*Detroit News
Chicktime Detroit is so grateful for all of our amazing volunteers. We are looking to expand our leadership team, if you are interested please reach out to Jennifer at 313-349-8576 (text please)
October Update:

September Update:

August Update:

July Update:

May Update:
March Update:

February Update:

January Update:
November Update:

October Update:

August Update:

May Update:

March Update:

December Update:

November Update:
We did not meet in person as there were scheduling conflicts. But please review the current needs list and support as you can…
Most Needed Items
You can impact the life of a child in care by purchasing needed items from our wish lists. All items are available on our Amazon and Target wish lists, and in many local stores. At this time, we are only accepting brand-new items. (Updated: 11/28/22)
- Braiding Hair
- Leggings
- Plastic Water Bottles
- Shampoo & conditioner
- T-Shirts
- Diamond Art Kits
- Jeans
- Paint and Paintbrushes
- Coloring Books
Contact Connie Farlow at cfarlow@vistamaria.org or 313-271-3050 x400 to schedule a donation drop-off. Thank you for your generosity!
October Update:
Chicktime Detroit serving 80+ girls at Vista Maria Trunk or Treat yesterday!
It’s a blessing to be a small part of bringing joy to these girls thru fun activities like these especially during a season of life that’s pretty tough! & How can it not be SO fun with these ladies by my side! #HeartsofHope4aFuture #GodsLove #blessed #thruTraditions #SistersinChrist
September Update:

August Update:

July Update:
Yesterday at Vista Maria we made Dream Catchers with the girls and they shared a life dream they have!
Some of their responses were: Labor & Delivery Nurse, OB/GYN, Lawyer, DHS Worker, Animator, Engineer, and more! Keep dreaming big, girls! Their Dream Catchers turned out amazing as well. It was a great craft, for a gloomy (and very humid) day!
June Update:

May Update:

April Update:

March 2022:

February Update:

January Update:
Sad to say our Chicktime Detroit – January – New Years Celebration tomorrow Sat, 1.8.22, is canceled due to that darn COVID… However, as of now, we have the “Go” for February to be open with continued cautions in place!!
We pray to stay safe and healthy to continue to shine God’s hope and love on our special girls at Vista Maria! We invite you to pray with us as well…
Ty! #itsablessing2Bablessing
December Update:

November Update:
Thankful for this opportunity to be back in person at Vista Maria! We had such a wonderful time sharing what we are thankful and grateful for. Each prayer with the girls really helped them have the peace we all needed to connect! The girls really loved doing the craft too! #SOgrateful #loveandlaughs #BigTy2LaineyKyahRachel
#missedAngela #TeamWorkMakesDreamWork #Blessed
October Update:
January Update:
It’s January and what better time to make plans for the future and set goals for the new year!
Chicktime Detroit prepared a drop of workshop for the girls at Vista Maria to do just that! Our own version of Vision Boards!
December Update:

