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*** All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age! ***

February Update:

February is one of our favorite workshops.

We always make friendship braclets and the kids are so thoughtful. They make braclets for each other and their moms , it’s the sweetest.

This month our workshop also fell on our founder, Jeanette George’s birthday, may she rest in heaven!

January Update:


We started our year off at Saint John’s Program for Real Change getting our creative juices flowing with our annual Craftpoolza.

December Update:

So much Christmas magic happened today Saint John’s Program for Real Change
Thank you to all my volunteers new and old who came today. Especially Mr. and Mrs. Claus
See you in 2025! 

November Update:

November was a time for gratitude.
We took time to thank all the staff Saint John’s Program for Real Change
Their hard work and dedication deserves so much Thankfulness!

October Update:

I love how resourceful our Chicktime Sacramento volunteers are…Angela put together a basketball game for our Harvest Festival Workshop today using ducktape and a piece of wood and Lorna helped hold it up with a broom!
Two of our other volunteers ran to the store last minute to get a table cloth for our prize table and I drew spaces on it and labeled it.
We made this workshop come together with some teamwork

September Update:

September is one of my favorite workshops. We partnered with Pirates of Sacramento to pull off an epic Pirate Literacy workshop.
Pirate Blacklace read stories, Mischief Mary told pirate jokes and Captian Arsnic and her 1st mate Flynn shoot stuffies from the cannon.
Our crew mates from Saint John’s Program for Real Change found the treasure and did a great job of protecting our ship.
Thank you to all our volunteers for making this year’s Pirate Literacy workshop a success!

August 2024:

Mad Science is always a favorite for us and Saint John’s Program for Real Change
Professor Amethyst presented a fun and interactive workshop
All about air and gravity~ so fun for all involved!

July Update:

The weather in Sacramento threw us for a loop this morning and made it a a lot cooler for our Annual Waterplay workshop. It’s been triple digits, but this morning it was a cool 85. We had a few brave girls that joined the fun. We had some new volunteers that joined us today as well. Welcome to Christina C, Sharon and Kathy

June Update:

Some of the moms joined us this month for our annual Tie Dye workshop.
We love it when the moms come.
Some of the kids even enjoyed sidewalk chalk after they finished their shirts.
Don’t miss the fun next month. 

May Update:

Let’s Glow paint rocks!
It was a beautiful day to be outside with the kids at Saint John’s Program for Real Change

April Update:

Ms.Angela helped us get our groove on during our April workshop! 

And the kids seemed to enjoy the fun movement!

Saint John’s Program for Real Change

March Update:

Cynthia lead us in an outdoor yoga session.

2 of the kids participated towards the end, but in true Sacramento Chicktime fashion we continue to show up. Saint John’s Program for Real Change

February Update:

Whenever Wild Heart Ranch joins us at Saint John’s Program for Real Change we all get to live our best farm life.
Shorty the Corgie and Scooby the Rat Terror joined Miniture ponies Sophie and Cheerio to show us some tricks.

January Update:

3 kiddos came today to make friendship bracelets! We enjoyed their company and created some bracelets ourselves.
ONE of our leaders even made one for another leader that was unable to come today.
They have become good friends through Chicktime. This is what it’s all about!

December Update:

Christmas is always about seeing the joy through a child’s eye.
I witnessed a little girl’s belief in Santa return, all thanks to the kindness of Santa and Mrs. Claus.
I watched children gleam as they saw Santa and they shared all their hopes for Christmas with him. It truly is a magical time of year.

November Update:

This month was our first annual Chicktime Carnival. Complete with popcorn, games and prizes. The kids had fun playing and winning. We also made a thank you poster for all the wonderful staff Saint John’s Program for Real Change

October Update:

Captians Log October 14, 2023
Ahoy, Mateys! We embarked upon a Solar Eclipse and found Captian Arnsial and Lace’s treasure.
We had to swab the deck and walk the plank, but it was worth the Booty we acquired!

