Spring Fling!

March Update:

Chicktime San Antonio is one of about 50 chapters across the United States! Don’t you just love being part of something so BIG? Each chapter has a charity partner they have matched up with and are committed to showing up once a month to serve with a different activity! As you know, our chapter serves the teen girls at Boysville Children’s Home! Today, a service club from Stevens High School, Service Over Self, lead our activity and provided our snacks! Kickball, fruit, pickles, and Chile powder made for the perfect morning! Imagine a group of teenagers who want nothing more than to serve and on a Saturday morning! Wow!! 
We were blessed with lots of volunteers who came out -( one on her college spring break and a few more on their high school break) to share the morning and play with us! Oh! Chapter co-leader,Annette Goodsonn kicked in the winning run! 
Psalm 25: 4-5
“Show me your ways, O Lord, Guide me in your truth and teach me.”