October Update:
What a blessing to be able to share in the Trunk or Treat at our charity! We love all the girls at Vista Maria !! #Godalwayslightstheway !!!
December Update:
Chicktime Detroit is such a special group of ladies serving others with a special kind of LOVE! Gods LOVE! What an immeasurably more kind of gift all year! It is always amazing to be able to help shine the light and love of Jesus Christ into the lives of the girls at Vista Maria. December,
Miss Betty shares the real meaning of CHRISTmas by reading the story of the birth of Jesus interactively with them. One of the girls always blesses us to open our event in prayer and this year we all brought a potluck dinner for them to have a home-cooked meal! God always graciously helps us provide a gift full of goodies for each of the girls! They are so joy-filled and thankful and we know we are so blessed to see them experience the love of God through these times! What an honor it is for us to be used like this year after year!
Thank you & Merry Christmas my precious Chicktime sisters! Merry Christmas to the precious Vista Maria girls! May God continue to bless our relationship with one another in Jesus’ name we pray & praise Him! Amen! ❤????????????????????????????#TheGiftofGivingismyFavoriteGift #JesusistheReason #ShineHisLight#GivingHope #HomeMadeFood #HandmadeGits #FuzzySocksBlanketsPJs#LovenLaughter #MomsnDaughtersServing #Blessed2BeaBlessing ????????
November Update:
Words Can not describe just how blessed we are at Chicktime Detroit! Knowing that things rarely go as planned it dose not matter because God is always in control!! #blessed #sisters #jesusislove
October Update:
Another Chicktime Halloween in the books!
The girls at Vista Maria never seize to amaze us with their creativity and uniqueness. They decorated their own masquerade masks and now they have a Halloween costume!
Vista Maria is a community that houses and supports young girls in need.
#chicktimedetroit #vistamaria #womensupportingwomen #helpeachother#volunteer @ Vista Maria
September update:
????????✏ Back-to-School Personalized Journals for the girls!! ???????? it always bewilders us how awesome God allows us to fill in a few short hours of time serving others. Truth is…its not easy for these girls to shake off the season of struggle they are in or for us to be able to meet them where they are but Oh Holy Spirit never fails!!!????
He softens their hearts just enough to us and gives us the supernatural love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control to share with them!
????????#soblessedtobeablessing ???????????????????????? #tyLaineynWhitney Chicktime Detroit ????
August Update:
What a wonderful August workshop with these fabulous ladies!
Thank you Nancy Myers for the love you poured into this workshop.
Spending time with the young women at Vista Maria and showing them just how special and how truly loved they are makes the heart full!
#affirmations #sharingjesuslove
July Update:
What a BE-YOU-TIFUL kind of Summer Day with some Vista Maria girls! Chicktime Detroit is honored to shine a little extra love from Jesus on them! Thank you precious ladies for volunteering so faithfully…you are really making a difference! #WaterBaloonToss???????? #MusicalSquares#SoakerSpongeGame???????? #Watermelon #CookiePrizes #SnacksnWater#BlessingsonBlessingsofLOVEnLAUGHS ????????
March Update:
Our heart is full !! Joining these lovely ladies and sharing the love of Jesus with them and the young ladies at Vista Maria is so dear to our ♥️ heart. Feeling blessed beyond measure! #thankfulandgrateful ????????????????
February Update:
????A Valentine to Me????Vision boards event is my favorite way to kick off the year!!
Inspired and reminded by God today…what a gift it is to love others and to be loved!
No matter who or where we are in life! God calls us to do this as Christians and WOW what an honor and blessing it is to be a blessing!
#tryit Chicktime Detroit #TyGod #feelingLoved #Hehasaplan#GodisLove #Shineyourlight ???? #tySuzieBleu
August Update:
AFFIRMATIONS = positive statements that help speak hope into our lives and help overcome negative thoughts! Something the precious girls at Vista Maria can surely use probably as well as ourselves right!
What a blessing it was to help bring just a little glimmer of hope and love to them today with Chicktime Detroit!
They had fun creating their cups while listening to some of their favorite tunes too! #GodsLove #tyChicktimeladies #sharingyourheartsofLOVE
April Update:
Today’s event topped the charts!! Ms Bettie prayed over our event as she told the story of the true meaning of Easter to the girls. I cannot express in words here just how awesome this event was!! (You had to be there)
There was so much peace ,love and joy and sheer happiness in the room!! Jesus was with all of us as we welcomed Him into our hearts ?!
Our God is an awesome GOD !! Blessed beyond words
February Update:
Yay God! Our February workshop was all about sharing LOVE!!
Chicktime Detroit celebrated LVE with the precious girls at Vista Maria today! “A Valentine to Myself” vision boards was a great way for them to dream and cherish good thoughts for themselves and a good future we know God has planned for them. We are blessed to just love them where they are and pray and laugh with them too.
#betheLight #Loveothers #imfilledupmore #thankful #thankyouLadiesforlovingwithme

January Update:
Thank you to everyone who helped to make 2017 such a wonderful year for Chicktime Detroit and the sweet Vista Maria girls! We are so blessed to have such incredible volunteers and to serve such an amazing charity partner. We have lots of fun planned for 2018 and we would love for YOU to join us!
December Update:
God has truly blessed Chicktime Detroit with so many wonderful woman form all walks of life and so many different talents!
The one thing we have in common is love in our hearts to share with the girls at our charity and with each other.
As with each monthly workshop, December Chicktime was spirit-filled and a beautiful gathering of women sharing love and encouragement through Christmas activities and snacks.
We are forever grateful for the women who come out to help us each month and we look forward to serving with you in the new year!
November Update:
Derica is such a blessing to us all !! The girls absolutely love her ? she has shared her gift of love , understanding and of course dance with the girls at Vista Maria for 5 years now ! Amen ??!!
She comes every November and sometimes she squeezes into very busy schedule other events when she can. Thank you Jesus for saving her so she can share her story and your love with us all ! ??
September Update:
Chicktime Detroit …..Planting the seeds of love ❤️ with a little back to school fun and Journal making!
You can count how many seeds are inside of an apple but you can never count how many apples will be grown from the seeds you plant !! Thanks you so much for joining us Ms Hall and for sharing that quote with our chapter!
We are so grateful that God reminded us why I serve HIM through Chicktime ?
August Update:
Always fills our hearts to shine God’s love on the girls at Vista Maria! And to share time with our faithful and amazing volunteer ladies each month! Spa Day was a Fun day!! A special congratulations to AngelaAlkatib for joining us at Chicktime Detroit as a co-leader!! We are blessed to have you by our side!! ? #nailspaday #detailladyhere #mygratefulheartisfull #lovingothers #greatestcommand #womanwarriors
We did it!! What an awesome event today with Chicktime Detroit ladies!
The girls at Vista Maria LOVED making their very own tye-dyed tshirts!!! ?
Its an incredible joy to be able to lift the spirits of these girls each month! All in the name of Jesus Christ ❤
Thank You Lord for Your favor upon them through us and for us too! (Matt 18:20) #gatheredinHisname
June Update:
Fun in the Summer Sun with our girls at Vista Maria with Chicktime Detroit today!? We think we loved it as much as they did!
? We had games and icees and a cake walk and watermelon and music fun…fun…fun! Thank you God for blessing us to be able to volunteer and bless others! It fills our hearts with Your promise of JOY
☝️ —
feeling blessed at Vista Maria.
May Update:
Praise Jesus for the ladies who made Chicktime Detroit Carnival event at Vista Maria happen!!
Joy filled the girls hearts (and ours)!!
No lie!! Joy was everywhere!! In our selfies….
At these Carnival Stations…..
And at these stations….
JOY was all throughout the Carnival Workshop!
It’s a real honor for our chapter to serve God in this way and we look forward to many more days of sharing our hearts together !!
We would love to see you join us for Chicktime June!!