September Update:

Unfortunately, we showed up and the kids did not. There was some communication mishaps! 

It is frustrating, but that doesn’t stop us from showing up for them next month. After all….

this is why we Chicktime!

August Update:

August Update:

Boo! We had to cancel our August workshop due to unforeseen circumstances. We will regroup and return in September with a bang!

July Update:

July is one of our favorite workshops. A kick off to summer with waterplay and Ice cream!
Thank you Emily and Lindsey for leading.

June Update:

Outdoor Bowling provided great laughs and some competitive fun at Saint John’s Program for Real Change for our June workshop.


May Update:

We had a blast and got a good workout in today dancing with the kids Saint John’s Program for Real Change

April Update:

It was such a blessing to have Mad Science back with Chicktime Sacramento today!
Dr. Spynx did an amazing job teaching us about how sugar sinks in water and how oil and water never mix. Best of all we got to launch water rockets!
So much fun with a great bunch of scientists

March Update:

Thank you Angela and Cynthia for leading us in a great yoga session this morning.
We only had two kids show up but that’s OK. It’s all about showing up and that what we will continue to do!


February 2023:

February’s workshop was small but sweet. We made friendship bracelets. We were surprised by how challenging this activity was, but everyone stuck with it and over came the challenges by problem solving!
I’m very proud of our Volunteers and the kids!

January Update:

What is your Superpower?
Are you Kind, strong, a mom, happy, patient? Yes those are Superpowers!
Today we made capes, mask and shields! We also got to hangout with Batman, A Clone Trooper, Spiderman, Snow White, Antman, Captain Marvel and a special appearance from Sonic the Hedgehog!
Remember not all superheroes wear capes, but we all have Superpowers!

December Update:

Hot Chocolate and Pop Tart Houses. Santa Claus passing out stockings and candy canes.
It must be a Chicktime Christmas workshop.
We witnessed kindness and Christmas miracles at Saint John’s Program for Real Change! This year’s Christmas workshop was magical!

November 2022:

We might have only had 3 kids for Zumba this month, yet we still danced the morning away.
Diana Phelps from Zumba Kids lead us in a great Zumba workout!



October Update:

We were not able to meet in October due to the campus having other commitments and we had to cancel our workshop. 

See you next month….

September Update:

Our September workshop:
Arrr Mateys! Blacklace read a story about Pirate Pete which led us on an adventure to find gold!
After Walking the Plank and Swabbing the Deck, we found the “X” that marks the spot where we discovered the buried treasure!
We are celebrating Halloween at our October event. Join us!

August Update:

Wild Heart Ranch came out to #spreadlove with their amazing mini horses and Tequila (the big horse).
We had so much fun and the community was over the moon with excitement!
Thank you to everyone who helped at our workshop today!

July Update:

It’s the second Saturday of the month, you know what that means?
Chicktime Sacramento held our workshop!
Today was water play and ice cream with Ms. Emily!
We had about 22 kids today that’s the most we’ve seen since the pandemic. It makes my heart so happy to see these kiddos faces light up when Chicktime shows up.
I didn’t get as many pictures as I’d like, but phones and water don’t mix!
Ps peek some of the tie dye shirts we made last month!!!

June Update:

We had a Groovy time with Ms. Mary! We Tie Dyed shirts and played games!
All the kids and volunteers had a great time.

May Update:

May was all about Mindfulness! We started with a mindfulness meditation and then we learned how to be mindfull through Art; tracing our handprints as we focused on what emotions/ feelings we felt!
Our mindfulness continued as we colored “Just Breathe” coloring pages focusing on our breathing of course!
To end our workshop one of the children came up with questions about mindfulness.

April Update:

Let’s Go Fly a Kite!
April 23, 2022
Ms. Emily’s kite flying workshop was a huge success.
We had kids and parents working so hard to build the perfect kite.
The last picture is a story that is posted on the CEO’s office of our charity partner and tells a tale of exactly why we do Chicktime!

