April News
We are very excited for our April event! We will be going over the Resurrection of Jesus to help the girls understand that Jesus died for them. Nothing to heavy just a little enlightenment. Then we will celebrate with cupcake decorating! Easter themed of course. Our event leader will be Joyce Tarr she has a great love for cooking and especially baking! She is the mother of 3 and the grandmother of 2. She loves to host events and is very good at it. She will be bringing lots of sweet treats and her love to share with our girls at Vista Maria! So mark the date 4/12/14 at 10:00 am TO 12:00 pm you wont want to miss this one!
March Highlights
We would like to send out a special thank you to Dr. Mc Neal she did an awesome job with the girls. She focused on getting the best out of crazy situations. It was a little challenging to get them to open up but, once they did they enjoyed her very much! Dr. Mc Neal is gathering books to give to the girls on mental health and bettering themselves as they showed an interested in that.