How We Serve

How we serve is different for each chapter, but the goal of this page is to make sure your leaders and volunteers have a clear understanding of the expectations associated with what you do. It may include instructions related to specific guidelines established by your children’s home (i.e., appropriate attire for volunteers); your expectations as you serve as a leader on a particular month, or how to get involved as a leader for a particular month.


*For your page to show ‘live’ on the website, you MUST make it a ‘public’ page. To do this, look in the right column in the box titled ‘Publish’ located just above the ‘update’ blue button. Next to the ‘Visibility’ sub heading you will see the word Private with the word Edit next to it. Click Edit. Select Public then click OK. You MUST click the blue Update button to save your changes.

As always, use the Canyon Lake Page as your sample page. If your chapter serves multiple partners, view the Chicktime Hope Page.