*McAllen News



December Update:

Chapter is still in transition~ stay tuned.

November Update:

The leadership team is still trying to pull things together .

October Update:

We did not have a workshop. We are searching for a new charity partner to serve. 

August Update:

Phone calls and discussion continue on locating a new charity partner. 

July Update:

Chicktime McAllen leadership met this month to plan for our next chapter journey! Get ready! We will be serving soon!!

June Update:

No workshop in June. Looking for a new charity partner to serve. Stay tuned. 

April Update:

Sorry for the April workshop cancellation! We are still processing all the things our charity partner has changed with the volunteer rules and regulations and will get back with you as soon as possible!

March Update:

Another beautiful evening unfolded at Upbring Home once again, surrounded by the wonderful company of the girls. This time our gathering was infused with creativity as we delved into the world of painting. With canvases and palettes in hand we embarked on a journey of artistic expression. The gathering was enriched by the presence of familiar faces! With hearts full and spirits uplifted, we eagerly anticipate our next gathering🫶🏻 Remember we meet every third week of the month!! Additionally, if anyone is interested in leading a workshop themselves please contact us, Thank you

February Update:

Another delightful evening unfolded at Upbring Home with the amazing company of the girls. The atmosphere was filled with joy as we indulged in refreshing drinks and delectable snacks, creating the perfect backdrop for an evening of lively conversation and artistic expression. The vibrant energy of both new and familiar faces added a special touch to the gathering. Looking forward to reuniting with everyone again next month for another memorable and enjoyable time! 🎨👭👩🏻‍🎨

January Update:

What a fantastic start to the year! This month’s activity involved personalizing individual journals, savoring warm donuts, and engaging in conversations with both familiar and new volunteers. We appreciate everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next month.
Stay tuned for some thrilling updates coming your way soon! 👀

Let’s give a big shout out to Emma for stepping up to be Chicktime McAllen’s Managing Leader! We are so grateful for the amazing things she did as a chapter co- leader and can’t wait to watch her in action as the Managing Leader.
Thanks to Misty Martin for her Amazing Managing Leader service and pumped she is staying on as a chapter co- leader!

December Update:

What a special night celebrating Christmas with the girls who live at Upbring!
Rhodi showed up and gifted every single girl, then proceeded to dance, making the girls laugh! Such a great way to end the year, filled with smiles.

November Update:


Our time together is so precious!

Holiday cooking decorating! So Fun!

October Update:

We are gathering up the pictures from our October workshop … so stay tuned!
Promise to post soon.
But! We wanted you to know our plans for November so you will start planing to join us!

September Update:

It was a self-care Thursday for the girls at New Hope 💕💅☀️🪩 The Chicktime crew had a blast assisting in fun nail care for the girls to enjoy. We’re still in awe at how talented these young ladies are with nail art and their colorful creativity!! So much fun and we can’t wait to be back next month 🙌🏻✨🥰
To learn about about being a volunteer with us in October – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!

August Update:

We were so caught up in the activity we forgot to take a group pic! Loteria seemed to be a fun activity for them and the girls LOVED all the prizes!! Thank you to our amazing volunteers who graciously contributed to the prize table …
Because if you every girl was able to get a prize !🫶🏼
Hope to see you next month! 3rd Thursday of the month!

July Update:

Nothing beats a good old fashion Ice Cream Social
in the Texas Heat!
What a blessing to have one for the sweet girls who live at Upbring New Hope Children’s Home!
Our workshops keep getting better and better and blessing all who are present!



June Update:


he Summer fun has officially commenced for Chicktime, McAllen! Group leader Emma brought on the creativity in making one-of-a-kind craft frames where the young girls at New Hope let their shimmering personality shine through ✨✨✨ 
These workshops never fail to be anything less than meaningful as we continue seeing all the positivity and love radiate within each child. We had a great time talking, laughing, and creating special moments together! 🌼🖼️
To learn about about being a volunteer with us in July – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!
Wishing everyone a cool and safe Summer season!! 🌊💗
No insights to show



May Update:

Let’s talk about the AMAZING time we had creating friendship bracelets with the young girls at New Hope McAllen this past week! 💖✨😀 Chicktime leader Viri and participating volunteers brought the fun as we got to helping in crafting these trendy statement pieces for all to enjoy! 🪩🌈⭐️
We loved seeing the excitement of eagerness and joy as each girl got to make a bracelet that was truly unique and special to them in their own way. Some even dedicated the name on their bracelet to their brothers and sisters who they haven’t seen in some time. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
We also want to recognize Mental Health Awareness month happening right now:
“You are not alone. You are seen. I am with you. You are not alone.” – Shonda Rhimes 💕💭🫂
We can’t wait to be back next month to continue showering our Chicktime purpose to the children who need us most. ☀️✨ To learn about about being a volunteer with is in June – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!


April Update:

Before the month ends, we want to highlight all the FUN we had at this past weeks Chicktime Workshop led by Leader Misty! ✨???? Participating volunteers helped to bring a colorful vision to life with the girls at New Hope McAllen! ????????????????????‍???? We had a great time seeing the creativity in each young girl as they painted Easter themed crafts ☀️????????
Moving forward into the month of May, let’s stay reminded of all the glory and love we experienced this past April and may we continue to stay enthusiastic and appreciate the gift of life ❤️ Wishing everyone a joyous, safe and prosperous new month!
To learn about about being a volunteer with is in May – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!

March Update:

Our Pillow Making Workshop led by Chicktime Leader Lupita was a fabulous success! Participating volunteers had the wonderful opportunity to share their handy sewing skills as they each helped complete a personalized pillow created by the young girls at New Hope. ❤️☁️???? From start to finish, we loved seeing the faces of joy, happiness, and comfortness within each child ???? We can’t wait to be back next month to continue showing our love and support!
Wishing everyone a joyous first day of Spring! ????
To learn about about being a volunteer with is in April – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!

February Update:

Chicktime McAllen was so excited to ring in the FIRST 2023 IN PERSON workshop!! ☀️???????? This new launch of serving in a new city has us thrilled to be partnered with Upbring New Hope Children’s Home who graciously ensures that all children in their shelter receive 24-hour support and supervision through personal and academic development.
To kick us off this month – Chicktime Leader Emma led a very meaningful and ✨sparkling✨ activity in crafting personal journals! ????Whether it’s through writing, drawing or crafting… we hope the young women at New Hope can express themselves through pages in their own unique ways. ❤️✍️✏️????
????And a special Happy Birthday recognition goes out to Chicktime Founder Lori Rhodes who was able to join us and guide us in our first in-person workshop. We love you, Lori!! ????
To learn about about being a volunteer with is in March – please reach out to Viri Bravo at: viribravoll@gmail.com | Our chapter will be meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month!
Wishing everyone a continuous month of love and blessings this February ???????????????? #ChicktimeMcAllen

January Update:

The Leadership team met and trained with Chicktime Founder, Lori Rhodes, to get things ready for the chapter launch. 

It was a beautiful time of hope. 

Join us in blessing the children of New Hope by donating items to help them celebrate a Christmas like never before!

We are collecting items for the children of New Hope Children’s Shelter. These children are only allowed a small duffle when traveling to their next destination. So we decided socks, blankets and books will work best. We will need 60 of each item. The shelter currently has 32 males and 28 females. All age 14-17.

Monetary gifts are also welcome at the link below! $480 will allow us $8 a child. Let’s make that happen!

Let’s come together and bring joy to the beautiful children of New Hope.

Thank you kindly for helping us with our goal!!