Easter Dinner and Gifts!

March Update:

Wow! Incredible! Awesome! Just a few words to describe our time with the teen girls Boysville, Inc. at our March workshop this morning!
Workshop leader, Eva Irwine, showed up with pure enthusiasm to teach the girls the importance of positive affirmations! At the start of the workshop, strips of paper were handed out to the girls to write down all the negative things that hold them down….only they would see the list. The girls were asked to fold the strips of papers and put them in a cup.
We gathered the papers and Eva told the girls to now focus on the reason she was there… to teach them about positive affirmations and how they can help them to move forward … dream big…and claim who they were called to be. Eva shared personal things that have weighed heavy on her heart and have kept her thoughts negative which in turn held her back on reaching her dreams. She then explained how positive affirmations changed her heart and attitude. To help the girls practice on making positive affirmations, Eva passed a mirror around so the girls could look in the mirror and loudly proclaim affirmations they wanted to make. She had a list to assist them if needed. Then Eva had a Polaroid Camera and volunteers helped take pictures of all the girls . The craft of the day was to paste that picture in the middle of a canvas and use stickers above the picture to spell out – I AM…
Then the girls created a positive affirmation canvas with the picture as the center focus! The conversations between volunteers and girls during this activity was over the top FABULOUS and REAL!
A homemade cookie cake with positive affirmations on it was shared with lemonade!
We then made a symbolic gesture of tearing up the strips of paper with the negative thoughts the girls wrote out to tell the girls they no longer have a hold on them.
We ended our time together in prayer led by one of the teen girls . She thanked God for sending the Chicktime ladies to bring arts and crafts and to remind them that they are worthy of a better life and that people actually care about them!
I’m still crying.
We are grateful for our workshop leader, Eva Irwine and the volunteers who showed up today .
Chicktime brings hope to youth who need it so…and today these beautiful women gave hope in a beautiful and gentle way.
God is good.
Join us one month. Come be kingdom builders !