Bulverde News
February Update:
Love was in the air at our February Chicktime-Bulverde Event. Our LOVELY girls made the most beautiful hearts with magazines and a dowel. It was very therapeutic rolling the paper around the dowel and then carefully pull the paper off. I can’t tell you how many times I glues the paper to the stick! The girls were even showing their love for the staff by making them a heart as well.

October Update:

September Update:

August Update:
Chicktime Bulverde taught the wonderful girls at SJRC Texas & Belong, Touchstone Campus a new game at their August Workshop. We all had a blast learning and playing BUNCO! I don’t know who had more fun…the girls or the volunteers!
July Update:

June Update:

created by photogrid
November Update:
We had such a great time with the girls at SJRC Texas at our November Event. We are so thankful to be able to spend time with these AMAZING teens. This month, they decorated gratitude journals. Thank you Laura for hosting. They were also treated to Breakfast for Lunch. Everyone loves breakfast foods.
September Update:
August Update:

September Update:

August Update:

July Update:

May Update:

April 2022:

March Update:

February Update:

December Update:
Our chapter did not meet in December to allow other campus festivities to take place.
We are excited to bring on the New Year with exciting and new workshops.
We have seen the beauty of what our workshops do and can’t wait to bring the same kind of joy in 2022.
We hope you will join us one month.
November Update:

October Update:

September Update:

July Update:

June Update:
May Update:
April Update:
It’s that time of the year when everyone is busy with spring cleaning, end of school year festivities, lots of interesting weather, and planning summer vacations, Chicktime Bulverde still finds time to spring some love on the teenagers of their charity partner. Thank you Heather and Beth for supply April’s Workshop. After treating the kiddo a Taco Bell Lunch, they enjoyed learning about Financial Planning by completing a “Brainstorming Household Budget” worksheet.
They chose a career and then had to find out what they could afford: one or two bedroom apartment, did they need a roommate, etc. They were very engaged in this activity. Looks like we will be doing more of these workshop to help get them prepared for the future. Chicktime Bulverde loves the teenagers at SJRC Texas. Blessed beyond measure to be associated with them.
March Update:
February Update:
Our February workshop was canceled due to the big Texas storm!! SJRC was without electricity and water and to this day is still dealing with campus issues stemming from the winter blast. Chicktime Bulverde is going to shift gears with workshops this month and next to help out our charity partner! Our February drop-off will be gallon size beverages since SJRC has been without water!
January Update:

December Update:

November Update:

October Update:

August Update:

Last weeks fun at SJRC-Bulverde with Chicktime Bulverde. We still can’t wait to see the girls in person, but in the meantime…..We will keep thinking of ways to love them from a distance!
Tuesday, I “loaded” the SJRC kiddos with baked potatoes with shredded chicken and lots of toppings along with the ever popular and highly requested Hawaiian Rolls. Did you like my pun…loaded as in a loaded potato.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Friday, they were treated to Chalupa Boxes from Taco Bell. Thank you Michael Carman for your donation to help make this happen.
I love you kiddos at SJRC-Bulverde.
Chicktime Bulverde Fed the kids at SJRC Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and homemade Mac and Cheese!
They donated supplies to decorate Paper Mache stars in honor of those who sacrificed their lives for our Freedom and also taught them how to make my spicy crackers.
Ended the festivities with Big Red ice cream floats.
Thank you Tara Johsnon for your donation to help Chicktime Bulverde keep showing up for the kids at SJRC and help them through the pandemic!
Chicktime Bulverde could not meet today for our monthly workshop but we did meet up during the week to share the love. We were honored to have Chef Robert Hicks spend his day off, after the busy Mother’s Day weekend, to prepare Chicken Faijaits, rice and beans for SJRC on Monday. You rocked Robert Hicks!!! They loved you’re cooking.
On Friday, the kids enjoyed Schlotzsky’s Boxed Meals. It was the first time for a lot of the kids to be introduced to the Schlotzsky’s experience. Thank you Jillian Bourn and family for your generous donation to purchase the sandwiches.
If you would like to help these amazing foster kids at SJRC during the pandemic, please message me. The feeling you get when you volunteer or donate is PRICELESS!!!
A little Cinco de Mayo celebration with the SJRC Peeps. Chicktime Bulverde donated the supplies so SJRC could have a workshop on their own!
Loved the sombrero cookie decorating. Step one of piñata making was really messy but enjoyable. Best part…getting your frustrations out on poor “Foxy”! Hope you enjoyed the candy and cookies in the Piñata! Love you guys! We hope to be back June.
During this time of quarantine, Chicktime Bulverde, is devoted to doing what we can to show love to the kids at SJRC Texas. We may not be able to have our Chicktime Workshops at the moment, but here are a few creative ways we are showing #stoppablelove!
I would like to thank everyone who donated prom dresses, suits, their time, talent, and connections to secure the food, drinks, and desserts for the first ever Murder Mystery Event at SJRC Bulverde: The Perfect Light, Aaron Jensen, Gennaro’s Trattoria,Princess 4 a Night, The Frost Goddess, cakes.n.books bakery, and my friends on Bendel Ranch Rd Next-door. With the “Stay at home” orders, the prom being planned for them was cancelled. We wanted to do something special and fun for these kids while utilizing the beautiful dresses and suits already donated and all the decorations already purchased and made. We could not have asked for a more amazing event. Each house came to the decorated Community Hall for their own special Mystery Game, followed by a delicious meal with dessert, and even some dancing. There is no better feeling then to see these kids having fun and working so nicely too!
Chicktime Bulverde Managing Leader

