*Birmingham News

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February Update:


Cookie chaos for the month of love! We had the best time decorating (and eating!) cookies at our workshop this month. ❤️
Come Be A Blessing With Us Next Month!


January Update:

What a fun morning pampering each other!

December Update:

What a fun day we had making these beautiful Christmas ornaments!

November Update:

Friendsgiving with our ABCH family!
Psalm 136:1
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.”

October Update:

Pumpkin Painting at our October workshop and Feeling this Fall weather today and loving every second of it! 🍁

September Update:

We had so much fun with Erica’s tie dye workshop on Saturday! 💗

Groovy, huh?

Peace, Love and Chicktime!

August Update:

Fabulous class  topic for the families at ABCH!

It was awesome to celebrate their graduation, 

July Update:

Our Charity Partner had to cancel our workshop last minute.

We will see them next month.

June Update:

We had a pizza perfect day with our friends today! 🍕

Pizza starts with the perfect crust…

This pictures lets us know how YUMMY they turned out.



May Update:

The campus had so much fun at our April water play workshop they asked if we could do it again in May….so we switched things around and said yes! 

Fun in the sun is good for the Soul!

April Update:

Such a fun time this weekend at our grill and chill!

Love was everywhere!

Everyone loves a waterslide!

Thank you Lord, for a perfect day to be outdoors with great friends! ☀️

March Update:

So thankful for Chicktime Saturday and precious time with our friends!

Shout out to our workshop leader, Devany, for the amazing cookies and the fun experience!! 🐣🥕🐰

February Update:

ABCH had some “life stuff” come up and had to cancel our February workshop. 

We will see you in March!

January Update:

We made the best memories this month at the bowling alley…

and the kids got to do things they had never done!

Chicktime Birmingham in action and changing lives!

December Update:


November Update:

Thanksgiving feast at Chicktime Birmingham!

October Update:

September Update:

Our September workshop was a part 2 carry over form August! Scrapbooking is so fun and we needed two workshops to almost get enough!

August Update:

What a blast we had scrapbooking with Kim! We are going to do it again next month!

Join us!

July Update:


We didn’t get many pictures because we were having too much fun! What a beautiful day for kayaking, a picnic and swimming! 

God is good.

June Update:

Had an amazing time today honoring our moms who graduated from their financial freedom class! What an awesome accomplishment! 💗

May Update:

MAY: Pizza, door hangers, and lots of laughs!

April Update:



Happy to announce that our April workshop was FABULOUS! Thank you Ashtyn Bree Photography for gifting the families we serve at Chicktime Birmingham with a family photo session! They were over the moon thrilled with their time with you!

March Update:

We had a blast spending our March Madness Workshop outside!

What an honor to shop up to love!


February Update: 

We had so much fun today with our workshop leader, Devany! She taught us how to make these fun gourmet cookies. ???? 1 John 4:19 ????

January Update:

Chicktime Saturday! ???? So much fun today starting off 2023 setting goals and starting with a vision in mind! ????

December Update:

Our Christmas party at the Alabamas Baptist Children’s Home was glorious!

November Update:

Such a blessed time today! ❤️ #Friendsgiving

October Update:

Pumpkins, painting, and pizza!

What a fun Chicktime Saturday! ????

September Update:

Spa Day for our moms at Chicktime Birmingham Saturday! We had some yummy soup and a much needed time of relaxation! Thank you to all who donated to make it possible! ????

August Update:

Praying over this school year and blessing every backpack! ????????????✏️


July Update:

Loved making a splash with our friends from the ABCH on this sun filled summer day!
stay tuned for our our workshop details!

June Update:

Chicktime Birmingham,
Our workshop scheduled for THIS Saturday is cancelled. We ask for prayers for one of the resident families as they grieve a loss.
We will see you in July.
Please mark your calendar! Let’s serve our community together.

May Update:

Our May workshop was beautiful! We celebrated our family moms who graduated from a financial peace class they completed ! It was so great to see them do this, especially as an example for their kids. ????




April Update:

Such a beautiful day, planting and making these sweet gifts for our moms! ???? Thank you to our workshop leader, Morgan Wood and our volunteers that helped in making it a great day!

March Update:

M A R C H:
You were beautiful ???? ☀️ so we had to celebrate with yard games and picnic foods!
The competition was intense… and we had a great time!


February Update:

We had such a great time making Valentine’s with our friends this weekend!

See You next month!


January Update:

Saturday’s are for paint parties!

We had such a good time with our friends at Alabama Baptist Children’s Home today.

Our work may not be featured in any galleries any time soon… but we sure enjoyed creating it!


December Update:

So blessed to have brunch and make Christmas cookies with our families! ????????????


