Austin News

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February Update:

Board games, cookies and goodie bags! Great way to finish off a cold week in Austin! Love our teens! We also celebrated our 6th anniversary of serving at The Settlement Home for Children.

January Update:

Winter fun at our January workshop!

December Update:

We will not meet in December. See you in January. Merry Christmas!

November Update:

The arts and crafts event was a tremendous success! Chicktime Austin infused a sense of autumn joy into the lives of our amazing teens today.
The activities centered around pumpkins and gratitude jars truly resonated with everyone involved.
We feel incredibly fortunate to spend this special time with our cherished teens, especially as we kick off the holiday season alongside those we have been supporting for the past six years. Our hearts are filled with gratitude, appreciation, and a deep sense of blessing!

October Update:

The annual Halloween extravaganza hosted by Chicktime Austin was an absolutely thrilling affair!

Attendees enjoyed a variety of engaging activities, such as crafting moon cloud dough, dipping pumpkins in vibrant marbling colors, and creating unique scratch art masks and ornaments to celebrate the spooky season.

Everyone embraced the festive spirit, donning their most creative Halloween costumes, which added to the lively atmosphere.

To top it all off, treat bags filled with goodies were distributed, ensuring that no one left empty-handed. Each teen departed with a prize of their choice, making the event not just memorable but also rewarding!

September Update:

The recent suncatcher activity organized by our newest member Shelly was truly remarkable! The teens were thoroughly engaged and showcased an incredible level of creativity that left everyone in awe.
We feel incredibly fortunate to gather each month, fostering a sense of community and affection among us all. Chicktime Austin truly excelled in making this event a resounding success!


August Update:

Vision boards with Chicktime Austin was a great success!

We love the time we get to spend with our teens!

July Update:

Today we had the honor and privilege of serving our teens with games galore! Bingo, Uno and sooo much more!
We had prizes and things and smiles to be had, our teens were having fun and that made us glad!
We ended our day with our regional retreat! We had food, fun, fellowship and a super fun meet
Chicktime Austin’s Regional Retreat: Transforming Lives and Strengthening Communities through the Power of Female Connection Chicktime Austin


May Update:

May’s Workshop was a creative one! We gave the teens photo paper and Sharpies to draw what they wanted.

While we were there, we asked them about fun activities they’d like to do next year and now we just need to find workshop leaders for them.

We had 2 new volunteers and one offered to lead a workshop next year!!

April Update:

Sorry, no group shot today but we did a wreath making workshop for a bigger than normal group today.

We missed some of the teens but they were preparing for their quinceañeras! Styrofoam wreaths and Pom Pom balls and glue.

March Update:

Jewelry painting workshop! This was so fun! Two of our wonderful volunteers led this workshop!

Our group of teens came in looking not very enthused to be there but they lit up when they realized what we were doing! The paints were actually in marker form.

February Update:

February workshop completed!

The Settlement Home for Children loved the Positive Affirmation BINGO!

We will definitely do this one again! Thanks Chicktime Detroit for this workshop idea!

January Update:

January workshop was super fun! Two of our volunteers led a budgeting workshop using Avatars and things that we bring into our lives that affect our budget. The teens also got a goodie bag with check registers and they were shown how to use them. Thank you Jodi and Holly!

December Update:

Christmas workshop complete! Crafts, gift exchange game and treats!

November Update:

Small but mighty team at our November workshop.

We made gratitude chains. Small amount of teens came but one of them wrote that she was grateful for Chicktime.

October Update:

Halloween crafting is so much fun!

September Update:

Favorite workshop of the year! Tie dye pillowcases led by some of our lovely volunteers.


August Update:

Poetry writing workshop year four in the books! We provided them with composition notebooks, pens and stickers to decorate the journals! Several people donated prizes that were given out for participation and for creativity! Love my peeps!


July Update:

Fun games of Uno, Trivia, Mish Mash, Say What?, and raffles. Small group of volunteers but had so much fun was had!

June Update:

Dream/inspiration boards were done today! Our teens are truly an amazing group of young people who showed positivity! The amount of volunteers who showed up today makes my heart happy! A few of us had a great meal afterwards!
So glad to be back as we took a few months off!


May Update:

Chicktime Leader Retreat! Spending the day with my wonderful Chicktime sisters! Love these ladies sooo much! ❤️❤️❤️

March Update:

February Update:

What a powerful, motivational, impactful and amazing talk by Lora D. Williams! What an amazing day!