April Update:
Chicktime Detroit was extremely blessed at their April Workshop! They had a beautiful Easter celebration with the girls and ladies at Vista Maria ?! The girls prayed and did a wonderful job reading the story of Jesus’ resurrection…Wow! Not to mention the b-e-a-u-t-i-ful bracelets they made!
Please join us for May Chicktime! We are having an Open House Carnival! It’s going to be so much fun!!

August Update:
It was an incredibly joyful day sharing God’s love with each other and MOST importantly encouraging the young girls hearts at Vista Maria girls youth home! Kristen lead us with an awesome example of healthy living teaching the girls nutrition and allowing them to make delicious fruit & veggie smoothies! Gods love is awesome and sharing it with others is EVEN BETTER! We hope you will join us next month!!
This event will take place on June 11th from 1:00pm-3:00pm at 20651 W Warren Rd. Dearborn Heights, MI. 48127
Our God has blessed us with another wonderful open house event with the abused and neglected girls at the Vista Maria home for girls. Words cannot describe how truly blessed we are. The woman God has sent to volunteer with us are truly amazing! Our cup runneth over! Thank you to everyone that made this day so special for these young ladies. We would also like to thank Zack for coming out and sharing some wonderful jazz music with us.

You are not going to want to miss this one! Mark your calendars and please join us as we celebrate our 2ed annual open house with the young ladies at Vista Maria home for abused and neglected girls. This will be a fun filled event filled with carnival games , hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, face painting and a whole lot of LOVE! This event will take place on May 14th 2016 at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127 from 1 pm – 4:00 pm.
If you would like to join us please contact Penny Hargis at (734) 968-3394
Thank you Ms Bettie for sharing your love for Jesus with the young ladies at Vista Maria. We love being able to share in the glory of God! Just seeing the girls so interested in hearing about our Lord and Savior warms our hearts to the fullest! Thank you to the young ladies who read out loud and to all of our wonderful volunteers who helped make this event possible.

Please join us for some Easter time fun! The wonderful Ms Bettie will be hosting this event. She will be talking to the girls about the true meaning of Easter and making beaded bracelets. We will be gifting each girl an Easter basket filled with yummy treats. Mark the date and come and join in the fun!
If you would like to join us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text {734) 968-3394
March Highlights
Words cannot describe the love that God has blessed us with at Chicktime Detroit. Thank you Derica and her crew for coming out and sharing make tips and love with these young girls, it was truly amazing event! Also we would like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers for always showing up and pitching in. Chicktime dose not work without all of you ! Thank you Jesus for loving all of us <3

Calling all woman ! Come out and join us and get your beauty on as the wonderful Ms Derica Wade and her crew teach the girls at Vista Maria some make-up and beauty tips! Your not going to want to miss this one! Derica is a super star in so many ways! She sparkles and shines every where she goes! She is a strong christian woman that gives back in so many ways. She is a wife and mother, a top Younique Makeup Rep, a certified nutritionist, a certified Zumba instructor and the list goes on! She sets out everyday to help change lives in so many different ways. Mark your calendars and come out and join us on 3-12-16 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Vista Maria home for girls located at 20651 W Warren rd Dearborn Heights mi 48127. Please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text 734-968-3394.
February Highlights
I cannot express the love that was shared at this event! It was off the charts! God has blessed Chicktime Detroit so much with so many wonderful volunteers! We had 20 volunteers and 20 girls ! It was perfect! Thank you Ms Suzy and Ms Bleu for such a beautiful event! You both went above and beyond and it showed! Thank you to everyone that came out and made this such an awesome event!

