April News
Please join us for some Easter time fun! The wonderful Ms Bettie will be hosting this event. She will be talking to the girls about the true meaning of Easter and making beaded bracelets. We will be gifting each girl an Easter basket filled with yummy treats. Mark the date and come and join in the fun!
If you would like to join us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text {734) 968-3394
March Highlights
Words cannot describe the love that God has blessed us with at Chicktime Detroit. Thank you Derica and her crew for coming out and sharing make tips and love with these young girls, it was truly amazing event! Also we would like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers for always showing up and pitching in. Chicktime dose not work without all of you ! Thank you Jesus for loving all of us <3