*Jackson News
March Update:
August Update:

July Update:
May Update:

April Update:
November Update:

October Update:
Our October event was at a skating rink. The girls ate pizza and celebrated one young lady’s birthday. Nicole gave the devotional about the value of surrounding yourself with people who are encouraging and supportive. We had the whole building to ourselves so we were able to play Christian music as some were brave enough to try their skating skills while the rest of us enjoyed chatting and watching, the those of us who are not as young as we used to be, watching is a whole lot safer than risking a broken hip!
September Update:
August Update:
Workshop leader, Nicole, showed the girls how to make ornaments with dried flowers for decorations around their room. She talked to them about waiting for the person God wants for them to marry and also gifted each girl a book on how to pray for their future husband.
Keep using our chapter, Lord.
July Update:
June Update:
May Update:

April Update:
February Update:
December Update:
November Update:
The November workshop didn’t turn out as planned. Volunteers turned up and supplies were ready for us to have a good time. Houseparents showed up, but the girls did not as they were having internal issues that needed to be resolved.
This gave Chicktime volunteers the opportunity to listen, learn and love the houseparents and get a better perspective from both sides. God uses it all~ doesn’t he?
We will with out a doubt be back next month. We know HE is using us.
September Update:
July Update:
June Update:
May Update:
March Update:

January Update:

December Update:
Our Christmas event was incredibly successful due to the love and commitment of our Ladies. Their faithfulness, month after month is truly inspiring. Every month is amazing but this December was definitely over the top. Of course, we had the usual feast, as well as, a beautiful and delicious Birthday Cake decorated to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. We sang Happy Birthday to our Savior and Lord. One of our ladies covered bags of chips to look like they were professionally created to tell the salvation story. She also created beautifully printed name tags for our entire Chicktime group. That was very sweet. Another lady outdid us all by creating 8 different candy making stations, all beautifully wrapped in Christmas paper. So with our 32 girls each station of 4 girls created enough candy to fill a box for each girl to save for later. Some of the girls exchanged with others to try different tasty candies. Each girl also received a beautiful wrapped
Christmas present; it was a red apron which they could wear while they making their candies. The girls thoroughly enjoyed making and tasting the candy! The staff even commented on how much they were enjoying it. After that each girl was given 2 pairs of earrings which they chose themselves from a large variety of earrings. Even the staff and the Chicktime ladies got to choose 2 pairs of earrings. It was a most successful time with the girls and I believe they truly felt our love for them and enjoyed a wonderfully happy Christmas celebration!
November Update:
We love the encouragement that the parable about the Pearl of Great Price brings to us.
….And we particularly love giving the girls a pearl necklace to remind them of their great worth to Jesus. Sunday we opened a real oyster loaded with 27 earls. The girls loved seeing the pearls inside and almost all of them got to have one.
The formation of the pearls parallels their lives. It is a very meaningful teaching.
After that they all got a single fresh water pearl necklace, to remind them that they are so vulnerable.
Jesus, gave all to redeem them.
Our Chicktime Ladies, after serving a feast they prepared, worked hard to fit the necklace perfectly to every girl. Our team is amazing and so deeply appreciated.
October Update:
Our October 2019 event was so much fun! Not only did we feast on BBQ pork sliders along with brownies and more but we were blessed to have the champion robotics team, ” Wait For It” join us!
They demonstrated the capabilities of the robot and answered numerous questions about the working habits of the team on and off the field.
After that, they lead each girl to make her own “bristle bot” and compete for a winner.
We enjoyed their visit immensely. The bracelet is made from a 3D printer the robotics team brings in. Pretty cool, huh?
September Update:
We had a pamper time that included eye makeup, hand and arm massages and lovely polished nails. Mindy spoke on our physical beauty and the beautiful work God is doing in our soul. After all the pampering each one of our Chicktime ladies prayed personally for a girl until they were all prayed for. It was so sweet and tender. Our ladies were truly moved by their openness and willingness to receive.
We give and give but there is no way to compare that with the enormity of what the Lord pours back on us!
