speak with our bright young ladies at the Ozanam campus.

And to our Amazing volunteers, we couldn’t make Chicktime happen every month without your endless support and dedication!

And as we learned today:


August Update:

An easy workshop, but full of meaning!

It’s such a beautiful time when we can share our hearts with our girls at Ozanam!

We would love to see you at our next Workshop!

July Update:

Our July Workshop was canceled. See you in August.

June Update:

Another fabulous morning spent with the girls decorating wooden butterflies and making friendship bracelets!

Thanks for hanging out Leah Kent????

May Update:

Thanks to everyone who came out and volunteered this morning with us. The girls enjoyed learning about fashion with Maia Elena Torres Rodriquez and Tasha Avery.

Hope to see you next month~

April Update:


Had a lovely morning volunteering at the 5K Easter Egg Run benefiting Cornerstones of Care and at Ozanam Home with the girls as lovely Pam with Mary Kay gave us some beneficial tips on daily skin care and applying make up.

March Update:

We had so much fun painting picture frames and sun catchers with our girls at Cornerstones of Care -Ozanam Campus Sat Morning!

Thank you to all the ladies who showed up to share your and to Cornerstones of Care for letting us spend time with them!

A super special THANK YOU to Sara who volunteers with us everytime she comes to town to visit her Mom!

If you would like to join our chapter and come volunteer with us ~ please reach out ! We would love to have you!

February Update:

Our “You Are Lved” Workshop today led by Jasmine Merrill was so powerful and well received by our girls! They participated in writing activities to help them see their differences are unique and should not stand in the way of the love and self care they provide to themselves.

Jasmine is a Mother, Author, Speaker and Creative Writer! She is a awesome motivator who we are lucky to have coming back to lead two additional workshops this year!

January Update:

Our January 2019 workshop was canceled due to winter storm. We are busy planning our February workshop! We hope to see you there!

December Update:

What a joyful saturday morning we had with the girls at Cornerstones of Care- Ozanam Campus!

The girls enjoyed sewing stockings, playing a Christmas drawing game, yummy treats and looking through their gift bags!

We also had a awesome selfie station a few of our volunteers set up! One special girl gave us a speech about how much she enjoyed what we do for them, all the reason we continuing going back each month to share our !

Thanks to all the ladies who showed up and helped make this such a awesome time!

Special thanks to Thayna who was visiting from Cali for the holidays and found us to volunteer with!

November Update:

We had a wonderful morning on Saturday with the girls at Cronerstones.- Ozanam Campus.

We had fun games and lots of tasty snacks!

Big thanks to Elaine Swope for coming out to volunteer!

October Update:

Full day of Fun with Chicktime KC!

From our morning Halloween party with the girls at Cornerstone of Care- Ozanam…

into the evening at Hamburger Mary’s playing HamBINGO to make the girls Christmas a bit more special!

The day was over the top…

and we just so blessed !

Our volunteers are incredible~

And we are so grateful to them for making the party so awesome and for the hilariously incredible bingo announcer and all the wonderful people who donated a bingo gift and/or came out and showed support for KC chapter we appreciate you!

September Update:

One of the most beautiful things about Chicktime Kansas City is the we are consistent women in the lives of the teen girls living at Cornerstones fo Care-Ozanam Campus. They know us… they know they can come to our monthly workshops tired, wounded, angry, happy, or use come for the treats we serve.It doesn’t matter. We are always excited to see them. We want them to know they matter to us.

We had wonderful September workshop leaders who provided a growth mindset activity for the girls. We also enjoyed floats and treat bags!

August Update:

We made some dream catchers today with the awesome girls at Ozanam Home!

Being able to share our montly with the girls is such a blessing!

Let us know if you are interested in learning more about what we do! We would love to have you join us

July Update:

Had a great time at Chicktime….

The Tie-dye day with the girls was a blast!

June Update:

The Chicktime KC chapter had so much fun with our Summer activities at Ozanam Home yesterday!

Sarah graciously stepped in to show the girls how to make yummy , play balloon toss and prize ball!

Unfortunately we were having too much fun to take more pictures, but the girls as always appreciated the & yummy snacks!


April Update:

Had another meaningful morning with some amazing girls today! Thanks so much to Teresa McCormick Brewer for doing another wonderful Windshield Workshop for us!

If you ever find yourself lost, needing a bit of motivation, help with goal setting, life in general, reach out to Teresa coaching is definitely her calling?

March Update:

We had a wonderful workshop led by Judy Bond.

The girls learned a lot about what type of personality they have and enjoyed of starbursts and snacks!!

February Update:

What a wonderful morning spent with the girls at Ozanam Home! Big thanks to Tricia Szasz for sharing her life story with us! The girls really related and were able to think about a “Flight Plan” for their future

We will see you next month!!

January Update:

It’s such a blessing to have such wonderful Workshop leaders and volunteers! Thank you LaConna Janay Grayson for bringing your Vision Board Party to the girls at Ozanam!

The morning was perfect…Smiles, fun, music and snacks!

