*Akron News



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Chicktime Akron will be meeting on the second Saturday of every month at 10 AM. We have our first official workshop lined up and we would love for you to join us.
…And if you have a passion or hobby you would like to share with the girls at Safe Landing- like Cooking? Painting? Crafting or you tell us! Almost anything can be made into a workshop. We would love to sign you up. We have July – Dec still available! 
Come be a blessing!

Chicktime Akron volunteers!
We have exciting news!! The chapter will soon be re- launched! We are working behind the scenes training the new managing leader and co- leaders, and working out details with our charity partner!
Reach out if you are interested in leading a workshop this year! Come share your passion or hobby with the girls who live at the Safe Landing Girls Shelter!
What’s your passion? Crafting? Cooking ? Game playing or painting? Almost anything can be made into a workshop!
We are hoping to secure the second Saturday of each month about 10:00 am!

We have a couple women interested, but really need a couple more to move forward….

Calling compassionate women…..Arise!

While the chapter is looking for a leadership team~ Chicktime Akron Founder, Jessica, lined up a couple of workshops for September. One at the boys shelter and one at the girls shelter. 

 Chicktime Akron event at the boys home today was awesome. Shout out to Frank Palcko who taught the boys how to change oil and a tire in this heat! The boys were so engaged and really enjoyed helping and learning! 🥰
Thank you so much Mr. Frank! You have no idea the lives you changed by just showing up!
Workshop leader, Ellen, had a journaling workshop at the girls shelter. She showed them all the different ways to journal which helped the girls share their emotions. 
We continue to look for a few women to carry on the legacy of Chicktime Akron at Safe Landings girls home by saying YES to joining the leadership team. When we have a solid team … the responsibilities are shared and really with systems in place… the process is easy!!
…And then once this team is secure and set we are wishing big…
And boldly hoping for another team to develop to serve at the boys home.
Let’s love where we live.

Chicktime Akron,
As we continue to look for women to rise up to form a new leadership team… ( we have one for sure and one maybe and still looking for two more)…
The original and fabulous leadership team of Jessica and Rachael have organized two fabulous workshops for September! One at the girls shelter and one at the boys shelter as recently they split up and made two shelters!
One is scheduled for the first Saturday of the month and one is planned for the second Saturday of the month! How awesome is this?
Moving forward we will only be serving the girls shelter, but who knows! Perhaps once we get one strong leadership team formed and this chapter going again … maybe a second one would come out of it!
Mark your calendars and RSVP! Let’s get back to serving !
August Update:
Who can say they experienced the zoo almost to themselves during a thunderstorm? The girls at Safe Landing and the volunteers at Chicktime Akron can!
The girls kept positive spirits and we all had fun playing in the rain with the animals!
Special thanks to Jessica and Rachael for hosting such a beautiful time!
Looking for a fun, easy way to give back? Consider volunteering with Chicktime Akron!!
Find out how by emailing Donnette at donnette@chicktime.com

Chicktime Akron,
Good news! Chicktime Akron Founder, Jessica and her co-leader, Rachael, found out that the Chicktime Akron chapter is in transition again and looking for a new leadership team and
reached out and said… we will have an August workshop! They made arrangements with Safe Landing to have a special field trip because they believe in the Chicktime Mission and even more so…. always want the youth at Safe Landing to know they matter!
Reach out and join them! They can fill you in all things Chicktime too!

It takes a village!

June Update:

Due to scheduling conflicts we were not able to meet in June. 

May Update:

Ice cream and hang out time! A perfect workshop!

April Update:

Life happens and we adjust! We don’t like not seeing the youth at Safe Landing even when we are notified of scheduling conflicts. We will regroup and see them for a good ole fashioned Ice Cream Social in May!

March Update:

Our March workshop was so so fun!
Thanks to the incredible group- Shine!!
They brought so much love, kindness and intention to their Breathing Techniques workshop !