August Update:
August 18, we thoroughly enjoyed the girls (about 30 of them) as we ate wonderful snacks and visited with them. So many of the girls are new, as they are in a 6 month program. Our craft was created with toilet paper rolls. We used them to illustrate that often times things or people can appear to be worthless but in reality, with vision and a little effort they can become a beautiful work of art. We made flowers, crosses and pictures with the rolls. They really came out great. The girls seemed to enjoy the project and were eager to find a place to hang them.
July Update:
For our July Workshop, Michele taught the girls how to paint with acrylics. The picture they made was based on the song, Pieces. Referring to the Lord Jesus giving of his heart without limits to those who love Him. At one of our Bible Study times, after sharing about the plan of salvation, nearly all the girls chose to invite Jesus to live in their hearts. The goodness of our God is overwhelming!
May Update:
For May we had a feast of great homemade desserts, as usual, and enjoyed fellowshipping with the girls before it was time to make our craft. At the beginning of every meeting (we have 5 a month counting bible study) we make sure to hug each young lady. Some are so expecting to receive their hug they make their way to us with open arms as soon as they arrive. Others are a little shy about it but seem happy enough to “put up “ with it. ????. It’s so important to us that they feel loved. Not only do we demonstrate that love but tell them all the time that Jesus loves them and so do we. For our craft we made “no sew” pillows out of fleece. The pillows looked great when they were done and the girls seemed very pleased with themselves for doing such a good job. I used the pillow to talk about being connected to Jesus and resting in His love for us. Also tying in the comfort of the Holy Spirit is like the soft support of the pillow. We had a great time!
April Update:
For our April workshop our young ladies had the awesome privilege of hearing Aimee’s testimony of how the Lord brought her through a difficult childhood into a beautiful relationship with Him. Her story was so moving it sparked a lot of response from the girls. They listened intently as Aimee shared the power of the Lord Jesus’ redeeming love. Several of them felt moved to share their own testimony of the goodness of God in their lives. As always we had an incredible feast of snack type desserts and hors d’oeuvres. And with Brenda’s help we made beautiful dream catchers. The girls had a great time and look forward to every event. To say that we are blessed to be able to share with them would be a great understatement.
March Update:
We had a great time during our March event! Carolyn and Michele lead the event by teaching the girls about essential oil‘s. The devotional was great and the girls were able to apply the teaching to their own uniqueness. After they made scented spritzers and lotions with the oil of their choice, Michele asked who needed prayer and we were able to pray for the girls. It was a very special and holy time. I’m sure that we will not know until we get to heaven the impact that our prayers made that day. The food was great, as usual, our ladies outdid themselves. We thoroughly enjoyed the food and fellowship!
February Update:
Our February event was so very meaningful and the girls learned to sew! Judith lead our event by first giving her testimony. It was so inspiring and I’m quite sure the girls could relate to everything she said. We appreciate her willingness to open her heart to the girls and let them see how Jesus can heal a broken heart. What a testimony to his goodness and to his faithfulness!
She also taught the girls how to sew by hand. Each girl made her own pillow to keep. They were really enjoyed the activity.
As usual, we had a banquet of amazing snacks. What a blessing it was to the girls and to us and how we enjoyed the time with them!
January Update:
We had an early Valentine’s Day Party since we were going to miss the actual date next month. The dinner plates were full of red hearts ♥️ and the food was delicious. We had a feast for Queens! After the food and fellowship time we made our own valentines. Each girl wrapped two toilet paper rolls in shining red and white paper and filled them with candy. I taught on the power of Love, encouragement and giving, so we demonstrated it with our valentines. We included in our package a small strip of paper with encouraging words written by the girls themselves. When it came time to write those words we waited on the Lord for a few minutes of silence to ask what He would have us say. After writing the notes, the girls finished their package and we placed them in a box to mix up. Then the girls each chose two rolls that someone else made. Now came the big decision. Were they going to keep both rolls for themselves? Or keep one and give one away? Or give both away? It was amazing to see how many wanted to save theirs for people they loved. Or if they kept one how excited they were to read the encouraging notes that was just for them. I was moved by how much they took it to their hearts. God is so good, and we are so blessed to have the opportunity to sow into the lives of these little ones. We are so thankful for three new Ladies added to our group, welcome Heather, Nicole and Shelley! What a blessing to have you apart of us!