February Update:
Thank you Alamo City LX Modern Mopar Group and. All our volunteers for spending your Saturday morning with the children at SJRC.
Thank you for teaching them auto essentials and sharing your passion for Mopar cars.
The children certainly enjoyed viewing the cool cars and learning about how the engines work too!! Look forward to seeing you again!
January Update:
Chicktime Bulverde started the New Year off with its annual Chicktime calendar and t-shirt designing workshop. The calendar hi-lites all the Chicktime workshops and events and even gives them something to color each month. Next, the designed a t-shirt with a “word of Inspiration” to live by for the next year.
There are a lot of talent with this group. We wrapped things up with lunch, consisting of tamales, chili, rice and queso. A big “shout out” to our wonderful volunteers who gave their Saturday morning to these kids.
Please join us next month as the Alamo City LX Modern Mopar Group shows the kids at SJRC basic car maintenance.
We will not be having a December workshop.
We will see you in the new year.
November Update:
November is the month to be thankful and Chicktime Bulverde is
Thankful and Blessed to serve SJRC Texas.
We first created a tree of thanks by adding leaves to the tree, thanking someone , especially the staff who take care who take care of them.
Next we made “I am Thankful” boards.
Thank you Carolyn Boden for letting me spin off your “Grace workshop idea from Chicktime Canyon Lake”.
We finished with a “Wurstfest” style lunch of potatoes, cabbage and sausage and dessert of the most amazing tasting pies and Apple Cider.
October Update:
Thank you Liz and Cora for leading the children of SJRC through the “My Amazing Self” activity.
The Children are very inspirational and truly amazing. It was so wonderful to hear them share their messages of what is important to be successful with each other…such amazing courage. They also enjoyed making their own Halloween desserts!
September Update:
September’s workshop was a blast. We had the kiddos think about what their goals were after finishing school. They made envision board and/or notebooks, talked about career choices and even did some cooking. They enjoyed each other’s company while snacking on sliders, chips, brownies and cookies. Chicktime Bulverde is so blessed and honored to have such amazing volunteers who come out and love on these awesome kids.
Please come out and join us every third Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to noon.
We are also looking for volunteers to host a workshop in the year 2020. Please let us know if you are interested or have any questions. Your workshop is simply sharing your passion with the kids at SJRC. When you are excited about what you do, others will share along with your joy. Come try it out with us!
Our September Workshop activity has changed. We will no longer be participating off campus in the Bulverde Jubilee Parade.
We are planning some wonderful life skill activities at SJRC!
We would love to have as many volunteers as possible to help us with the workshop, but mostly to share love and encouragement to these kids that need it!
SJRC Texas; 1400 Ridge Creek, Ln
Bulverde, Texas
Saturday, September, 21st
Questions? Contact Marilee @ 210-288-6267
August Update:
Thank you Animal Defense League for coming out for our August Workshop to talk to the kids at SJRC about your mission and volunteer opportunities on your campus.
The children had a great time baking treats, making dog toys and beds for the animals in the hospital!
Hope to see y’all at our next workshop!
July Update:
Thank you Ms. Alex for another wonderful Chicktime Carnival. The kids had so much fun bobbing for apples, playing Bingo and Chess, and all the other fun carnival games. The BBQ hamburgers and sausage were a big hit. Also, thanks to our awesome volunteers who come out to help support Chicktime and our charity partner, SJRC Texas every month.
If you want a rewarding experience, come join us on the third Saturday of each month at SJRC Texas. We guarantee a fun time for all!!
May Update:
A big “Shout Out” to RBFCU for coming out last Saturday to give a financial workshop to the kids at SJRC Texas. They learned the financial lingo, how to write a check, make a “smart” plan, and played financial Bingo. Great job Jennifer from RBFCU!
A lot of the kids at SJRC Texas have jobs and this workshop gave them wonderful information on what to do with their money. They are all looking forward to opening an account with RBFCU. Thank you to all our awesome volunteers who came out to love on these wonderful kids.
April Update:
Chicktime Bulverde alone with its Charity Partner were so blessed and excited to have Julie from Artistic Blooms share her talent at our April Chicktime Worksop on Tuesday, April 16th. Ms Julie helped us make the corsages and boutonnieres for the 2019 SJRC Prom which will be held this Thursday. Thank you so much for the lesson and putting your special touch on our creations. Also, thank you for helping make this prom everything we hoped it would be.
February Update:
Chicktime Bulverde is thankful for Sigma Delta Lambda Sorority from Texas A&M Univeristy – San Antonio for coming out and spending part of their weekend to lead our February workshop. If you are interested in volunteering with Chicktime Bulverde, the 3rd Saturday of every month please join and impact the life of a child!
October Update:
Thank you to our workshop leader and they many volunteers who came out today to welcome Fall and they children at SJR C.
We started the festivities with a wreath making contest, painted candy corn to make garlands and to decorate each house.
We snacked on ghost mozzarella sticks and pumpkin clementines.
May Update:
Chicktime Bulverde had a wonderful time celebrating Cinco de May! The children used their creativity to transform each drawing into an individual work of art. We can’t wait to see them melded together in one collage!
The celebration wouldn’t of been the same without Pinata Time!
We will have more fun next month…Join us!
February Update:
Chicktime Bulverde brought the Olympic games to the children at SJRC! We made our own snow, medals, played hockey, ice skated, and made our own bobsled out of cups. Thank you to each volunteer that came and the workshop leaders who did an amazing job! We ❤️ Chicktime Bulverde!
January Update:
We started the year off right with more love and joy than we could have ever imagined! We have the happiest volunteers and serve the sweetest kids at SJRC Texas!
Rock painting was so much fun!
Come join us next month for just as much fun, snacks and fellowship!
December Update:
Chicktime Bulverde was honored to celebrate Christmas by taking our workshop “off campus” for some Christmas Fun!
Pizza at Peter Piper Pizza and then Driving through Santa’s Ranch to look at all the Christmas Lights !
To say it was a magical time would be an understatement! We saw Christmas in the eyes of the children of SJRC Texas!
Exciting things are planned for 2018! Come out and join us!
September Update:
Chicktime Bulverde held our workshop at the Bulverde Jubilee Parade. We had the kids make decorations, decorate the float and then ride on the float throwing candy to the parade goers!
Our “Uncle Sam” rocked it.
Thank you to Tejas Rodeo- Yancy and Terri Martin for letting us use hay for the float and the girls at Texas A &M University-San Antonio Sigma Delta Lamda Sorority for your help. What a difference you made!!
July Update:
Chicktime July was a great day to host a Carnival for the residents of SJRC Texas!
From bobbing for apples to darts~ we had about 10 unique carnival activities. At each activity they were given tickets where they could cash in for prizes!
Along with amazing hot dogs, funnel cakes, and homemade ice cream it was truly an amazing time!
Thank you to Chicktime Bulverde Volunteers for showing so much fun and laughter to the kids!
Special thanks to Maria Ibarra for putting so much thought and LOVE to the event!
We will learn how to arrange flowers next month! Hope you can join us !
How It All Began!!!

