July News
Warm up your vocal cords and put on your dancing shoes and come join us for what is sure to be a fun time! We will be having a karaoke party! Our event leader will be Jessica Rushton. She is a true joy! She lights up the room everywhere she goes with her warm heart and her wonderful sense of humor! She has been gifted with a beautiful singing voice and shares her love for the Lord with her voice. She sings for her church choir and on special occasions. Please come out and join in the fun on 7-12-14 @ 9:30 a.m- 12:00 p.m at Vista Maria Home For Girls.
June Highlights
Who would have thought that learning about collage could be so fun! Thanks to our wonderful event leader Kathryn McCoy whom we love and adore and to a bunch of magnificent volunteers we did it! Kathryn shared a bunch of wonderful and helpful information about moving on to college. We had a little celebration with a yummy and festive cake that Juliet provided. We also had balloons and graduation decorations and passed out little goody bags. It was a blessing to have such a wonderful event! Thanks again to all of our wonderful volunteers.