Chicktime Christmas
November Update

Another INCREDIBLE Chicktime Saturday!! We cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for the girls… or something like that, LOL. We asked them back in October what they wanted for Thanksgiving dinner. We wrote it all down. And we all pull together and made them what they wanted for Thanksgiving. Some of that included sushi and plates of bacon

We had a Chicktime family game day Where we all got to play different games together after eating our Thanksgiving dinner. Some of the girls made bracelets. And we had a volunteer, who is a professional photographer, bring in her cameras and talk to the girls about photography and show her cameras to the girls. They loved that!

We also had Moniqueka Rucker from Real Sisters and Real Brothers in Christ, Inc., come and talk to the girls and share her story. She also gave each girl a “bundles of blessing” bag. We appreciate her and those volunteer with her nonprofit so much!
Our awesome Chicktime leader, Jenee, was able to procure a large amount of feminine products for the girls- so we were able to bless them with that.We had so much fun that we actually stayed a little longer than we were supposed to. Neither the girls nor the volunteers wanted to leave. We can’t wait for December and our Christmas party! Stay tuned!