November Update:

Our November workshop was cancelled as The Alabama Baptist Children’s Home got tickets donated to Alabama Football game that day. Hard to pass that up!!

October Update:

Enjoyed a nice Autumn day serving at ABCH! God is so good and continues to show us that His timing is best! A warm bowl of soup and great fellowship makes a work day feel like fun

September Update:


We shifted gears at the Children’s Home because there was a new family to play with!!
We played games and shared lots and lots of laughs!
What an honor to be used by HIM!

August Update:

When workshops can’t happen for whatever reason … we will always do our best to support the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home in any way we can!!
Giving a little TLC to one of the cottages!

July Update:

We are smiling BIG because we had the best time just being still and hanging out at the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home! We met a new family living there and are excited about our upcoming workshops that will include them. Our Lake Day wasn’t in the cards apparently… but this was good for our souls.

June Update:

Due to the rain yesterday… our lake day June workshop had to be rescheduled for July 3rd!
Details coming

May Update:

Thank you for helping us decorate the home space for the residents at the

Alabama Baptist Children’s Home.

There are still a ton of things needed~

wall hangings, towels, kitchen stuff…..

We welcome home improvement  gift cards, Kirklands, hobby lobby, target and Walmart gift cards!

April Update:

t was a perfect day for an egg hunt with our favorites!

The kids had a blast.

So many Easter blessings were shared.

And we truly felt God in our midst.

God is doing some AMAZING things! ????

Here are some Work Day Pics~ So fun to help make the campus beautiful!

Join us next month.

Hey Chicktime Birmingham!
We have an awesome opportunity to help spruce up the grounds/campus at Alabama Baptist Children’s Home! We are so excited to help our friends make their “home” even more special!
Come out and join us!
Also~ These are the immediate needs for the Campus. Let us know if you can help in this way, too! Let’s be a blessing!
3 sets of xl twin sheets
3 Comforter sets (microfiber)
(1 mom 2 kids)
6 Dark towel sets
Cleaning supplies

March Update:

Hey everyone! We just got a call from the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home asking if we can move our Easter Egg Hunt to April 3rd due to some scheduling conflicts and campus transitions. We still need your help. Please reach out for details!
Much love,
Kirstin and Lauren

February Update:

We had such an awesome time doing some cool science experiments with our friends at the ABCH! ❤️ #chicktimesaturdaysarethebest #funtimes

January Update:

We had so much fun this past Saturday with our board game workshop! From Pie Face, to Jenga and Twister, we had it all!

December Update:

Christmas cookie decorating and Gingerbread House making… what could be more Christmas fun than this!!

November Update:

Our November workshop was just all kinds of AWESOMENESS!! We absolutely feel so blessed to part of Chicktime Birmingham and serving these precious kids!
Thank you Jesus for this opportunity!

October Update:

Food, Fun, Friends and some amazing Fall weather! Today was a good day!

September Update:

We had the best time today at McWane Science center with our friends! ???? 

thank you to all who sponsored our trip and made it possible! ????

So much fun!

August Update:

What fun!!!

Our painting workshop was a complete success!!

July Workshop:

We had a blast at our Ice Cream Social today! ???? What a joy to make new friends!! We are so excited about this new path the Lord has set before us. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Always be joyful, never stop praying, be thankful in all circumstances. For this is Gods will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. #chicktimesaturday #bestday #joy

Looks like our first workshop at the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home won’t be in May as we try to keep everyone safe and free of illness. We are a little disappointed, but this just means we have more time to plan our special launch! Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, will you keep the kids and staff in your prayers!

It was our hope that we would be having our first workshop in April at our new charity partner, but COVOD-19 virus has put that on hold….for now! We found out that the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home has tremendous needs during this time so we are reaching out and hoping you can help us help them.

We can’t wait to volunteer with you in person at the Alabama Baptist  Children’s Home, but until then….lets do this together!

All our love,

The Chicktime Birmingham Leadership Team

May Update:

Chicktime Saturday Fun!

What better way to spend a Saturday…

Than at the McWane Science Center!

The kids at Grace House seemed to enjoy themselves…

And so did we!

April Update:

Making sure our sweet kids know how much we love them at Easter.

Serving our Risen King one Chicktime workshop at a time!

March Update:

We enjoyed painting canvases with the girls at Grace House on Saturday! Thank you Dancy Mosley Sullivan for your creativity in leading our group this month! ????

February Update:

Thank you Sharde’ for leading such an amazing creative writing workshop!

It was fun…..

And so therpeutic!


January Update:

We painted wooden winter scenes at Chicktime Birmingham’s January workshop!

Special thanks to our workshop leader, Regina Barrett and volunteer Sara!

#plantingseeds  #lovethem


December Update:

What a joyful time we had today at our Christmas Bake Shop at Grace House!