Feburary Update:

We had so much fun Saturday at Safe Landing.

I’m not sure if my stomach was in pain from laughing so much or from the sugar. After dinner, we made ourselves a Valentine’s Day card. To remind ourselves of self worth and self care. They all turned out so beautiful!!

Followed by cookie decorating, followed by an impromptu parking lot race. We needed to get some energy out!!!! I was proud of them!

January Update:

Chicktime Akron’s January workshop was cold but oh so fun!!
A Pizza 🍕 Party and games… always a hit with the youth at Safe Landing!
A couple of hours …once a month …but!! Oh the impact… on all of us!
Join us next month!


December Update:

Our December workshop was awesome as it normally is when we are hanging out with the fabulous youth at Safe Landing!
They had a tree decorated with store bought ornaments. The kids were excited to make their own ornaments to add to the tree. Photo is of tree with their ornaments !
It was also a bittersweet day as it was Jessica and Rachael’s ( the amazing leadership team) last day to co- lead the chapter! What a beautiful legacy
you leave behind! We wish you well!

November Update:

Our November workshop was so full of laughs and jOY especially when we played this candy cane game!
Our monthly workshops are not really time consuming and so laid back …and just easy! Easy because the youth appreciate the couple of hours that they get attention from non paid staff and something planned just for them!
Join us in December ! And consider helping keep Chicktime Akron going in the new year.

October Update:

Pumpkins 🎃 galore at our Chicktime Akron’s October workshop!
Crafting and painting and laughing and sharing……
Oh how we love Chicktime Saturdays!

September Update:

Always fun to introduce the youth to new ideas, crafts and skills !
Origami fun for our September activity!

August Update:

The kids had a blast with our weaving activity at our August event.

We even had three new volunteers that made it extra special!

July Update:

Safe Landing can’t get enough of Stem Activities. They ask and we show up with such kits for them to play around with!
Join us next month!

June Update:

A few games Chicktime Akron picked up for Safe Landing Youth to keep busy during the summer with a little pizza 🍕 money too!
As long as we can… Chicktime Akron will support the youth who live at Safe Landing!
If you see our posts from month to month but just can’t seem to make our in person workshops and want to help with supplies or snacks for the workshops…. contact us! We always welcome help!
Happy Summer all,
Jessica, Rachael and Kylie
Chicktime Akron Leadership team

May Update:

Chicktime Akron getting ready for summer with a little terracotta painting and succulent planting!
It was a fun workshop !!
We plant seeds of hope one month at a time.
You should join us!

April Update:

When things just don’t come together for our planned workshop activities…. Pizza is always a good thing! A special treat and lets the youth at Safe Landing know…. We care!
Pizza was our April workshop!
See you all in May!

March Update:

Springtime brings out such creativity!! Look at these beautiful canvas paintings from our March workshop. A couple hours a month is all it takes to make a difference in the life of a youth in our community!

February Update:

We had a good time at our February workshop! Making Tie Dye Handkerchiefs was groovy!
✌️+❤️= Chicktime Akron

January Update:

Our January workshop …as always…. Was the best time!! Mainly because we know the youth at Safe Landing need our attention and feel safe and seen when we show up each month.
We aimed for roller coasters with our monthly activity, but everyone ended up opting for their own creative projects. Which is awesome!
And then we demolished pizza per the usual ????
A couple hours once a month. Join us!

December Update:

We made gingerbread houses today with the kids.

So much creativity and they all looked amazing. Two even got listed on Zillow. ????

November 2022:

Yesterday we had fun doing team building activities. We used the rubber band with strings on it to move the cups and build a tower, and broke out in teams of two to race building towers with the game Buildzi!

Plenty of laughs were at this workshop! Thanks to our new volunteer Elizabeth for joining in on the fun yesterday!

October Update:

We made our own Halloween shirts with stencils and bleach today. Kids had so much fun!

See you in November!

