Where We Serve

Chicktime Akron is proud to partner with SafeLanding. The primary purpose of SafeLanding is to give immediate assistance to both the young person and the family in a time of crisis. The services include short-term residential care, drop-in counseling, a 24-hour telephone hotline, and assistance in finding alternative living situations when necessary. Safe Landing provides emergency shelter for troubled young people 11 years of age and older. SafeLanding provides shelter and residential treatment-type services for troubled children between the ages of 10 and 18 years who manifest emotional, behavioral or social adjustment type problems in accordance with the requirements of appropriate state regulatory agencies. These children may be referred for treatment by any source including, but not limited to, the Summit County Juvenile Court or the Summit County Children Services Board; to provide for such services as housing, clothing, food service, education and employment opportunities, individual and group counseling, recreation, transportation, medical and psychological care and services and full time supervision. Since September of 1972 when the first two shelter homes opened, the staff of SafeLanding remains committed to providing quality residential care to troubled children and families. In addition to the twenty-four hour a day residential needs, there is also a focus on the emotional, spiritual and social needs of each individual. A staff of approximately ninety people and approximately sixty-five active volunteers, serve together in this program designed to meet the increasing needs that children and families are experiencing.


Shelter Care Animation Video from Creative Hut on Vimeo.



If you would like to donate any of these items, please contact the Administration Office directly at (330) 784-7200 or visit them online at sc72.org. You may also visit their Amazon Wish List here!