March Update:

Marching Through Emotions
Learning the Superpower of calm and balance.
“I am lovable!”
“I am enough!”
Thank you Ms. Cynthia and Ms. Angela for leading our workshop!


February Update:

Our February 12th workshop was a huge hit.
These kids were so sweet making bracelets for their moms, their siblings and even for another member of the home that was sick!
See You Next Month!


January Update:

We had some budding artist attend our January painting workshop!
What amazing creativity!


December Update:

Our Christmas workshop is always a labor of love, so many volunteers and donations come to make this event happen. This year was no different and was nothing short of a Christmas miracle.
After our charity partner had a covid outbreak and we had to reconsider our plans, we were able to pull off an amazing workshop with the help of my whole Chicktime Sacramento team and the following donations: Folsom Mask Makers (for the amazing stockings), @Cindy Madrid for the amazing coloring books, crayons and candies with activity bags,
@Nate Hero aka Santa and his amazing family, my daughter for helping stuff stockings, all the staff Saint John’s Program for Real Change and my family for allotting me time to do all this.
And of course @Lori Rhodes and @Donnette Tyler our fearless leaders!
I hope I didn’t forget anyone!
Merry Christmas and see you in the new year!


November Update:

I’m so proud to be a part of Chicktime Sacramento! Our team is growing with some amazing women and our charity partner Saint John’s Program for Real Change has been such a blessing to serve.
Cynthia Page hosted this month’s STEM workshop. We learned how to be engineers and made parachutes. There were amazing designs and connections made! All the kids did awesome and learned alot!
Just to name a few from their mouths


October Update:

October’s workshop was a Craftpoloza and we had such a fun time creating and dancing and singing. Thank you Ms. Lorna for hosting!
And to all our other volunteers you are all amazing.

September Update:

We had such an amazing workshop planting drought friendly plants and beautifying the grounds of our charity partner location.

Ms. Angela did an amazing job teaching us about the importance of water for our bodies and our land. Thank you to all our volunteers!

August Update:

Pirate Black Lace did a fabulous job teaching us about Pirate Drummond and our Back to School drive was a huge success.

The kids at Saint John’s Program for Real Change got so much booty!

July Update:

We we’re so excited to have Mad Science back for our July workshop. The kids love Mad Science and they had a blast learning about dry ice.
Thank you to all our volunteers and Mad Science for making this a great workshop for our friends at Saint John’s Program for Real Change

June Update:

Chicktime don’t always go as planned, but none the less~ We are so happy to be in service to these precious children.

Please join us. We need you!

May Update:

Our May workshop was so much fun. We are so happy to be back in person. We had a great turn out.
We made wheelbarrow planters and even planted some seeds in the outside garden.

April Update:

Happy Days for Chicktime Sacramento as we are finally back in person with our lovely charity partner

Saint John’s Program for Real Change
We kicked off our return with an Easter egg hunt with over 100 eggs thanks to amazing volunteers who donated all the baskets, the eggs and candy. Also our wonderful leaders who donated as well. We couldn’t do this with out their generosity!
We have some fun activities coming up and are so happy to be in person again!
See you in May!

March Update:

Pictures of our Mar. 13th Bingo Workshop. Our first time in person since November. We played bingo and danced. It was great being back in person. We can’t wait for April for some Easter fun!
Saint John’s Program for Real Change!

February Update:

Thank you~

Draw With Stacey

for your generosity with our drop off workshop today.

We dropped off 20 Draw with Me bags to

Saint John’s Program for Real Change


Thank you to my coleaders: Emily, Lorna and Angela for always showing up and contributing to our workshops.
We will be back in person in March and we are so excited for some normalcy!

