About Our Chapter

Chicktime Pace University Founder Kristen Gayle

The Pace University Chicktime Chapter was founded Fall 2012 by Kristen Gayle. Kristen saw the need for Pace University to have an organization that gave back to the community in a big way. She desired to gather other young individuals who too had the drive to help others, especially those who cannot help themselves. Children need someone to depend on and unfortunately, not every child is blessed with a parent or parents who is dependable. Each child also needs someone who cares and for the children at…. Pace University: Chicktime will be there to care.

The Pace University Chapter currently has four executive board members and one general board member. Please check our meet the leaders page for more information!

We would love for you to join us! Please check our events calendar or email chicktimeatpace@gmail.com for more information!