Please join us for a fun filled event as the lovely Ms Suzy host this day of love event. The girls will be making my Valentine to me vision boards. If you would like to share in the love please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com. This event will take place 2-13-16 from 9:30 am -12:00 pm at the Vista Maria home for girls located at 20651 W Warren st Dearborn Heights Mi 48127.
January Highlights
We had to cancel our event with the girls for January but, it was for a good reason! The girls had the Detroit Opera House Choir come out and perform for them! How exciting!!!

Please join us as we ring in the New Year with the girls from Vista Maria. Our lovely Ms Suzy will be hosting this event! She will be making Inspirational Vision Boards so if you have some old magazines lying around please bring them with you. We will be meeting January 9th from 9:30 AM -12:00 noon at the Vista Maria Home for girls located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you would like to join us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or please text if you can if not call and leave a message at 734-968-3394 .
December Highlights
We had such a blessed event! God truly has blessed these girls with so many kind and caring woman that donate their time, their love and beautiful gifts to give to these girls who are less fortunate. Thank you to everyone that made this event possible. Thank you Jesus for all your love that we are so blessed to share with these young ladies.

Merry Christmas!
Please join us as we celebrate Christmas with the young ladies at Vista Maria. Ms Bettie will be teaching the girls the true meaning of Christmas followed by Ms Penny making Christmas cards with the girls. We also will be gifting each girl a blanket and a shoe box gift filled with goodies! There will be lots of love and laughter to share and plenty of yummy treats too! Mark your calendars and join us on December 12th from 9:30 am until 12:00.
If you are interested in joining us please contact Penny Hargis @ phargis2467@yahoo.com.
November Highlights
Zumba Fun
Everyone had such a blast shaking things up with the best Zumba instructor ever! We are so blessed to have Derica Wade come out every November and share her time, talent, testimony and most of all her love with these young ladies. Our God is an awesome God !

Please join us for some upbeat fun as Derica Wade brings Zumba to the girls at Vista Maria. This will be an open campus event for all the girls there. Derica will also be discussing the importance of good nutrition with the girls. Come down and shake things up with the best Zumba instructor ever!
Please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or text or call (734)968-3394
October Highlights
- Such a Blessing !
- Beautiful !
Words cannot describe how truly blessed we are at Chicktime Detoit! Thank you Angela for such a wonderful event! Thank you to all of our wonderful Volunteers, welcome to the newbies hope to see you again! And a special thank you to those that come out faithfully and share their love with these young ladies at Vista Maria.

Its that Spooktacular time of year again! Please join us for a fun filled Halloween celebration oN 10-10-15 from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm. Angela Fabris will be hosting this event she will be making these fun masks with the girls at Vista Maria.We will be sharing Halloween treats and fun! Throw on your costumes and come join in the fun!
If you are interested in joining us please contact Penny Hargis @ phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text (734)968-339
September Highlights
We had such a wonderful time making paper back journals sewn together with dental floss with our girls at Vista Maria. Our events have become filled with so much love that the leaders, volunteers and the girls hearts are all filled with the love of Jesus. Our God is an awesome God! Thank you to all of our wonderful Volunteers that showed up and helped to make this such a blessed event.