September Update:

Today we combined basketball and mosaic chalk art! If you made a shot, you got to lay a piece of tape. Once we ran out of tape, we all colored in and created this masterpiece! Followed by Chicktime Akron’s trademark, Pizza!!
PS – the hat being worn by the kid putting down tape photographed is the hat from our murder mystery event last month ????

August Update:

Chicktime Planning is so important to our leadership team. We absolutely believe we are part of the healing of the youth at Safe Landing. Join us one month. 

June 2022

We are so sorry-
Our July workshop was postponed last minute due to a family emergency!
We still look forward to brightening the hearts of the youth at Safe Landing in August!
Same theme!! Same fun!!
Hope to see you then ! Details coming soon!!
???? #ty

June Update:

We had a field day today! Tug of war, egg run, sack races, croquet, and more! Followed it with a pizza and ice cream party. We had so much fun!!


May Update:

We had a super fun day building bird houses outside, playing basketball, and four leaf clover hunting! It was so sweet to hear one of the kids thank the lord for Chicktime in their pre-lunch prayer. ????. Special thanks to Tom Horton for leading todays event!

April Update:

Rain and Snow didn’t stop us from having a blast with our kids today! Easter egg coloring and outdoor hunt was very exciting for all of us. We love seeing the smiles on our kids faces every month ????. Special thanks to our event leader today, Dannielle Mack, for supplying these kids with your love and the supplies!

March Update:

For our March event, our amazing volunteer Stacy led Yoga and calming glitter bottles! It was a great way to relax and relieve stress. Obviously, we also had pizza ????



February Update:


Our February event was amazing! We had the kiddos paint the trees they seem themself as, since we also are constantly changing, growing, and our roots are grounded. All of the trees came out very differently, showing them that everyone grows differently and that’s ok! We also had three AMAZING volunteers today. Chicktime Akron is forever grateful for our community ❤️????????????


January Update:

We do not like missing time with the youth at Safe Landing, but we want everyone to be safe. 

See you next month.

December Update:

At this months Holiday Party, we made ornaments! The kids had a blast and were so creative.


November Update:

Our November No-Sew Pillows Event was amazing! The kids got to choose from so many cool designs and make soft, cozy pillows just in time for Winter! ❄️

October Update:

Paper Mache bowls were fun to make with the youth at Safe Landing! They are so creative!
We can’t wait until you can join us back on the campus…
Until then… thanks for staying with us.

September Update:

Last Saturday, we learned about emotional intelligence and how we must first learn about and love ourselves. And of course, what our kids look forward to most, PIZZA! ❤️


August Update:

July Update:

Our July workshop was all about a little weird science. We made homemade lava lamps and compared the reaction to hot vs cold. We ate a little pizza and played a little basketball. The kids were so excited that we even wanted to play with them.

The little things.

Just showing up.

It matters.

June Update:

We had so much fun with our first male activity leader building birdhouses with our kids this month!! Thanks for joining us and spending time with us Tom Horton!

May Update:

What a fun event today with Shelley! We painted our plant pots and planted aloe (the healing plants) in them. The kids had so much fun with them and were very excited about it. Thanks for an awesome workshop Shelley!!

April Update:

Scheduling conflicts prevented us from having our gardening workshop… so we improvised and sent pizza and breadsticks! We always want the Youth at SafeLanding to know Chicktime cares about them!

March Update:

We got to tie-dye shirts with our kids at Safe Landing!

Thanks to Dannielle for your workshop donation.


February Update:


Pizza and games make for a wonderful February workshop. It’s such a honor to hang out with the kids at Safe Landing every month.

January Updates:

We dropped off our January vision boards workshop! It’s a bummer when we forget to take lots of pictures of our monthly workshops . We want everyone to see the work we do at Safe Landing in hopes you will help us one month . We are always looking for someone to lead a workshop, help with supplies or snacks, or show up to help us put on the workshop when we are able to be back on campus!