I want to include a note we received from one of our girls. This was been spoken to us on many occasions. It’s so encouraging!

November Update:
One of the unique aspects of our charity partner is that our girls only remain for six months. So there is a constant turnover of girls and after six months we can easily repeat the workshops we’ve done in the past. Since the exiting girls communicate to the new girls how they were able to receive a single pearl necklace, the new girls wait excitedly for the time when they can have one, too. That time came again in November to tell the parable that Jesus taught about the pearl of great price and to make a real fresh water pearl necklace on a piece of leather cord. Each necklace is custom fit to the girl’s expectation. As I am explaining the story to the girls, they hear that they are indeed that pearl of great price that Jesus gave all He had to purchase. I also purchase a real oyster from Amazon that contains about 24 pearls. It is so much fun to open the oyster and find the pearls inside and of course, every girl wants to have one of those as well. I use the outside of the oyster to illustrate that the real value lies within. Looks are deceiving. We are all precious in His sight because He sees past the outer traits. He sees the person made in His image. I explain to the girls that the pearl develops from an irritation inside the oyster. As the oyster secrets a substance to cover the irritation, a pearl is formed. It is the same with us. As we allow the Holy Spirit to soothe and comfort us, He heals the wounds and hurtful things in our lives, and we become more beautiful than before. As always, our ladies were faithful to help bring and serve wonderful snacks and visit with the girls. Our girls can’t wait each month to see what the next Chicktime event will hold for them. Many of them try hard to schedule passes so they don’t miss Chicktime! We are so blessed to have the favor of the Lord on all we do. He deserves all the glory for every life that is changed and every heart that is encouraged. It is a real privilege to be His hands and feet.
Our chapter also includes a Tuesday after school bible study for the two houses. That’s anywhere from twenty to twenty-eight girls. We separated the bible study into the two houses because we believe it is more personal. We have seen a remarkable response from the girls. Some have given their lives to Jesus for the first time. Others have remarked that they will never be the same. Some have voiced their anger and bitterness toward a God that they do not know. I am just as interested in hearing the hurt feelings as well as the encouraging remarks.
It tells me how to pray for them and how to address their questions. It is a battle of good vs evil. But the good news is that He has already won the victory. We have the advantage of knowing the outcome. And when these little ones are so confused, I am confident that our good God will bring them out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. Praise the Name of Jesus!
October Update:
ur October event was everything we dreamed it would be! Not only did the girls have a great time building and racing “bristlebots” made from the heads of tooth brushes, tiny motors and batteries, but the also, enjoyed hearing how team “Wait for It” makes their robots and competes on a global stage. The team’s demonstration of their world champion robot, and with their knowledge of the world of robotics and excellence in communication, they made the workshop fun and fascinating.
As inspiring as the workshop was, my favorite part came with the testimony of one of the team’s Dad about his son’s healing. “Wait for It’s” team member, who is only 15 years old, was diagnosed last year with bone cancer. After receiving this diagnosis many began to pray for this young man’s healing. Two weeks later, no cancer could be found in his body and the doctors had no medical explanation for the change. We know that our gracious God healed him. His Dad spoke to our girls from a Father’s point of view. It could not have been more perfect. They heard his deep love and commitment to his son. His joy at the answer to his prayers. It was a perfect example of the Father’s love for us. The girls were able to see firsthand what a good Father looks like. We linked it to the Father’s love for them. It was a great moment.
Thanks to our wonderful volunteers for great hugs and love and service. As usual, our ladies out did themselves cooking and providing delicious snacks, sausage dip, ooey gooy cakes, brownies and more. We are so blessed to have such a lovely team who pours out their gifts and talents on our girls!
