About Our Chapter
Penny Hargis became the managing leader in 2014 after volunteering for the chapter before that! She believed that every child needs support & love and entered the lives of the teen girls at Vista Maria as a caring member of the community who was focused on their restoration and just doing whatever she could to bring a bright spot to their lives to. When children experience abuse, neglect, and suffering, they question their value and purpose in life. She believed that no child should feel this way! Penny moved out of the leadership role in 2021.
Even if it’s a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.—Albert Schweitzer
This is favorite quote of Kathrine Rayson, the original founder of the Chicktime Detroit Chapter. Katherine is passionate about serving others and this passion is what ultimately drove her to establish Chicktime Detroit. Her belief in the God of the impossible (Matt 19:26) was behind her vision for Chicktime Detroit to heal others by helping, and to be healed by helping. The beauty of this mission is that it is a mutual transaction between the giver and the recipient. At age 21 Katherine joined the United States Air Force, and worked in Meteorological and Navigational Systems. She left the military after 3 years to pursue college and holds several degrees. She pursued these goals in hopes of absolving her pain, but each accomplishment did not change a thing. She eventually became frustrated. Katherine agrees with what The Word says… that we overcome our accuser by the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). As a child, Katherine dealt with sexual, physical, and emotional abuse; which subsequently led her to a 3 month stay in foster care. Katherine stands firm that Chicktime is a blessing that God placed on her path to allow her to comfort other young girls much like she was. She believes Christ is allowing Chicktime to be the vehicle to impact and bless young girls to be comforted in the way that she has been comforted (1 Cor 1:3-5). Katherine is still an active volunteer with Chicktime Detroit and is so pleased to be a part of its inception, development, and ultimately the future of the chapter she created.