June Update:
Wow!! Today was magical ✨ thank you to every volunteer who came out to love our littles at SJRC Texas.
Merrilee Shisk Berger did a beautiful job putting together a day of car show wonders- private for only our kids!! Along with hot dogs, nachos, and s’mores!!
Thank you to Texas Corvette Association Lions Clubs International CenTex Diesel @alamo car club Mopar Central Texas Classic Mustangs Bulverde Spring Branch Fire & EMS Bulverde Police Department@south Texas camaro
We are speechless to the love and kindness you showed the children at SJRC Texas.
We hope you will back back for next years car show in June and to another Chicktime event this year!
To our Chicktime Volunteers….humbly, we thank you for all you do to carry out the mission of Chicktime!!
Chicktime Bulverde Helps Their Charity Partner!!
Chicktime Bulverde Donation Divas gave up an evening to make the donation area look INCREDIBLE for the kids at their charity partner~ SJR in Bulverde, Texas! Way to go Chicktime Bulverde!!
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!! Philippians 4:4
May Update:
What a wonderful culinary experience we all enjoyed during Chicktime May!
Megan Perez, Realtor at Phyllis Browning Company did a wonderful job selecting fun new foods for the kids to make and taste.
The cooking class was a hit as we learned about restaurant etiquette, how to cook Breakfast Sushi- with a rice cake bar, Avocado toast with eggs, and fancy French toast! The kids left full and happy and everyone had a smile.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers that make our chapter so special! Every month is such a treat getting to spend time with one another and serving the awesome kids at SJRC Texas. About 15 kids on campus didn’t want our volunteers to leave after our designated time was over so they played a game of kickball and fellowshipped together! ?
April Update:
What a HAPPY Easter Fiesta we all had this month at SJRC Texas!! Almost 40 volunteers and they simply took our breath away with all of their love and enthusiasm for our kids! We made paper flowers and maracas…..
We decorated sugar cookies like Easter eggs and sugar skulls….
Played bingo and made sock bunnies…..
And we ended the day with the funniest cascarón egg hunt of all time!!!!
If you want to be completely filled and overwhelmed with joy while making a difference in kids lives, come out and join us for another month of fun at Chicktime- Bulverde!

