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February Update:

Our Meet and Greet was awesome!
The facility is beautiful and we met a few of the ladies who seemed excited to meet us. We were so excited to see one of the ladies that we served at our previous Charity Partner. She is now a resident at the Salvation Army and spoke highly of Chicktime to the other ladies.
Ladies shared a few ideas of some workshops. They would like to see happen so we are hoping to add that to our year.
We are so excited about our new journey, serving God and kingdom building !
The picture is what we gave the ladies ….goodie bags with inspirational bracelets inside.
We are now praying for volunteers to overwhelm our workshops with us.
All for HIS glory!

January Update:

Things are getting real. Our new charity partner is ready for us to have our first workshop in February! Stay tuned for details!

December Update:

Leadership team continues to work with details with new charity partner.

November Update:

Our new charity partner is working with us on a day and time to determine when we can begin meeting monthly. 

October Update:

Making to -do lists and making calls with our new charity partner and trying to get our chapter scheduled on a regular basis on their campus. 

August Update:

The Leadership Team spend the month getting ready for our relaunch in October at our new charity partner. 

July Update:

Summer break as we begin planning for a new journey for Chicktime Syracuse. 

June Update:

On our regularly scheduled time ( 3rd Thursday of the month) the air conditioning was out in the common area where we meet for Chicktime workshops so we cancelled since we were right in the middle of a heat wave! We hoped it would work for us to meet the last Thursday of the month, but due to circumstances beyond our control…we showed up but a workshop was not conducted!
But… through prayer-
We now have clarity that the time to continue our mission at a different charity partner may be where God is calling our chapter or to at least visit and tour to have a better understanding where we should be for HIS kingdoms building.
So we will be busy doing all the behind the scenes things in July and possibly August to be back in September where God places us! Stay tuned!
Will you pray with us and please reach out if you want to help us continue the mission boldly for HIM.
All our love ,
Mae, Monique and Stacey

May Update:

We were not able to meet. Staff changes prohibited us from making our workshop happen. We used the time to educate new staff about Chicktime.

April Update:

Chicktime Syracuse had a Wonderful time with the ladies at Chadwick for our April workshop! We changed up the activity and so glad we did!
Some were eager to show their artistic side. As always, wonderful dialogue and discussion. 💓
A few hours once a month-
Come be part of HIS mission!

March Update:

Lots of things ( like a big spring snow storm – yikes 🤪) prevented us from having a full workshop in March-
But!! We dropped off Easter Bags for the Women right before Easter weekend so the ladies could remember the cross!
We will try our bingo workshop in April! Come join us!
Monique, Pastor Mae and Stacey
Chicktime Syracuse Leadership Team

February Update:

We had a great great time tonight with a few of our favorite ladies at our felt Workshop on how to “Be Good to Yourself.”

We always appreciate the ladies’ transparencies and their love for Chicktime Syracuse. 💕💕

January Update:

We had a wonderful time with the ladies of Chadwick Residence, Inc. as we hosted a Journal Writing Workshop! Ofcourse we gifted each lady with their own journal and pen, and we shared some tips on how to effectively Journal! As usual, the ladies blessed us with sharing their testimonies and were thankful to be able to have a place to write their thoughts and feelings. We come to inspire the ladies, but leave with much more inspiration. 💗 We are so honored to serve!

December Update:

We had a blessed time with the ladies of Chadwick last night.
Our Christmas Party …as so it was themed….turned into a share and encourage time as some of the ladies just needed to talk about the challenges they are facing. We didn’t mind, because we believe this is why Jesus sent us to Chicktime and to serve here at Chadwick Residence!
We were equally as blessed to see how the change in physical appearance of Chadwick Residence common area ( new furniture, television, Christmas tree)…was now a comfy real living room and how proud the women felt showing it off! The space felt special and safe to them and we love that for them!!
If you feel called to join us in 2024…. We would love to have you. We show up the third Thursday of the month loaded with compassion and a heart full of love and attention. The very things these women have lacked most of their life. It’s a Godly mission, but if not us…. Who?
Blessings and Merry Christmas,
Monique, Mae and Stacey
Chicktime Syracuse Leadership Team

November Update:

Illness struck and we were not able to be on campus. 

Chadwick Residence is fundraising through the holidays with our Christmas Quilt Raffle! Visit our website to purchase a raffle ticket for this beautiful quilt! $10 each, drawing December 1, 2023

October Update:

We were not able to have our annual Pink Party because at the last minute we were ask to move our October workshop to a day we were not able to hold it. We love our time with the women and children and know they enjoy being with us and need the love and encouragement from Godly women. So we were sad to not be able to meet in October. Thank you for your prayers in advance in getting things smoothed out and Chicktime Syracuse back on the calendar at Chadwick every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm!
Monique, Mae and Stacey

September Update:

Due to circumstances beyond our control we were not able to be on the Chadwick Campus in September. 

See you back in October!

August Update:

Due to circumstance beyond our control….We had to cancel our August workshop. 

Prayers for Chadwick Residence as they staff the campus. 

July Update:

Opps! We forgot to take pictures,  We are trying to see if our charity partner took some. Fingers crossed.

June Update:

Our June Self Care Workshop was powerful!
The ladies appreciated us giving them Godly tips on letting go of emotional baggage: Anger, Worry, Guilt, Shame and Fear. One of the residents confided to our circle a very serious recent event in her life . We were able to encourage and love her. The conversations were dynamic to hear and the things these ladies carry in their heart are so heavy.
We stayed way beyond our normal time and just listened to them and they were so grateful for that. ♥️🙏🏿
See you next month.

May Update:

Oh the fun we had at our Sip and Paint workshop !
There is no better place we would want to be than with the women and children at Chadwick Residence every 3rd Saturday!
Come hang out with us!