Summer has been fun but, its that time of year again back to school! We are going to be making n0-sew tote/book bags this month! Its a super fun and busy activity so we need your help! We need 12-14 volunteers for this event because it is more of a one one craft. We are also looking for supplies we are in need of fabric quarters, duck tape and belting for the straps. Please if you are interested in helping us bring this fun event to life for the girls at Vista Maria please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text (734)968-3394
July Highlights
Thank you Ms Bettie for a wonderful event! The girls loved their bracelets and all the yummy treats. We are so blessed to have such wonderful volunteers that come and and share their hearts with the girls at Vista Maria.
If you are interested in volunteering with Chicktime Detroit or hosting an event please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text @(734)968-3394.
Please come out and join us, we will be making beautiful beaded bracelets with Ms Bettie Williams so its sure to be some fun! We will be sharing yummy treats, laughter, love and dancing to the Cupid shuffle and more! If you would like to join us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text (734) 968-3394. This event will take place on 8-8-15 from 9:30am – 12:00pm located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127
July Highlights
- waiting for their tattoos
- Clark is always willing to participate in our actives so he officially earned his chicktime t-shirt <3
- Clarks tattoo
- Clark and Angela
- Chicktime summer fun
- Juliet giving the girls tattos
We had another amazing event! We brought some summer time fun inside blowing bubbles eating watermelon doing the hula hoop and dancing and making sun visors. Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers and to Clark for being such a good sport.
Get ready to have some fun! We will be doing all kinds of fun crafts and games! We will share some summer fun and treats! Penny Hargis will be hosting this fun filled event! Dont miss this one its sure to be filled with a lot of love and laughter! Oh and dancing ! These girls love love love to dance! This event will take place Vista Maria Home for girls @ 20651 West Warren rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127 on Saturday July 11th from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon. If you are interested in volunteering with us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or (734)968-3394 call or text.
June Highlights
We had a wonderful celebration thank you Kathy McCoy!! The girls had a wonderful time making their caps and taking a survey of where they would fit best in their future careers. We shared hopes and dreams love and of course CAKE! We also gifted each girl their very own Chicktime Detroit shirts, thanks again Kristin!!
- Graduation fun
- The girls loved making their caps
Please join us for our graduation celebration! Kathy McCoy will be our event leader, she is a joy to be around! She will be making graduations caps with the girls and giving them valuable information packets on grants, schools and all kinds of need to know information when applying for college.Please come out and join us as we celebrate these young ladies accomplishments.
We meet the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 till 12:00 noon at the Vista Maria home for abused and neglected girls located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested in joining us please contact Penny Hargis @ phargis2467@yahoo.com or call or text @ (734) 968-3394. We Hope to see ya there!
May Highlights
We had such a blessed event ! The girls loved their day at the carnival God always goes before us and lights the way <3
We are looking for volunteers to assist us with traffic control for the girls. Also we are in need of donations please! Such as paper plates ,cups,napkins, cases of water granola bars. All types of gifts cards in any amount. Monetary gifts in any amount as well would be greatly appreciated. It takes a team to host an event of this capacity, Chicktime Detroit needs your help to let the public know what we stand for ! Woman coming together all over the world sharing their love and gifts with those in need .
April Highlights
We had another very blessed event! Thank you Ms Bettie for the wonderful presentation on the true meaning of Easter. Thank you Sarah for the wonderful event that you brought to the girls they loved their pens and notepads. A special thanks to our very sweet Mary Beth for the yummy Easter baskets she made for the girls. Also that you to all the volunteers that brought in snacks and drinks for the girls. Our volunteers at Chicktime Detroit are so precious to us! Thank you Jesus for allowing us the opportunity to go to Vista Maria each month to share your love with the girls there.

Get ready for Spring!
Mark your calendars and bring a ray of sunshine to share with the girls! Our event leader Sarah Danneels will be making these fun flower pens with holders with the girls at Vista Maria. We will being sharing this event on April-11-15 from 9:30 am -12:00 pm at the Vista Maria home for abused and neglected girl located @ 20651 W Warren St Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested in joinong us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or (734) 968-3394 also if you are interested in hosting a future event please contact Penny with your thoughts and ideas. We hope to see you there!
March Highlights
Our Nail Spa Day was a huge success! Thank you to all of our wonderful Volunteers! Ours prayers are truly being answered, we prayed for God to send us woman who have love in their hearts to share with these young ladies and boy is He delivering us so many kind, caring, and loving woman! The girls are loving the one one time they are sharing with our volunteers its so exciting watching our chapter grow, seeing God at work in each and everyone us. We want to send out a very special thank you to Kristin Wessel and her husband for their love and generosity.Thanks to their wonderful donation each and everyone girls in the Donna Maria building at Vista Maria will be receiving their very own Chicktime t-shirt! We are truly over joyed! Also a huge shout out for all that came to the luncheon and to those who signed up to assist with our open house this May. Our first Volunteer Luncheon was a huge success, we are looking forward to the next one!
Be a nail tech for the day
Grab your favorite nail colors and decals and come on out and pamper the girls for the day! This will be an open event dedicated to all of our wonderful volunteers! Many of you have requested a nail/spa day so we are very excited to be able to do so! Please join us on 3-14-15 from 9:30 am until 12:00 pm at The Vista Maria home for abused girls located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you have a special treat you would like to share with the girls please let us know. God has truly blessed Chicktime Detroit with so many wonderful volunteers! We hope to see you there! Please contact Penny Hargis @ phargis2467@yahoo.com or (734) 968-3394.
If you are interested in hosting an up coming event please contact me with your ideas and details @ phargis2467@yahoo.com or text/call (734) 968-3394
February Highlights
- Yummy Treats
- thanks Donna and Lou
- One girl made this Valentine for her daddy ! so sweet <3
We had such a blessed event! God has bless Chicktime Detroit so much already into this new year! We are excited to see all the wonderful things He has in store for us in 2015! Each girl was truly blessed by our wonderful volunteers! They showed up with so many wonderful treats and shared their love with each girl! A special thanks to Regina on a truly wonderful successful first event ever! Your pictures with frames Valentines where totally a huge hit with the girls!

