May News

Our second Changing Directions of 2015 will be May 16th from 8:30am until 1:00pm at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse. Changing Directions is one of the court-mandated programs that girls age 12-17 can take to avoid jail for a first time misdemeanor offense.  We provide breakfast for the girls and a four hour program that helps inform them of how to make better choices in their lives.  This is one of our biggest and most demanding (and most rewarding) events as we have seen many girls’ lives changed! If you can attend please RSVP to our public Facebook Post here and let us know what will bring. If you are not on Facebook email hope@chicktime.com


April Highlights

We held our first fund-raising garage sale to raise funds for Globalife Journey’s mission trip to Guatemala in July. Unfortunately Sunday did not have a lot of traffic, but we did receive some donations so we will be doing the sale again on an upcoming Saturday. We did have a good time as a few new chicks joined us!