April Update:

Our April workshop had many sweet and holy moments. The women that come to Chicktime feel safe and because of that we are going to continue showing up minth after month and being Jesus. ♥️????????

March Update:

Old Man Winter stopped us from meeting in person, but we were able to drop off our workshop after the storm went through…

See you next month.

February Update:

Well… our February workshop didn’t go as planned! The campus census is low and so we did not meet. We are going to save the workshop activity for a time when the campus is full again.
We are planning our March workshop that will suit a workshop that has one to 10 plus women!
Join us.

January Update:

We are hoping pictures are coming from our Vision Board Workshop. 


December Update:

Merry Christmas Chicktime Syracuse!
In our haste, we did not snap pictures of the gifts or the cookies we left for the Ladies, staff and the kids???? for Christmas… but we are confident they will all feel our love for each of them.
Bring on 2023 ! We have fabulous workshops planned and would love for you to join us one month.
Our community is counting on us!

November Update:

Our November workshop round table on Falling In Love with yourself was insightful and healing.
We are blessed to be able to spend this sacred time at Chadwick Residence.
We would love for you to join us one month!

October Update:

Our Donuts and Discussion workshop was a very intense moment of truth. We started the discussion with one question, “How are you?” Many of the ladies opened up and had a very candid discussion about how they were truly feeling. We enjoyed our time with the ladies.

September Update:

Our September workshop was just lovely ! It’s always powerful when women show up for other women.

August Update:

Together we make a difference. We have so much love to share and happy we have a place to spread it. Join us one month !

July Update:

The Leadership Team gathering together to plan amazing things for their chapter and charity partner. 


June Update:

Chicktime Syracuse loves to serve. We love to meet women who love to serve.

Join us in August as we encourage the women who live at Chadwick Residence. 



May Update:

The wonderful thing about being anointed women of God is that HE equips us for the missions HE sends us on. Chicktime Syracuse showed up for our monthly May workshop, but God needed us to serve Chadwick in other ways. It would of been so easy to walk away when we realized our Tea Party activity wasn’t going to happen and be angry about the time and money spent to put on this activity….but we allowed God to use us to listen and encourage instead. This was our May workshop!
If you have a heart for service….the kind of service that allows God to use you in ways HE needs you~ join us one month.

April Update:

We had a great time at Chadwhick on Saturday. Although most of the ladies were away on a weekend pass, we decided to make Easter Baskets and color eggs for them so they can have a few surprises when they return.

March Update:

We were blessed with a beautiful Saturday to drop off Bible Study Journals prepared by our Chapter Chaplin Minister Mae! 

She encouraged the ladies to Grow in their faith!!


February Update:

Chicktime Syracuse celebrated Valentine’s Day at Chadwick Residence!

All we want to do is spread love! Join our mission. 


January Update:

We know we can’t control things going on around us right now….
….sometimes we just have to step back and breathe in HIM.
Covid only makes things harder. Not impossible. 
We were not able to make January workshop happen, but this only makes us that much more geared up for February!


December Update:

Chicktime Syracuse dropped off a little Christmas love for our December workshop! With the resurgence of Covid/ new variant… we will still spread hope and love, but do it in a safe way.
Looking for a way to make a difference in the ne year? Reach out to us ! We need you!


November Update:

We had an awesome time at our cookie decorating workshop today hosted by our workshop leader, Meghan. 

Ministry went forth today as the women and children learned how to decorate cookies. 




October Update:

We had a very Blessed time today at our Annual Pink Party for Breast Cancer Awareness!
Ministry went forth as the ladies asked for prayer! A huge thank you to our Co-Leader and Chapter Chaplain, Minister
Williemae Davis for leading such an awesome Worksshop!


September Update:

We had the pleasure today of meeting a very sweet yet spirit-filled volunteer, Danielle Danielle asked if she could prepare self-care bags for the ladies at Chadwick! We enjoyed delivering the bags to the ladies today with Danielle!

September Update:

Special thanks to workshop leader, Daniele, for teaching us that self care is not selfish, but neccesary!

August Update:

Our ice cream social was rained out (since we are only meeting outside at the moment)…
so we left the ladies some goodies.
May their bodies be nourished.

If you are able to contribute any school supplies we would greatly appreciate it! We would love to drop off a basket full of crayons, glue, paper, pens/pencils, markers, rulers, pencil pouch, spiral notebooks and such! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to help the kids start the school year off with confidence that comes from having all the supplies they need for a successful school year.

July Update:

Due to Covid we had our Ice Cream Social planned for outdoors.

Rain put a damper on that…

So we dropped off pizza and beverages for Pizza party!

We hope they were blessed.

June Update:

We were so Blessed today to be back at the Chadwick Residence with our ladies! We missed them and their incredible staff so much! Our Workshop Leader today was an incredibly talented woman of God. Thank you Meghan for allowing the ladies to walk away with a piece of jewelry of their own that they crafted!

May Update:

We showed up this month to drop off a few things we think the ladies will enjoy!

We want to keep showing up! If you are seeing this  and want to help…

We need YOU!

April Update:

Prayer is important and powerful.

May all the ladies at Chadwhick Residence know we are praying for them constantly.

March Update;

We hope the women at Chadwich Residence have a blast hanging out and having a little puzzle time together!

February Update:

Hey Chicktime Syracuse! We just can’t sit still and not love the women at Chadwick Residence! We’ve decided we are going to drop off our monthly workshops since we can’t be there in person and miss the opportunity NOW to let them know we care! This month we dropped off Valentine’s Day boxes and goodies!! We sure could use your help in the next coming months ! We have several ideas for drop off activities we just need YOU to say yes to putting it together!