Thankful Pillowcases!
October Update:
This is what showing up for the almost forgotten looks like….
Pure fun!!!
It’s not an obligation because we genuinely care about the girls who call Miracal’s Place Residential Center their home.
We had such a great time with the young ladies, today. We had a friendly contest, of who can make their costumes come to life with personality. When you just give them an opportunity to be themselves and open their minds, so much flows from their creativity.

We had rappers, hippies, 80’s babies, personality doubles, teachers, but the one that stuck to me the most, was…I’m a soccer player, and I asked her what meant the most behind her costume
..she said, because I want to prove to the people that said, I could never do anything, and that I would never be a soccer player, so this is my goal costume.

Chicktime Katy typically meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month ! We would love to have you join us ! Come be blessed by being a blessing.