January Update:

Today our leaders stepped up once again and delivered a fun Pirate themed activity to

Saint John’s Program for Real Change


December Update:

Thank you Sac Santa for making a special delivery just for Saint John’s Program for Real Change.
Covid restrictions forced us to have to do a drop off workshop instead of in person, but we were ready.

Thank you

Girl Scout Troop 566

for the gift bags we appreciate you so much! Thanks to all our helpers the kids will have cookies to decorate, hot cocoa to drink and a gift.

November Update:

So happy to be back in person with

Saint John’s Program for Real Change


We watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and had snacks.
We enjoyed hanging out with the moms and kids that joined us. And the puppy too.

October Update:

Boo! We miss our in person workshops and can’t wait to be back at Saint John’s Program for Real Change~ However, we are still showing love. Today we dropped off treat bags and haunted houses for the kids to decorate. We’re also dropped off Chicktime cookies for the staff.

September Update:

Pizza party for the kids at Saint John’s Program for Real Change.

We just had to drop it off, but hoping soon we will get to have our monthly workshops again!

August Update:

Chicktime workshops look different, but our connection is the same. We are so blessed to have a relationship with

Saint John’s Program for Real Change


We dropped off two STEM activities to the home this morning. Then we met for Starbucks to discuss future plans to serve.
Sadly, one of our co-leaders was on vacation and another was self quarantined, so we missed them dearly.
Looking forward to when all our volunteers can meet again!

July Update:

We had so much fun at our first workshop since February! Water play was a huge success.

We got soaking wet!

Chicktime Sacramento will not be meeting in the month of May. As much as we miss our workshops and time with our Chicktime kids we want to keep everyone safe! We hope to resume things soon.

In the meantime, if you have an idea to show some love from a distance reach out to us and we can see if it’s possible. Perhaps send cards or provide crafts? If you are willing to provide it we are willing to ask our charity partner if it can happen.

Sending our love,
Chicktime Sacramento Leadership Team

Chicktime Sacramento,
Like many other Chicktime charity partners across the nation, our charity partner has been severely impacted financially by the Covid 19 crisis. Our team made a choice to do what we could remotely and participated in The Save The Red Door Fundraiser. In doing so we were able to raise $400 for our charity partner. In addition to this we are still actively building an Amazon wish list of activities for the program to alleviate the boredom we are sure is setting in. I want to thank Chicktime Sacramento for stepping up in this time of crisis. I’m humbled by your dedication to Chicktime Sacramento and our charity partner.

Saint John’s For Real Change reached out to thank us for all of our support! They were so touched by our generosity and immediate response to their plea for help.

I miss you ladies and can’t wait till we can be together again!

Stay healthy and safe!


Sarah Dunwald
Managing Leader
Chicktime Sacramento

A Message from Saint John’s Program for Real Change….

–  We Need You Now More Than Ever  –
With the ongoing threat of COVID-19, Saint John’s has made the EXTREMELY difficult decision to postpone many of our CRUCIAL fundraising events – including at least two Guest Chef Dinners and likely more as new information and directives unfold.
In addition, the entire organization will be deeply impacted by the suspension of operations at our revenue-generating social enterprises and the closing of our campus to visitors, including volunteers who regularly provide, prepare and serve many of our weekly meals to our women and children. With all women and children on campus fulltime, our food expense will see a drastic increase.


Financially, this puts Saint John’s in serious jeopardy.
1. Make a Financial Donation
Now, more than ever, we are in need of support from our community partners to help us through this unexpected crisis. Your monetary gift will allow us to continue to provide critical services for formerly homeless women and children.

2. Create Your Own Fundraiser
Creating a fundraising page is a free and easy way to help Saint John’s! Set a goal, enlist your family and friends, and watch your fundraising thermometer rise! This is a fun effort that will have a huge impact!
3. Support our Immediate Needs
If you’d like to donate items, the best and safest way to do so would be to visit our Amazon Wish List available on our website.
When times get tough, together — as a community — we will always find a way to continue to create real change. 
Together, we will get through this, too.

