Christmas Party Time!

November Update:

Well another Chicktime Workshop is in the books!! ????????????????

This Month’s Workshop:
DIY Spa Treatments at Home

This Month’s Workshop Leader:
Our very own Co-Leader Julia Nicole

Tonight we had so much fun with the youth of Immerse Arkansas! We talked about how to have your own DIY Spa Day at home for a reasonable budget.

We made Oatmeal Honey Facial Mask, Lavender Foot Soak, Lavender Foot Scrub, Brown Sugar Hand Scrub and Lemon Foot/Hand Cream. Many of the ingredients to make these items are found in kitchen or bathroom cabinets. The youth were able to make their own and take them home.

S/O to our volunteers that came out tonight Breia and Latisha and our newcomer Jamie! We appreciate you ladies for joining us tonight and we are looking forward to our Christmas Party next month. ???????? Stay tuned more photos to come!