March Update:
Chicktime this month was absolutely amazing! The 5th Grade Rahe Elementary team lead an awesome month full of St. Patrick’s day luck.
The kids enjoyed writing what they were lucky to have and made stress play dough- scented with essential oils! They also ate green jello, flew kites, played bingo and enjoyed fellowship with all of our volunteers.
We had some new faces this week and hope to see them back next month! Thank you for everyone that came out to support our chapter!

February Update:
This Saturday was so much fun!! Thank you to Alex and her family for hosting such a fun and joyfully activity ?
We had a blast crafting and snacking with our sweet kiddos at SJRC Texas! Keep a look out for our invitation to next months Chicktime in Bulverde.
The activity will be revealed and all are invited to come and play!

January Update:
A dream come true today at Chicktime-Bulverde. Had so many wonderful volunteers show up that we almost had 1 volunteer for every kiddo. It was great.
Thank you again Texas A&M-San Antonio Segma Delta Sorority, UT School of Dentistry of San Antonio, and my Rahe Bulverde/Comal family for coming out and helping us put a smile on these wonderful kids at St. Jude’s Ranch. Hope to see you next month!!

December Update:
Merry Christmas from Chicktime Bulverde!
This month, we had so much fun with both SJRC Texas campuses as we celebrated Christmas at Peter Piper Pizza and Santa’s Ranch! Over 60 kids from the ranch ate pizza, played games and drank hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles while taking the most beautiful light tour in Texas. Thank you to everyone who donated to make this night so special. Kids in care want to be with their families more than ever this time of the year so by volunteering and maintaining an established relationship with an organization you make such a difference in their holidays. Chicktime does it by showing up and giving them a familiar joy every month that brings smiles, peace, and a sense of family. We hope you will join us at Chicktime January!

