Winter Fun!

December Update:

The kids at the crisis center had the BEST time at our annual Posada.

They receive personalized presents from Santa.
Picked their own teddy bears
Enjoyed a wonderful meal of fried chickened, rice, beans, Mac and cheese and potato salad as well as tons of sweets.
They loved the popcorn!!

The piñata was a TOTAL hit and they loved their candy bags.
The families were able to take part in a free garage sale with TONS of donated clothing…
Each family received a goodie bag with shampoo and conditioner, razors and other goodies.
All this was great BUT the lives that were touched
The love that we shared
The smiles and giggles from the kids as Santa came in the room
Well that THAT was all GOD.

We at Chicktime are so very grateful that we are allowed to be His hands and feet.
We would love to thank ALL of the people who donated not only to this event but to All the events throughout the year.
We could NOT do this without you!!

To my family who always comes through to help the kids

To all of you thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!!
May God bless you and all those you love abundantly for generations to to come.

Please note pictures posted with permission of those posted.


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