February Update:

We are so privileged to work with these kids at Saint John’s Program for Real Change!

They are so sweet, kind and creative.
Today we made Valentine’s Day Cards!

I also asked a few of the kids to make thank you cards for the Girl Scout group who donated our Christmas Stockings
and man these kids made the best cards.

See you in March!

January Update:

Our favorite workshop of all times is Mad Science Professor Positron is always engaging and fun!

Today he taught the kids Saint John’s Program for Real Change about Dry Ice!

Thank you Professor Positron and Mad Science for a great workshop!

December 2019 Update:

What a fun day for Chicktime Sacramento!

Cookies with Santa and Stockings from Brownie Troop 566!

We made ornaments and sang Christmas songs too!

Thank you to all who supported us!

Merry Christmas and see you in the New Year.

November Update:

We had a great first workshop learning about our new friends and sharing what we are thankful for.

We are so Thankful for this new partnership and our amazing volunteers.

Thank you Lorna, Emily and Sarah for your dedication to Chicktime!

We have a new Charity Partner and we couldn’t; be more excited!

Please join us as we bring Chicktime Sacramento to the children who live at St. Johns for Real Change!

If not us….then who?

We will not be meeting in September. Please stay tuned for details for our October workshop!

August Update:

Who knew Science Could Be So Fun!

Thank you Professor Positron and Mad Science for a great show!

The kids had no idea how much they were learning because it was so fun!!

July Update:

Thanks to all who came out to our July workshop. We are still figuring things out at our new Charity Partner and we so appreciate the help and patience.

We are doing Science Experiments next month. Hope to see you there.

June Update:

June’s workshop kicked off summer with some beach ball fun. It was the perfect lead in to next month’s workshop! Stay tuned to see the fun we have next month!

May Update:

Chicktime Sacramento wants to leave a legacy… A legacy of love and hope given to the least of these!

This month we wanted to pamper the mom’s with tea, muffins, and gifts.

We are so grateful  to all our volunteers and those who donated to our workshop.

Especially….. The Peaceful Bee Co. for their generosity! Each mom got a product from them as well as other goodies for self care.

Please join us next month!

April Update:

Our April workshop at our new charity partner went great. We have a better understanding of the facility and the people we will serve. We can’t wait to make this our home away from home.

Earth day activity and a little bit of playtime! Come grow our chapter with us and let’s make a difference together!

Chicktime Sacramento has a new Charity Partner! Please join us as we bring love and hope to the kids at

The Residential Family Shelter of Sacramento!

Together we can make a difference!


January Update:

Due to new rules and regulations at our current charity partner, we were not able to have a workshop in January. They have suspended groups from volunteering until they figure out how to handle things best. At present, our Chicktime Chapter is looking for a new Charity Partner to serve. Please stay tuned.

December Update:

Thank you to all our volunteers, the home leaders and Santa!

We had a great Chicktime workshop today. 

We decorated gingerbread houses, had cookies and milk, made snowflakes and other winter crafts.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone! We are grateful for you !

November Update:

Scheduling difficulties with our charity partner resulted in Chicktime Sacramento not meeting in November!

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Hope to see you all at our December workshop!

October Update:

Wonderful Harvest Festival led by Emily Louden!

Our volunteers and donor showed up in a big way!!

And the morning couldn’t of been more perfect because of YOU!

September Update:

September Update:

1950’s Dance Party….

Our group was small this month, but we made the best of it! We will show up for these kids if it’s 1 or 30 of them!

We all enjoyed some karaoke fun…even the leaders.

We hope to see you next month.

August Update:

It was the perfect day….

We had a special guest…

And he was a little “mad”….

But…oh so fun!

Thank you Professor Positron and all our volunteers for an awesome Chicktime! We made slime, learned about science and had an ice cream social!

Till next time….

July Update:

What’s Your Superpower?