December Update:

When you support Chicktime Akron, you support the troubled teens of Summit County and Safe Landing. Thanks to the wonderful turnout of our Chicktime 5K fundraiser, we were able to purchase all of these items on the house wishlist for Christmas this year!
10 Bath Towels
20 Wash Cloths
4 Fluffy Pillows
10 Twin Bed Sheet Sets with Pillowcase
6 Hairbrushes
6 Tubes of Toothpaste
8 Toothbrushes
2 1000ct Q-Tips
1 Basketball
Thank you all for your support! We couldn’t do it without you!

November Update:

We were so excited to be back with our kids for our first co-Ed event!

We made catapults to catapult away our fears and worries. ???? thanks to our awesome volunteers we had great snacks and the cutest turkey cookies!

October Update:

Our first in person workshop back since Covid hit was canceled. The Leadership team

was so looking forward to being back at Safe Landing, but the cancellation circumstances were beyond our control. We feel grateful that we get the opportunity to be on campus again in November and December and then the goal is for all to be back in January.

Chicktime Akron drop off donations of crafts and games have been a blessing .

September Update:

Any kind of Arts and Crafts that you run across on sale… grab it ! The kids at Safe Landing will use it! This is something we dropped off for them and would be glad to meet you to get anything you want to donate to them!
Thank you for understanding what we are trying to do… to make sure these great kids have all the support and encouragement they need to move forward!

August Update:

With covid restricting us from seeing our girls (and now boys) at Safe Landing, we decided to get some crafts and activities to drop off. We can’t wait to be able to do crafts with them, but for now this will do! ❤️

We miss getting to know all the girls we get to serve. COVID has impacted all of us, but it can’t stop us from ding-dong-ditching some crafting/art supplies and pizza! ???? ???????? We had so much fun shopping for the girls that we didn’t remember to take many photos, but just a few of the things we delivered were:

Tie-dye kits
Anime drawing book
Bubbles (come on, we all love bubbles)
DIY Face Mask kit
Summer tote bags
And a lot more!!

We’re grateful for anyone and everyone who has made donations, big and small. Thank you for empowering us to serve our Akron community!

Hey Chicktime Akron! We hope you are all doing well! We won’t be meeting in May as we continue to try to limit the risk of illness to our Chicktime girls! We hope to be back in June, but in the meantime I just wanted to share a few thoughts….

…I am lucky enough to have an aunt who lives right on the ocean in Florida. After my aunts household and my household both home quarantined for 2 weeks, my daughter, Kylie and I drove down to quarantine together. While here, I kept thinking of our Chicktime girls and how much Rachael, Kylie, and I all miss being with them. I loved the inspirational rock idea, and I pull so much energy and revitalization from the ocean. So! I created inspirational sand and shell jars for our girls. We will write a letter for the house to read to the girls, and ask them to pick a word they identify with or want more of, and use the power of the sand and shells to help give them the strength to become the person they want to be. I can’t wait to drop these off to our girls with some pizza! Even more so, I can’t wait until we can see them again!!

Managing Chicktime Akron Chapter Leader

Chicktime Akron has a new Junior Co-Leader……

Please Welcome Kylie Berns to our leadership team!

February Update:

Chicktime Akron hosted a Black History celebration on Saturday! We played Black History bingo with prizes, and had some traditional foods catered by Sam Gaston. Everything was sooo good! The girls loved it!

January Update:

We had so much fun coming up with inspirational words and making bracelets out of them today. We even wrote them on the window with a dry erase marker.

Thank you Karen Hillman for supporting Chicktime Akron and our girls.

December Update:

Oh man did we have fun today at our holiday party!! We made snow globes and lanterns, had a delicious holiday meal, played the present pass game, and opened gifts with our girls today.

It is always so amazing spending the few hours bringing excitement and joy to these young girls every month. ????♥️

November Update:

We honored our military at Chicktime making Paracord bracelets to send overseas today and had so much fun doing it! Right after Jessica and her daughter went down to meet the Dayton chapter for some fun and games. Chicktime Akron is so proud to be part of such a strong sisterhood of chapters helping girls and women across the country. ????♥️????

