September News


September News


Mark your calendar now for our Chicktime Fort Worth event at ACH Child and Family Services on September 14th, 2013. For this event, we will be spending time with the teenage girls currently living at the shelter. We will have more info soon, and we hope you will join us as we make a difference in the lives of children here in Fort Worth! We really need women to sign up to lead a monthly workshop. Please contact Sophie if you are interested.


Sophie Duprat

Chicktime Fort Worth Founder



Please note that we are always looking for event leaders for our monthly activities so please let us know if you are interested.


August Highlights


The August event was at the ACS safe house and led by co-leader Ritzy and a new chapter member that is a UNT student.  The ladies crafted jewelry with the girls and the event went very well. Unfortunately, we were unable to take pictures of this event.