So thankful for the opportunity to fellowship with these amazing young ladies!!


November Update:

So thankful for Chicktime Saturday at Grace House and the precious time spent with the girls!

They are amazing and such a blessing!!

#gratefulthankfulblessed #countyourblessings

October Update:

Chicktime Birmingham is feeling blessed!

We had so much fun playing Fall Festival games with the sweet girls at Grace House!

What a great Saturday!

#theyareblessings  #chicktimebirmingham

September Update:

We had so much fun making jewelry with some amazing girls at our September workshop!



Join us next month~

August Update:

It's our favorite weekend of the month...when we get to visit Grace House!

What a joyful time of fellowship we had with some sweet girls!!

Our hearts are full...

I am chosen, holy, and blameless before God.
Ephesians 1:4

#identity #childofGod

July Update:

We sure have been missing our regular Chicktime workshops with the Grace House girls!

We have been busy collecting lots of goodies for the girls the past couple of months, building our leadership team, and preparing for August workshop!

We decided to head down to south this month to spend some time with our Dothan sisters and we sure had a blast!

We are so thankful for all of our donations for the Grace House girls! We will be collecting school supplies, feminine products, and twin bedding until the end of June….so it’s not too late to give!!! Please contact Kirstin Hall or Macey Starling if you would like to help! We would be glad to pick up any donations!

As you know, we recently made the decision that our May, June, and July workshops will need to be canceled due to the Grace House schedule.The girls have so much going on this summer so instead of having workshops we’re going to spend this time gathering up some supplies for the girls! Our first opportunity to serve in this way is by hosting a bedding drive! We are asking for donations of sheets, blankets, and pillows in various sizes that we will gift to the Grace House girls!
If you can help us fill this need, please contact Macey or Kirstin today!


April Update:

We had so much fun making a joyful noise unto the Lord with our Grace House girls this month!

Thank you to everyone who joined us!



March Update:



February Update:

We had the most fun today making Valentines with the girls at Grace House!

To make the day even more perfect, we got to hear a good word from Tori Quinn and were joined by our friend Ashley Simmons from the Dothan chapter!

What a blessing this time was that we were able to spend together in Valentine card heaven! ??

Romans 8:37-39
“…We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

December Update:

We had a blast Steppin’ with Sigma Gamma Rho yesterday!!

Because it was so chilly outside we also made vision boards and chow’d down on some pizza with the girls!! Thanks to all the angels that came out and helped me make the morning wonderful!

The December snow may have kept us inside this month but we are ready to step into 2018 in style with Sigma Gamma Rho! We hope YOU will join us!


November Update:

Had such a great time today with these ladies! Our hearts are so full of love! Thank you to our volunteers that showed God’s love to the beautiful young women at Grace House! We can’t wait for next month!

Thank you to all of our volunteers that attended Chicktime May at Grace House today!!

We had so much fun making floral headbands with girls. Our workshop was inspired by our Chicktime CC chapter who recently did this activity as well so a huge THANK YOU goes out to Ms. Amanda and her Corpus Christi chicks!!

Who needs Snapchat with headbands this pretty!?!

#iLoveChicktime #ChicktimeBirmingham


April Update:

Thank you to everyone who came out to help with Chicktime April at Grace House!!!

We hosted an Easter egg hunt and picnic in the park for the girls this month. We hid close to 200 Easter eggs and the girls found them ALL!!!

We enjoyed yummy cupcakes, cookies, and homemade chicken salad sandwiches.

We even had time to do a little crafting in the park together!

March Update:

Thank you to all of our volunteers who came out for Chicktime March!! We had so much fun making vision boards and scrap booking with the girls of Grace House.


We had several new volunteers this month and Ashley and Sally from Chicktime Dothan came up to lead our workshop for us.


There ain’t no party like a Chicktime Dothan party and we are so thankful that they came to share their passion for Chicktime and serving others with us!

We hope you will join us for Chicktime April =}

Join us as we make vision boards with the girls of Grace House at Chicktime March!

Ashley and Sally from Chicktime Dothan will be hosting this workshop!


January Update:


Thank you to everyone who joined us for Chicktime January! We had so much fun making cards with the girls of Grace House! A special thank you to our workshop leader, Ms. Charlie, for sharing her gifts and talents with us. We even had a special visit from our Chicktime Dothan sister, Ashley!

What an awesome day! We hope YOU will join us next month!



November Update:

Thank you to everyone who joined Chicktime Birmingham at Desert Island Supply Co for our writing workshop, Healing Words. We very much enjoyed our time with the girls of Grace House. Also, such a blessing to have Lori Rhodes join us!!


August Update:

This month, we helped the girls of Grace House get ready to head back to school! We made pencil holders, dry erase boards, and pencil pouches. Our girls are headed back to school in style!