Pillow Sewing!
January Update:
We had an early Valentine’s Day Party since we were going to miss the actual date next month. The dinner plates were full of red hearts ♥️ and the food was delicious. We had a feast for Queens! After the food and fellowship time we made our own valentines. Each girl wrapped two toilet paper rolls in shining red and white paper and filled them with candy. I taught on the power of Love, encouragement and giving, so we demonstrated it with our valentines. We included in our package a small strip of paper with encouraging words written by the girls themselves. When it came time to write those words we waited on the Lord for a few minutes of silence to ask what He would have us say. After writing the notes, the girls finished their package and we placed them in a box to mix up. Then the girls each chose two rolls that someone else made. Now came the big decision. Were they going to keep both rolls for themselves? Or keep one and give one away? Or give both away? It was amazing to see how many wanted to save theirs for people they loved. Or if they kept one how excited they were to read the encouraging notes that was just for them. I was moved by how much they took it to their hearts. God is so good, and we are so blessed to have the opportunity to sow into the lives of these little ones. We are so thankful for three new Ladies added to our group, welcome Heather, Nicole and Shelley! What a blessing to have you apart of us!
I want to include a note we received from one of our girls. This was been spoken to us on many occasions. It’s so encouraging!