*Katy News
September Update:
We are so grateful for our volunteers! Saturday we got to decorate cupcakes with our favorite girls . A big thank you to Jenny for leading the workshop!
The girls had so much fun and were really creative with their decorations.
We went with a Halloween theme and made the cutest ghost and monster cupcakes.
April Update:

January Update:
What a way for Chicktime Katy to kick off the new year.
Positive Affirmations, Power Poses, Self-Awareness Reminders, Lots of Laughter and God’s Blessings.
Thank You to our Empowering Workshop Leaders Karla and Renee and the amazing volunteers who made the day so much more special.
April Update:

March Update:

January Update:

December Update:

November Update:

October Update:

September Update:
Oh, what it means to have healthy relationships and boundaries. This month’s activity sparked much needed conversation. The time flew by so quickly, because there was great engagement. It is so important to set boundaries and understand our own boundaries in any relationship! The young ladies were left with journals, so they can begin to write their feelings and express emotions that they may not be able to verbally express.
August Update:
Today was such a beautiful day. Thanks to our activity leader, Ms. Chandra for the experience of making sugar scrubs. The young ladies were so engaging. We even had a shark tank activity, allowing them to showcase their scrubs in their own way. 1. Name of your company? 2. Why should we buy your scrub? 3. How much is your scrub? 4. Where could we find your scrub. They were able to use their imaginations, in this activity. They had some great ideas! I love it! Youth are so innovative these days. They just need a little push in the right direction. A simple recipe with coconut oil, sugar, and vitamin E, can be an entrepreneurial venture.
July Update:
June Update:
February Update:

December Update:
September Update:

July Update:
June Workshop:

May Update:
April Update:
March Update:
February 2021:

January Update:
December Update:

October Update:
Hello Chicktime Katy I hope everyone is keeping distance and wearing their masks. We had a great Microsoft Teams workshop today with Anime Voice Over Actor, Greg Ayres. He talked about his career, working a regular job until he bravely decided to follow his passion. He talked about Anime and how the process works and then he showed the girls some of his work. It was very well received. It even prompted the Art work seen below! Thanks so much to Greg and all our Chicktime Workshop leaders who take their time to provide vision to the Krause girls.
September Update:
August Update:
July Update:

Chicktime Katy,
We hope you are staying safe and well! We will not be having a face to face workshop in May as we continue to work with Krause to ensure safety for the kids, staff and Chicktime volunteers! The good news is Chicktime Katy has stepped up to love the kids despite not being able to see each other face to face. This picture was taken by Krause sent with the following words of thanks….
~Krause can’t thank our Chicktime family enough! The donations you have provided during all this has really helped our girls to cope with all that’s going on. Thank you for all the support you continue to give us. ❤️
We will keep you posted when we will be resuming workshops, but until then we will continue to find ways to love the kids at Krause that doesn’t involve face to face contact. Feel free to message us if you have an idea or would like to send items off their Amazon wish list.
All our love,
Chicktime Katy Leadership Team
The health and safety of the girls and staff we serve at Krause Children’s Center, and the safety of our Chicktime Katy leaders and volunteers is very important to us, so we are suspending our on-site activities at Krause until the Covid-19 crisis has passed.
But even if we can’t show up, we would still like to show love to the young ladies at Krause Childrens Center. We put together a Wish List on Amazon of items the girls might enjoy. We also spoke to their activity director, and she also suggested items based on their planned activities (those items have high/highest priority on list).
Please take a few minutes to look over the list and decide if you are able to purchase any of these items. You can sort the list by price, or by priority, giving options for almost every budget. Your purchase will be shipped directly to Krause Childrens Center. And if you are an Amazon Prime member, it ships free!
We hope that during these challenging days, you will consider being the hands and feet of Jesus to these young ladies. We also pray you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe!
July Update:
Oh my goodness! We had a fabulous turnout for today’s workshop! Twenty! Yes, I said 20 incredible volunteers!!! Thank you to everyone who showed up and showed love! ????????????
And I can’t rave enough about the fun and creative workshop on DIY makeup. Karina taught everyone how to make homemade sugar lip scrub, and skin highlighter. The girls loved learning how to apply it too.
There was a lot of great interaction between the Krause girls and Chicktime volunteers. Such an amazing afternoon!
May Update:
Thank you to our workshop leader, Lora Williams!
Lora has committed her adult life to use her testimony to encourage teens to be who GOD has called them to be….and never letting the past define who they are! We were so blessed that she traveled all the way from San Marcos to lead our workshop.
March Update:
We hosted a STEAM day activity to encourage the girls to use their creativity and the engineering design process. Each team was given 5 sheets of paper and tape to build a tower that could support the weight of a container of skittles. The girls were more than willing to accept the challenge! Every team was different and very creative. We hope that this sparked some excitement and interest in the feild and that they’ll be able to use these problem solving skills in the future.
Our next Chicktime event is April 13th! Save the date for another fun opportunity to volunteer with us!
February Update:
So very proud of our workshop leaders today! Katherine, Valerie, Allison, and Madison are the same age as the girls we serve at Krause. I love, love, love their caring hearts, and that they chose to spend their Saturday sharing a fun activity with girls less fortunate than themselves.
And making friendship bracelets was a wonderful way to engage the girls while chatting and creating!
We were also blessed by all of the volunteers who showed up and showed love! We had an amazing 17 volunteers today, not counting the Chicktime leaders!!! You ladies are the best! We can’t do Chicktime without our incredible volunteers. I hope you continue to come and show your love to Krause Children’s Center.
But my bigger dream is that we have enough support to eventually multiply into serving additional homes in the Houston area. If you believe in what we are accomplishing through Chicktime, and it is on your heart to take a more active role, send us a PM here, or email katy@chicktime.com to learn how.
There are so many more needs in the Houston area to be met through your love and generous spirits.
Sending our Valentines love to you all!
Sandi, Bee, and Maria ❤️????❤️
January Update:
We would like to extend a special thanks to our January workshop leader Latoya Moulton for sharing her story with us yesterday!
Many of us were not only moved by your words but we saw lives changed in that room.
What a way to start the year! We learned how to thrive as women by learning to leave the past behind us as Latoya challenged everyone in that room to ARISE and work towards setting and accomplishing our goals!
Can’t wait to see what next month will bring, Our next workshop is FEBRUARY 9th and we hope to see you all there!
December Update:
We had a holly jolly Christmas celebration today at Chicktime Katy.!
There were hot dogs and chips, juice and cookies, candy canes and ice cream floats.
There was karaoke and volleyball and Christmas trivia too! A big thank you to all of the very special volunteers who blessed the girls at Krause today. You shine as bright as the stars.
November Update:
Who is someone you look up to? We look up to all of our volunteers! Thanks again to everyone that came out and shared a little bit about themselves with the girls! Bee led a “Who am I” workshop on Saturday where we had the girls fill out a questionnaire and guess whose worksheet she was reading based on their responses. Some great questions were brought up and we learned lots about the girls we serve. Now for the next question, will we be seeing you next month?
October Update:
It was glitter madness at our Chicktime October workshop!
Despite the mess~ we created these wonderful fall pumpkins that will be placed in the common area at Krause Children’s Center!
We did unanimously adopt a new rule….Glitter activities can only happen once a year! Ha!
Thank you Leslie for stepping up at the last minute to host our workshop.
September Update:
Our Chicktime Carnival was INCREDIBLE!
We aren’t sure what the girls liked most….the bouncy house, face painting, the games and candy prizes…or maybe it was the yummy hotdogs, lemonade, popcorn, snow cones , and cotton candy.
From the looks of joy on their faces we feel it’s safe to say they enjoyed ALL OF IT! Even the staff was surprised at such an “over the top” show of love to the Krause Children’s Center.
Chicktime was even able to bless them twice..the extra popcorn was donated for a treat at their movie night that same day.
And our amazing group of volunteers had just as much fun!
In fact we all were having so much fun, we forgot to take pictures until the very end.
Come be a blessing ! We will be back next month!
April Update:
Yee-haw we had a fun time at our April Country Western Line Dancing workshop!
Volunteers and the teens who live at Krause Children’s Center had a little Boot Scootin Boogie Fun!!
Big thanks to Shelli for teach us C & W line dancing!
Who knew it could be so much fun and a great workout!
Hope to see everyone next month!
March Update:
Today we got to enjoy the beautiful weather as we listened to our guest speaker share wilderness survival tips.
Lee was informative as well as entertaining as he taught us the “Rules of 3” and the “Rules of 4”, and even demonstrated how to safely drink water from a ditch! ?
We also had a FABULOUS group of volunteers! I think we are ready to survive to zombie apocalypse!