Decorative Glass Making!
February Update:
Testimonies from our own lives can be so very powerful, and the testimony given by Judith to our precious young ladies had them quietly listening closely. It also had several of us Chicktime ladies teary-eyed….and yet so blessed. Judith’s lovely daughter, Hannah, sweetly and gently read Psalm 149, from the beautiful Message Translation. The quiet room suddenly, bust into a flurry of activity as Judith handed out sewing materials. The fabric… was a brightly colored cloth with various hearts. Each girl was provided a needle and thread and we Chicktime ladies began to teach them how to stitch. Though a number of them had never sewn before and were reluctant to even try, with one young lady just afraid of the act of beginning a stitch-gentle instruction coaxed each girl to finally push the needle through the fabric. Some were surprised at their first stitch, but that only served to take them forward as they created stitch after stitch.
Isn’t that just the way many of us step into something new? Then, as we take another step, we become a bit more steady on our feet, and before long, confidence soars!! And that is what happened….the girls continued their stitching. They learned to make “knots” in places where thread ran out, and then to resume with fresh thread. We all have seasons in our lives when a “thread” runs out, when some thing in our life comes to an end. The part we leave behind will always be sewn into the fabric of our lives, but we then learn to leave that part of life in the past, though remembered, and move forward into a new season.
The girls then filled the stitched fabric with downy stuffing, and the finishing stitches were sewn to enclose and secure what was tucked inside. How “full-filling” are the things THE Lord provides to fill us up with HIS goodness and HIS love?! As we listen and learn, receiving from HIM and all HE has for us, we are completed and secure in HIM.
Judith made a comment to the young ladies about the fabric. She said, “See all of the different colors and designs of the hearts? It is like each of you, unique and colorful in character and heart as God designed you!”
We are busy planning our March workshop. We hope you will come join us and see what God will reveal to us then!