Please come out and join us for our Love month, Juliet Most will be hosting this event. This is the perfect month for for her because she is always filled up with so much Love! She is the mother of two beautiful daughters and two beautiful step daughters she is married to Jeff Most. She works at a dentist office and shes is a beautiful Christian woman.We will being doing Valentine crafts and sharing our love. There will be lots of sweet treats for our Valentines Day celebration! So bring your love and your sweet tooth and come on down and share in the fun! We will be meeting on Feb-14th-2015 from 9:30 am until 12:00 noon at The Vista Maria home for abused girls located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested in joining please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com also if you are interested in hosting an event please contact Penny with your details and ideas. We hope to see you there !
January Highlights
We had a wonderful time ringing in the year ! We played games , danced ,ate goodies and spent time chatting and sharing. God has truly blessed us with some wonderful woman that come out and share their time and their love! Thank you all so much! I would like to send a special thank you out to Angela Fabris for the love that she shares every month with our girls, and also for the money she raised hosting a bottle drive at her work on behalf of our Chicktime chapter ! You are so awesome Angela and we love you!

Please join us for a fun filled event, we will be rocking in the New Year with music, games, yummy treats and party favors! You are not going to want to miss this one! So grab your party shoes and come down and boogie with us! These young ladies love love to dance. Mark the date January 10th from 9:30 am until 12:00 pm at the Vista Maria Home for girls located at 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested please contact Juliet at julesong4@msn.com If you have any questions please contact Penny at phargis2467@yahoo.com.We hope to see you there!
December Highlights
- The true meaning of Christmas
- One of our wonderful volunteers reading the true meaning to the girls
- Our wonderful shoe box gifts
- Ms Bettie’s beautiful bracelet
- Some of the girls finished bracelets
We had a truly blessed event! Thank you Ms Bettie for the wonderful event, everyone loved making bracelets. Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for all their help and for sharing their hearts. A special thanks to Anna and her elves for making it possible to give each girl a wonderful shoe box gift. Thank you Jesus for your love.
Please join us for our Christmas Celebration. Bettie Williams will be our event leader, She has prepared a small summary on the true meaning of Christmas. She also will be making Christmas Charm Bracelets with the girls. We also will be gifting shoe box gifts to the girls thanks to Anna Rosenthal and her crew! Thank you so much for your kindness. Jesus is the reason for the season!
November Highlights
We had a wonderful time with Zumba Michigan! The girls loved it, the workers joined in as well. Derica always shows up and works her magic! We love you Derica ! We also wants to thank Becky for sharing her testimony with the girls. Here’s a BIG shout out to our wonderful volunteers!!! Yay!! God is so great and He always goes before us.

Put your gym shoes on and get ready to shake things up with the number one Zumba Instructor around! Derica Wade will be our November event leader. Derica is the wife to Len Wade and the mother of 4 wonderful children. She is a certified Zumba instructor, a certified Nutritionist and a Younigue sales representative. She loves the Lord and sets out each day to help change the lives of others. Health, fitness and beauty is her passion. This will be an open campus event at Vista Maria Home For Girls. After Zumba she will give the girls her testimony in hopes to touch their lives. Healthy snacks to follow and lots of fellowship and love to pass around. Mark the date 11-8-14 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
October Highlights
We had a very blessed event! Thank you so much Angela! You did an awesome job! The girls loved making their masquerade masks for Halloween. We always enjoy their creativity. We also love when the employees join in the fun thanks Ms Bobbit. And of course our sweet Juliet joined in a made one as well. It was an all around blessed event.

The fall is a wonderful time to enjoy all the beautiful colors but, lets not forget about all the ghosts ghouls and goblins! We have one of our special volunteers hosting her first event with us so exciting! Angela Fabris will be our event leader she enjoys traveling, exercising, reading, and crafts. She also loves spending time with family and friends. October is her favorite month and Halloween is one of her favorite holidays, so she is very excited to decorate these fabulous masquerade masks with the girls. Mark the date and feel free to dress up, your sure to have a ghost of a time!
September Highlights
We had such a wonderful and blessed event. Everyone was busy taping, stapling and sharing. Penny really had a great event planned for these young ladies. These bags will be very helpful to the girls in their every day life. It was so wonderful seeing their faces when we got to the last step and turned the bags right side out they were so excited to see the finished bags! We would like to thank the 12 volunteers that showed up and made this event possible!