Thank you to all the amazing Superheros and villains who came out today. The kids were so overwhelmed with the love you brought with you and it was beautiful to see.

Thank you to our regular volunteers as well! So much fun!

June Update:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Chicktime this month! We had so much playing with clay and making fun art with the kiddos!

Chicktime Sacramento would like to put out a very special THANK YOU to our Founder, Jeanette George, who will be moving this month. Jeanette, you have built a legacy in Sacramento that will last forever. The work you have done to bring love and friendship to the children who call the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento their home. You have rallied the women of our community to stand behind not just the mission of Chicktime, but also behind YOU. Thank you for founding our chapter, showing us how powerful kind words and hugs are, and for simply being you! We can’t wait to watch where your journey will take you next!

May Update:

Devoted Chicktime Sacramento Volunteers showed up to love and encourage the kids at the Children’s Receiving Home today!

A special thanks to Beatriz Schaller, Beatrice Galfre DDS, the best dentist ever, for her donation of toothbrushes, toothpaste.and dental floss for all the kids. They loved them.

Noting is more rewarding than working with these kids.

Join us next month!

April Update:

Planting with a purpose….

What do plants need to grow, what do you need to grow.

We celebrated Earth Day with some planting, pot decorating and a Mother Earth project…

What’s a gardening activity without some good old dirt cups for dessert!

March Update:

Chicktime Sacramento was busy this weekend. We held our monthly workshop with the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento. Amy and her daughter, Taylor, hand painted canvas for each of the kids to use as vision boards. They also decorated cupcakes and had pizza for snack! It was a huge success! We also ran a craft table at a community BBQ and Easter Egg Hunt. We had collage materials, leis, and lollipops! Thank you to all the volunteers that came out to both events.

Can’t wait to see you next month!!




February Update:

Our February workshop theme was….Everyone is beautiful and uniquely made!! To demonstrate this we made Inside/Out Bottles!

We are all made up of different layers. It is  our own individual layers that make us who we are! Sometimes in

 life certain things, events or even people create waves and this colors our life in different ways.

No two people have the same layers, waves, or colors.

It is up to us to decide how we are going to let these waves “layer” our lives.

#Unique   #OnlyOneMe

Join us next month!

Our Chicktime Team had a great time serving at the Crab Feed to benefit our Charity Partner~

Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento!

Serving with your heart and hands can be so rewarding!

January Update:

Thank you Capitol Park Nannies for hosting our January workshop!

WOW!!! So many fun activities~

We love working with the children of Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento and we know they love our commitment to them each month!

Volunteers make such a difference~  Please join us!

December Update:

Oh what fun Chicktime Sacramento had today at the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento. It was such a great Christmas Party and we were blessed with so many wonderful donations.

We were able to give the kids a Hot Chocolate Bar, Cookie Decorating Table, Crafts, Fun Snacks, and even some really cool gifts.

Thanks again to all who came out and donated time, gifts, snacks, and your love and support.

We are so exited to see what the New Year will bring!

November Update:

Thank you to everyone who came out to play for Chicktime November! Breakfast, Thank you cards, and gratitude songs/poems… we had the best time ever with the kids!!

October Update:

What do you see when you look at this picture?

We see incredible women who gave up a Saturday morning to encourage children living at

Children’s Receiving Home!

We were all blessed to get to have some “pumpkin” fun with the kids and we look forward to next month’s workshop!

We are a new Chicktime Chapter eager to serve these children one monthly workshop at a time!

Please join us! We sure could use your help!


September Update:

Thank you to everyone who attended the launch of Chicktime Sacramento last weekend! We are so excited about our chapter and our relationship with Children’s Receiving Home!! We played a cooperation game and made sensory bottles. Snack was the biggest hit with the kids. Thank you so much to the ladies who made it and to the staff for all your support. We can’t wait to see you all again in October for some Halloween fun!!