Roll The Dice

May Update:

Hebrews 13:16 ~ “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Our monthly workshop with the teen girls who live at Boysville Children’s Home had a lot of laughs, friendly competition , a smorgasbord of snacks ( chips and dips, skittles, donut holes, peanut butter crackers, fruit, Gatorade ) great conversation and sooooooooo much love!
The prizes of bath and body lotions and sprays, face masks, games, journal and pen … made the girls have to be timed when picking their prize after winning a bingo game! They just couldn’t decide! Their excitement over our time together is the reason we come back month after month! I over heard two of our new volunteers ask the girls about Chicktime and the girls could tell them in depth about our past workshops and what they did… and how much fun “the ladies” always make it!
Thank you to this months workshop leaders-
Anna, Monica , Seli and Shannon! Chicktime San Antonio is so grateful you always say yes to take on leading a month each year! You are a blessing!
As always we circled up to end our time together in prayer…. And it’s just so special when one of the girls volunteers to say it! Today was that day!
The girls were also gifted with goodie bags filled with snacks to take back to their cottages by the workshop leaders! An extra blessing!
We would love you to join us one month! And if you are not able-
Pray for the precious girls we get to serve at Boysville … and all the Chicktime Chapters that serve in Children’s Homes and shelters here locally, in Texas and in other states who also show up month after month to make a difference!