March News

Our March event is already upon us! A team is leaving on the 8th for Nepal and we are in the last three days of collecting items for the missionaries serving full time in Nepal.  These are mostly comfort items from home.  If you can donate anything, please send an email to hope@chicktime.com and we will arrange for pickup.  Please new or gently used items only, do not donate old, worn items to these people who give their life everyday to carry hope!  We have found some of the more tricky items to find, so you can also donate cash and we will shop Wednesday am and deliver items straight to the team to take with them and deliver to the missionaries.  Items needed:

– Specific books requested: People Smart – Developing your interpersonal intelligence by Mel Silberman; Communication – principles for a lifetime by Steven A. Beebe, any Beth more bible studies, any bible studies for young boys and girls (used books are fine if they are in good condition!)

– Vanilla essence with no preservatives; chia seeds; hemp seeds; panda licorice bars.

– Craft supplies for kindergarten aged children; craft items for any age, toys, games, and Lego, Star Wars or action figures (for boys).

– Black or yellow lock laces

– Duffel bags or large suitcases that will help carry the items and be left with the missionaries!

Again, we will shop for items Wednesday the 5th if you want to donate cash.  Thanks for supporting Chicktime Hope as we help missionaries  fulfill their mission.


February Highlights

We had a Discover Chicktime Hope in February and were excited to welcome 7 new ladies interested in helping Chicktime Hope! We shared the upcoming vision for Chicktime Hope.

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