Meet The Leaders

Monique Allen
Chicktime Syracuse Founder & Leader


Why I Serve a leadership role with Chicktime: I was raised in a family who has always had a heart for serving God’s people. My dad received the greatest joy serving the Church and the community. When my dad transitioned form labor to reward, I wanted to do something to honor his memory while glorifying God and using my gifts. Chicktime gives me the opportunity that I need to achieve these goals.  We can all do something that makes a difference in the lives of others simply by serving. It is through service that we are best able to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ.

My Passions and Gifts: My passion is to offer unconditional love, support and time to women and girls to teach them that they are empowered and valued while motivating them to find the purpose God that has placed within them. I simply want to extend unconditional love to God’s Girls.

Hobbies and Interests: I enjoy spending time traveling with my husband and daughter, as well as extended family, making memories for many occasions. I also enjoy watching Michigan State Football and Basketball with my husband. I love spending time volunteering and giving back to the community. In addition, I enjoy reading and learning new things.

Mae Davis
Chicktime Syracuse Chapter Co-Leader


Why I Serve a leadership role with Chicktime: I was inspired as a young girl by my mother and aunt to serve. These women were very spiritual and they loved caring and providing for other people.  They did this by turning to our loving, gracious and merciful God for help and guidance in any situation.  I was empowered by their faith to help others. Therefore, I chose to become a Register Nurse because I wanted to choose a profession that involved taking care of women and children.  As a Registered Nurse, it gave me great joy to be in charge of a Women Health Services. This was a way to help provide care for women and children through medicine and serving their health needs.

My Passions and Gifts: My passion is to encourage and empower women to believe in themselves. No matter what they have been through, I want them to know that there is a plan and a purpose for their lives.  I believe God is the orchestrator of our lives and he has given me the gift of teaching and the gift of faith to educate these women and let them know that all things are possible if they only believe.

Hobbies and Interests: I am very active in my Church. I am a Sunday School teacher for the 4-7year old age group, I serve on the Deacon Board, Usher’s Board and Church Health Ministry Board.  In addition, I enjoy mentoring youth in our local school district as well as reading and traveling.



Stacey Davis
Chicktime Syracuse Chapter Co-Leader


Why I Serve a leadership role with Chicktime: It has given me great joy to serve others. For eight years, I served this Country in the United States Navy and if asked, I would serve again.  On my journey in the military, I was able to encourage, support, motivate, build up and Minister to many that I served beside.  As a Co-leader, I want to continue to serve those in my community and this Country.  I am looking forward to what God has in store for Syracuse Chicktime.


My Passions and Gifts: My passion is being the voice for those who are not strong enough to speak and helping others who are afraid to take that first step in reaching their goal.


Hobbies and Interests: I enjoy spending time with my husband and children, doing arts and crafts, gardening and coin collecting.


Chicktime Syracuse :
Volunteer Coordinator- Monique Allen
Facebook Manager- Stacey Davis
Website Monitor- Stacey Davis
Calendar Manager-  Monique Allen
Treasurer- Mae Davis
Rising Managing Leader-Stacey Davis


*Uplifter- Our Leadership Team cares deeply about our volunteers. If you ever find yourself needing a listening ear about anything going on in your life, remember you are never alone! We are your sisters! We take turns opening up our time to be there for you anytime for any reason so if you want to text or call anytime reach out to one of the leaders listed as a current Uplifter!