Checking In….

Hey Chicktime Akron! We hope you are all doing well! We won’t be meeting in May as we continue to try to limit the risk of illness to our Chicktime girls! We hope to be back in June, but in the meantime I just wanted to share a few thoughts….

…I am lucky enough to have an aunt who lives right on the ocean in Florida. After my aunts household and my household both home quarantined for 2 weeks, my daughter, Kylie and I drove down to quarantine together. While here, I kept thinking of our Chicktime girls and how much Rachael, Kylie, and I all miss being with them. I loved the inspirational rock idea, and I pull so much energy and revitalization from the ocean. So! I created inspirational sand and shell jars for our girls. We will write a letter for the house to read to the girls, and ask them to pick a word they identify with or want more of, and use the power of the sand and shells to help give them the strength to become the person they want to be. I can’t wait to drop these off to our girls with some pizza! Even more so, I can’t wait until we can see them again!!

Managing Chicktime Akron Chapter Leader