October Update:

????Special thank you to our leader Hema for giving us the gift of henna today.

Our girls had so much fun getting their henna designs…

Look at the details!

Our volunteers had so much fun learning and playing a new card game called bumper with the girls! So many smiles and laughs shared today. ????

September Update:

Today’s event was so fun! We learned about all the activities that could be considered public speaking. Then we tackled the Heinz Dilemma and did some drawing. Great discussions all around!

Chicktime Akron is having a fundraiser to raise money for our monthly workshops we put on for the homeless youth in our community.

Bring your dog out for a $5.oo dollar portrait and support our mission.

See you on October 6th!

August Update:

Today was so fun! We made a bunch of origami projects – from foxes (and boxes) to flowers! #chicktime

July Update:

We stayed out of the heat, but still channeled summer vibes with some painting fun.

Thanks Pink Velvet Studio!!

We can’t wait for August workshop!

June Update:

This weekend we had a great time making decorated letters, washi necklaces and hanging out with the girls. Always a positive and rewarding experience. ???? #chicktime

May Update:


We enjoyed some relaxing and therapeutic yoga.

Every month we are committed to bring a workshop to Safe Landing in hopes that love is felt!

April Update:

Happy Easter from Chicktime Akron! We had a blast today doing an egg hunt then coloring eggs.

March Update:

March Update:

Temps dropped again and some of us even got snow….so what a perfect day for making no sew fleece blankets.

So fun and cozy!

February Update:

We celebrated Valentines with a bit of crafting and #selflove: today we made some #selfcare boxes. Love and treat yourself first!


January Update:


2019 is off to a great start! We had a great workshop today discussing the importance of self awareness and trusting your gut in the midst of difficult situations. We had some truly meaningful discussions with he girls while we worked on some journaling.


December Update:

Today we made empowerment jars.

We found words that related to us from magazines and created jars to store things in.

Some girls are storing candy, some said money, others said they would write something  nice about themselves or someone they love every day to review at the end of the year.

We love our Chicktime girls!!

November Update:

We had a relaxing morning at Safe Landing playing games and watching Aladdin with the girls-complete with popcorn and other snacks of course. We are so thankful for the opportunity to connect with these girls every month.

October Update:

Great Day celebrating Halloween!

Mummies, witches and Frankenstein …oh my!

We had a great time together making Halloween crafts.

September Update:

Our September workshop was such a great time.  We learned all about the history and background of henna from The Artful Cricket. The girls got some actual henna designs, too!

August Update:

We had a little rain on our cookout today…so we improvised!

Our girls were so excited about our henna event next month that they wanted to do some today. Special thanks to Hema and Kelley for coming out and volunteering with us today. Make sure to join us next month for more henna fun.

July Update:

Our July workshop was a blast! Our first event at Safe Landing went awesome. We did some yoga with the girls then made friendship bracelets and keychains. Join us next month for a BBQ!

#chicktime  #giveback

June Update:

Beauty on a budget was a hit! We learned tips and tricks for applying makeup. #slay

May Update:

Chicktime Akron …..

Today we had such a fun time learning to crochet !

 Join us next month as we build our chapter and establish our legacy!!

Earlier this week we got to meet the founder of Chicktime, Lori Rhodes.

We had a wonderful time and we have so many great things ahead for Chicktime Akron!

Lori’s vision for Chicktime Chapters in every group home across the Nation is breathtaking!

The Chicktime website has details on how that vision got started and we encourage you to read it and join us here in Akron as we carry out the mission!

April Update:

Chicktime Akron had our first successful event today!!!

We planted pallet veggie gardens. Our girls are homeless between 16-22. Now we have planted cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, and cantelope for them to have healthy options to eat this summer! We had a little pizza party also!