January News
We are excited to announce that this year Chicktime Hope will be doing the Changing Directions Program for the city of San Antonio six times! Our first Changing Directions of 2016 will be Saturday, January 16th from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse. Changing Directions is one of the court-mandated programs that girls age 12-17 can complete to avoid a jail or probation for a first time misdemeanor offense. We provide breakfast for the girls and a four hour program that helps to motivate and inform them of how to make better choices in their lives. This is one of our biggest and most demanding (and most rewarding) events as we have seen many girls’ lives changed! Please RSVP on our Public Facebook invite or on the registration link on the Chicktime calendar.
December Highlights
We had a fantastic time along with the Chicktime Canyon Lake Chapter as we helped with the Annual Christmas Party for the girls at New Life. There was food, fun, fellowship and music, and the girls enjoyed a visit from Santa. A great time was had by all!