January Update:

An arts and crafts drop off! Sketch pads, letter stencils, coloring books, colored pencils, markers, stickers, candy and microwave popcorn. Scheduling conflicts prohibited an in- person workshop.

December Update:

Games, cookie decorating, and holiday fun!!! Love pouring into our teens every month! We gave each one of them a stocking with slime, pencils, candy canes and chocolate.

November Update:

Thankful Workshop provided by KC! They made thankful jars, games and prizes! My heart is so full!

October Update:

October Workshop in the books!!! One of annual workshops -tie dye made easy!

The teens had so much fun! We also brought cookies and candy for them to enjoy!

September Update:

Water bottle decorating and fun board games!

Also got some good ideas for next year’s activities.

See you next month!

August Update:

Playing games, painting nails, popcorn and cookies make for a fun Chicktime and we had two new volunteers

July Update:

What an incredible day Chicktime Austin had! Poetry writing with Symone was a huge success! The girls got to try their hands at one of their favorite annual events. Each participant received their own journal and learned all about the various styles of poetry by our very own special guest! Symone Hernandez was a published poet at the age of of nine!

The girls got the chance to practice writing Haiku, Sonnet and various other forms. They had the chance to share with each other, learn about poetry, receive a journal, fellowship with popcorn and each other and win prizes! Six winners were awarded for most participative, willingness to share, and most decorated journal! All in all it was a great day and the girls had a ton of fun! Until the next time!!!????

June Update:

June Workshop in the books!

Games, prizes, and some sweet treats! Our groups had a great time!!

May Update:

We are back in person! Couldn’t be happier! Cinco de Mayo fun provided by Phoenix!

April 2022:

April Drop off done! Then we got together for dinner at Hopdoddy’s! So much laughter!

Next month we will be in person!! Told them that even when we are back in person we need to get together like this!

March Update:

Great time together putting together our March drop off! Missed our KC! Green stencils, green nail polish and Easter candy! Good food at Panera and great fellowship!


February Update:

Chicktime Austin enjoying conversation and community! We hope the girls at the Settlement House enjoy their Valentine’s Day Goodie Bags we put together for them! We hope to see them soon!


January Update:

Our January workshop was dropped off. Rock Painting kits, popcorn and some teas to help them through their quarantine. We hope we are able to resume in person workshops soon or at minimum…Zoom workshops.

Wishing the staff and kids good health and lots of fun! 


December Update:

December drop off! One of our faithful volunteers kindly donated the two Gingerbread House kits for the girls to work on as a group project! Then KC provided the cute little wooden “jointed” Santa for them to decorate and hang in their cottages!


November Update:

Drop off complete, super excited to see the what the girls come up with as their finished products “Showing Gratitude in a Tangible Way”! Each jar contains a chalk tag label, a string or piece of twine and some decorative ???? to tie around the lids! What a fun and easy craft! I can’t wait to see and hear about the finish products and celebrate all the thankfulness this holiday season!
#Chicktime Austin


September 2021:

Ice cream social was dropped off this weekend with a special note from Chicktime!
Leading a workshop really is this easy…
You should try it sometime!

August Update:

We were not able to make an in person workshop happen this month, but we were able to get our craft workshop together for drop off!
Hope the girls have fun over the weekend with an activity and snack just for them!

July Update:

We hope the girls loved what sent over….
???? pizza!!!
Things are looking like we will get to have an in person workshop in August…. stay tuned!!

June Update:

Games Galore! We hope the Settlement Home has a blast with our June Game Day drop off workshop!

May Update:

May’s Workshop was awesome!

Two of our three cottages participated!

  Jarisha and Lora from Chicktime San Marcos came and spoke via Zoom.

Shared snacks and a love note with the girls too

Here’s hoping for an in person workshop soon!

April Update:

For our Zoom workshops we drop off supplies one day….

And zoom the next with the girls at the Settlement Home.

We like to do the activity with them….

And feel so blessed when they have so much fun!

Tie-dye socks and masks were a hit!

March Update!

Dropped off supplies one day for our March Zoom workshop….

….And then just like that we had another fun workshop on another day.

Look at our artists showing off some of their work

February Update:


Thankful and blessed that we all survived Snovid 2021. Now we can focus on our upcoming Chicktime workshop and spending some quality time with our beloved non-for-profit charity The Settlement Home.

With the drop off complete we are excited to get a little craft time in. Let’s see what magical creations we can come up with. I can’t wait to pop in and see everyone this Saturday! ????????????????