September Update:
Chicktime September we enjoyed our time with the girls of Canopy immensely. They were equally happy to see us and we all had wonderful food to eat! There was a variety of snacks including Pizza, ooey, gooey cake, brownies and homemade apple pie! Every girl received huge hugs and lots of encouragement from our ladies. There were 7 of us who were able to attend and Mindy did a great job speaking to the girls about there inner beauty. She spoke to them of the value they carry, being made in God’s image. She also administered a personality test to all of us to help us understand better how God created us as individuals with different gifts and callings. It was extremely interesting and eye opening. She also spoke about the five love languages. The girls learned so much and were very encouraged. Thanks so much to the staff at Canopy for there constant support of our group and to our own ladies who often give their time and love to the girls!!!!
August Update:
Our Essential Oil Event was a great time with our girls at Canopy. Carolyn explained the value of the oils and there unique properties and applications. She compared them to the unique gifts and callings that God the Father put inside each of His children. The girls chose their favorite scents and created their own unique spritzer for their rooms as well as a sachet for their drawers. Of course, as always, they feasted on homemade snacks including chips with sausage dip, chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, and wonderful gooey cakes! Thanks to our team of dedicated ladies who pray, prepare food and love on girls every month, the girls were able to experience the love and kindness of our precious Father again. Our thanks, also, to the staff of Canopy who assist us every week to be able to spend time with the girls for Bible Study, as well, as the fun time event each month. During our previous Tuesday evening Bible Study, several of the girls testified to having a life changing encounter with Jesus. One of the girls said, “I wasn’t sure He was real before, but I know now that He is.” Several days later I asked her how she was doing and she said she was not depressed anymore! God is so good!
July Update:
Pam lead the way this month for crazy fun games with the girls in the gym. We laughed so hard as the girls ran races with cotton balls clinging to their noses with vaseline. Pam encouraged the girls with examples of great men and women who have changed history because of their perseverance. At the end of our games the winners got prizes but those who endured until the end won special medals! It was a fun way to illustrate the point of not giving up. Of course, like every other time, our ladies out did themselves baking wonderful treats and snacks. We all had a great time!
June Update:
Carolyn lead our June workshop with an inspirational message. She shared her own life journey while challenging the girls to set goals to reach their dreams. They received it well, and I believe have been motivated to work hard for the gifts and talents that God has given them to be developed so that they will shine with the beauty of their Creator while satisfying the desires of their own hearts. They also enjoyed great eats and asked for seconds! Afterward, we played games and everyone won prizes. It was so much fun.
We are so grateful to have the opportunity to spend time with the girls. Often they will pull one of us aside to ask for prayer and we are delighted to do so. One of the girls said to me this Saturday, “Do you know why I like Chicktime? It’s not just because of the food, but because y’all have given me a whole new outlook on life! “ This was music to my ears! It is so worth it all!
May Update:
We had a great time this past Sunday! Not only did we have fabulous food, but also made real fresh water pearl necklaces! Each girl received one large pearl, and a length of leather lace to make her own, made to fit, choker/necklace. As part of the devotional we used the parable of the Pearl of Great Price comparing the girls to the valuable pearl that Jesus gave all He had to purchase. I purchased a real oyster from Amazon and used it as an object lesson illustrating the true value of any person is hidden inside. The outside may not give a hint to the treasure inside but God sees us as we really are and Jesus was willing to die to purchase us. When we opened the oyster we found 25 small pearls of different kinds. None were perfect just as we are not perfect. We showed them pictures of mother of pearl as well as pieces of jewelry made from it.
We explained that pearls are created because of an irritation that entered the oyster. As we learn to overcome irritations we become beautiful people of greater character. The girls were so excited to open the oyster and pull out the pearls! Each girl was able to keep one pearl as well as her necklace. We had so much fun! And the best part is I think they really got the fact that Jesus considered them worth the price He paid to save them. Thanks to all the ladies who baked and came to help!
April Update:
April is a month of promise, of Spring just around the corner, of new life coming forth, bringing us out of cold weather and bleak landscapes into a warmth in the breezes, and a time of refreshing… Refreshing that finally relieves the stress of a long or harsh winter.