December Update:

What an awesome way to celebrate the Christmas Season with our girls at Ozanam Home today – Hot chocolate bar, sugar cone Christmas ?, musical chairs, selfie station, treats, fun, and ? ???!

A HUGE Thank you to Tasha, Sarah, Toni and all the awesome ladies who got a Chicktime shirt or donated! They were so grateful for their fun-filled day!

We can’t wait to see what 2018 brings! We hope you will be part of our journey!

November Update:

We had such a wonderful morning volunteering with the girls at Ozanam today!

Yummy treats, Fun games, and DIY Christmas Cards for Nursing Home residents!

See you next month for our Christmas Party!!

October Update:

We had so much FUN at the Halloween Bash with our girls at Ozanam !

Cookie decorating….

Pumpkin bracelets….

Games and tasty snacks!

Thanks to all who came out and made it possible.

We can’t wait to see you out next month at our Thanksgiving Party!

(2nd) September Workshop Update:

Had a wonderful morning with the girls at Ozanam today!

The girls enjoyed a few games of Bingo, balloon blow and Root beer Floats!

Thanks to Desiree Wilcox for coming back to volunteer and inviting Trenda! And thanks to Angie and Tasha Avery!


September Update ( 1st workshop)

Thank you to our awesome leaders today Nancy Denzler Oglesby and Sara Minges
who did an amazing job with the girls!

We learned some interesting facts & tips about living healthy, enjoyed a few play therapy games and tasted some green smoothies and orange Julius’s! The girls surprisingly loved the green smoothies the best!

Thank you to all the volunteers who attended this event and made it extra special.

We are hosting another workshop this month….please join us!

August Update:

Wonderful Day at Ozanam with the girls!

Vision Boards & Gifts!

Thank you so much Kim Austin for leading us!

Please join us next month as we have two workshops schedule!!

July Update:

Every month, Chicktime Kansas City has the pleasure of bringing a monthly activity to the girls who live at Cornerstones of Care~Osanam Campus (pictured above). This month was no different. On July 15th, Sarah led us through a morning of art and games. The girls decorated canvases with permanent markers and then spritzed them with alcohol to make the colors run. This technique creates a beautiful watercolor effect. The girls personalized their art by writing an inspirational quote or their names using puffy paint. After the art activity, we played a game where the girls took turns trying to find the right path over a set of 16 tiles placed on the floor. The game was suppose to be a team building activity, but ended early due to some girls getting frustrated with each other and pictures of their art work could not be taken.

The girls reaction to the game we played is the very reason that  Chicktime Kansas City keeps  coming back. The girls need us! Their histories of abuse, neglect, domestic and community violence, multiple foster homes and psychiatric hospitalizations have lead to emotional and behavioral challenges. Volunteers such as Chicktime play a vital role in helping the girls heal and have a new beginning to reach their full potential.

We would love to have you join us next month as we continue to show the girls we love them….and no matter what will show up for them…through thick and thin!

Recently, Chicktime KC had the opportunity to partner with Paper Birch Landing Gallery in helping to raise funds for the girls of Ozanam. We painted the afternoon away while raising funds for our charity partner at the same time… how cool is that!?!?! Ozanam is home to 16-20 teen & tween girls and as you can imagine, raising that many girls at one time can be quite expensive!! We are so blessed and thankful that we were able to advocate for our charity partner in this way! If you feel called to help Ozanam with any of their current needs, please visit https://cornerstonesofcare.org/ to learn more about how easy it is to make a difference in the life of these girls!!
For more info about Paper Birch Landing, visit http://paperbirchlanding.com today!

June Update:

Another wonderful morning with the young ladies at Ozanam! It’s so nice to able to bring activities and workshops to them monthly!

Today Tricia Szasz an amazing Lady brought back the pottery the girls made last month for them to glaze! Last month Part 1 of her workshop was incredible and fun! This month Part 2 was just as incredible and fun!

Can’t wait to see the finished masterpieces!!

We have two workshops scheduled next month! We would love to see you at one of them, but humbled to see you at both!

May Update:

Pottery wheels were spinning at our May workshop!!!

Excitement filled the room as we all became ” potters”!!

Join us next month as we paint our masterpieces!!

Isaiah 64;8

“And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.”

Please note that Chicktime May 2017 workshop has been changed to May 27th! The location, time, and activity has stayed the same! We can’t wait to see you! We promise it’s going to be a blast!!

April Update:

We had such a great time playing a minute to win it jelly bean game with the girls and making colorful wreaths!

This month, the KC Chicks met up for a little extra Chicktime at Paper Birch Landing where we painting the night way!

Heather from Paper Birch is graciously reaching out to other local artists in the community to help purchase bath robes & items needed for the girls in Ozanam!

 Please let us know if you would like to help =}


March Update:


That describes this Friday evening spent with the girls at Ozanam! They as well as a few volunteers danced an hour away! Thanks Jessica Auld for coming and sharing your moves!!



February Update:

Wonderful morning with the young ladies at Ozanam! Valentine’s Day Treats & Minute to Win it Games!

Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers, Sarah, Cydney and Tasha that came out!