Come out and join us for our back to school event. We will be making no-sew tote bags! These bags are very fun and heavy duty. These bags are very versatile and can be used for many things such as book bags , reusable grocery bags, over night bags Etc. Our event leader will be Penny Hargis. She loves to do all types of crafts. She is the mother of five children and a grandmother of three. She also loves to share her love for Jesus with others. Please come out and john in the fun! This event will take place on September 13th from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm at the Vista Maria Home for girls located @ 20651 W Warren Rd Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Juliet Courtney-Most @ julesong4@msn.com
If you are interested in hosting an event please contact Penny Hargis @phargis2467@yahoo.com. Our call or text @ (734) 968-3394 with your ideas.
We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you for your interest in Chicktime Detroit.
August Highlights
We had a last minute cancellation at our Chicktime Detroit August event but, God had told me earlier in the week to prepare for a manicure day so I did just that! I love how He always shows up and delivers when we are discipline and listen Him. We all felt the love of God and each other and had a truly blessed event! Thank you to all of our volunteers for being so willing to be a manicurist for a day!
We have a very special event planned for our girls at Vista Maria you will not want to miss this one! Are event leader will be Ashley Williams she a hairstylist at Jc Penney Salon. She enjoys doing hair , making beauty tutorial videos and watching movies. She loves to give back to those in need and she dreams of being a public speaker to young girls on self empowerment. She has volunteered with us in the past and the girls loved her! We hope to see you there on 8-9-14 at Vista Maria Home For Girls
July Highlights
The girls had a blast singing at our karaoke event! Our event leader did have to cancel but, our Chicktime Detroit co-leader Julie saved the day, Thanks you Juliet! There was a lot of laughter and joy, Jesus always goes before us no matter what he paves the way!
June Highlights
Who would have thought that learning about collage could be so fun! Thanks to our wonderful event leader Kathryn McCoy whom we love and adore and to a bunch of magnificent volunteers we did it! Kathryn shared a bunch of wonderful and helpful information about moving on to college. We had a little celebration with a yummy and festive cake that Juliet provided. We also had balloons and graduation decorations and passed out little goody bags. It was a blessing to have such a wonderful event! Thanks again to all of our wonderful volunteers.
- Our beautiful Kathryn
- Kathryn McCoy
- Some decorations
- Our yummy cake !
- Our wonderful leaders and volunteers!
May Highlights
We had fun watching our girls at Vista Maria act out the special things about them as well as who and what they hope to be as they grow older. A few of our volunteers enjoyed participating as well. Thank you Alissa for all of the fun!
- Our sweet Juliet participating in the fun!
- One of our girls preparing for her presentation
- Our event leader Alissa having fun
- We love one of our Vista Maria employee’s , He is always ready to join in the fun!
- Ellen ,Alissa and Juliet making their posters
May is going to be an interesting month so mark the date and come and join us! Alissa Mobley will be our event leader she will be hosting a fun subject titled What’s Your Talent? She will provide all the metrails needed for the girls to set the platform for them to present and express their talents out loud. Allisa is a beautiful God loving lady. She is a computer repair and set-up technician. She is alot of fun! So please join us at Vista Maria Home For Girls May-10-14 from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
April Highlights
We had a very yummy event thanks to Joyce Tarr! She came prepared with jumbo cupcakes and all the yummy decorations to make Easter Baskets out of candy. We would like to send a big shout out to Jamie Hicks for the wonderful bibles he donated to the girls. God truly blessed us all! Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers.
- one of the girls make Miss Joyce a cupcake! It was so sweet
- Angela one of our wonderful volunteers <3
- Jumbo Cupcakes and all the candy for decorating.
- Our wonderful Leaders and Volunteers <3
We are very excited for our April event! We will be going over the Resurrection of Jesus to help the girls understand that Jesus died for them. Nothing to heavy just a little enlightenment. Then we will celebrate with cupcake decorating! Easter themed of course. Our event leader will be Joyce Tarr she has a great love for cooking and especially baking! She is the mother of 3 and the grandmother of 2. She loves to host events and is very good at it. She will be bringing lots of sweet treats and her love to share with our girls at Vista Maria! So mark the date 4/12/14 at 10:00 am TO 12:00 pm you wont want to miss this one!
March Highlights
We would like to send out a special thank you to Dr. Mc Neal she did an awesome job with the girls. She focused on getting the best out of crazy situations. It was a little challenging to get them to open up but, once they did they enjoyed her very much! Dr. Mc Neal is gathering books to give to the girls on mental health and bettering themselves as they showed an interested in that.
February Highlights