And this is what Brenda and daughter Mindy spoke about to our precious young ladies…Stress. Brenda has a soothing, comforting voice, just perfect to tell others about how she handles stress. Mindy has a vivacious refreshing personality and her input was very valuable. Brenda began by giving four points to help deal with stress:
1. Give all your worries and stress to God
2. Pray-God doesn’t always remove the problems but He strengthens us to go through them.
3. Be quiet inside, find a quiet place in the middle of turmoil. Real stress is not what is going on around us, but is more about what’s going on inside us.
4. Quickly forgive. Being easily offended can keep you stressed. Jesus said on the cross “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, and if He could forgive them during that terribly stressful time, we can surely forgive the people in our lives.
Brenda and Mindy then taught the girls to make Stress Balls, using colorful balloons and flour. Such a fun time!
Carolyn then set out the Bingo game cards and we all had a super happy time as first Mindy and then Ashleigh called out the numbers, and the girls “stressed” in a really fun way, competing to be the first to loudly shout “BINGO”, and to win a prize!
The best prize of the day was to see their stress melt away in a friendly and joyfully rowdy, happy time! What a blessing and honor to have been participants in this good time! We are looking forward to May’s event!
March Update:
Our March event was our first gathering with an additional home at Canopy Children’s Solution‘s. We were delighted to include a second house which increased our number of children from 10 to 28. Because there will always be girls on a pass and some on restriction, as well as, the constant flow of girls arriving and departing, It is never going to be possible to know the exact number of girls who will participate. Still what a blessing it is for us to speak into their lives. Rose Ellen, one of our Chicktime co-leaders, organized the day! She coached the girls into making beautiful sun catchers. Her testimony and encouragement was truly inspirational. Serveral of our ladies made delicious desserts and many girls voiced their hardy approval. One of the girls said, “You Gandmas can really cook!”. A genuine compliment if ever we heard one. Of course, our group is made up of ladies from all backgrounds, ethnic groups and ages. Fourteen ladies came together for this event and were amazingly encouraging, as well as helpful serving and assisting with the craft. Our time there was very special, a memorable day for us and the girls. Thanks to all who participated and to the staff at Canopy for their wonderful support
February Update:
Testimonies from our own lives can be so very powerful, and the testimony given by Judith to our precious young ladies had them quietly listening closely. It also had several of us Chicktime ladies teary-eyed….and yet so blessed. Judith’s lovely daughter, Hannah, sweetly and gently read Psalm 149, from the beautiful Message Translation. The quiet room suddenly, bust into a flurry of activity as Judith handed out sewing materials. The fabric… was a brightly colored cloth with various hearts. Each girl was provided a needle and thread and we Chicktime ladies began to teach them how to stitch. Though a number of them had never sewn before and were reluctant to even try, with one young lady just afraid of the act of beginning a stitch-gentle instruction coaxed each girl to finally push the needle through the fabric. Some were surprised at their first stitch, but that only served to take them forward as they created stitch after stitch.
Isn’t that just the way many of us step into something new? Then, as we take another step, we become a bit more steady on our feet, and before long, confidence soars!! And that is what happened….the girls continued their stitching. They learned to make “knots” in places where thread ran out, and then to resume with fresh thread. We all have seasons in our lives when a “thread” runs out, when some thing in our life comes to an end. The part we leave behind will always be sewn into the fabric of our lives, but we then learn to leave that part of life in the past, though remembered, and move forward into a new season.
The girls then filled the stitched fabric with downy stuffing, and the finishing stitches were sewn to enclose and secure what was tucked inside. How “full-filling” are the things THE Lord provides to fill us up with HIS goodness and HIS love?! As we listen and learn, receiving from HIM and all HE has for us, we are completed and secure in HIM.
Judith made a comment to the young ladies about the fabric. She said, “See all of the different colors and designs of the hearts? It is like each of you, unique and colorful in character and heart as God designed you!”
We are busy planning our March workshop. We hope you will come join us and see what God will reveal to us then!
January Update:
At Chicktime Jackson, one of our favorite things to do besides hosting our fun monthly workshops, is to stand in the gap for our charity partner, Canopy Children’s Solutions. We love to spend a little extra time with the precious children every month and study God’s word with them!
