April News
Due to the Easter holiday, we have decided to cancel Chicktime April’s Bingo workshop. We want to take the opportunity to wish you a Blessed and Happy Easter, and we hope to see You at Chicktime May!!
March Update:
Thank you Kelly Hoog for being our Chicktime San Antonio March workshop leader. What a fun-packed morning! Wearing our PJ’s to Chicktime was such a fun idea to set the stage for a scrumptious French toast, sausage and fruit brunch. Yum!!!
After our tummies were full, we moved on to our activities. Decorating over-sized cookies was a breeze after Kelly shared her passion for pastry decorating. As if that wasn’t enough…Kelly and her daughter, Katherine, had a DIY activity for the girls. They decorated clothes pins with glitter designs and attached a magnet to the back so the girls can display pictures or school work in their lockers or on the refrigerator in their cottage. Circular magnets were also decorated for a little extra fun.
After all of the excitement of the morning, we closed in prayer. We are so thankful for volunteers like Kelly who come to share their passions on a monthly basis with the girls at Boysville. And, we are thankful for all of the other Chick volunteers who are willing to give of their Saturday mornings and spend time with the girls.
We hope you can join us on April 15th to play a few games of bingo.
Chicktime San Antonio is Nominated for Honor
We recently learned that Chicktime San Antonio has been nominated by Boysville for the United Way Volunteer of the Year Award in the Children/Families category. This year’s winners will be announced at the 28th Annual Volunteer of the Year Awards: Night of a Thousand Stars on May 2nd. We are honored and humbled to be nominated and know that all of YOU volunteers are the ones that have made this possible.
Donnette, Letty & Annette
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:4-6