We had a wonderful time making vision boards with our girls at Vista Maria. Ellen our event leader did a wonderful job. Thank you Ellen! It was such a blessing to see them all stand up and give their presentations. To see their hopes and dreams through their eyes.
- Ellen looking over their vision boards
- So many pictures to choose from!
- Getting creative
- Lovely
- Our wonderful volunteers <3
- Kathy and Dianne
- One of our very own Detroit Chicks beautiful Alissa
- 2 of our newbies Brooke and Sara. It fills our hearts to have such young girls volunteerig <3
- Our very own sweet Juilet helping one of our new Vista Maria girls <3
Come and join us for a fun event with our event leader Ellen Chene she will be doing vision boards with the girls. This will give them a chance to envision their futures. This will be a truly interesting event we are excited to see where the girls see themselves in their futures! So please join us at from 9:30am to 12:00pm on 2/8/2014.
January Highlights
We had an amazing time with our girls at Vista Maria! Our event leader Penny really did an amazing job coming up with such a wonderful idea that drew everyone together. We made paper journals sewn together with dental floss and bookmarkers with a hidden pocket to write their new goals for 2014. The girls absolutely loved decorating them with fun paper and sticker and personlizing them! It was truly a blessing to see everyone come together.
- Penny sharing her story with the girls
- Penny telling the girls how she loves God and writes to Him
December Highlights
We had such a wonderful time with the girls at Vista Maria celebrating the birth of Jesus! I would like to send a very special thank you out to Karen Westra for putting together such a wonderful interduction on the love of Jesus and showing them just how special each and everyone of us are to him! Truly amazing! Also we were turly blessed by such an out pour of gifts thanks to a wonderful lady who gathered up her resources and adopted our girls for Christmas! Thank you so much Anna Rosentha! You and your crew truly blessed these young ladies! I would also like to thank my son Robert Hargis for dontaing so that I could make a scraf for each and every girl. Also a little shout out to my daughter Haleigh Hargis for helping me make candy Christmas tree’s for them all as well. And to our own Juleit Most for the festive cupcakes We all shared in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord!
- Karen sharing her love for Jesus
- Love
- Karen putting her Jesus ornament on the Charlie Brown tree
- sharing
- They loved their gifts
- Some of the girls getting their shoe box gifts and blankets
- Sharing
- filling out the sheet of their new belongings
- We left some gifts for a few of the girls that could not be there
- The gifts wrapped and ready to go to Vista Maria!
- Juliet and Penny wearing their new Chicktime scarves!!
Come on out and join us for our Christmas celebration! We will be celebrating the birth of Jesus! We will be gifting bibles to the girls making book markers and passing out Christmas gifts and snacks! So mark this date on your calendar and join us on Dec-14 at 9:30.
Novemeber Highlights
We all had a blast at our open campus event! Derica rocked the house with her awesome Zumba moves, and her energy and love! Malachi touched the girls with her Slam-Poetry! Followed by pizza, cookies and a small gift for the girls. We were all truly blessed to have such a wonderful event! The girls, leaders, volunteers,the workers at Vista Maria and all of us here with Chicktime Detroit!
Psalm 100:4 – Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 5-For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
- The whole Crew
- Chicktime Ladies
- Group Hug
- The Zumba battle
- Derica reaching out
- Sister Love
- The whole crew
A special thanks to our wonderful event leader Rhonda Johnson she brought all the girls a Pandora Bracelets with a starter charm.. We loved that she chose a cross as their first charm. We all had a really fun day! We spent alot of time chatting, laughing and dancing with the girls! We also shared a little Halloween fun with passing out goodie bags. We had a truley blessed day just spending quality time with the girls.
September Highlights
We had a fun time learning about budgeting your money to fit your life style. Katherine did a great job of making money management fun for the girls. Thank you Julie for also printing up some fun ways for the girls to relate to the importance of money management. We all had fun with the idea of paying ourselves first!
We hope you will join us next time we spend precious time with these girls : ) text Juliet anytime @ 248*719*2188
- What a great group of ladies..xox
- Delivered a moving talk on “Fear – being a victim or not…”
May Highlights!
We had a great time making “Faith Bracelettes” with the girls! It was tricky at first to learn but with the help of all of our great volunteers and their crafty abilities…all the girls were able to make one!
- Beth and Juliet holding down the fort!
- The girls had a yummy snack too!
- Julie and Sue did great!
- Beth is really good at these!
- Beautiful!!!
Also Vista Maria’s gym is currently under construction. Please pray that the construction will be completed well before Christmas time.
- Karen sharing her love for Jesus
- Karen putting her Jesus ornament on the Charlie Brown tree
- sharing
- Some of the girls getting their shoe box gifts and blankets
- They loved their gifts
- Sharing
- filling out the sheet of their new belongings
- We left some gifts for a few of the girls that could not be there
- The gifts wrapped and ready to go to Vista Maria!
- Juliet and Penny wearing their new Chicktime scarves!!