Let’s Paint!

December Update:

Our Christmas workshop is always a labor of love, so many volunteers and donations come to make this event happen. This year was no different and was nothing short of a Christmas miracle.
After our charity partner had a covid outbreak and we had to reconsider our plans, we were able to pull off an amazing workshop with the help of my whole Chicktime Sacramento team and the following donations: Folsom Mask Makers (for the amazing stockings), @Cindy Madrid for the amazing coloring books, crayons and candies with activity bags,
@Nate Hero aka Santa and his amazing family, my daughter for helping stuff stockings, all the staff Saint John’s Program for Real Change and my family for allotting me time to do all this.
And of course @Lori Rhodes and @Donnette Tyler our fearless leaders!
I hope I didn’t forget anyone!
Merry Christmas and see you in the new year!