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
~John Bunyan
December Update:
Our Christmas party with our girls at Chicktime was absolutely perfect. We not only enjoyed great food and gave gifts to the girls from their own wish list but they prayed to receive the greatest gift of all Jesus Christ!!! There was such a sweet presence of God. We enjoyed our time together immensely, we opened gifts, ate party foods, decorated and visited! The girls decorated gingerbread men baked just for them by Pam Ulrich and created the most wonderful Christmas candies from scratch also from Pam’s kitchen, our Chicktime baker extraordinare. The also decorated gingerbread houses! We had a full three hours of fun and can’t wait to see them next month for more of the same.
Jeanette joined us for her first time as a Chicktime member. Welcome aboard Jeanette! See you all again Sunday, January 21, 1:40 PM!
November Update:
What a beautiful time sharing a Thanksgiving feast with our young ladies at Chicktime this past Saturday, November 11th. We enjoyed presenting a skit to the girls about the goodness of our God ( as it turns out, we ladies, young and old, love drama). Our presentation was well received and after stuffing ourselves with turkey, dressing, and too many items to list ( true down home cooking a spread any Southern lady would be proud of) we made Christmas ornaments. We were sad to learn that two of our young ladies were leaving before we will return in December. Sometimes we have only a small amount of time to spend getting to know our girls before they complete their time at our home. But we are trusting that the time we do spend with them will make a positive lasting impact. We all had so much fun and our hearts are full of joy.
November Update:
What a beautiful, cool, breezy day for our first ChickTime-Jackson event on Sunday, October 29, 2017! The eight of us arrived at Canopy happily dressed in our pink T-shirts. Anticipation and joy was rippling through the group as we walked for the first time into a room where 10 precious young ladies quietly awaited us. As we greeted them and carried in goodies to enjoy a bit later, the quiet gave way to sweet curiosity.
One by one Linda had each of us introduce ourselves, telling them a little about us, and the girls began to interact, asking questions that we so enjoyed answering! They were excited to hear from our missionaries, and to hear a bit of Chinese and a little Greek spoken by a few of us! It only got better from there! We were all soon laughing and enjoying each other.
Linda gathered fun information from each girl, and then began a beautiful story of how lovely pearls are formed inside the oyster. Response to injury inside the oyster causes a secreted solution that eventually covers the injury, which leaves a residue that, over time, creates the pearl. The girls were told that they are that beautiful, costly pearl…that Jesus gave everything to purchase. Pearls of great value, as in Matthew, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
Matthew 13:44-46 NIV
A flurry of activity and excitement entered as the girls then made pearl necklaces, to remind them of their identity in Christ.
The World Champion Robotics Team of Brandon, Mississippi, then spoke to the young ladies and demonstrated their robot and their skills. Good questions were asked and were well answered. Such fun! We then heard the testimony of Logan, who is part of the Robotics team. Back in March, Logan began to have pain in his upper leg. A few weeks ago after an MRI, Logan was given a diagnosis by doctors of bone cancer, and they laid out a plan of treatment that included chemotherapy and radiation, sure it was malignant. A biopsy was scheduled. The day of the biopsy surgery, 3 samples were obtained. All showed no sign of cancer, so a sample was sent off for further testing. Logan’s mother called every day to ask if the results were back yet. The result came back sooner than expected – BENIGN! Hallelujah! We gave God glory, cheering and clapping!!!
We all then enjoyed delicious cake, brownies, and sweets provided by one of the best bakers (and possibly THE best) – our leader, Linda! One girl told us she doesn’t like cake, but she liked Linda’s cake so much that she went back for seconds!
We left knowing the hearts of these sweet young ladies were affected in good ways by our Lord Jesus, as we were blessed to minister and represent our great King to them. We give God great glory for this opportunity to sow into their lives, and we gratefully look forward to future events!

September Update:
Chicktime is proud to announce that our Jackson Mississippi chapter is back and is now under the leadership of the incredible Linda Zampieri! We invite you to contact Linda today if you are interested in volunteering with Chicktime Jackson or would like more info about how easy it is to plug in to her chapter!