T-Shirts and Fun!

February Update:

Tonight we had a group of beautiful volunteers who were the hands and feet of Christ to young girls who desperately want and need the attention of Godly women. To be seen. To be loved. To have Grace extended to them.
I’m always humbled by the grassroots mission of Chicktime and the compassionate ladies God sends to do HIS work.
Thank you to our February workshop leader, Mari Alexander, for teaching the girls how to make tissue paper flowers to decorate their bedrooms.
The girls really got into the activity so Mari left the girls with supplies to continue making flowers through the night. Mari also made a yummy Chicken Taco dinner for the girls. New volunteers Stephanie and Ann helped with dessert and paper products. What a blessing!
I love how everyone had a role tonight… to rustle toddlers, hold babies, encourage, cut tissue and string… laugh… listen…
all of it!
Will you pray with us if you are reading this. Please pray for the young girls and kids who live at SJRC.
Pray for the staff to have loving hearts and an understanding of where the young girls are coming from… pray that our workshops are always healing and pray the cycle stops now.
We are decorating tshirts next month. Come join us!