April News

images flower pens


   Get ready for Spring!


Mark your calendars and bring a ray of sunshine to share with the girls! Our event leader Sarah Danneels will be making these fun flower pens with holders with the girls at Vista Maria. We will being sharing this event on April-11-15 from 9:30 am -12:00 pm at the Vista Maria home for abused and neglected girl located @ 20651 W Warren St Dearborn Heights Mi 48127. If you are interested in joinong us please contact Penny Hargis at phargis2467@yahoo.com or (734) 968-3394 also if you are interested in hosting a future event please contact Penny with your thoughts and ideas. We hope to see you there!



    March Highlights


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Our Nail Spa Day was a huge success! Thank you to all of our wonderful Volunteers! Ours prayers are truly being answered, we prayed for God to send us woman who have love in their hearts to share with these young ladies and boy is He delivering us so many kind, caring, and loving woman! The girls are loving the one one time they are sharing with our volunteers its so exciting watching our chapter grow, seeing God at work in each and everyone us. We want to send out a very special thank you to Kristin Wessel and her husband for their love and generosity.Thanks to their wonderful donation each and everyone girls in the Donna Maria building at Vista Maria will be receiving their very own Chicktime t-shirt! We are truly over joyed! Also a huge shout out for all that came to the luncheon and to those who signed up to assist with our open house this May. Our  first Volunteer Luncheon was a huge success, we are looking forward to the next one!