January Update:

Our volunteers getting ready to meet with our charity partner! We had a wonderful time helping them to decorate journals and talk about the importance of journaling.

December Update:

Our cookie decorating supplies were dropped off and we had a wonderful zoom session for the cookie decorating workshop.

November Update:

Drop off for November workshop! Jigsaw puzzles for the girls to do while we visit with them on Zoom!

October Update:

So very happy to bless our kiddos with our October drop off workshop. They each get a goody bag of Halloween goodies, a tiny pumpkin to decorate (that they can keep forever because they are plastic), stickers, paints and paintbrushes. 

September Update:

We are so excited to “see” our kiddos on Zoom today! When I dropped off their workshop supplies for our Nail Polish Art (decorating pencils with nail polish). We also supplied them with some flower pots, foam to put in them, paints to decorate them and some cute flower stickers. We gave them a sweet treat. My eyes started to water when I pulled in – so wanting to be back in person but not until at least December.

August Update:

Baskets delivered for our poetry workshop on Saturday…complete with some yummy cake pops! ????????????

July Update:

We’re not gonna let “Rona” stop us from spending time with our Settlehome Family. We were able to spread a little sunshine ???? by dropping off a goody basket for our girls! We can’t wait to virtually connect with them on Saturday.

Chicktime Austin is having  a Back to School Supply Drive…..Can you help us?

The Settlement Home sent us this needs list:

Pencils (not mechanical), colored pencils/crayons, hand sanitizer, tissues and composition notebooks ( no spirals).

reach out to

Jennifer 512-796-9261

Chicktime Austin will not be meeting in the month of May. As much as we miss our workshops and time with our Chicktime kids we want to keep everyone safe! We hope to resume things soon.

If you have any ideas on how you can love the girls from a distance like sending cards, snacks or activities….let us know. We will ask our charity partner how you can fulfill your idea and help you as much as we can be a blessing to our sweet girls!

Sending our love,
Chicktime Austin Leadership Team

February Update:

Thank you to these volunteers! You make FUN happen at our workshops!

BINGO was a hit!

We also got to show our teens a little love with some Valentines goodies!

January Update:

Pillowcase Art led by Graciela was a HUGE Success.

Fifteen girls and 3 of us kept us pretty busy.

loved hearing the girls say things like, “so happy to see you; its been a long time!”

Love these days!

December Update:

Holiday party in the books! So much fun was had by all!

The group really enjoyed the gingerbread house decorating!

November Update:

The Paul Mitchell School of Austin came and blessed our teens with hair, makeup and nails!

It was so much fun to see how happy they are!

It was definitely a HUGE success!

October Update:

Create your own comic with Symone was a success!

It was so beautiful watching the girls really get into this workshop!

September 2019 Update:

We had the esteemed honor and pleasure of having Dress for Success come today and talk to the young ladies about the services they provide and the resources they have! What a blessing it was to have them share the good news Dress for Success had to offer! What an amazing time had by all! ????

August Update:

Another Chicktime Austin event in the record books! Our poetry writing was a success. Each participant was given a journal so they can begin their own path of self expression translating their own thoughts, feelings, and words into their own lyrical masterpiece. Our guest speaker, Symone Hernandez, encouraged the girls to write freely and from the heart! What a powerful and spiritual event.


July Update:

We had a fun time learning how to organize our drawers and how to efficiently put away our laundry!

Thank you Joanne for teaching our girls this awesome life skill!

June Update:

Our Make Your Own Artwork Workshop was a HUGE success!

We had some new faces – both girls and volunteers! A great time was had by all!

May Update:

Card Making with Carol was a success…..the girls had so much fun.

See you next month!

April Update:

Chicktime Austin Volunteers Rock!

With their help, Our April event was an amazing experience!

Teaching the girls the importance of journaling…so humbling.

Come join us next month!

March Update:

Game day was a HIT! Not as many girls today, but we shared some good laughs and go to know each other better!

See you next month.

February Update:

Had an amazing first workshop! Our workshop leader shared her love of Ballet Folklorico! Thanks Kimberly Simpson for assisting!

If you are reading this please and in the Austin area~ we are in need of volunteers! Please join us!

Good News! We are excited to announce that the Chicktime movement is coming to Austin! If you would like more info about how you can bring joy to the children of our community, contact Jennifer at austin@chicktime.com today and keep watching this page and our Facebook for more info!