September News

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Summer has been fun but, its that time of year again back to school! We are going to be making n0-sew tote/book bags this month! Its a super fun and busy activity so we need your help! We need 12-14 volunteers for this event because it is more of a one one craft. We are also looking for supplies we are in need of fabric quarters, duck tape and belting for the straps. Please if you are interested in helping us bring this fun event to life for the girls at Vista Maria please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text (734)968-3394


July Highlights




Thank you Ms Bettie for a wonderful event! The girls loved their bracelets and all the yummy treats. We are so blessed to have such wonderful volunteers that come and and share their hearts with the girls at Vista Maria.

If you are interested in volunteering with Chicktime Detroit or hosting an event please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or call/text @(734)968-3394.