September News
Attention Ladies: “CREATING & HOMEMAKING” is coming to NEW LIFE!
Pam Vandermey-Collins invites you to join her and her team on Saturday, September 14th from 8:15 am to 12noon as they bring a day of creating and homemaking activities to the 80 abused and neglected girls that call New Life Children’s Center home (Chicktime Canyon Lake). Learn how to sew and crochet, make journals and pens, and decorate cupcakes!
If you would like to join us on September 14th, RSVP to Pam Vandermey-Collins, or (210) 602-3350. We need to hear from you soon!
August Highlights
What a heart-warming Day of Hope in August at New Life! Lora Williams, founder of “Women of Vision” and Elite Spruce Dickerson, “Miss Plus America,” (the one with the huge crown) shared their uplifting stories. One of Lora’s protégés led the girls in making their own vision boards for a bright future. Elizabeth, her daughter and I played games and handed out snacks! Wouldn’t you know a staff member won musical chairs?! While I was catching my breath, another God-opportunity arose to talk one-on-one with two young ladies who hadn’t been speaking to each other…truly a Day of Hope!