September Update:
What a beautiful chicktime this month! Julie and her son Jacob taught everyone how to make a gorgeous flower arrangements and paper flowers. She owns a flower shop called Artistic Blooms Inc, and donated buckets of fresh flowers and over 40 baskets for everyone to take with them. What a treat it was to see this amazing chick and her little dude shine while doing what she does best!

August Update:
Chicktime this weekend was INCREDIBLE!! Will, who is in high school was the leader this month. The stations were well thought out, fun and educational. It was the perfect back to school chicktime, everyone was participating and having fun!! We made super bubbles, testing buoyancy, made lava lamps and 3D structures. Thanks to Will, his Dad, and all the volunteers that made Saturday so special!

July Update:
The St. Jude’s Children and volunteer cooled down by playing water games; the cool down began with relay games and ended with water balloons and water guns. With all this fun we got quite hungry; so the kids and volunteer shared pizza, salad, lemonade, funnel cakes and delicious watermelon. We are so blessed to have such wonderful leaders every month. Thanks everyone. See you all next month!

June Update:
It’s was a fun day at the carnival! Who doesn’t love a day of fun, games and good eats? We had a blast bringing an exciting day to the kiddos at St. Jude’s. They lit up with excitement as they played at the Water Gun Takedown booth, Balloon Dart Pop, Pie FACE, Wiffle Ball Toss, Guess How much in a Jar, Hula Hoop Toss, and Whack-A-Tin! There was a happy buzz of laughter in the air and bellies were full. The food was awesome as we all ate too much Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Hot Dogs, Mac n Cheese and tons of Candy! The lucky winners of the Cupcake Walk even indulged in cute little cupcakes which were donated by our amazing volunteers at Chicktime Bulverde! I am blown away by the effort, thought, preparation and care of the leaders this month and the joy we all shared as volunteers. We hope to see you this month at The Picnic. Heads up, there will be fun, laughter and water guns!
Join us on August 15th
St. Jude’s Ranch for Children
1400 Ridge Creek Lane
Bulverde, TX 78163
We will have fun with science experiments.
July Update
We had an amazing time late month. The kids were chefs and created their own pizzas. While they wanted for their yummy pizza to be baked, we all worked out some of those yummy calories. The kids did a Zumba workout and there was even some free style dancing.
June News
Chicktime was a blast! We were able to kick off summer with tons of water balloons and relay races. The kids enjoyed a water balloon toss, sponge race, limbo activity, and hula hooping. Thanks to all our volunteers for making this Chicktime so wonderful.
May Update
Last month we had a wonderful drawing lesson thanks to Mary Disbrow. Everyone was able to learn many techniques to forming a great piece of art work. We made beautiful birds on tree branches. Thanks to all the volunteers for helping unleash some awesome creativity!
April Update
We had a great time taking the St. Jude’s kids to the Mission’s Baseball Game. They really enjoyed the atmosphere and all the excitement exuding at Mission’s Stadium. We had hot dogs, soda and chips as well as snow cones. The game was very exciting and the Missions also offer great entertainment in between innings. It was fun for all ages, even little Truett (Laura’s baby), slept through it with great enthusiasm. Thanks to all the volunteers and contributions that made this event a great success for our precious kids at St. Jude’s.
Join us Sunday, April 19th, 2015
1:30 pm-5:30 pm
We will be taking the kids to the San Antonio Missions Baseball game. Tickets are $13 and include a hot dog, chips, and a drink.
If you are interested please RSVP to Lori Rhodes at lori@mlrhodes.com or 830-708-4254. Space is limited so reserve your tickets today!
March Update
We spent this Chicktime at the the Spring Branch Bulverde Library where we had many fun filled activities. We were able to make cards for the wounded warriors, bracelets, bags with supplies for the homeless, and explore the library for good books. The kids had tons of fun helping others in the community with these kind and charitable acts. Thanks to our leader this month, Tara Johnson it was beautiful and smooth running Chicktime. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out and supported the children and our leaders this month!
Join us Saturday, March 21, 2015
9:30am-11:30am at
Bulverde/Spring Branch Library (across the street from Home Depot)
131 Bulverde Crossing,
Bulverde, TX 78163
We be with the kiddos from St. Jude’s Ranch for Children.
Activities include:
Making Cards for Wounded Warriors
Writing Blessings and Filling a care package for the homeless
Using the library facilities
Snack Station
We Hope you can join us and bring your friends!
For more information and to RSVP please contact Laura Sowell chicktimebulverde@gmail.com or 361-244-0696
February Update
This Chicktime we had fun paining flower pots and Oreo Balls. The Oreo Balls were such a treat, thanks to our leaders. We filled our flower pots with lots of candy. Thank you to the many volunteers who enjoyed this Chicktime with us. It was great to have more male volunteers and we look forward to everyone joining us again next month.
Join us Saturday, February 21, 2015
9:15am-11:30am At St. Jude’s Ranch
1400 Ridge Creek Lane
Bulverde, TX 78163
We will be making crafts and yummy snacks.
For more information please contact Laura Sowell chicktimebulverde@gmail.com or 361-244-0696
January Update
Thanks to Rhonda for bringing the Asian New Year to St. Jude’s this year. We had a great time making our own egg rolls and chinese lanterns. The kids of all ages enjoyed spending time with the volunteers and making other creative items with all the great paper and stickers that were brought for the lanterns.
December Update
We had a wonderful Christmas Party this December Chicktime. The kids got to decorate cupcakes that sparked much creativity. There was also a photo booth for pictures with fun outfits that accompanied the Christmas cheer. Before the games started we passed out Christmas presents which included monogramed towels and Chicktime shirts. It was a great Chicktime thanks to all the volunteers and wonderful kids who allowed this all to be possible! We can’t wait for next year!

