Inner Artist!
May Update:
For May we had a feast of great homemade desserts, as usual, and enjoyed fellowshipping with the girls before it was time to make our craft. At the beginning of every meeting (we have 5 a month counting bible study) we make sure to hug each young lady. Some are so expecting to receive their hug they make their way to us with open arms as soon as they arrive. Others are a little shy about it but seem happy enough to “put up “ with it. ????. It’s so important to us that they feel loved. Not only do we demonstrate that love but tell them all the time that Jesus loves them and so do we. For our craft we made “no sew” pillows out of fleece. The pillows looked great when they were done and the girls seemed very pleased with themselves for doing such a good job. I used the pillow to talk about being connected to Jesus and resting in His love for us. Also tying in the comfort of the Holy Spirit is like the soft support of the pillow. We had a great time!