Franklin Township News

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Join Our Leadership Team!
If you have a heart to serve others and help make sure the almost forgotten children of our community receive love and friendship, contact Praveena today for more info about co-leading Chicktime Franklin Township!

Exciting chapter news! The leadership team for Chicktime mission just struck gold! Lupita Zamora has joined the team. She has been part of Chicktime since it’s beginning many many many years ago. She was a Managing Leader of Chicktime Mission and went on to help with the launch of Chicktime McAllen and now is back to continue the legacy of this chapter!
We are looking for a few more ladies to join our leadership team! Please reach out to Julie for more information at ( 956) 595-0409!
Come make a difference with Chicktime Mission!

Chicktime is proud to launch our newest chapter, Chicktime SA Dignowity Hill. Renea Garcia is leading this chapter and we couldn’t be more thrilled with her dedication and passion to make this happen! Chicktime Dignowity Hill be meet on the 1st Tuesday evening of every month 7pm-8:40pm at the Strong Foundation in San Antonio’s Dignowity Hill Neighborhood.

Check back soon for more details but in the meantime reach out to Renea for more information. 

Renae Garcia mobil number: 210-636-8822


February Update:

We had a great time making Valentines with the with the Tulsa Girl’s Home girls last Tuesday evening. I hope you can join us soon to share some joy with the girls and workers.