November Update
November was filled with great craft activities that everyone enjoyed. Our leader, Ronda, provided all the supplies for a sweet candy Christmas tree, foam Christmas ornaments and creative card making. We were able to participate in these wonderful crafts in the beautiful new community room. What a fabulous blessing to have such a well appointed location to hold our Chicktime events. Thanks to all the volunteers that showed up to play with the children at St. Jude’s.

October Update
This Chicktime we let science and fun meet! We had fun with science experiments making lots of bubbles and gooey creations. These included elephant toothpaste, putty, dry ice bubbles, coke and mentos explosions, balloon races, and lava lamps. These wonderful creation were a big hit thanks to our wonderful volunteers.
Spook-tacular Science Saturday!!!
Join us and the kids at St Jude’s Ranch.
October 18, 2014 from 9:30am-11:30am.We will put the spooky in science experience.
1400 Ridge Creek Ln,
Bulverde, TX 78163RSVP TODAY: chicktimebulverde@gmail.com
September Update
We treated the kids to a fun swimming party at the Canyon Lake Country Club. Although splashing in the pool was a great time, we really enjoyed sitting on the deck eating the delicious hotdogs and visiting. It was a nice relaxing day at a great locations for basking in the sun with a little bit of rain to cool off the day.
August Highlights
Lots and lots of bubbles this August Chicktime! Thanks to Jane Nelson we had lots of fun blowing bubbles, making buttons, and playing with a huge parachute. The bubbles were a big hit for the kids and volunteers! We had many tools available to make bubbles of many shapes and sizes. The giant parachute helped us out with a-lot of games and other fun activities. It also easily turned into a fun dome to sit under with a rainbow of colors. The button maker produced many buttons with pre-made and personal sayings. The kids loved putting their own creativity into their buttons! Overall a great Chicktime! Thanks to all the kids, volunteers, and staff for making this all possible!
Who would have thought etiquette and sports agility would go hand in hand. We had such a wonderful day. A special Thank You goes out the the Harty Family for making this day possible and wonderful! We learned how to properly introduce yourself, set the table, and table manners. It is easy to have proper tables manners when you are served delicious fruit salad and mini cakes with frosting and sprinkles. Outside on the basketball court is where things really heated up. A quick warm up consisted of jumping and squatting before the real fun started. It takes a lot of concentration to move your feet: in in out out, without touching the squares on the ground. Everyone enjoyed the friendly competition during the medicine ball relay races. Thank you Harty Family and all the volunteers!
June was made possibly by Tara Johnson and the members of her book club. Thank you! We had a wonderful morning at the Bulverde/Spring Branch Library. Everyone enjoyed making journals, bookmarks, and ice cream. The library gave tours of the beautiful facilities, and donated a special gift to each child. The kids were ecstatic when they were told they could take a book home. What an awesome gift! Thank you again to all who helped make June such a joyful experience for the kids as well as all the volunteers.
What a wonderful morning!! A special thank you to Bonnie Cheatham, Carole Nelms and the staff at Paint Palooza. So many laughs, smiles, dirty paint brushes, and creative dolphins were generated during the May event. All the kids, staff, and volunteers enjoyed the activity. The morning was completed with snacks and drinks.
A special Thanks to Kelly Vizzone and all the volunteers for helping make February a sweet success. The morning started off with an informative history of the origin of Zumba. Then it was time to get busy busting out the moves. We jumped, twisted, spun, shake, ‘made soup’, and ‘washed windows’. After our heart rates were up and the sweat was pouring we slowed down our breathing and stretched our bodies with yoga. What a great way to spend the morning!
June Highlights
We had an amazing event with the girls in June. We did manicures and pedicures and had an awesome time. A huge thanks to all of our volunteers who showed up to make it a success. A special thanks to our national founder Lori Rhodes who donated the supplies and came to participate as well. Everyone came out of the event with beautifully painted nails and a great feeling of fellowship.
May Highlights
Our May event was truly spectacular at The Centre for Emergency Health Sciences. The girls had fun while learning all about how our bodies work. They learned CPR on dummies and they learned the Heimlich Maneuver by practicing on each other wearing specially made vests. We even learned the right way to wash our hands! We had a wonderful time at the Bulverde/Spring Branch EMS station and give big thanks to Candice Thompson, Capt. Scotty Bollitier, and Anatomy Ally. They really know their stuff and know how to make learning it lots of fun.
April Highlights
What a great time we had with the ladies of University of Incarnate Word basketball team and coach, Taylor Carter, Candice Chaney, and Michelle Hale. They showed the girls some basics on the court, advanced moves and we played some challenging games. The girls loved it and wanted them to come back soon.

Please come and join the Chicktime Glory Girls on April 13th from 9-11 at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, 1400 Ridge Creek Lane, Bulverde, Texas. We can’t wait to see YOU there! It will be a great event filled with love and laughter from all, with some of the University of Incarnate Word girls basketball team. We also have some exciting news! I would like you all to welcome our wonderful new co-leader Betsy Fontaine to the Glory Girls. What a blessing Betsy is to Chicktime!
March Highlights
The Glory Girls event in March was an event to remember. It was hosted by Anna Schnabel and Carole Nelms. A big thank you to Bonnie Chetham for inviting these wonderful ladies to host. The theme was Mardi Gras. Carole did some great research, and taught everyone about the history of Mardi Gras, while the girls made colorful beaded and feathered masks. I think everyone there learned something. Carole is a great teacher. Anna had a wonderful selection of masks to choose from, and all the girls personalities and artistic abilities shown though in their decorations. Thanks to the gentlemen for making a very tasty low country shrimp boil. What a wonderful group of ladies we had there that day. A huge THANK YOU to all of you that came and helped. Please join us on April 13 from 9-11 for another exciting day.
St Jude’s Ranch for Children
4100 Ridge Creek Ln, Bulverde
February Highlights
Our February event was full of fun and laughter as we began the day decorating cupcakes and then Kari Surovik taught everyone how to play Bunco. With 6 tables of 4 each, the room was full of smiles and laughter and lots of shouts of “Bunco” as the girls rolled 3 of a kind on their dice. There were lots of winners – most wins, most losses, most Bunco’s etc; but the biggest win was watching all the smiles on the faces of the girls and hearing their laughter. Thank you Dee Patterson for planning the day and Kari and Lesli for making it happen when Dee needed to step in and help with a family event. For those of you who are reading this and have never come out to a Chickime event, we meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month and would love to have you join us. If you have a passion to share, or are creative, or just want to sponsor a month please contact one of the leaders of the Bulverde Glory Girls Chapter. We would love to have you.
January Highlights
Our January event was the best ever. The girls gave of themselves by serving at the CRC Food Bank in South San Antonio. It was such fun and rewarding for them, they have asked to help give out the food on a monthly basis. This day was a blessing for all involved.